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<TITLE>Example Program: Roots of a Polynomial</TITLE>
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<H2>20.3 Example Program: Roots of a Polynomial</H2>
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NOTE -- This program is in the file complx.cpp.
<P>The roots of a polynomial <IMG SRC="images/stdlibug-SpecialClassesa.gif" WIDTH=128 HEIGHT=29>are given by the formula:</P>
<P><IMG SRC="images/stdlibug-SpecialClasses2.gif" WIDTH=177 HEIGHT=71></P>
<P>The following function takes as input three double precision numbers, and returns the complex roots as a pair of values.</P>
typedef std::complex&lt;double&gt; dcomplex;
std::pair&lt;dcomplex, dcomplex&gt; quadratic
(dcomplex a, dcomplex b, dcomplex c)
// return the roots of a quadratic equation
dcomplex root = std::sqrt(b * b - 4.0 * a * c);
a *= 2.0;
return std::make_pair( (-b + root)/a,
(-b - root)/a );
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