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<TITLE>Streams as Objects</TITLE>
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<H2>34.1 Streams as Objects</H2>
<P>So far we have used streams as the source or target of input and output operations. But there is another aspect of streams: they are also objects in your C++ program that you might want to copy and pass around like other objects. However, streams cannot simply be copied and assigned. The following chapter shows what you must do instead.</P>
<P>Stream buffers play a special role. In numerous cases you will not want to create copies of a stream buffer object, but simply share a stream buffer among streams. <A HREF="34-3.html">Section&nbsp;34.3</A> explores this option.</P>
<P>If you really want to work with copies of stream buffers, see <A HREF="34-2.html">Section&nbsp;34.2</A> for hints and caveats.</P>
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