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* 27.ostream.cpp - test exercising class template basic_ostream
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2002-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <exception> // for uncaught_exception()
#include <ostream> // for basic_ostream
#include <climits> // for XXX_MAX and XXX_MIN
#include <cstddef> // for ptrdiff_t
#include <cstring> // for memset()
#include <any.h> // for rw_any_t()
#include <driver.h> // for rw_test()
int rw_opt_sentry; // for --enable/disable-sentry
int rw_opt_formatted; // for --enable/disable-formatted
int rw_opt_unformatted; // for --enable/disable-unformatted
int rw_opt_flush; // for --enable/disable-flush
int rw_opt_exceptions; // for --enable/disable-exceptions
enum streambuf_failure {
Setbuf = 1, Seekoff, Seekpos, Shwomanyc, Xsgetn,
Underflow, Uflow, Overflow, Pbackfail, Xsputn, Sync
template <class charT>
struct test_streambuf: std::basic_streambuf<charT, std::char_traits<charT> >
typedef charT char_type;
typedef std::char_traits<charT> traits_type;
typedef std::basic_streambuf<char_type, traits_type> Streambuf;
typedef typename Streambuf::int_type int_type;
typedef typename Streambuf::off_type off_type;
typedef typename Streambuf::pos_type pos_type;
test_streambuf (std::basic_ios<char_type, traits_type> *pstrm)
: Streambuf (), buf_ (0), bufsize_ (0),
throws_ (streambuf_failure ()), fails_ (streambuf_failure ()),
pstrm_ (pstrm) {
std::memset (ncalls_, 0, sizeof ncalls_);
this->setp (buf_, buf_);
test_streambuf (charT *buf, std::streamsize bufsize)
: Streambuf (), buf_ (buf), bufsize_ (bufsize),
throws_ (streambuf_failure ()), fails_ (streambuf_failure ()) {
std::memset (ncalls_, 0, sizeof ncalls_);
this->setp (buf_, buf_);
bool test (streambuf_failure) const;
virtual Streambuf* setbuf (char_type*, std::streamsize) {
return test (Setbuf) ? this : 0;
virtual pos_type
seekoff (off_type, std::ios_base::seekdir, std::ios_base::openmode) {
test (Seekoff);
return pos_type (off_type (-1));
virtual pos_type
seekpos (pos_type, std::ios_base::openmode) {
test (Seekpos);
return pos_type (off_type (-1));
virtual std::streamsize showmanyc () {
test (Shwomanyc);
return 0;
virtual std::streamsize xsgetn (char_type*, std::streamsize) {
test (Xsgetn);
return 0;
virtual int_type underflow () {
test (Underflow);
return traits_type::eof ();
virtual int_type uflow () {
test (Uflow);
return traits_type::eof ();
virtual int_type
overflow (int_type = traits_type::eof ());
virtual int_type
pbackfail (int_type = traits_type::eof ()) {
test (Pbackfail);
return traits_type::eof ();
virtual std::streamsize
xsputn (const char_type *buf, std::streamsize bufsize) {
if (!test (Xsputn))
return 0;
return Streambuf::xsputn (buf, bufsize);
virtual int sync () {
if (!test (Sync))
return -1;
if (pstrm_)
pstrm_->setstate (std::ios_base::failbit);
return 0;
char_type *buf_;
std::streamsize bufsize_;
int ncalls_ [Sync + 1]; // number of calls made to each function
streambuf_failure throws_; // exception value to throw
streambuf_failure fails_; // which function to fail
std::basic_ios<char_type, traits_type> *pstrm_;
static int fail_when_; // call number on which to fail
template <class charT>
int test_streambuf<charT>::fail_when_ = 1;
template <class charT>
test_streambuf<charT>::test (streambuf_failure which) const
++_RWSTD_CONST_CAST (test_streambuf*, this)->ncalls_ [which];
if (ncalls_ [which] == fail_when_ && throws_ == which)
throw which;
return fails_ != which || ncalls_ [which] != fail_when_;
template <class charT>
typename test_streambuf<charT>::int_type
test_streambuf<charT>::overflow (int_type c /* = traits_type::eof () */)
if (!test (Overflow))
return traits_type::eof ();
if (traits_type::eq_int_type (c, traits_type::eof ()))
return traits_type::not_eof (c);
const std::ptrdiff_t pptr_off = this->pptr () - this->pbase ();
if ( this->pptr () == this->epptr ()
&& this->epptr () < buf_ + bufsize_) {
this->setp (buf_, this->epptr () + 1);
this->pbump (pptr_off + 1);
*(this->pptr () - 1) = traits_type::to_char_type (c);
return c;
return traits_type::eof ();
enum num_put_overload {
Bool = Sync + 1, Long, ULong, Dbl, LDbl, PVoid, LLong, ULLong
num_put_overload select_overload (bool) { return Bool; }
template <class T>
num_put_overload select_overload (T) { return num_put_overload (); }
num_put_overload select_overload (short) { return Long; }
num_put_overload select_overload (unsigned short) { return ULong; }
num_put_overload select_overload (int) { return Long; }
num_put_overload select_overload (unsigned int) { return ULong; }
num_put_overload select_overload (long) { return Long; }
num_put_overload select_overload (unsigned long) { return ULong; }
num_put_overload select_overload (_RWSTD_LONG_LONG) { return Long; }
num_put_overload select_overload (unsigned _RWSTD_LONG_LONG) { return ULong; }
num_put_overload select_overload (float) { return Dbl; }
num_put_overload select_overload (double) { return Dbl; }
num_put_overload select_overload (long double) { return LDbl; }
num_put_overload select_overload (const void*) { return PVoid; }
template <class charT>
struct test_num_put: std::num_put<charT, std::ostreambuf_iterator<charT> >
typedef charT char_type;
typedef std::ostreambuf_iterator<charT> iter_type;
typedef std::num_put<charT, iter_type> NumPut;
typedef std::ios_base Ios;
explicit test_num_put (std::size_t refs = 0)
: NumPut (refs),
throws_ (num_put_overload ()),
fails_ (num_put_overload ()) {
std::memset (ncalls_, 0, sizeof ncalls_);
iter_type test (iter_type, num_put_overload) const;
#define TEST(it, val) test (it, select_overload (val))
virtual iter_type
do_put (iter_type it, Ios &fl, char_type fill, bool val) const {
return NumPut::do_put (TEST (it, val), fl, fill, val);
virtual iter_type
do_put (iter_type it, Ios &fl, char_type fill, long val) const {
return NumPut::do_put (TEST (it, val), fl, fill, val);
virtual iter_type
do_put (iter_type it, Ios &fl, char_type fill, unsigned long val) const {
return NumPut::do_put (TEST (it, val), fl, fill, val);
virtual iter_type
do_put (iter_type it, Ios &fl, char_type fill, double val) const {
return NumPut::do_put (TEST (it, val), fl, fill, val);
virtual iter_type
do_put (iter_type it, Ios &fl, char_type fill, long double val) const {
return NumPut::do_put (TEST (it, val), fl, fill, val);
virtual iter_type
do_put (iter_type it, Ios &fl, char_type fill, const void *val) const {
return NumPut::do_put (TEST (it, val), fl, fill, val);
// extensions
virtual iter_type
do_put (iter_type it, Ios &fl, char_type fill,
_RWSTD_LONG_LONG val) const {
return NumPut::do_put (TEST (it, val), fl, fill, val);
virtual iter_type
do_put (iter_type it, Ios &fl, char_type fill,
unsigned _RWSTD_LONG_LONG val) const {
return NumPut::do_put (TEST (it, val), fl, fill, val);
#endif // _RWSTD_LONG_LONG
#undef TEST
int ncalls_ [ULLong + 1];
num_put_overload throws_;
num_put_overload fails_;
template <class charT>
typename test_num_put<charT>::iter_type
test_num_put<charT>::test (iter_type it, num_put_overload which) const
++_RWSTD_CONST_CAST (test_num_put*, this)->ncalls_ [which];
if (throws_ == which)
throw which;
if (fails_ == which) {
// construct an iter_type object in a failed state
test_streambuf<charT> tsb (0, 0);
iter_type failed (&tsb);
failed = char_type ();
_RWSTD_ASSERT (failed.failed ());
return failed;
return it;
bool uncaught = false;
template <class charT>
struct DtorChek
typedef std::basic_ostream<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Ostream;
typedef typename Ostream::sentry Sentry;
Ostream *pstrm_;
~DtorChek () {
uncaught = std::uncaught_exception ();
const Sentry guard (*pstrm_);
template <class charT>
void test_sentry (charT)
static const char* const cname = rw_any_t (charT ()).type_name ();
typedef std::basic_ostream<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Ostream;
typedef typename Ostream::sentry Sentry;
const Sentry *pguard = 0;
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::sentry "
"(basic_ostream&)", cname);
// verify that sentry ctor handles streams with rdbuf() == 0
static Ostream strm (0);
strm.setf (std::ios_base::unitbuf);
// pguard will be deleted in sentry dtor block
pguard = new Sentry (strm);
// verify, p2 and 3:
// explicit sentry(basic_ostream<charT,traits>& os);
// -2- If os.good() is nonzero, prepares for formatted or
// unformatted output. If os.tie() is not a null pointer,
// calls os.tie()->flush().
// -3- If, after any preparation is completed, os.good() is
// true, ok_ == true otherwise, ok_ == false.
// verify that sentry ctor calls stream.tie()->flush() once
// and that the object returns true when converted to bool
test_streambuf<charT> tsb_tied (0);
test_streambuf<charT> tsb_strm (0);
Ostream tied (&tsb_tied);
Ostream strm (&tsb_strm);
strm.tie (&tied);
int nsyncs = tsb_tied.ncalls_ [Sync];
const Sentry guard (strm);
rw_assert (1 + nsyncs == tsb_tied.ncalls_ [Sync], 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::sentry "
"(basic_ostream &s) called s.tie ()->flush() once; "
"got %d times",
cname, tsb_tied.ncalls_ [Sync] - nsyncs);
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::operator "
"bool () const", cname);
rw_assert (bool (guard), 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::operator bool() == true "
"after a successful construction", cname);
// verify, p3: i.e., same as above, but check that
// the ctor sets ok_ to false after the preparation fails
// (which is done by having stream.tie()->flush() call
// stream.setf (failbit))
test_streambuf<charT> tsb_strm (0);
Ostream strm (&tsb_strm);
// create a use-defined streambuf object and associate it
// with the stream object, strm, constructed above so that
// when the latter calls strm.tie()->flush() the former
// can set failbit in strm
test_streambuf<charT> tsb_tied (&strm);
Ostream tied (&tsb_tied);
// tie the two streams together
strm.tie (&tied);
// sentry ctor calls strm.tie()->flush() which sets failbit
// in strm's; the sentry ctor should detect this condition
const Sentry guard (strm);
rw_assert (!guard, 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::operator bool() == "
"false after a failed construction (stream.rdstate() "
"== %{Is})", cname, strm.rdstate ());
// verify, p3: i.e., same as above, but check that
// stream.tie()->flush() is not called when stream.good() is
// false
test_streambuf<charT> tsb_strm (0);
Ostream strm (&tsb_strm);
// create a use-defined streambuf object and associate it
// with the stream object, strm, constructed above to keep
// track of the number of any calls to sync() from flush()
test_streambuf<charT> tsb_tied (&strm);
Ostream tied (&tsb_tied);
// tie the two streams together
strm.tie (&tied);
strm.setstate (std::ios_base::failbit);
// sentry ctor should not call strm.tie()->flush() if
// strm.good() returns false
const Sentry guard (strm);
rw_assert (!tsb_tied.ncalls_ [Sync], 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::sentry(basic_ostream&) "
"unexpectedly called stream.tie()->flush() when "
"stream.good() == false", cname);
rw_assert (!guard, 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::operator bool() == "
"false for a stream whose stream.rdstate() = %{Is}",
cname, strm.rdstate ());
if (0 <= rw_opt_exceptions) {
test_streambuf<charT> tsb_strm (0);
Ostream strm (&tsb_strm);
test_streambuf<charT> tsb_tied (&strm);
Ostream tied (&tsb_tied);
strm.tie (&tied);
tsb_tied.throws_ = Sync;
// verify that an exception thrown during the call to
// strm.tie()->flush() is caught and not propagated, and in
// response to it badbit is set in the tied stream, but that
// strm is not affected in any way
try {
// sentry ctor calls strm.tie()->flush() which should call
// strm.tie()->flush() (or its equivalent), which in turn
// calls rdbuf()->pubsync() which throws an exception (from
// the virtual overridden above)
// the sentry ctor must not prevent badbit from being set
// in the tied stream but it must not allow the exception
// to propagate to its caller
const Sentry guard (strm);
rw_assert (!!guard, 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::operator bool() == "
"true after it failed to flush a tied stream due to "
"an exception (stream.rdstate() == %{Is})",
cname, strm.rdstate ());
catch (...) {
rw_assert (false, 0, __LINE__,
" unexpectedly allowed an exception to propagate",
// verify that the sentry ctor did not affect the state of the stream
// as a result of the exception thrown during the flushing of the tied
// stream
rw_assert (strm.good (), 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::sentry(basic_ostream&) "
"unexpectedly affected the state of the stream as a result "
"pf an exception thrown during the flushing of a tied "
"stream; stream state = %{Is}", cname, strm.rdstate ());
// verify that the the tied stream object's state has set badbit
// in response to the exception thrown from its stream buffer
rw_assert (tied.bad (), 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::sentry(basic_ostream&) "
"failed to cause badbit to be set in stream's tied object "
"after an exception; tied stream's state = %{Is}",
cname, tied.rdstate ());
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::~sentry()", cname);
// verify that sentry dtor handles streams with rdbuf() == 0
// pguard dynamically constructed in sentry ctor block
delete pguard;
// verify, p4:
// ~sentry();
// -4- If ((os.flags() & iose::unitbuf) && !uncaught_exception())
// is true, calls os.flush().
test_streambuf<charT> tsb (0);
Ostream strm (&tsb);
int nsyncs;
// verify that os.flush() is not called if ios::unitbuf is clear
const Sentry guard (strm);
nsyncs = tsb.ncalls_ [Sync];
rw_assert (nsyncs == tsb.ncalls_ [Sync], 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::~sentry() unexpectedly "
"called stream.flush () when ios::unitbuf is clear",
// verify that os.flush() is called if ios::unitbuf is set
// (assuming uncaugt_exception() returns false
strm.setf (std::ios_base::unitbuf);
const Sentry guard (strm);
nsyncs = tsb.ncalls_ [Sync];
rw_assert (1 + nsyncs == tsb.ncalls_ [Sync], 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::~sentry() failed to call "
"stream.flush () when ios::unitbuf is set",
if (0 <= rw_opt_exceptions) {
// verify that os.flush() is not called if ios::unitbuf is set
// but uncaught_exception() returns true
nsyncs = tsb.ncalls_ [Sync];
try {
strm.setf (std::ios_base::unitbuf);
DtorChek<charT> to_be_destroyed;
to_be_destroyed.pstrm_ = &strm;
throw 0;
catch (...) {
rw_assert (nsyncs == tsb.ncalls_ [Sync], 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::sentry::~sentry() "
"unexpectedly called stream.flush() when "
"ios::unitbuf is set but uncaught_exception() "
"returns true", cname);
rw_assert (uncaught, 0, __LINE__,
"std::uncaught_exception () == true when an exception "
"is pending (language runtime library error)");
// for convenience
#define Boolalpha std::ios_base::boolalpha
#define Dec std::ios_base::dec
#define Fixed std::ios_base::fixed
#define Hex std::ios_base::hex
#define Internal std::ios_base::internal
#define Left std::ios_base::left
#define Oct std::ios_base::oct
#define Right std::ios_base::right
#define Scientific std::ios_base::scientific
#define Showbase std::ios_base::showbase
#define Showpoint std::ios_base::showpoint
#define Showpos std::ios_base::showpos
#define Skipws std::ios_base::skipws
#define Unitbuf std::ios_base::unitbuf
#define Uppercase std::ios_base::uppercase
#define Bin std::ios_base::bin
#define Adjustfield std::ios_base::adjustfield
#define Basefield std::ios_base::basefield
#define Floatfield std::ios_base::floatfield
#define Nolock std::ios_base::nolock
#define Nolockbuf std::ios_base::nolockbuf
#define Bad std::ios_base::badbit
#define Eof std::ios_base::eofbit
#define Fail std::ios_base::failbit
#define Good std::ios_base::goodbit
const int Throw = 1 << 16;
template <class charT, class T>
void test_formatted (charT, int line1, int line2,
T val,
const char *str,
int fmtflags,
int width,
int fill,
int rdstate,
int exceptions,
int failure = 0,
int fail_when = 1)
static const char* const cname = rw_any_t (charT ()).type_name ();
static const char* const tname = rw_any_t (T ()).type_name ();
typedef std::basic_ostream<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Ostream;
charT charbuf [256] = { 0 };
// define prior to the definition of `tsb' below
// to guarantee the proper order of destruction
test_num_put<charT> tnp (1);
test_streambuf<charT> tsb (charbuf, sizeof charbuf / sizeof *charbuf);
if (failure & Throw) {
failure &= ~Throw;
if (failure < Bool)
tsb.throws_ = streambuf_failure (failure);
tnp.throws_ = num_put_overload (failure);
else {
if (failure < Bool)
tsb.fails_ = streambuf_failure (failure);
tnp.fails_ = num_put_overload (failure);
tsb.fail_when_ = fail_when;
Ostream os (&tsb);
if (select_overload (T ())) {
// for arithmetic types and void*, imbue a custom num_put facet
os.imbue (std::locale (std::locale::classic (), &tnp));
os.flags (std::ios_base::fmtflags (fmtflags));
os.width (std::streamsize (width));
os.exceptions (std::ios_base::iostate (exceptions));
if (-1 != fill)
os.fill (charT (fill));
enum { E_unknown = 1, E_failure };
int caught = 0;
const char *caught_what = "none (none thrown)";
try {
os << val;
catch (streambuf_failure e) {
caught = e;
caught_what = "streambuf_failure";
catch (num_put_overload e) {
caught = e;
caught_what = "num_put_overload";
catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {
caught = E_failure;
caught_what = "std::ios_base::failure";
catch (...) {
caught = E_unknown;
caught_what = "unknown exception";
if (str) {
char cbuf [256] = "";
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != sizeof cbuf && str [i]; ++i)
cbuf [i] = char (charbuf [i]);
rw_assert (0 == std::strcmp (cbuf, str), __FILE__, line1,
"%d. std::basic_ostream<%s>::operator<<(%s = %{#lc}) "
"inserted \"%s\", expected \"%s\"",
line2, cname, tname, cbuf, str);
// verify that stream is in the expected state
rw_assert (rdstate == os.rdstate (), __FILE__, line1,
"%d. std::basic_ostream<%s>::operator<<(%s = %{#lc})"
".rdstate() == %{Is}, got %{Is}",
line2, cname, tname, val, rdstate, os.rdstate ());
if (!tsb.throws_ && !tnp.throws_) {
// verify that width(0) has been called (unless there are exceptions
// involved, in which case it's unspecified whether width(0) has or
// has not been called
bool pass =
!((!exceptions || !tsb.fails_ && !tnp.fails_) && os.width ());
rw_assert (pass, __FILE__, line1,
"%d. std::basic_ostream<%s>::operator<<(%s = %{#lc})"
".width () == 0, got %d",
line2, cname, tname, val, os.width ());
// verify that ios_base::failure has been thrown (and caught)
// if badbit is set in exceptions
pass = !(exceptions & os.rdstate () && caught != E_failure);
rw_assert (pass, __FILE__, line1,
"%d. std::basic_ostream<%s>::operator<<(%s = %{#lc}) "
"set %{Is} but failed to throw ios_base::failure "
"when the same bit is set in exceptions",
line2, cname, tname, val, rdstate);
if (tsb.throws_) {
// verify that the same exception (and not ios_base::failure)
// as the one thrown from basic_filebuf has been propagated
// and caught when badbit is set in exceptions, and that no
// exception has been thrown if exceptions is clear
if (exceptions & Bad && caught != tsb.throws_) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, line1,
"%d. std::basic_ostream<%s>::operator<<(%s = %{#lc}) "
"failed to propagate an exception thrown by "
"basic_filebuf; caught %s instead",
line2, cname, tname, val, caught_what);
else {
rw_assert ((exceptions & Bad) || !caught, 0, line1,
"%d. std::basic_ostream<%s>::operator<<(%s = %{#lc}) "
"propagated an exception thrown by basic_filebuf "
"when ios_base::badbit is clear in exceptions",
line2, cname, tname, val);
if (tnp.throws_) {
// verify that the same exception (and not ios_base::failure)
// as the one thrown from num_put has been propagated and caught
// when badbit is set in exceptions, and that no exception has
// been thrown if exceptions is clear
if (exceptions & Bad)
rw_assert (caught == tnp.throws_, 0, line1,
"%d. std::basic_ostream<%s>::operator<<(%s = %{#lc}) "
"failed to propagate exception thrown by "
"basic_filebuf; caught %s instead",
line2, cname, tname, val, caught_what);
rw_assert (!caught, __FILE__, line1,
"%d. std::basic_ostream<%s>::operator<<(%s = %{#lc}) "
"propagated an exception thrown by basic_filebuf"
"when ios_base::badbit is clear in exceptions",
line2, cname, tname, val);
template <class charT>
bool is_char (charT) { return false; }
bool is_char (char) { return true; }
bool is_char (signed char) { return true; }
bool is_char (unsigned char) { return true; }
bool is_char (const char*) { return true; }
bool is_char (const signed char*) { return true; }
bool is_char (const unsigned char*) { return true; }
template <class charT>
bool is_wchar_t (charT) { return false; }
bool is_wchar_t (wchar_t) { return true; }
bool is_wchar_t (const wchar_t*) { return true; }
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
template <class charT, class T>
void test_formatted (charT, int line, T val,
int flags, int width, const char *str, int fill = -1)
static const char* const cname = rw_any_t (charT ()).type_name ();
static const char* const tname = rw_any_t (T ()).type_name ();
static int done = 0;
if (!done++) {
// show message only the first time for each specialization
if (is_char (T ()) || is_wchar_t (T ()))
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__,
"std::operator<<(basic_ostream<%s>&, %s)", cname, tname);
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::operator<<(%s)", cname, tname);
// determine which overload of num_put::put() is expected
// to be called for a value of type T; 0 for non-numeric
const int npo = select_overload (val);
typedef std::basic_ostream<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Ostream;
#define T charT (), line, __LINE__
#define TEST test_formatted
TEST (T, val, str, flags, width, fill, Good, 0, 0);
if (npo) {
// exercise the behavior of basic_ostream with exception bits
// clear when num_put fails by returning an ostreambuf_iterator
// in a failed state (expect ios::badbit to be set w/o throwing
// an exception)
TEST (T, val, "", flags, width, fill, Bad, 0, npo);
// exercise the behavior of basic_ostream with ios::badbit
// set in exceptions when num_put fails by returning an
// ostreambuf_iterator in a failed state (expect ios::badbit
// to be set and ios::failure to be thrown)
TEST (T, val, "", flags, width, fill, Bad, Bad, npo);
// exercise the behavior of basic_ostream with exceptions bits
// clear when num_put fails by throwing an exception (expect
// ios::badbit to be set and no exception to propagate)
TEST (T, val, "", flags, width, fill, Bad, 0, Throw | npo);
// exercise the behavior of basic_ostream with ios::badbit
// set in exceptions when num_put fails by throwing an exception
// (expect ios::badbit to be set and the original exception to
// propagate)
TEST (T, val, "", flags, width, fill, Bad, Bad, Throw | npo);
// exercise the behavior of basic_ostream with exception bits clear
// when basic_streambuf::overflow() fails by returning eof() (expect
// ios::badbit to be set w/o throwing an exception)
TEST (T, val, "", flags, width, fill, Bad, 0, Overflow);
// exercise the behavior of basic_ostream with ios::badbit set in
// exceptions when basic_streambuf::overlow() fails by returning
// eof() (expect ios::badbit to be set and ios::failure to be thrown)
TEST (T, val, "", flags, width, fill, Bad, Bad, Overflow);
// exercise the behavior of basic_ostream with exceptions bits clear
// when basic_streambuf::overlow() fails by throwing an exception
// (expect ios::badbit to be set and no exception to propagate)
TEST (T, val, "", flags, width, fill, Bad, 0, Throw | Overflow);
// exercise the behavior of basic_ostream with ios::badbit set in
// exceptions when basic_streambuf::overflow() fails by throwing
// an exception (expect ios::badbit to be set and the original
// exception to propagate)
TEST (T, val, "", flags, width, fill, Bad, Bad, Throw | Overflow);
template <class charT>
void test_formatted (charT)
#undef T
#define T(val) charT (), __LINE__, val
#undef TEST
#define TEST test_formatted
// exercise operator<< (basic_ostream, char)
// +------------ character to insert
// | +------- fmtflags
// | | +---- field width
// | | | +- expected output
// | | | |
// v v v v
TEST (T ('a'), 0, 0, "a");
TEST (T ('A'), 0, 0, "A");
TEST (T ('@'), 0, 1, "@");
TEST (T ('#'), 0, 2, " #");
if (is_wchar_t (charT ())) {
// exercise operator<< (basic_ostream, wchar_t)
TEST (T (L'b'), 0, 0, "b");
TEST (T (L'B'), 0, 0, "B");
else {
// no operator<< (basic_ostream<wchar_t>, {signed,unsigned} char)
// exercise operator<< (basic_ostream, signed char)
typedef signed char SChar;
TEST (T (SChar ('b')), 0, 0, "b");
TEST (T (SChar ('B')), 0, 0, "B");
// exercise operator<< (basic_ostream, signed char)
typedef unsigned char UChar;
TEST (T (UChar ('c')), 0, 0, "c");
TEST (T (UChar ('C')), 0, 0, "C");
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (bool)
TEST (T (false), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T (true), 0, 0, "1");
TEST (T (false), Hex | Showbase, 0, "0");
TEST (T (true), Hex | Showbase, 0, "0x1");
TEST (T (false), Boolalpha, 0, "false");
TEST (T (true), Boolalpha, 0, "true");
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (short)
TEST (T (short ( 0)), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T (short ( 1)), 0, 0, "1");
TEST (T (short (-1)), 0, 0, "-1");
#if SHRT_MAX == 32767
TEST (T (short (SHRT_MAX)), 0, 0, "32767");
TEST (T (short (SHRT_MIN)), 0, 0, "-32768");
TEST (T (short (SHRT_MAX)), Hex, 0, "7fff");
TEST (T (short (SHRT_MIN)), Hex, 0, "8000");
#elif SHRT_MAX == 2147483647
TEST (T (short (SHRT_MAX)), 0, 0, "2147483647");
TEST (T (short (SHRT_MIN)), 0, 0, "-2147483648");
TEST (T (short (SHRT_MAX)), Hex, 0, "ffffffff");
TEST (T (short (SHRT_MIN)), Hex, 0, "80000000");
#endif // SHRT_MAX
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (unsigned short)
typedef unsigned short UShort;
TEST (T (UShort ( 0)), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T (UShort ( 1)), 0, 0, "1");
TEST (T (UShort (255)), 0, 0, "255");
#if USHRT_MAX == 0xffffU
TEST (T (UShort (USHRT_MAX)), 0, 0, "65535");
TEST (T (UShort (USHRT_MAX)), Hex, 0, "ffff");
#elif USHRT_MAX == 0xffffffffU
TEST (T (UShort (SHRT_MAX)), 0, 0, "4294967295");
TEST (T (UShort (SHRT_MAX)), Hex, 0, "ffffffff");
#endif // USHRT_MAX
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (int)
TEST (T ( 0), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T ( 1), 0, 0, "1");
TEST (T (-1), 0, 0, "-1");
#if INT_MAX == 32767
TEST (T (INT_MAX), 0, 0, "32767");
TEST (T (INT_MIN), 0, 0, "-32768");
TEST (T (INT_MAX), Hex, 0, "7fff");
TEST (T (INT_MIN), Hex, 0, "8000");
#elif INT_MAX == 2147483647
TEST (T (INT_MAX), 0, 0, "2147483647");
TEST (T (INT_MIN), 0, 0, "-2147483648");
TEST (T (INT_MAX), Hex, 0, "7fffffff");
TEST (T (INT_MIN), Hex, 0, "80000000");
#elif INT_MAX == 9223372036854775807
TEST (T (INT_MAX), 0, 0, "9223372036854775807");
TEST (T (INT_MIN), 0, 0, "-9223372036854775808");
TEST (T (INT_MAX), Hex, 0, "7fffffffffff");
TEST (T (INT_MIN), Hex, 0, "800000000000");
#endif // INT_MAX
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (unsigned int)
TEST (T ( 0), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T ( 1), 0, 0, "1");
TEST (T (255), 0, 0, "255");
#if UINT_MAX == 0xffffU
TEST (T (UINT_MAX), 0, 0, "65535");
TEST (T (UINT_MAX), Hex, 0, "ffff");
#elif UINT_MAX == 0xffffffffU
TEST (T (UINT_MAX), 0, 0, "4294967295");
TEST (T (UINT_MAX), Hex, 0, "ffffffff");
#elif UINT_MAX == 0xffffffffffffffffU
TEST (T (UINT_MAX), 0, 0, "18446744073709551615");
TEST (T (UINT_MAX), Hex, 0, "ffffffffffffffff");
#endif // UINT_MAX
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (long)
TEST (T ( 0L), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T ( 1L), 0, 0, "1");
TEST (T (-1L), 0, 0, "-1");
#if LONG_MAX == 32767L
TEST (T (LONG_MAX), 0, 0, "32767");
TEST (T (LONG_MIN), 0, 0, "-32768");
TEST (T (LONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "7fff");
TEST (T (LONG_MIN), Hex, 0, "8000");
#elif LONG_MAX == 2147483647L
TEST (T (LONG_MAX), 0, 0, "2147483647");
TEST (T (LONG_MIN), 0, 0, "-2147483648");
TEST (T (LONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "7fffffff");
TEST (T (LONG_MIN), Hex, 0, "80000000");
#elif LONG_MAX == 9223372036854775807L
TEST (T (LONG_MAX), 0, 0, "9223372036854775807");
TEST (T (LONG_MIN), 0, 0, "-9223372036854775808");
TEST (T (LONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "7fffffffffff");
TEST (T (LONG_MIN), Hex, 0, "800000000000");
#endif // LONG_MAX
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (unsigned int)
TEST (T ( 0UL), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T ( 1UL), 0, 0, "1");
TEST (T (257UL), 0, 0, "257");
#if ULONG_MAX == 0xffffUL
TEST (T (ULONG_MAX), 0, 0, "65535");
TEST (T (ULONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "ffff");
#elif ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffffUL
TEST (T (ULONG_MAX), 0, 0, "4294967295");
TEST (T (ULONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "ffffffff");
#elif ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffffffffffffUL
TEST (T (ULONG_MAX), 0, 0, "18446744073709551615");
TEST (T (ULONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "ffffffffffffffff");
#endif // ULONG_MAX
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (long long)
typedef _RWSTD_LONG_LONG LongLong;
TEST (T (LongLong ( 0)), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T (LongLong ( 1)), 0, 0, "1");
TEST (T (LongLong (-1)), 0, 0, "-1");
// avoid using the preprocessor here to prevent warnings
// or errors about invalid preprocessor constants (e.g.,
// PR #28595)
if (_RWSTD_LLONG_MAX == 32767L) {
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MAX), 0, 0, "32767");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MIN), 0, 0, "-32768");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "7fff");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MIN), Hex, 0, "8000");
else if (_RWSTD_LLONG_MAX == 2147483647L) {
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MAX), 0, 0, "2147483647");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MIN), 0, 0, "-2147483648");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "7fffffff");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MIN), Hex, 0, "80000000");
else if (_RWSTD_LLONG_MAX > 2147483647L) {
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MAX), 0, 0, "9223372036854775807");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MIN), 0, 0, "-9223372036854775808");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "7fffffffffff");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_LLONG_MIN), Hex, 0, "800000000000");
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (unsigned long long)
typedef unsigned _RWSTD_LONG_LONG ULongLong;
TEST (T (ULongLong ( 0)), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T (ULongLong ( 1)), 0, 0, "1");
TEST (T (ULongLong (257)), 0, 0, "257");
if (_RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX == 0xffffUL) {
TEST (T (_RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX), 0, 0, "65535");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "ffff");
else if (_RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX == 0xffffffffUL) {
TEST (T (_RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX), 0, 0, "4294967295");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "ffffffff");
else if (_RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX > 0xffffffffUL) {
TEST (T (_RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX), 0, 0, "18446744073709551615");
TEST (T (_RWSTD_ULLONG_MAX), Hex, 0, "ffffffffffffffff");
#endif // _RWSTD_LONG_LONG
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (float)
TEST (T ( 0.0f), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T ( 1.0f), 0, 0, "1");
TEST (T (-2.1f), 0, 0, "-2.1");
// exercise the default precision of 6, which gives the maximum number
// of significant digits for the "%g" or "%G" conversion, which is
// the default for the default flags
TEST (T (3.1415926f), 0, 0, "3.14159");
TEST (T (3.1415926f), Scientific, 0, "3.14159");
// exercise the default precision of 6, which gives the number of
// digits after the decimal point for the "%f" or "%F" conversion,
// which is used for the fixed flag
TEST (T (12.3456789f), Fixed, 0, "12.345679");
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (double)
TEST (T ( 0.0), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T ( 2.0), 0, 0, "2");
TEST (T (-4.2), 0, 0, "-4.2");
// exercise the default precision of 6, which gives the maximum number
// of significant digits for the "%g" or "%G" conversion, which is
// the default for the default flags
TEST (T (1.23456789), 0, 0, "1.23457");
TEST (T (9.87654321), Scientific, 0, "9.87654");
// exercise the default precision of 6, which gives the number of
// digits after the decimal point for the "%f" or "%F" conversion,
// which is used for the fixed flag
TEST (T (12.3456789), Fixed, 0, "12.345679");
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (long double)
TEST (T ( 0.0L), 0, 0, "0");
TEST (T ( 3.0L), 0, 0, "3");
TEST (T (-5.3L), 0, 0, "-5.3");
// exercise the default precision of 6, which gives the maximum number
// of significant digits for the "%g" or "%G" conversion, which is
// the default for the default flags
TEST (T (1.23456789L), 0, 0, "1.23457");
TEST (T (9.87654321L), Scientific, 0, "9.87654");
// exercise the default precision of 6, which gives the number of
// digits after the decimal point for the "%f" or "%F" conversion,
// which is used for the fixed flag
TEST (T (12.3456789L), Fixed, 0, "12.345679");
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (const void*)
TEST (T ((void*)0), 0, 0, 0 /* format implementation-defined */);
TEST (T ((void*)1), 0, 0, 0);
TEST (T ((void*)0x2345), 0, 0, 0);
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (const char*)
TEST (T ("a"), 0, 0, "a");
TEST (T ("b"), 0, -1, "b");
TEST (T ("ab"), 0, 0, "ab");
TEST (T ("abc"), 0, 4, " abc");
TEST (T ("def"), Left, 5, "def<<", '<');
TEST (T ("ghi"), Right, 6, ">>>ghi", '>');
TEST (T ("jklm"), Internal, 7, " jklm");
TEST (T ("nopqr"), Left | Right, 8, " nopqr");
TEST (T ("stuv"), Left | Internal, 9, " stuv");
TEST (T ("wxy"), Right | Internal, 10, " wxy");
TEST (T ("z"), Left | Right | Internal, 11, "__________z", '_');
if (is_char (charT ())) {
// inserters overloaded on signed and unsigned char*
// defined only for basic_ostream<char>, not wchar_t
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (const signed char*)
#undef SCH
#define SCH(val) charT (), __LINE__, (const signed char*)val
TEST (SCH ("A"), 0, 0, "A");
TEST (SCH ("B"), 0, -1, "B");
TEST (SCH ("AB"), 0, 0, "AB");
TEST (SCH ("ABC"), 0, 4, " ABC");
TEST (SCH ("DEF"), Left, 5, "DEF++", '+');
TEST (SCH ("GHI"), Right, 6, "---GHI", '-');
TEST (SCH ("JKLM"), Internal, 7, " JKLM");
TEST (SCH ("NOPQR"), Left | Right, 8, " NOPQR");
TEST (SCH ("STUV"), Left | Internal, 9, " STUV");
TEST (SCH ("WXY"), Right | Internal, 10, " WXY");
TEST (SCH ("Z"), Left | Right | Internal, 11, "##########Z", '#');
// exercise basic_ostream::operator<< (const unsigned char*)
#undef UCH
#define UCH(val) charT (), __LINE__, (const unsigned char*)val
TEST (UCH ("Z"), 0, 0, "Z");
TEST (UCH ("Y"), 0, -1, "Y");
TEST (UCH ("YZ"), 0, 0, "YZ");
TEST (UCH ("XYZ"), 0, 4, " XYZ");
TEST (UCH ("UVW"), Left, 5, "UVW\\\\", '\\');
TEST (UCH ("RST"), Right, 6, "///RST", '/');
TEST (UCH ("OPQR"), Internal, 7, " OPQR");
TEST (UCH ("JKLMN"), Left | Right, 8, " JKLMN");
TEST (UCH ("FGHI"), Left | Internal, 9, " FGHI");
TEST (UCH ("CDE"), Right | Internal, 10, " CDE");
TEST (UCH ("AB"), Left | Right | Internal, 11, "^^^^^^^^^AB", '^');
template <class charT>
void test_flush (charT)
static const char* const cname = rw_any_t (charT ()).type_name ();
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::flush() ", cname);
typedef std::basic_ostream<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Ostream;
typedef std::basic_streambuf<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Streambuf;
test_streambuf<charT> tsb (0);
Ostream strm (&tsb);
const int nsyncs = tsb.ncalls_ [Sync];
strm.flush ();
rw_assert (1 + nsyncs == tsb.ncalls_ [Sync], 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::flush() called rdbuf()->sync() "
"once; got %d times",
cname, tsb.ncalls_ [Sync] - nsyncs);
test_streambuf<charT> tsb (0);
Ostream strm (&tsb);
tsb.fails_ = Sync;
tsb.fail_when_ = 1;
const int nsyncs = tsb.ncalls_ [Sync];
strm.flush ();
rw_assert (1 + nsyncs == tsb.ncalls_ [Sync], 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::flush() called rdbuf()->sync() "
"once; got %zu times",
cname, tsb.ncalls_ [Sync] - nsyncs);
rw_assert (std::ios_base::badbit == strm.rdstate (), 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::flush() failed to set badbit "
"after rdbuf()->pubsync() failed; state = %{Is}",
cname, strm.rdstate ());
test_streambuf<charT> tsb (0);
Ostream strm (&tsb);
strm.setstate (std::ios_base::failbit);
const int nsyncs = tsb.ncalls_ [Sync];
strm.flush ();
rw_assert (nsyncs == tsb.ncalls_ [Sync], 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::flush() unexpectedly made "
"%zu calls to rdbuf()->sync() when rdstate () == "
cname, tsb.ncalls_ [Sync] - nsyncs);
rw_assert (std::ios_base::failbit == strm.rdstate (), 0, __LINE__,
"std::basic_ostream<%s>::flush() unexpectedly changed "
"state from std::ios_base::failbit to %{Is}",
cname, strm.rdstate ());
template <class charT>
void run_test (charT)
// exercise ostream::sentry
if (rw_opt_sentry < 0)
rw_note (0, 0, __LINE__, "sentry tests disabled");
test_sentry (charT ());
// exercise formatted output functions
if (rw_opt_formatted < 0)
rw_note (0, 0, __LINE__, "tests of formatted functions disabled");
test_formatted (charT ());
// exercise formatted output functions
if (rw_opt_unformatted < 0)
rw_note (0, 0, __LINE__, "tests of unformatted functions disabled");
else {
// FIXME: implement this
// test_unformatted (charT ());
// exercise flush()
if (rw_opt_flush < 0)
rw_note (0, 0, __LINE__, "flush tests disabled");
test_flush (charT ());
static int
run_test (int, char**)
run_test (char ());
run_test (wchar_t ());
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,
"|-sentry~ "
"|-formatted~ "
"|-unformatted~ "
"|-flush~ "
"|-no-exceptions~ ",