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<TITLE>File Streams</TITLE>
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<H2>45.3 File Streams</H2>
<A NAME="4531"><H3>45.3.1 Connecting Files and Streams</H3></A>
<A NAME="idx990"><!></A>
<P>The traditional iostreams supported a file stream constructor, taking a file descriptor that allowed connection of a file stream to an already open file. This is no longer available in the standard-conforming implementation of iostreams.</P>
<A NAME="idx991"><!></A>
<P>The functions <SAMP>attach()</SAMP> and <SAMP>detach()</SAMP> do not exist anymore.</P>
<A NAME="4532"><H3>45.3.2 The File Buffer</H3></A>
<A NAME="idx992"><!></A>
<P>Due to changes in the iostream architecture, the file buffer is now contained as a data member in the file stream templates. In some old implementations, the buffer was inherited from a base class called <SAMP>fstreambase</SAMP>.</P>
<P>The old file streams had a destructor; the new file streams don't need one. Flushing the buffer and closing the file is now done by the file buffer's destructor.</P>
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