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* locale.cpp - definitions of locale helpers
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2001-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
// expand _TEST_EXPORT macros
#include <rw_locale.h>
#include <environ.h> // for rw_putenv()
#include <file.h> // for SHELL_RM_RF, rw_tmpnam
#include <rw_process.h> // for rw_system()
#if defined __linux__
// on Linux define _XOPEN_SOURCE to get CODESET defined in <langinfo.h>
# define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* Single Unix conformance */
// bring __int32_t into scope (otherwise <wctype.h> fails to compile)
# include <sys/types.h>
#endif // __linux__
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> // for stat
#if !defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_WIN64)
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/wait.h> // for WIFEXITED(), WIFSIGNALED(), WTERMSIG()
# include <io.h>
# include <crtdbg.h> // for _malloc_dbg()
#include <ios> // for ios::*
#include <limits> // for numeric_limits
#include <locale> // for money_base::pattern
#include <assert.h> // for assert
#include <errno.h> // for EBADF
#include <float.h> // for {FLT,DBL,LDBL}_DIG
#include <limits.h> // for CHAR_BIT, PATH_MAX
#include <locale.h> // for LC_XXX macros, setlocale
#include <stdarg.h> // for va_copy, va_list, ...
#include <stdio.h> // for fgets, remove, sprintf, ...
#include <stdlib.h> // for getenv, free, malloc, realloc
#include <string.h> // for strcat, strcpy, strlen, ...
#include <ctype.h>
#include <wchar.h> // for wcslen, ...
#ifndef PATH_MAX
# define PATH_MAX 1024
#ifndef _MSC_VER
# include <clocale>
# ifndef LC_MESSAGES
# endif // LC_MESSAGES
# include <langinfo.h>
# define EXE_SUFFIX ""
#else // if MSVC
# define EXE_SUFFIX ".exe"
#endif // _MSC_VER
#define TOPDIR "TOPDIR" /* the TOPDIR environment variable */
#define BINDIR "BINDIR" /* the BINDIR environment variable */
#if _RWSTD_PATH_SEP == '/'
# define SLASH "/"
# define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATHNAME(path) (_RWSTD_PATH_SEP == *(path))
# define SLASH "\\"
# define IS_ABSOLUTE_PATHNAME(path) \
( ( 'A' <= *(path) && 'Z' >= *(path) \
|| 'a' <= *(path) && 'z' >= *(path)) \
&& ':' == (path)[1] \
&& _RWSTD_PATH_SEP == (path)[2])
// relative paths to the etc/nls directory and its subdirectories
#define RELPATH "etc" SLASH "nls"
#define TESTS_ETC_PATH "tests" SLASH "etc"
rw_locale (const char *args, const char *fname)
// use BINDIR to determine the location of the locale command
const char* bindir = getenv ("BINDIR");
if (!bindir)
bindir = ".." SLASH "bin";
int ret;
if (fname)
ret = rw_system ("%s%slocale%s %s",
bindir, SLASH, EXE_SUFFIX, args);
ret = rw_system ("%s%slocale%s %s >%s",
bindir, SLASH, EXE_SUFFIX, args, fname);
return ret;
_TEST_EXPORT const char*
rw_localedef (const char *args,
const char* src, const char *charmap, const char *locname)
assert (src && charmap);
// create a fully qualified pathname of the locale database
// when (locname == 0), the pathname is computed by appending
// the name of the character map file `charmap' to the name
// of the locale definition file `src'
// otherwise, when `locname' is not a pathname, the pathname
// of the locale database is formed by appending `locname'
// to the name of the locale root directory
static char locale_path [PATH_MAX];
const char* locale_root = getenv (LOCALE_ROOT_ENVAR);
if (!locale_root)
locale_root = ".";
assert ( strlen (locale_root)
+ strlen (src)
+ strlen (charmap)
+ 2 < sizeof locale_path);
strcpy (locale_path, locale_root);
if (locname) {
if (strchr (locname, _RWSTD_PATH_SEP))
strcpy (locale_path, locname);
else {
strcat (locale_path, SLASH);
strcat (locale_path, locname);
else {
// compute the locale pathname from `src', `charmap',
// and `locale_root'
strcpy (locale_path, locale_root);
strcat (locale_path, SLASH);
const char *slash = strrchr (src, _RWSTD_PATH_SEP);
slash = slash ? slash + 1 : src;
strcat (locale_path, src);
strcat (locale_path, ".");
slash = strrchr (charmap, _RWSTD_PATH_SEP);
slash = slash ? slash + 1 : charmap;
strcat (locale_path, slash);
// check to see if the locale database already exists and
// if so, return immediately the locale filename to the caller
#if !defined (_MSC_VER)
struct stat sb;
if (!stat (locale_path, &sb)) {
struct _stat sb;
if (!_stat (locale_path, &sb)) {
return strrchr (locale_path, _RWSTD_PATH_SEP) + 1;
// otherwise, try to create the locale database
// use TOPDIR to determine the root of the source tree
const char* const topdir = getenv (TOPDIR);
if (!topdir || !*topdir) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: the environment variable %s is %s\n",
__FILE__, __LINE__, TOPDIR, topdir ? "empty" : "undefined");
return 0;
// use BINDIR to determine the location of the localedef command
const char* bindir = getenv ("BINDIR");
if (!bindir)
bindir = ".." SLASH "bin";
// if `src' is relative pathname (or a filename) construct the fully
// qualified absolute pathname to the locale definition file from it
char src_path [PATH_MAX];
strcpy (src_path, topdir);
strcat (src_path, SLASH RELPATH SLASH "src" SLASH);
strcat (src_path, src);
// if the file doesn't exist, see if there is a file
// with that name in the locale root directory (e.g.,
// a temporary file)
FILE* const file_exists = fopen (src_path, "r");
if (file_exists)
fclose (file_exists);
else {
strcpy (src_path, locale_root);
strcat (src_path, SLASH);
strcat (src_path, src);
src = src_path;
char charmap_path [PATH_MAX];
if (!IS_ABSOLUTE_PATHNAME (charmap)) {
strcpy (charmap_path, topdir);
strcat (charmap_path, SLASH RELPATH SLASH "charmaps" SLASH);
strcat (charmap_path, charmap);
// if the file doesn't exist, see if there is a file
// with that name in the locale root directory (e.g.,
// a temporary file)
FILE* const file_exists = fopen (charmap_path, "r");
if (file_exists)
fclose (file_exists);
else {
strcpy (charmap_path, locale_root);
strcat (charmap_path, SLASH);
strcat (charmap_path, charmap);
charmap = charmap_path;
if (!args)
args = "";
const int ret = rw_system ("%s%slocaledef%s %s -c -f %s -i %s %s",
bindir, SLASH, EXE_SUFFIX, args,
charmap, src, locale_path);
// return the unqualified locale file name on success or 0 on failure
return ret ? (char*)0 : strrchr (locale_path, _RWSTD_PATH_SEP) + 1;
extern "C" {
static char rw_locale_root [256];
static void atexit_rm_locale_root ()
// remove temporary locale databases created by the test
rw_system (SHELL_RM_RF "%s", rw_locale_root);
_TEST_EXPORT const char*
rw_set_locale_root ()
// set any additional environment variables defined in
// the RW_PUTENV environment variable (if it exists)
rw_putenv (0);
// create a temporary directory for files created by the test
const char* const locale_root = rw_tmpnam (rw_locale_root);
if (!locale_root)
return 0;
char envvar [sizeof LOCALE_ROOT_ENVAR + sizeof rw_locale_root] =
strcat (envvar, locale_root);
// remove temporary file if mkstemp() rw_tmpnam() called mkstemp()
if (rw_system (SHELL_RM_RF " %s", locale_root)) {
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
// ignore errors on WIN32 where the stupid DEL command
// fails even with /Q /S when the files don't exist
// assume a sane implementation of SHELL_RM_RF
return 0;
#endif // _WIN{32,64}
if (rw_system ("mkdir %s", locale_root))
return 0;
// set the "RWSTD_LOCALE_ROOT" environment variable
// where std::locale looks for locale database files
rw_putenv (envvar);
if (atexit (atexit_rm_locale_root))
perror ("atexit(atexit_rm_locale_root) failed");
return locale_root;
rw_locales (int loc_cat, const char* grep_exp)
static char* slocname = 0;
static size_t size = 0; // the number of elements in the array
static size_t total_size = 5120; // the size of the array
static int last_cat = loc_cat; // last category
// allocate first time through
if (!slocname) {
#ifndef _MSC_VER
slocname = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, malloc (5120));
// prevent this leaked allocation from causing failures
// in tests that keep track of storage allocated in
slocname = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*,
_malloc_dbg (5120, _CLIENT_BLOCK, 0, 0));
*slocname = '\0';
// return immediately if buffer is already initialized
if (*slocname && loc_cat == last_cat)
return slocname;
// remmeber the category we were last called with
last_cat = loc_cat;
char* locname = slocname;
char* save_localename = 0;
char namebuf [256];
if (loc_cat != _UNUSED_CAT) {
// copy the locale name, the original may be overwitten by libc
save_localename = strcpy (namebuf, setlocale (loc_cat, 0));
const char* const fname = rw_tmpnam (0);
if (!fname) {
return 0; // error
// make sure that grep_exp is <= 80
if (grep_exp && 80 < strlen (grep_exp)) {
abort ();
// execute a shell command and redirect its output into the file
const int exit_status =
grep_exp && *grep_exp
? rw_system ("locale -a | grep \"%s\" > %s", grep_exp, fname)
: rw_system ("locale -a > %s", fname);
if (exit_status) {
return 0; // error
// open file containing the list of installed locales
FILE *file = fopen (fname, "r");
if (file) {
char linebuf [256];
// even simple locale names can be very long (e.g., on HP-UX,
// where a locale name always consists of the names of all
// categories, such as "C C C C C C")
char last_name [256];
*last_name = '\0';
// if successful, construct a char array with the locales
while (fgets (linebuf, sizeof linebuf, file)) {
linebuf [strlen (linebuf) - 1] = '\0';
// avoid the bad locale named iso_8859_1 on SunOS
if (!strcmp ("iso_8859_1", linebuf))
#endif // _RWSTD_OS_SUNOS
// if our buffer is full then dynamically allocate a new one
if (total_size < (size += (strlen (linebuf) + 1))) {
total_size += 5120;
char* tmp =
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, malloc (total_size));
memcpy (tmp, slocname, total_size - 5120);
free (slocname);
slocname = tmp;
locname = slocname + size - strlen (linebuf) - 1;
#ifdef _WIN64
// prevent a hang (OS/libc bug?)
strcpy (locname, linebuf);
locname += strlen (linebuf) + 1;
#else // if !defined (_WIN64)
if (loc_cat != _UNUSED_CAT) {
// set the C locale to verify that the name is valid
const char *name = setlocale (loc_cat, linebuf);
// if it is and if the actual locale name different
// from the last one, append it to the list
if (name && strcmp (last_name, name)) {
strcpy (locname, linebuf);
locname += strlen (linebuf) + 1;
// save the last locale name
assert (strlen (name) < sizeof last_name);
strcpy (last_name, name);
else {
strcpy (locname, linebuf);
locname += strlen (linebuf) + 1;
#endif // _WIN64
*locname = '\0';
if (loc_cat != _UNUSED_CAT)
setlocale (loc_cat, save_localename);
// close before removing
fclose (file);
remove (fname);
return slocname;