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<TITLE>Contents of Entries</TITLE>
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<H2>1.1 Contents of Entries</H2>
<P>This reference guide is an alphabetical listing of the header files, classes, containers, algorithms, iterators, and other constructs of the C++ Standard Library Module of SourcePro Core. The entry for each <I>class</I> includes:</P>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">An illustration showing the inheritance hierarchy, or the general category to which the class belongs</P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">A brief summary of the class functionality</P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">A synopsis indicating the header file(s) associated with the class</P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">A description of the class</P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">The C++ code that describes the class interface</P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">All methods associated with the class, including constructors, operators, member functions, and so on. These are grouped together and listed alphabetically within each group. These groups are not a part of the C++ language, but they are a useful way to organize information.</P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">Examples and warnings</P></LI>
<P>Entries that are not classes include other appropriate categories of information. In general, there is still a brief summary of the entry's functionality, followed by a more detailed description, and in many cases an example.</P>
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