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* num_get.cpp - test exercising the std::num_get facet
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2002-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
// Usage:
// #define NO_GET_${T}, where ${T} is the name of the arithmetic
// type the num_get<charT>::get(..., ${T}&) overload, to disable
// the corresponding test
// #define NO_GET_INTEGER to disable tests of all integer types
// #define NO_GET_FLOATING to disable testst of all floating types
// #define NO_GET_ERRNO to disable errno tests
# define NO_GET_BOOL
# define NO_GET_SHRT
# define NO_GET_INT
# define NO_GET_ULONG
# define NO_GET_LONG
# define NO_GET_ULLONG
# define NO_GET_LLONG
#endif // NO_GET_INTEGER
# define NO_GET_FLT
# define NO_GET_DBL
# define NO_GET_LDBL
#include <cfloat> // FLT_MAX, FLT_MIN, etc.
#include <climits> // INT_MAX, INT_MIN, etc.
#include <clocale> // for localeconv(), setlocale()
#include <cstdio> // for sprintf(), sscanf()
#include <cstring> // for memset(), strerror(), strlen()
#include <cerrno> // for ERANGE, errno
#include <ios>
#include <limits>
#include <locale>
#include <alg_test.h> // for InputIter
#include <any.h> // for rw_any_t
#include <cmdopt.h> // for rw_enabled()
#include <driver.h> // for rw_test(), ...
#include <rw_char.h> // for rw_widen()
#include <rw_locale.h> // for rw_locales()
#include <valcmp.h> // for rw_equal()
// set by the command line option handler in response to:
static int rw_opt_no_errno = 0; // --no-errno
static int rw_opt_no_grouping = 0; // --no-grouping
static int rw_opt_no_widen = 0; // --no-widen
static int rw_opt_no_uflow = 0; // --no-underflow
// replacement ctype facet
template <class charT>
struct Ctype: std::ctype<charT>
typedef std::ctype<charT> Base;
typedef typename Base::char_type char_type;
static int n_widen_;
Ctype (): Base (0, 0, 1) { }
virtual char_type do_widen (char c) const {
switch (c) {
case '0': c = '9'; break;
case '1': c = '8'; break;
case '2': c = '7'; break;
case '3': c = '6'; break;
case '4': c = '5'; break;
case '5': c = '4'; break;
case '6': c = '3'; break;
case '7': c = '2'; break;
case '8': c = '1'; break;
case '9': c = '0'; break;
default: break;
return char_type (c);
virtual const char_type*
do_widen (const char *lo, const char *hi, char_type *dst) const {
return Base::do_widen (lo, hi, dst);
template <class charT>
int Ctype<charT>::n_widen_;
struct PunctData
static char decimal_point_;
static char thousands_sep_;
static const char* grouping_;
static const char* falsename_;
static const char* truename_;
// number of facet objects in existence
static int n_objs_;
// number of calls to do_thousands_sep()
static int n_thousands_sep_;
static void set_names (const char *fname, const char *tname) {
falsename_ = fname;
truename_ = tname;
char PunctData::decimal_point_ = '.';
char PunctData::thousands_sep_ = ',';
const char* PunctData::grouping_ = "";
const char* PunctData::falsename_ = 0;
const char* PunctData::truename_ = 0;
int PunctData::n_thousands_sep_;
int PunctData::n_objs_;
// replacement numpunct facet
template <class charT>
struct Punct: PunctData, std::numpunct<charT>
typedef unsigned char UChar;
typedef typename std::numpunct<charT>::char_type char_type;
typedef typename std::numpunct<charT>::string_type string_type;
Punct (std::size_t ref = 0)
: std::numpunct<charT>(ref) {
~Punct () {
virtual char_type do_decimal_point () const {
return char_type (UChar (decimal_point_));
virtual std::string do_grouping () const {
return grouping_;
virtual char_type do_thousands_sep () const {
return char_type (UChar (thousands_sep_));
virtual string_type do_truename () const {
char_type name [40];
return rw_widen (name, truename_, sizeof name / sizeof *name);
virtual string_type do_falsename () const {
char_type name [40];
return rw_widen (name, falsename_, sizeof name / sizeof *name);
template <class charT, class Traits>
struct Ios: std::basic_ios<charT, Traits>
Ios () { this->init (0); }
template <class charT, class Traits>
struct Streambuf: std::basic_streambuf<charT, Traits>
typedef std::basic_streambuf<charT, Traits> Base;
Streambuf (const charT *gbeg, const charT *gend)
: Base () {
this->setg (_RWSTD_CONST_CAST (charT*, gbeg),
_RWSTD_CONST_CAST (charT*, gbeg),
_RWSTD_CONST_CAST (charT*, gend));
int gptr_off () const {
return this->gptr () - this->eback ();
template <class charT, class InputIterator>
struct NumGet: std::num_get<charT, InputIterator>
NumGet () { /* working around a bug in older versions of EDG eccp */ }
// if non-zero expected to point to a maximum valid value
// of type T that's being tested below (used for floating
// point ranges)
// on function return, the pointed to value is overwritten
// with the actual extracted value
void *pmax = 0;
enum IterType { iter_pointer, iter_istreambuf, iter_input };
template <class charT, class nativeT>
int do_test (int lineno, // line number
charT* /* dummy */,
const char *cname, // name of character type
IterType itype, // type of input iterator
const char *iname, // name of input iterator
nativeT val, // value expected to be extracted
const char *str, // input sequence
int eat_expect = -1, // number of consumed characters
int flags = 0, // initial set of flags
int err_expect = -1, // expected iostate
const char *grouping = "") // optional grouping string
typedef std::char_traits<charT> Traits;
static const char* const tname = rw_any_t (nativeT ()).type_name ();
if (!rw_enabled (lineno /*, cname, tname */)) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "test on line %d disabled", lineno);
return 0;
// create a distinct punctuation facet for each iteration to make sure
// any data cached in between successive calls to the facet's public
// member functions are flushed
const Punct<charT> pun (1);
Ios<charT, Traits> io;
std::ios_base &iob = io;
io.imbue (std::locale (io.getloc (),
(const std::numpunct<charT>*)&pun));
io.flags (std::ios_base::fmtflags (flags));
pun.grouping_ = grouping;
// initialize x to a value other than the expected one except when
// get() is expected to fail (in which case the value isn't supposed
// to be modified, except when the failure is caused by an invalid
// grouping)
// doing so exercises the requirement that the get() functions not
// modify their argument on failure (except when the failure is due
// to bad grouping)
nativeT x =
err_expect & std::ios::failbit || *grouping ? val : nativeT (!val);
// large buffer to widen `str' to
static charT wstr_buf [32767];
const charT *pnext; // iterator to the next character where to parse
// narrow character buffer
static char nbuf [sizeof wstr_buf / sizeof *wstr_buf];
// if the string `str' starts with a '%', treat it as a printf()
// format specifier and take the string produced by sprintf()
// below as the expected result, otherwise treat it literally
// as the expected result
if ('%' == *str && 0 < std::sprintf (nbuf, str, val))
str = nbuf;
pnext = rw_widen (wstr_buf, str);
std::ios_base::iostate err = std::ios_base::goodbit;
const charT *plast = pnext + std::char_traits<charT>::length (pnext);
int consumed;
switch (itype) {
case iter_pointer: {
NumGet<charT, const charT*> ng;
plast = ng.get (pnext, plast, iob, err, x);
consumed = plast - pnext;
case iter_istreambuf: {
typedef std::istreambuf_iterator<charT, Traits> IStreambufIter;
Streambuf<charT, Traits> sb (pnext, plast);
IStreambufIter sbitnext (&sb);
IStreambufIter sbitlast;
NumGet<charT, IStreambufIter> ng;
sbitlast = ng.get (sbitnext, sbitlast, iob, err, x);
consumed = sb.gptr_off ();
case iter_input: {
typedef InputIter<charT> UserIter;
UserIter uitnext (pnext, pnext, plast);
UserIter uitlast (plast, pnext, plast);
NumGet<charT, UserIter> ng;
uitlast = ng.get (uitnext, uitlast, iob, err, x);
consumed = uitlast.cur_ - uitnext.cur_;
// do not test the number of extracted characters
// if (eat_expect == -1) holds
int success = -1 == eat_expect || consumed == eat_expect;
int nfailures = !success;
rw_assert (success, 0, lineno,
"line %d: num_get<%s, %s>::get (%#s, ..., %s&); "
"fmtflags = %{If}; "
"%{?}grouping = %#s; %{;}"
"ate %td, expected %d",
__LINE__, cname, iname, str, tname,
*grouping && '%' != *grouping, grouping,
consumed, eat_expect);
const nativeT val_max = pmax ? *(nativeT*)pmax : val;
// if pmax is non-zero it points to the upper bound of the range
// that the extracted value can be in
success =
err == err_expect
&& (rw_equal (x, val) || val <= x && x <= val_max);
nfailures += !success;
rw_assert (success, 0, lineno,
"line %d: num_get<%s, %s>::get (%{*Ac}, ..., %s&); "
"fmtflags = %{If}; "
"%{?}grouping = %#s; %{;}"
"got %s (%{Is}); "
"expected %s%{?} <= %s %{;} "
__LINE__, cname, iname, int (sizeof *str), str, tname,
*grouping && '%' != *grouping, grouping,
TOSTR (x), err,
TOSTR (val), 0 != pmax, TOSTR (val_max),
if (pmax) {
// store the extracted value into the pointed to location
*(nativeT*)pmax = x;
if (*grouping && '%' == *grouping) {
// if the `grouping' string starts with a '%', treat it as
// a scanf() format specifier and use sscanf() to parse the
// tested string `str'; then compare for equality the number
// parsed with sscanf() with that parsed with num_get::get()
const char* const scanspec = grouping;
nativeT y = nativeT ();
const int n = std::sscanf (str, scanspec, &y);
success =
!( err & std::ios::failbit && n > 0
|| !(err & std::ios::failbit) && 1 != n
|| !rw_equal (x, y));
nfailures += !success;
rw_assert (success, 0, lineno,
"line %d: num_get<%s, %s>::get (%#s, ..., %s&); "
"got %s, but scanf (..., \"%s\", ...) extracted %s "
"and returned %d; fmtflags = %{If}, iostate = %{Is}",
__LINE__, cname, iname, str, tname,
TOSTR (x), scanspec, TOSTR (y),
n, flags, err);
return nfailures;
enum CharType { narrow_char, wide_char, user_char };
template <class nativeT>
int do_test (int lineno, // line number
CharType ctype, // character type
const char *cname, // name of character type
IterType itype, // iterator type
const char *iname, // name of iterator type
nativeT val, // value expected to be extracted
const char *str, // input sequence
int eat_expect = -1, // number of consumed characters
int flags = 0, // initial set of flags
int err_expect = -1, // expected iostate
const char *grouping = "") // optional grouping string
switch (ctype) {
case narrow_char:
return do_test (lineno, (char*)0, cname, itype, iname,
val, str, eat_expect, flags, err_expect, grouping);
case wide_char:
return do_test (lineno, (wchar_t*)0, cname, itype, iname,
val, str, eat_expect, flags, err_expect, grouping);
case user_char:
#if 0 // disabled
return do_test (lineno, (UserChar*)0, cname, itype, iname,
val, str, eat_expect, flags, err_expect, grouping);
#endif // disabled
return 1;
// for convenience
#define boolalpha std::ios_base::boolalpha
#define dec std::ios_base::dec
#define fixed std::ios_base::fixed
#define hex std::ios_base::hex
#define internal std::ios_base::internal
#define left std::ios_base::left
#define oct std::ios_base::oct
#define right std::ios_base::right
#define scientific std::ios_base::scientific
#define showbase std::ios_base::showbase
#define showpoint std::ios_base::showpoint
#define showpos std::ios_base::showpos
#define skipws std::ios_base::skipws
#define unitbuf std::ios_base::unitbuf
#define uppercase std::ios_base::uppercase
#define bin std::ios_base::bin
#define adjustfield std::ios_base::adjustfield
#define basefield std::ios_base::basefield
#define floatfield std::ios_base::floatfield
#define nolock std::ios_base::nolock
#define nolockbuf std::ios_base::nolockbuf
#define Bad std::ios_base::badbit
#define Eof std::ios_base::eofbit
#define Fail std::ios_base::failbit
#define Good std::ios_base::goodbit
#define TEST do_test
#define T __LINE__, ctype, cname, itype, iname
template <class numT>
void test_errno (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname, numT)
// verify that errno doesn't change after, or affects
// a successful extraction
const char* const tname = rw_any_t (numT ()).type_name ();
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&) and errno",
cname, iname, tname);
const int errnos[] = {
ERANGE, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
Bad, Eof, Fail, Bad | Eof, Bad | Fail, Eof | Fail, Bad | Eof | Fail
int i;
#define TEST_ERRNO(val) \
for (i = 0; i != sizeof errnos / sizeof *errnos; ++i) { \
errno = errnos [i]; \
TEST (T, numT (val), _RWSTD_STR (val), \
sizeof (_RWSTD_STR (val)) -1, 0, Eof); \
rw_assert (errnos [i] == errno, 0, __LINE__, \
"%d. errno unexpectedly changed from %d to %d", \
i, errnos [i], errno); \
} (void)0
// prevent warnings when numT is unsigned
numT zero = numT ();
numT minus_one = numT (~0);
TEST_ERRNO (1234);
TEST_ERRNO (12345);
TEST_ERRNO (12346);
TEST_ERRNO (12347);
TEST_ERRNO (12348);
TEST_ERRNO (12349);
if (minus_one > zero)
TEST_ERRNO (-123);
TEST_ERRNO (-1234);
TEST_ERRNO (-12345);
TEST_ERRNO (-12346);
TEST_ERRNO (-12347);
TEST_ERRNO (-12348);
TEST_ERRNO (-12349);
static void
test_bool (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_BOOL
const char* const tname = "bool";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
PunctData::decimal_point_ = '.';
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = ',';
PunctData::set_names ("false", "true");
// lwg issue 17: special treatment for bool:
// The in iterator is always left pointing one position beyond
// the last character successfully matched. If val is set, then
// err is set to str.good; or to str.eof if, when seeking
// another character to match, it is found that (in==end). If
// val is not set, then err is set to; or to
// (|str.eof) if the reason for the failure was
// that (in==end). [Example: for targets true:"a" and false:"abb",
// the input sequence "a" yields val==true and err==str.eof;
// the input sequence "abc" yields, with in ending
// at the 'c' element. For targets true:"1" and false:"0", the
// input sequence "1" yields val==true and err=str.good. For
// empty targets (""), any input sequence yields
// --end example]
// arguments are passed in the following order:
// [v] (out) N/A expected value
// [s] (in) N/A character string to parse or a printf
// specifier to format [v] with
// [n] (out) -1 number of characters consumed
// [f] (in) 0 iosflags
// [e] (in|out) -1 expected iostate after parsing
// [g] (in) "" grouping string, or a scanf
// specifier to parse [s] with
// bool, numeric parsing
TEST (T, false, "0", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, true, "1", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, false, "2", 1, 0, Fail | Eof);
TEST (T, false, "0x0", 3, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, true, "0x1", 3, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, true, "0x01", 4, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, false, "0x20", 4, 0, Fail | Eof);
TEST (T, false, "", 0, 0, Fail | Eof);
TEST (T, false, "0+", 1, 0, Good);
TEST (T, true, "1+", 1, 0, Good);
TEST (T, false, "2+", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "0-", 1, 0, Good);
TEST (T, true, "1-", 1, 0, Good);
TEST (T, false, "2-", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "00", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, true, "01", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, false, "02", 2, 0, Fail | Eof);
TEST (T, false, "012", 3, 0, Fail | Eof);
TEST (T, false, "+0 ", 2, 0, Good);
TEST (T, true, "+1 ", 2, 0, Good);
TEST (T, false, "+2 ", 2, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "-0 ", 2, 0, Good);
TEST (T, false, "-1 ", 2, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "-2 ", 2, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "++1", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "+-1", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "-+1", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "--1", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "+000+", 4, 0, Good);
TEST (T, false, "+000-", 4, 0, Good);
TEST (T, true, "+001-", 4, 0, Good);
TEST (T, false, "+002", 4, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, false, "-000-", 4, 0, Good);
TEST (T, false, "-000+", 4, 0, Good);
TEST (T, false, "-001- ", 4, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "-002- ", 4, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "-012- ", 4, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "0.0", 1, 0, Good);
TEST (T, true, "1.1", 1, 0, Good);
TEST (T, false, "-0.00 ", 2, 0, Good);
TEST (T, false, "+00.01", 3, 0, Good);
TEST (T, true, "+1.12.", 2, 0, Good);
// bool, numeric parsing with grouping
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = ';';
TEST (T, false, "0;0", 3, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, false, "+0;0", 4, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, false, "-0;0", 4, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, false, "0;0;0", 5, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, false, "0;0;0;0", 7, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, true, "01", 2, 0, Eof, "\2");
TEST (T, true, "0;01", 4, 0, Eof, "\2");
TEST (T, true, "00;01", 5, 0, Eof, "\2");
TEST (T, true, "0;01", 4, 0, Eof, "\2");
TEST (T, false, "00;0", 4, 0, Eof, "\1\2");
TEST (T, false, "0;00;0", 6, 0, Eof, "\1\2\3");
TEST (T, false, "000;00;0", 8, 0, Eof, "\1\2\3");
TEST (T, false, "0;000;00;0", 10, 0, Eof, "\1\2\3");
TEST (T, true, "00;1", 4, 0, Eof, "\1\2");
TEST (T, true, "0;00;1", 6, 0, Eof, "\1\2\3");
TEST (T, true, "000;00;1", 8, 0, Eof, "\1\2\3");
TEST (T, true, "0;000;00;1", 10, 0, Eof, "\1\2\3");
TEST (T, true, "+0;000;00;1", 11, 0, Eof, "\1\2\3");
// bad groups, invalid input: do not store value, set failbit
// the format of integers in, p2 is:
// integer ::= [sign] units
// sign ::= plusminus [whitespace]
// plusminus ::= '+' | '-'
// units ::= digits [thousands-sep units]
// digits ::= digit [digits]
// i.e., thousands-sep may only appear at most one at a time and
// only when enclosed within a sequence of digits and not first
// or last
TEST (T, false, ";0", 0, 0, Fail, "\1");
TEST (T, false, "0;", 2, 0, Eof | Fail, "\1");
TEST (T, false, "0;;", 2, 0, Fail, "\1");
TEST (T, false, ";0;0", 0, 0, Fail, "\1");
TEST (T, false, ";01", 0, 0, Fail, "\2");
TEST (T, false, "01;", 3, 0, Eof | Fail, "\2");
TEST (T, false, "01;;", 3, 0, Fail, "\2");
TEST (T, false, ";;0;01", 0, 0, Fail, "\2");
TEST (T, false, "00;;01", 3, 0, Fail, "\2");
TEST (T, false, "00;;;01", 3, 0, Fail, "\2");
TEST (T, false, ";;11", 0, 0, Fail, "\3");
TEST (T, false, "+;;12", 1, 0, Fail, "\3");
TEST (T, false, "-;;13", 1, 0, Fail, "\3");
TEST (T, false, "01;;4", 3, 0, Fail, "\3");
// bad groups, valid input: store value and set failbit
// this is different from the above in that the integer grammar
// is satisifed but the positions of the thousands_sep characters
// in otherwise valid input do not match the specified grouping
TEST (T, true, "00;0;1", 6, 0, Eof | Fail, "\1");
// bool, boolalpha parsing
TEST (T, false, "false", 5, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, true, "true", 4, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, false, "falsee", 5, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, true, "truee", 4, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, false, "False", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "True", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "falsE", 4, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "truE", 3, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "fals", 4, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, false, "tru", 3, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, false, "fal", 3, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, false, "tr", 2, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, false, "fa", 2, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, false, "t", 1, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, false, "f", 1, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, false, "", 0, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
PunctData::set_names ("bool:-", "bool:+");
TEST (T, false, "false", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "true", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "bool:-", 6, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, true, "bool:+", 6, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, false, "bool: ", 5, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "bool: ", 5, boolalpha, Fail);
PunctData::set_names ("Bool", "Boolean");
TEST (T, false, "false", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "true", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "Bool", 4, boolalpha, Eof);
TEST (T, true, "Boolean", 7, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, false, "Boole", 5, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, false, "Boolea", 6, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
PunctData::set_names ("BOOLEAN", "BOOL");
TEST (T, false, "false", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "true", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "BOOLEAN", 7, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, true, "BOOL", 4, boolalpha, Eof);
TEST (T, true, "BOOL ", 4, boolalpha, Good);
// the parsing algorithm is greedy, partial matches fail even
// if one keyword is a subset of the other and the shorter one
// is a subset of the characters matched so far
TEST (T, false, "BOOLEA", 6, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, false, "BOOLE", 5, boolalpha, Eof | Fail);
PunctData::set_names ("1", "0");
TEST (T, false, "false", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "true", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "1", 1, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, true, "0", 1, boolalpha, Good);
// numeric parsing with "0" and "1" as keywords
TEST (T, false, "0", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, true, "1", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, false, "11", 1, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, true, "00", 1, boolalpha, Good);
TEST (T, false, "+1", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
TEST (T, false, "+0", 0, boolalpha, Fail);
#else // if defined (NO_GET_BOOL)
#endif // NO_GET_BOOL
static void
test_shrt (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
# ifndef NO_GET_SHRT
const char* const tname = "short";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
// short parsing of 0, no base specified
TEST (T, short (0), "%hi", 1, 0, Eof, "%hi");
TEST (T, short (0), "%ho", 1, 0, Eof, "%hi");
TEST (T, short (0), "%hx", 1, 0, Eof, "%hi");
TEST (T, short (0), "%#hx", 1, 0, Eof, "%hi");
TEST (T, short (1), "%hi", 1, 0, Eof, "%hi");
TEST (T, short (SHRT_MAX), "%hi", -1, 0, Eof, "%hi");
TEST (T, short (SHRT_MIN), "%hi", -1, 0, Eof, "%hi");
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: base 1 (Roman)");
#define BASE(n) ((n) << _RWSTD_IOS_BASEOFF)
TEST (T, short ( 0), "0", 1, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 1), "i", 1, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 2), "ii", 2, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 3), "iii", 3, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 4), "iiii", 4, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 4), "iv", 2, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 5), "v", 1, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 6), "vi", 2, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 7), "vii", 3, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 8), "viii", 4, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 9), "viiii", 5, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 9), "ix", 2, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short (10), "x", 1, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 12), "XII", 3, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 123), "CXXIII", 6, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short (1234), "MCCXXXIV", 8, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short (2345), "MMCCCXLV", 8, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short (3456), "MMMCDLVI", 8, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short (4567), "MMMMDLXVII", 10, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short (4999), "MMMMCMXCIX", 10, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short (5000), "5000", 4, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short (5678), "5678", 4, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, short (5001), "5001i", 4, BASE (1), Good);
TEST (T, short (5002), "5002v", 4, BASE (1), Good);
TEST (T, short (5003), "5003x", 4, BASE (1), Good);
TEST (T, short (5004), "5004l", 4, BASE (1), Good);
TEST (T, short (5005), "5005d", 4, BASE (1), Good);
TEST (T, short (5006), "5006m", 4, BASE (1), Good);
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: base 2 (ios_base::bin, binary)");
TEST (T, short ( 0), "0", 1, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 1), "1", 1, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 2), "10", 2, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 3), "11", 2, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 4), "100", 3, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 5), "101", 3, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 6), "110", 3, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 7), "111", 3, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 8), "1000", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 9), "1001", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 10), "1010", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 11), "1011", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 12), "1100", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 13), "1101", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 14), "1110", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 15), "1111", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 16), "10000", 5, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 17), "+10001", 6, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short (-18), "-10010", 6, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, short (17), "100012", 5, BASE (2), Good);
TEST (T, short (18), "100103", 5, BASE (2), Good);
TEST (T, short (19), "100114", 5, BASE (2), Good);
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: base 3");
TEST (T, short ( 0), "0", 1, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 1), "1", 1, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 2), "2", 1, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 3), "10", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 4), "11", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 5), "12", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 6), "20", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 7), "21", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 8), "22", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, short ( 8), "223", 2, BASE (3), Good);
if (rw_opt_no_errno) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "errno test disabled");
else {
test_errno (ctype, cname, itype, iname, short ());
# else // if defined (NO_GET_SHRT)
# endif // NO_GET_SHRT
static void
test_int (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
# ifndef NO_GET_INT
const char* const tname = "int";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
TEST (T, 0, "%i", 1, 0, Eof, "%i");
TEST (T, 0, "%o", 1, 0, Eof, "%i");
TEST (T, 0, "%x", 1, 0, Eof, "%i");
TEST (T, 0, "%#x", 1, 0, Eof, "%i");
if (rw_opt_no_errno) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "errno test disabled");
else {
test_errno (ctype, cname, itype, iname, int ());
# else // if defined (NO_GET_INT)
# endif // NO_GET_INT
static void
test_long (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_LONG
const char* const tname = "long";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
//, p2 -- integer grammar:
// integer ::= [sign] units
// sign ::= plusminus [whitespace]
// plusminus ::= '+' | '-'
// units ::= digits [thousands-sep units]
// digits ::= digit [digits]
// digit ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7'
// | '8' | '9' | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F'
// | 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f'
// long parsing of 0, no base specified
TEST (T, 0L, "%li", 1, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0L, "%lo", 1, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0L, "%lx", 1, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0L, "%#lx", 1, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0L, "", 0, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, 0L, "+", 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, 0L, "-", 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, 0L, "0", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "00", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "+0", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "-0", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0x0", 3, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0X0", 3, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "+0x0", 4, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "-0x0", 4, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0x0x", 3, 0, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "00000000", 8, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0x00000000", 10, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0-", 1, 0, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "0+", 1, 0, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "0.", 1, 0, Good);
// long parsing of 0, base 10
TEST (T, 0L, "0", 1, dec, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "00", 2, dec, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "+0", 2, dec, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "-0", 2, dec, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0x0", 1, dec, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "+0x0", 2, dec, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "-0x0", 2, dec, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "00000000", 8, dec, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0x00000000", 1, dec, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "0-", 1, dec, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "0+", 1, dec, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "0.", 1, dec, Good);
// long parsing of 0, base 8
TEST (T, 0L, "0", 1, oct, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "00", 2, oct, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "+0", 2, oct, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "-0", 2, oct, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0x0", 1, oct, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "+0x0", 2, oct, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "-0x0", 2, oct, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "00000000", 8, oct, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0x00000000", 1, oct, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "0-", 1, oct, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "0+", 1, oct, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "0.", 1, oct, Good);
// long parsing of 0, base 16
TEST (T, 0L, "0", 1, hex, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "00", 2, hex, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "+0", 2, hex, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "-0", 2, hex, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0x0", 3, hex, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0X00", 4, hex, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "+0x0", 4, hex, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "-0x0", 4, hex, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "00000000", 8, hex, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0x00000000", 10, hex, Eof);
TEST (T, 0L, "0-", 1, hex, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "0+", 1, hex, Good);
TEST (T, 0L, "0.", 1, hex, Good);
// long parsing, no base specified
// assumes sizeof(long) >= 4
_RWSTD_ASSERT (sizeof (long) >= 4);
TEST (T, 1L, "1", 1, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 12L, "12", 2, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 123L, "123", 3, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 1234L, "1234", 4, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 12345L, "12345", 5, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 123456L, "123456", 6, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 1234567L, "1234567", 7, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 12345678L, "12345678", 8, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 134217728L, "134217728", 9, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 134217728L, "%li", 9, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, ~0L, "%li", -1, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 10L, "%li", -1, 0, Eof, "%li");
// autodetection of oct and hex format
TEST (T, 01234567L, "01234567", 8, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0x1234567L, "0x1234567", 9, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0X79aBcDeFL, "0X79aBcDeF", 10, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 01234567L, "+01234567", 9, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0x1234567L, "+0x1234567", 10, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, -01234567L, "-01234567", 9, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, -0x1234567L, "-0x1234567", 10, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0xaL, "0x00000000000000a", 17, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0xabL, "0x000000000000ab", 16, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0xabcL, "0x0000000000abc", 15, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0xabcdL, "0x00000000abcd", 14, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0xabcdeL, "0x000000abcde", 13, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0xabcdefL, "0x0000abcdef", 12, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0xabcdef0L, "0x00abcdef0", 11, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0xabcdef1L, "0xabcdef1", 9, 0, Eof, "%li");
TEST (T, 0L, "00x", 2, 0, Good, "%li");
TEST (T, 1L, "01x", 2, 0, Good, "%li");
TEST (T, 0L, "0x", 2, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, 0L, "x", 0, 0, Fail, "%li");
// long parsing, dec base
TEST (T, 2L, "2", 1, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 23L, "23", 2, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 234L, "234", 3, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 2345L, "2345", 4, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 23456L, "23456", 5, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 234567L, "234567", 6, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 2345678L, "2345678", 7, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 23456789L, "23456789", 8, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 134217728L, "134217728", 9, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 134217728L, "%ld", 9, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, ~0L, "%ld", -1, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, LONG_MAX, "%ld", -1, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, LONG_MIN, "%ld", -1, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, -3L, "%ld", 2, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, -34L, "%ld", 3, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, -345L, "%ld", 4, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, -3456L, "-3456", 5, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, -34567L, "-34567", 6, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, -345678L, "-00345678", 9, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 3456789L, "+03456789", 9, dec, Eof, "%ld");
TEST (T, 4567890L, "4567890.1", 7, dec, Good, "%ld");
TEST (T, 567890L, "567890e+1", 6, dec, Good, "%ld");
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = ';';
// long parsing, dec base, with grouping (which is optional, empty
// grouping, "", causes extraction to terminate at the first occurrence
// of the thousands_sep character)
TEST (T, 2147483647L, "2147483647;", 10, dec, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, 214748364L, "214748364;7", 9, dec, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, 21474836L, "21474836;47", 8, dec, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, 2147483L, "2147483;647", 7, dec, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, 214748L, "214748;3647", 6, dec, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, 21474L, "21474;83647", 5, dec, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, 2147L, "2147;483647", 4, dec, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, 214L, "214;7483647", 3, dec, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, 21L, "21;47483647", 2, dec, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, 2L, "2;147483647", 1, dec, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, 0L, ";2147483647", 0, dec, Fail, "\0");
TEST (T, 2147483647L, "2147483647", 10, dec, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 2147483647L, "2;1;4;7;4;8;3;6;4;7", 19, dec, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 2147483646L, "21;47;48;36;46", 14, dec, Eof, "\2");
TEST (T, 2147483645L, "2;147;483;645", 13, dec, Eof, "\3");
TEST (T, 2147483644L, "21;4748;3644", 12, dec, Eof, "\4");
TEST (T, 2147483643L, "21474;83643", 11, dec, Eof, "\5");
TEST (T, 2147483642L, "2147;483642", 11, dec, Eof, "\6");
TEST (T, 2147483641L, "214;7483641", 11, dec, Eof, "\7");
TEST (T, 2147483640L, "21;47483640", 11, dec, Eof, "\10");
TEST (T, 2147483639L, "2;147483639", 11, dec, Eof, "\11");
TEST (T, 2147483638L, "2147483638", 10, dec, Eof, "\12");
TEST (T, 2147483637L, "2;14;74;83;63;7", 15, dec, Eof, "\1\2");
TEST (T, 2147483636L, "214;748;363;6", 13, dec, Eof, "\1\3");
TEST (T, 2147483635L, "2;1474;8363;5", 13, dec, Eof, "\1\4");
TEST (T, 2147483634L, "2147;48363;4", 12, dec, Eof, "\1\5");
TEST (T, 2147483633L, "214;748363;3", 12, dec, Eof, "\1\6");
TEST (T, 2147483632L, "21;4748363;2", 12, dec, Eof, "\1\7");
TEST (T, 2147483631L, "2;14748363;1", 12, dec, Eof, "\1\10");
TEST (T, 2147483630L, "214748363;0", 11, dec, Eof, "\1\11");
TEST (T, 2147483629L, "2;147;483;62;9", 14, dec, Eof, "\1\2\3");
TEST (T, 2147483628L, "2;1;4;7;4;83;628", 16, dec, Eof, "\3\2\1");
TEST (T, 2147483627L, "2;147;483;627", 13, dec, Eof, "\3\3\3");
TEST (T, 2147483626L, "+2147;483;626", 13, dec, Eof, "\3\3\4");
for (int i = 256; i >= 0; i -= 32) {
// exercise parsing of input with excessively many groups
static const char many_groups[] = {
// each row below consists of 32 thousands_sep's (numbered 0-31)
// and 32 zeros for a total of 64 characters
// . . . . : . . . . 1 . . . . : . . . . 2 . . . . : . . . . 3 .
static const std::size_t NC = sizeof many_groups - 1;
const int nfail = TEST (T, 1L, many_groups + i, NC - i, dec, Eof, "\1");
// increase input length and break out after the first failure
if (nfail)
// long parsing, hex base, with grouping
TEST (T, 0x0L, "0", 1, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "00", 2, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "000", 3, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "0;0;0", 5, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "0x0;0;0", 7, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "0X0;0;0", 7, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "+0;0;0", 6, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "-0;0;0", 6, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "+0x0;0;0", 8, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "+0X0;0;0", 8, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "-0x0;0;0", 8, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0x0L, "-0X0;0;0", 8, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xAL, "A", 1, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABL, "AB", 2, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABL, "A;B", 3, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABL, "A;b", 3, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABL, "a;B", 3, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCL, "ABC", 3, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCL, "A;B;C", 5, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCDL, "ABCD", 4, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCDL, "A;B;C;D", 7, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCDEL, "ABCDE", 5, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCDEL, "A;B;C;D;E", 9, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCDEFL, "ABCDEF", 6, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCDEFL, "A;B;C;D;E;F", 11, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCDEFL, "a;B;c;D;e;F", 11, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCDEFL, "+A;B;C;D;E;F", 12, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, -0xABCDEFL, "-A;B;C;D;E;F", 12, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCDEFL, "0xA;B;C;D;E;F", 13, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, 0xABCDEFL, "+0xA;B;C;D;E;F", 14, hex, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, -0xABCDEFL, "-0xA;B;C;D;E;F", 14, hex, Eof, "\1");
// long parsing, dec base, with bad groups: store value, set failbit
TEST (T, 2147483624L, "21;474;83624; ", 13, dec, Fail, "\5\3");
TEST (T, 2147483623L, "21;47;483623 ", 12, dec, Fail, "\6\3");
TEST (T, 2147483622L, "21;47483622 ", 11, dec, Fail, "\7\3");
TEST (T, 2147483621L, "214;748362;1 ", 12, dec, Fail, "\7\3");
TEST (T, 2147483619L, "2;147;483;619 ", 13, dec, Fail, "\1");
TEST (T, 2147483618L, "2147;48;36;18 ", 13, dec, Fail, "\2");
TEST (T, 2147483617L, "2147;483;617 ", 12, dec, Fail, "\3");
TEST (T, 2147483616L, "21;47483616 ", 11, dec, Fail, "\4");
TEST (T, 2147483615L, "21;47;4836;15 ", 13, dec, Fail, "\2\2");
TEST (T, 2147483614L, "21474;836;14 ", 12, dec, Fail, "\2\3");
// thousands_sep at illegal positions, do not store value, set failbit
TEST (T, 2147483625L, ";214;748;3625 ", 0, dec, Fail, "\4\3");
TEST (T, 2147483620L, "+214;;7483620 ", 5, dec, Fail, "\7\4");
// unusual thousands_sep
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = '.';
TEST (T, 2147483618L, "214.74836.18", 12, dec, Eof, "\2\5");
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = 'A';
TEST (T, 2147483617L, "2A14A7483A617", 13, dec, Eof, "\3\4\2");
// Stage 2 parsing algorithm in, p8 removes thousands_sep
// from the sequence before checking for sign and other valid chars
// but since, according to the grammar, a well-formed thousands_sep
// may not appear first, when the leading thousands_sep matches
// the sign character it is taken as the sign
// (these are totally anal-retentive tests)
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = '-';
TEST (T, 2147483617L, "21-47-4-83-617", 14, dec, Eof, "\3\2\1\2");
TEST (T, -2147483616L, "-214-748-3616 ", 13, dec, Good, "\4\3\3");
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = '+';
TEST (T, 2147483615L, "2+147+48+3+615", 14, dec, Eof, "\3\1\2\3");
// leading '+' taken as the plus sign and not a thousands_sep
TEST (T, 2147483614L, "+21+4748361+4 ", 13, dec, Good, "\1\7\2");
// a digit as a thousands_sep is removed from the input sequence
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = '0';
TEST (T, 2147483613L, "21047048306013", 14, dec, Eof, "\2\1\3\2");
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = '1';
TEST (T, 24748362L, "2147483612", 10, dec, Eof, "\1\6");
// exercise lwg issue 338 (whitespace after sign not allowed)
TEST (T, 0L, "+ 1", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, 0L, "- 2", 1, 0, Fail);
// exercise signed integer overflow
#if LONG_MAX == 0x7fffL
const char lmin[] = "-32768";
const char lmin_minus_1[] = "-32769";
const char lmin_minus_2[] = "-32770";
const char lmin_minus_3[] = "-32771";
const char lmax[] = "32767";
const char lmax_plus_1[] = "32768";
const char lmax_plus_2[] = "32769";
const char lmax_plus_3[] = "32770";
const char lmax_x_f[] = "0x7ffff";
const char vflow_1[] = "";
#elif LONG_MAX == 0x7fffffffL
const char lmin[] = "-2147483648";
const char lmin_minus_1[] = "-2147483649";
const char lmin_minus_2[] = "-2147483650";
const char lmin_minus_3[] = "-2147483651";
const char lmax[] = "2147483647"; // 0x7fffffffL
const char lmax_plus_1[] = "2147483648"; // 0x7fffffffL + 1
const char lmax_plus_2[] = "2147483649"; // 0x7fffffffL + 2
const char lmax_plus_3[] = "2147483650"; // 0x7fffffffL + 3
const char lmax_x_f[] = "0x7ffffffff"; // extra 'f' (times 0xf)
const char vflow_1[] = "";
#elif LONG_MAX > 0x7fffffffL
const char lmin[] = "-9223372036854775808";
const char lmin_minus_1[] = "-9223372036854775809";
const char lmin_minus_2[] = "-9223372036854775810";
const char lmin_minus_3[] = "-9223372036854775811";
const char lmax[] = "9223372036854775807";
const char lmax_plus_1[] = "9223372036854775808";
const char lmax_plus_2[] = "9223372036854775809";
const char lmax_plus_3[] = "9223372036854775810";
const char lmax_x_f[] = "0x7ffffffffffffffff";
const char vflow_1[] = "";
// working around a SunPro bug (PR #28279)
const char lmin[] = "-999999999999999999990";
const char lmin_minus_1[] = "-999999999999999999991";
const char lmin_minus_2[] = "-999999999999999999992";
const char lmin_minus_3[] = "-999999999999999999993";
const char lmax[] = "0";
const char lmax_plus_1[] = "999999999999999999997";
const char lmax_plus_2[] = "999999999999999999998";
const char lmax_plus_3[] = "999999999999999999999";
const char lmax_x_f[] = "0xfffffffffffffffff";
const char vflow_1[] = "999999999999999999990";
TEST (T, LONG_MIN, lmin, sizeof lmin - 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, LONG_MIN, lmin_minus_1, sizeof lmin_minus_1 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, LONG_MIN, lmin_minus_2, sizeof lmin_minus_2 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, LONG_MIN, lmin_minus_3, sizeof lmin_minus_3 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, LONG_MAX, lmax, sizeof lmax - 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, LONG_MAX, lmax_plus_1, sizeof lmax_plus_1 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, LONG_MAX, lmax_plus_2, sizeof lmax_plus_2 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, LONG_MAX, lmax_plus_3, sizeof lmax_plus_3 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, LONG_MAX, lmax_x_f, sizeof lmax_x_f - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, LONG_MAX, vflow_1, sizeof vflow_1 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
// verify that the combination of ERANGE and LONG_MAX
// doesn't trip the facet up if it uses strtol()
errno = ERANGE;
rw_assert (ERANGE == errno, 0, __LINE__,
"errno unexpectedly changed from %d (%{#*m}) to %d (%{#m})",
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: base 1 (Roman)");
#define BASE(n) ((n) << _RWSTD_IOS_BASEOFF)
TEST (T, 0L, "0", 1, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 1L, "i", 1, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 2L, "ii", 2, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 3L, "iii", 3, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 4L, "iiii", 4, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 4L, "iv", 2, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 5L, "v", 1, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 6L, "vi", 2, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 7L, "vii", 3, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 8L, "viii", 4, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 9L, "viiii", 5, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 9L, "ix", 2, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 10L, "x", 1, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 12L, "XII", 3, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 123L, "CXXIII", 6, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 1234L, "MCCXXXIV", 8, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 2345L, "MMCCCXLV", 8, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 3456L, "MMMCDLVI", 8, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 4567L, "MMMMDLXVII", 10, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 4999L, "MMMMCMXCIX", 10, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 5000L, "5000", 4, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 5678L, "5678", 4, BASE (1), Eof);
TEST (T, 5001L, "5001i", 4, BASE (1), Good);
TEST (T, 5002L, "5002v", 4, BASE (1), Good);
TEST (T, 5003L, "5003x", 4, BASE (1), Good);
TEST (T, 5004L, "5004l", 4, BASE (1), Good);
TEST (T, 5005L, "5005d", 4, BASE (1), Good);
TEST (T, 5006L, "5006m", 4, BASE (1), Good);
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: base 2 (ios_base::bin, binary)");
TEST (T, 0L, "0", 1, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 1L, "1", 1, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 2L, "10", 2, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 3L, "11", 2, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 4L, "100", 3, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 5L, "101", 3, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 6L, "110", 3, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 7L, "111", 3, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 8L, "1000", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 9L, "1001", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 10L, "1010", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 11L, "1011", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 12L, "1100", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 13L, "1101", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 14L, "1110", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 15L, "1111", 4, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 16L, "10000", 5, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 17L, "+10001", 6, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, -18L, "-10010", 6, BASE (2), Eof);
TEST (T, 17L, "100012", 5, BASE (2), Good);
TEST (T, 18L, "100103", 5, BASE (2), Good);
TEST (T, 19L, "100114", 5, BASE (2), Good);
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: base 3");
TEST (T, 0L, "0", 1, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, 1L, "1", 1, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, 2L, "2", 1, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, 3L, "10", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, 4L, "11", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, 5L, "12", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, 6L, "20", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, 7L, "21", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, 8L, "22", 2, BASE (3), Eof);
TEST (T, 8L, "223", 2, BASE (3), Good);
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: base 4");
TEST (T, 0L, "0", 1, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 1L, "1", 1, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 2L, "2", 1, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 3L, "3", 1, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 4L, "10", 2, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 5L, "11", 2, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 6L, "12", 2, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 7L, "13", 2, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 8L, "20", 2, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 9L, "21", 2, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 10L, "22", 2, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 11L, "23", 2, BASE (4), Eof);
TEST (T, 11L, "234", 2, BASE (4), Good);
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: base 5");
TEST (T, 0L, "0", 1, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 1L, "1", 1, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 2L, "2", 1, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 3L, "3", 1, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 4L, "4", 1, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 5L, "10", 2, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 6L, "11", 2, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 7L, "12", 2, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 8L, "13", 2, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 9L, "14", 2, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 10L, "20", 2, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 11L, "21", 2, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 12L, "22", 2, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 13L, "23", 2, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 14L, "24", 2, BASE (5), Eof);
TEST (T, 14L, "245", 2, BASE (5), Good);
if (rw_opt_no_errno) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "errno test disabled");
else {
test_errno (ctype, cname, itype, iname, long ());
#endif // NO_GET_LONG
static void
test_ulong (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_ULONG
const char* const tname = "unsigned long";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
// negative numbers are conventionally parsed and interpreted
// according to the following algorithm:
// 1. extract sign S
// 2. extract unsigned number N
// 3. if (S == '-' && N <= ULONG_MAX) X = ULONG_MAX - N + 1
// 4. if (S != '-' && N <= ULONG_MAX) X = N
// 5. if (N > ULONG_MAX) X = ULONG_MAX, set failbit
// 6. return X
TEST (T, 0UL, "0", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0UL, "+0", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 0UL, "-0", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 1UL, "+1", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 1078UL, "1078", 4, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, ULONG_MAX, "-1", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, 65535UL, "65535", 5, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, ULONG_MAX - 65535UL + 1UL, "-65535", 6, 0, Eof);
// exercise integer overflow
#if ULONG_MAX == 0xffffUL
const char ulmax[] = "65535";
const char ulmax_plus_1[] = "65536";
const char ulmax_plus_2[] = "65537";
const char ulmax_plus_3[] = "65538";
const char ulmax_x_f[] = "0xfffff";
const char vflow_1[] = "131061";
#elif ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffffUL
const char ulmax[] = "4294967295"; // 0xffffffffUL
const char ulmax_plus_1[] = "4294967296"; // 0xffffffffUL + 1
const char ulmax_plus_2[] = "4294967297"; // 0xffffffffUL + 2
const char ulmax_plus_3[] = "4294967298"; // 0xffffffffUL + 3
const char ulmax_x_f[] = "0xfffffffff"; // extra 'f' (times 0xf)
const char vflow_1[] = "8589934581";
#elif ULONG_MAX > 0xffffffffUL
const char ulmax[] = "18446744073709551615";
const char ulmax_plus_1[] = "18446744073709551616";
const char ulmax_plus_2[] = "18446744073709551617";
const char ulmax_plus_3[] = "18446744073709551618";
const char ulmax_x_f[] = "0xfffffffffffffffff";
const char vflow_1[] = "36893488147419103221";
// working around a SunPro bug (PR #28279)
const char ulmax[] = "0";
const char ulmax_plus_1[] = "999999999999999999997";
const char ulmax_plus_2[] = "999999999999999999998";
const char ulmax_plus_3[] = "999999999999999999999";
const char ulmax_x_f[] = "0xfffffffffffffffff";
const char vflow_1[] = "999999999999999999990";
TEST (T, ULONG_MAX, ulmax, sizeof ulmax - 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, ULONG_MAX, ulmax_plus_1, sizeof ulmax_plus_1 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, ULONG_MAX, ulmax_plus_2, sizeof ulmax_plus_2 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, ULONG_MAX, ulmax_plus_3, sizeof ulmax_plus_3 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, ULONG_MAX, ulmax_x_f, sizeof ulmax_x_f - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, ULONG_MAX, vflow_1, sizeof vflow_1 - 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
// verify that the combination of ERANGE and ULONG_MAX
// doesn't trip the facet up if it uses strtoul()
errno = ERANGE;
rw_assert (ERANGE == errno, 0, __LINE__,
"errno unexpectedly changed from %d (%{#*m}) to %d (%{#m})",
if (rw_opt_no_errno) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "errno test disabled");
else {
test_errno (ctype, cname, itype, iname, (unsigned long)0);
#endif // NO_GET_ULONG
static void
test_llong (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_LLONG
const char* const tname = "long long";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
# ifndef _MSC_VER
# define LL(number) number ## LL
# else // if defined (_MSC_VER)
// MSVC 7.0 doesn't recognize the LL suffix
# define LL(number) number ## I64
# endif // _MSC_VER
TEST (T, LL ( 0), "0", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, LL ( 0), "+0", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, LL ( 0), "-0", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, LL ( 1), "+1", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, -LL ( 1), "-1", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, LL (1079), "1079", 4, 0, Eof);
// LLONG_MAX for a 64-bit long long
TEST (T, +LL (9223372036854775807), "+9223372036854775807", 20, 0, Eof);
// compute LLONG_MIN for a 64-bit long long using integer arithmetic
// to avoid warnings due to 9223372036854775808 being too large for
// long long
// e.g., gcc 4.0 issues the following:
// warning: integer constant is so large that it is unsigned
// warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90
TEST (T, -LL (9223372036854775807) - 1, "-9223372036854775808", 20, 0, Eof);
if (rw_opt_no_errno) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "errno test disabled");
else {
test_errno (ctype, cname, itype, iname, (long long)0);
# endif // _RWSTD_NO_LONG_LONG
#endif // NO_GET_LLONG
static void
test_ullong (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
const char* const tname = "unsigned long long";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "extension: std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
# ifndef _MSC_VER
# define ULL(number) number ## ULL
# else // if defined (_MSC_VER)
// MSVC 7.0 doesn't recognize the LL suffix
# define ULL(number) number ## UI64
# endif // _MSC_VER
TEST (T, ULL ( 0), "0", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, ULL ( 0), "+0", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, ULL ( 0), "-0", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, ULL ( 1), "+1", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, ULL ( 1080), "1080", 4, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, ULL (18446744073709551615), "18446744073709551615", 20, 0, Eof);
if (rw_opt_no_errno) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "errno test disabled");
else {
test_errno (ctype, cname, itype, iname, (unsigned long long)0);
# endif // _RWSTD_NO_LONG_LONG
#endif // NO_GET_ULLONG
static void
test_pvoid (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_PVOID
const char* const tname = "void*";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
typedef void* PVoid;
TEST (T, PVoid ( 0), "0", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, PVoid ( 1), "1", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, PVoid ( 2), "2", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, PVoid ( 3), "03", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, PVoid (0x000000ff), "ff", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, PVoid (0x00000fff), "FFF", 3, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, PVoid (0x0000ffff), "FfFf", 4, 0, Eof);
// exercise overflow conditions
#if ULONG_MAX == 0xffffUL
const char pvmax[] = "0xffff";
const char pvmax_plus_1[] = "0x10000";
#elif ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffffUL
const char pvmax[] = "0xffffffff";
const char pvmax_plus_1[] = "0x100000000";
#elif ULONG_MAX > 0xffffffffUL
const char pvmax[] = "0xffffffffffffffff";
const char pvmax_plus_1[] = "0x10000000000000000";
// working around a SunPro bug (PR #28279)
const char pvmax[] = "0";
const char pvmax_plus_1[] = "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff";
#define PVOIDSTR(name) name, sizeof name - 1
TEST (T, PVoid (~0), PVOIDSTR (pvmax), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, PVoid (~0), PVOIDSTR (pvmax_plus_1), 0, Eof | Fail);
// exercise error conditions
TEST (T, PVoid (0), "", 0, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, PVoid (0), "-", 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, PVoid (0), "+", 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, PVoid (0), "x", 0, 0, Fail);
#endif // NO_GET_PVOID
template <class floatT>
void test_floating_point (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname,
floatT, bool test_locale)
const char* const tname = rw_any_t (floatT ()).type_name ();
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = ';';
typedef floatT F;
TEST (T, F (0.0), "0", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "0.", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (0.0), ".0", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "0.0", 3, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0), "1", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (2.0), "2", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (3.0), "3", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (4.0), "4 ", 1, 0, Good); // trailing ' ' not extracted
TEST (T, F (5.0), "5.", 2, 0, Eof); // trailing '.' extracted
TEST (T, F (5.0), "5.0", 3, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (5.1), "5.1", 3, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (5.2), "5.2 ", 3, 0, Good); // trailing ' ' not extracted
TEST (T, F (5.3), "5.3;", 3, 0, Good); // trailing ';' not extracted
TEST (T, F (5.4), "5.4; ", 3, 0, Good);
TEST (T, F (5.41), "5.41", 4, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (5.42), "5.42.", 4, 0, Good); // trailing '.' not extracted
TEST (T, F (5.43), "5.43+", 4, 0, Good); // trailing '+' not extracted
TEST (T, F (5.44), "5.44-", 4, 0, Good); // trailing '-' not extracted
TEST (T, F (1.0e+00), "1", 1, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+01), "10", 2, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+02), "100", 3, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+03), "1000", 4, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+04), "10000", 5, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+05), "100000", 6, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+06), "1000000", 7, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+07), "10000000", 8, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+08), "100000000", 9, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+09), "1000000000", 10, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+10), "10000000000", 11, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+11), "100000000000", 12, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+12), "1000000000000", 13, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+13), "10000000000000", 14, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+14), "100000000000000", 15, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+15), "1000000000000000", 16, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+16), "10000000000000000", 17, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+17), "100000000000000000", 18, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+18), "1000000000000000000", 19, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+19), "10000000000000000000", 20, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+20), "100000000000000000000", 21, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+21), "1000000000000000000000", 22, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+22), "10000000000000000000000", 23, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+23), "100000000000000000000000", 24, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+24), "1000000000000000000000000", 25, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+25), "10000000000000000000000000", 26, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+26), "100000000000000000000000000", 27, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+27), "1000000000000000000000000000", 28, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+28), "10000000000000000000000000000", 29, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (1.0e+29), "100000000000000000000000000000", 30, 0, Eof);
#define VALSTR(x) floatT (x), #x, std::strlen (#x)
// exercise various forms of floating point 0
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0.), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0.), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0.), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR ( .0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+.0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-.0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0e0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0e0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0e0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0E+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0E-0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0E+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0.0e+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0.0e+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0.0e+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0.0E+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0.0E+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0.0E+0), 0, Eof);
// exercise 'e' immediately following decimal_point
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0.e+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0.e+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0.e+0), 0, Eof);
// same as above but with an 'E'
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0.E+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0.E+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0.E+0), 0, Eof);
// exercise 0 with a non-zero exponent
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0.0e+1), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0.0e2), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0.0e+3), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0.0e4), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0.0e+5), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0.0e+6), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0.0E+7), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0.0E8), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0.0E+9), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0.0E10), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0.0E+11), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0.0E+12), 0, Eof);
// exercise 0 with a negative exponent
TEST (T, VALSTR ( 0.0e-1), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+0.0e-2), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-0.0e-3), 0, Eof);
// exercise formats with no digits before decimal_point
TEST (T, VALSTR ( .0e1), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR ( .0e+2), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+.0e+3), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-.0e+4), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (1.0e+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (1.0e+2), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (1.2e+3), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (1.3e-4), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (1.4e5), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (1.e+6), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (1.e-7), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (1e+8), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (1e-9), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (1e10), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+2.0e+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+2.0e+2), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+2.2e+3), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+2.3e-4), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+2.4e5), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+2.e+6), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+2.e-7), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+2e+8), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+2e-9), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (+2e10), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-3.0e+0), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-3.0e+2), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-3.2e+3), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-3.3e-4), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-3.4e5), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-3.e+6), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-3.e-7), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-3e+8), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-3e-9), 0, Eof);
TEST (T, VALSTR (-3e10), 0, Eof);
// test with grouping (thousands_sep are optional in that they either
// may or may not appear; if one appears, correct grouping is enforced)
TEST (T, F (1.0e+29), "100000000000000000000000000000", 30, 0, Eof, "\1");
// empty grouping, the first thousands_sep terminates parsing
TEST (T, F (1.0),
1, 0, Good, "\0");
TEST (T, F (1.0e+29),
59, 0, Eof, "\1");
// lwg issue 358: thousands_sep is only interpreted as such and extracted
// in the integral part of a floating point number; it is considered as
// an invalid character that terminates input once the decimal point has
// been encountered
// 0....:....1....
TEST (T, F (123456.789), "123;456.789;012", 11, 0, Good, "\3");
TEST (T, F (123456.780), "123;456.78;9012", 10, 0, Good, "\3");
TEST (T, F (123456.700), "123;456.7;89012", 9, 0, Good, "\3");
TEST (T, F (123456.000), "123;456.;789012", 8, 0, Good, "\3");
TEST (T, F (123456e+1), "123;456e+1;2345", 10, 0, Good, "\3");
TEST (T, F (123456e+2), "123;456e2;34567", 9, 0, Good, "\3");
TEST (T, F (123456e+3), "123456e3;456789", 8, 0, Good, "\3");
TEST (T, F (123456.e+2), "123;456.e+2;345", 11, 0, Good, "\3");
TEST (T, F (123456.e+3), "123;456.e3;4567", 10, 0, Good, "\3");
TEST (T, F (123456.e+4), "123456.e4;56789", 9, 0, Good, "\3");
// exercise behavior on invalid sequences disallowed by the grammar
TEST (T, F (0.0), "", 0, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), ".", 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "..", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), ".+", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), ".-", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), ".e", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), ".E", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "+", 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "+.", 2, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "++", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "+-", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "+e", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "+E", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "-", 1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "-.", 2, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "-+", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "--", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "-e", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "-E", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), ".;", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), ";.;", 0, 0, Fail);
// exercise lwg issue 338 (whitespace after sign not allowed)
TEST (T, F (0.0), "+ 1", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "- 2", 1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "3.0e+ 1", 5, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, F (0.0), "4.0e- 2", 5, 0, Fail);
// exercise the ability to parse input in locales where thousands_sep
// is the plus or minus character (e.g., on AIX, the Romanian locale,
// "RO_RO" -- see bug #609)
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = '+';
TEST (T, F ( 123e+4), "123e+4", 6, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, F ( 124e+5), "124e+5", 6, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, F (+125e+6), "+125e+6", 7, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, F (-126e+7), "-126e+7", 7, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, F (-127e-8), "-127e-8", 7, 0, Eof, "\1");
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = '-';
TEST (T, F ( 123e-4), "123e-4", 6, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, F ( 124e-5), "124e-5", 6, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, F (+125e-6), "+125e-6", 7, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, F (+126e-7), "+126e-7", 7, 0, Eof, "\1");
TEST (T, F (+127e+8), "+127e+8", 7, 0, Eof, "\1");
// restore to a saner value
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = ';';
if (test_locale) {
// verify that the global LC_NUMERIC locale setting
// has no impact on the facet (in case it uses scanf())
for (const char *name = rw_locales (LC_NUMERIC, 0); *name;
name += std::strlen (name) + 1) {
// find the first locale whose decimal_point character
// is different than in the classic C locale (i.e., than '.')
if (0 == std::setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, name))
const std::lconv* const conv = std::localeconv ();
if (!conv)
if (conv->decimal_point && '.' != *conv->decimal_point) {
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"num_get<%s, %s>::get(..., %s&) when "
cname, iname, tname, name);
TEST (T, F ( 1.2e+34), "1.2e+34", 7, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (+1.3e+33), "+1.3e+33", 8, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (-1.4e+32), "-1.4e+32", 8, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F ( 0.5e+31), ".5e+31", 6, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (+0.6e+30), "+.6e+30", 7, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, F (-0.7e+29), "-.7e+29", 7, 0, Eof);
// reset the global locale
std::setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C");
rw_warn (0, 0, 0,
"num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&) known to fail when "
"LC_NUMERIC is set to a locale where decimal_point != '.'",
cname, iname, tname);
// exercise errno
if (rw_opt_no_errno) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "errno test disabled");
else {
test_errno (ctype, cname, itype, iname, floatT ());
static void
test_flt_uflow (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_FLT
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., float&) on underflow",
cname, iname);
// exercise bahvior on underflow
float val = 0;
pmax = &val;
// on underflow, get() follows C99 requirements on strtof()
// i.e., it stores a value in the range [0, +/-FLT_MIN]
// the function does NOT set failbit on underflow (regardless
// of whether strtof() sets errno)
// If the result underflows (7.12.1), the functions return
// a value whose magnitude is no greater than the smallest
// normalized positive number in the return type; whether
// errno acquires the value ERANGE is implementation-defined.
TEST (T, (val = FLT_MIN, 0.0f), "1.111111e-9999", 14, 0, Eof);
rw_assert (!(val < 0.0), 0, __LINE__,
"correct sign after positive underflow");
TEST (T, (val = 0.0f, -FLT_MIN), "-1.111111e-9999", 15, 0, Eof);
rw_assert (!(val > 0.0), 0, __LINE__,
"correct sign after negative underflow");
if (1.234567e-39 < FLT_MIN) {
TEST (T, (val = FLT_MIN, 0.0f), "1.234567e-39", 12, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, (val = 0.0f, -FLT_MIN), "-1.234567e-39", 13, 0, Eof);
if (1.234567e-49 < FLT_MIN) {
TEST (T, (val = FLT_MIN, 0.0f), "1.234567e-49", 12, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, (val = 0.0f, -FLT_MIN), "-1.234567e-49", 13, 0, Eof);
if (1.234567e-99 < FLT_MIN) {
TEST (T, (val = FLT_MIN, 0.0f), "1.234567e-99", 12, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, (val = 0.0f, -FLT_MIN), "-1.234567e-99", 13, 0, Eof);
// exercise facet's behavior on underflow:
// parsing succeeds (fail is clear), +/-min is stored
pmax = 0; // reset before next test
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., float&) on overflow",
cname, iname);
const float inf = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity ();
// on overflow, get() follows C99 requirements on strtof()
// it sets failbit
TEST (T, inf, _RWSTD_STRSTR ( _RWSTD_DBL_MAX), -1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, -inf, _RWSTD_STRSTR (-_RWSTD_DBL_MAX), -1, 0, Eof | Fail);
if (9.876543e+39 > FLT_MAX) {
TEST (T, inf, "9.876543e+39", 12, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, -inf, "-9.876543e+39", 13, 0, Eof | Fail);
if (9.876543e+49 > FLT_MAX) {
TEST (T, inf, "9.876543e+49", 12, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, -inf, "-9.876543e+49", 13, 0, Eof | Fail);
if (9.876543e+99 > FLT_MAX) {
TEST (T, inf, "9.876543e+99", 12, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, -inf, "-9.876543e+99", 13, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, inf, "9.999999e+9999", 14, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, -inf, "-9.999999e+9999", 15, 0, Eof | Fail);
// exercise facet's behavior on overflow:
// parsing fails (fail is set) and +/-infinity is stored
TEST (T, inf, _RWSTD_STRSTR ( _RWSTD_DBL_MAX), -1, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, -inf, _RWSTD_STRSTR (-_RWSTD_DBL_MAX), -1, 0, Eof | Fail);
std::ios_base::iostate state = Fail;
// eofbit set unless LDBL_MAX ends in an 'L' or 'l'
// (it may not when it's the same as double)
if (0 == std::strpbrk (_RWSTD_STRSTR (_RWSTD_LDBL_MAX), "Ll"))
state |= Eof;
TEST (T, inf, _RWSTD_STRSTR ( _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX), -1, 0, state);
TEST (T, -inf, _RWSTD_STRSTR (-_RWSTD_LDBL_MAX), -1, 0, state);
# endif // _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX
#else // if defined (NO_GET_FLT)
#endif // NO_GET_FLT
static void
test_flt (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_FLT
const char* const tname = "float";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
PunctData::thousands_sep_ = ';';
# if !defined (_RWSTD_NO_STRTOF) || !defined (_RWSTD_NO_STRTOF_IN_LIBC) \
|| !defined (_RWSTD_NO_STRTOD) || !defined (_RWSTD_NO_STRTOD_IN_LIBC)
const bool test_locale = true;
# else
const bool test_locale = false;
# endif // _RWSTD_NO_STRTO{D,F}(_IN_LIBC)
test_floating_point (ctype, cname, itype, iname, float (), test_locale);
const char *str = _RWSTD_STRSTR (FLT_MAX);
// some platforms, e.g., HP-UX, #define FLT_MAX (float)3.40282347e+38F
// guard against such definitions
if (*str >= '0' && *str <= '9') {
// FLT_MAX is something like "3.40282347e+38F" (note the 'F'
// at the end) so parsing stops before the end is reached,
// i.e., Eof is not set
TEST (T, -FLT_MAX, _RWSTD_STRSTR (-FLT_MAX), -1, 0, Good);
else {
if (rw_opt_no_uflow) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "underflow test disabled");
else {
test_flt_uflow (ctype, cname, itype, iname);
#else // if defined (NO_GET_FLT)
#endif // NO_GET_FLT
void test_dbl_uflow (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_DBL
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., double&) on underflow",
cname, iname);
// exercise bahvior on underflow
double val = DBL_MIN;
pmax = &val;
// on underflow, get() follows C99 requirements on strtod()
// i.e., it stores a value in the range [0, +/-DBL_MIN]
// the function does NOT set failbit on underflow (regardless
// of whether strtod() sets errno)
// If the result underflows (7.12.1), the functions return
// a value whose magnitude is no greater than the smallest
// normalized positive number in the return type; whether
// errno acquires the value ERANGE is implementation-defined.
TEST (T, (val = DBL_MIN, 0.0), "1.111111e-9999", 14, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, (val = 0.0, -DBL_MIN), "-1.111111e-9999", 15, 0, Eof);
if (1.23456789e-309L < DBL_MIN) {
TEST (T, (val = DBL_MIN, 0.0), "1.23456789e-309", 15, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, (val = 0.0, -DBL_MIN), "-1.23456789e-309", 16, 0, Eof);
if (1.234567e-409L < DBL_MIN) {
TEST (T, (val = DBL_MIN, 0.0), "1.23456789e-409", 15, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, (val = 0.0, -DBL_MIN), "-1.23456789e-409", 16, 0, Eof);
if (1.234567e-999L < DBL_MIN) {
TEST (T, (val = DBL_MIN, 0.0), "1.23456789e-999", 15, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, (val = 0.0, -DBL_MIN), "-1.23456789e-999", 16, 0, Eof);
pmax = 0; // reset before next test
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., double&) on overflow",
cname, iname);
const double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity ();
// exercise bahvior on overflow
TEST (T, inf, _RWSTD_STRSTR ( _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX), -1, 0, Fail);
TEST (T, -inf, _RWSTD_STRSTR (-_RWSTD_LDBL_MAX), -1, 0, Fail);
// long double may have the same range and precision as double
TEST (T, inf, "9.999999e+9999", 14, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, -inf, "-9.999999e+9999", 15, 0, Eof | Fail);
# endif // _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX
#else // if defined (NO_GET_DBL)
#endif // NO_GET_DBL
static void
test_dbl (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_DBL
//, p2 -- floating point grammar:
// fltval ::= [sign] units [decimal-point [digits]] [e [sign] digits]
// | [sign] decimal-point digits [e [sign] digits]
// sign ::= '+' | '-'
// units ::= digits [thousands-sep units]
// digits ::= digit [digits]
// digit ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
// e ::= 'e' | 'E'
const char* const tname = "double";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
# if !defined (_RWSTD_NO_STRTOD) || !defined (_RWSTD_NO_STRTOD_IN_LIBC)
const bool test_locale = true;
# else
const bool test_locale = false;
test_floating_point (ctype, cname, itype, iname, double (), test_locale);
if (rw_opt_no_uflow) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "underflow test disabled");
else {
test_dbl_uflow (ctype, cname, itype, iname);
#else // if defined (NO_GET_DBL)
#endif // NO_GET_DBL
static void
test_ldbl_uflow (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_LDBL
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., long double&) on underflow",
cname, iname);
// exercise bahvior on underflow
long double val = LDBL_MIN;
pmax = &val;
// on underflow, get() follows C99 requirements on strtold()
// i.e., it stores a value in the range [0, +/-LDBL__MIN]
// the function does NOT set failbit on underflow (regardless
// of whether strtold() sets errno)
// If the result underflows (7.12.1), the functions return
// a value whose magnitude is no greater than the smallest
// normalized positive number in the return type; whether
// errno acquires the value ERANGE is implementation-defined.
TEST (T, (val = LDBL_MIN, 0.0L), "1.987654321e-99999", 18, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, (val = 0.0L, -LDBL_MIN), "-1.987654321e-99999", 19, 0, Eof);
const char fmt[] = "%Lg";
long double ld = 0.0;
if (1 == std::sscanf ("3.456789e-4932", fmt, &ld) && ld < LDBL_MIN) {
TEST (T, (val = LDBL_MIN, 0.0L), "3.456789e-4932", 14, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, (val = 0.0L, -LDBL_MIN), "-3.456789e-4932", 15, 0, Eof);
if (1 == std::sscanf ("3.456789e-9999", fmt, &ld) && ld < LDBL_MIN) {
TEST (T, (val = LDBL_MIN, 0.0L), "3.456789e-9999", 14, 0, Eof);
TEST (T, (val = 0.0L, -LDBL_MIN), "-3.456789e-9999", 15, 0, Eof);
pmax = 0; // reset before next test
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., long double&) on overflow",
cname, iname);
const double inf = std::numeric_limits<long double>::infinity ();
TEST (T, inf, "9.999999e+9876543210", 20, 0, Eof | Fail);
TEST (T, -inf, "-9.999999e+9876543210", 21, 0, Eof | Fail);
# endif // _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX
#else // if defined (NO_GET_LDBL)
#endif // NO_GET_LDBL
static void
test_ldbl (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#ifndef NO_GET_LDBL
const char* const tname = "long double";
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::num_get<%s, %s>::get (..., %s&)",
cname, iname, tname);
# if !defined (_RWSTD_NO_STRTOLD) || !defined (_RWSTD_NO_STRTOLD_IN_LIBC)
const bool test_locale = true;
# else
const bool test_locale = false;
test_floating_point (ctype, cname, itype, iname, 0.0L, test_locale);
long double long_val;
char long_str [_RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP + 2];
std::memset (long_str, '0', sizeof long_str);
long_str [sizeof long_str - 1] = '\0';
// parse a string of LDBL_MAX_10_EXP + 1 zeros
TEST (T, 0.0L, long_str, sizeof long_str - 1, 0, Eof);
const char *start;
# if _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP >= 38
// parse "10...<repeats 37 times>" (i.e., 1 followed by 38 zeros)
start = &(long_str [sizeof long_str - 40] = '1');
TEST (T, 1.0e+38L, start, 39, 0, Eof);
// parse the same as above but preceded by a bunch of zeros
TEST (T, 1.0e+38L, long_str, sizeof long_str - 1, 0, Eof);
long_str [sizeof long_str - 40] = '0';
# endif // _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP > 129
# if _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP >= 128
// parse "10...<repeats 127 times>" (i.e., 1 followed by 128 zeros)
start = &(long_str [sizeof long_str - 130] = '1');
TEST (T, 1.0e+128L, start, 129, 0, Eof);
// parse the same as above but preceded by a bunch of zeros
TEST (T, 1.0e+128L, long_str, sizeof long_str - 1, 0, Eof);
long_str [sizeof long_str - 130] = '0';
# endif // _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP > 129
# if _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP >= 308
// parse "10...<repeats 307 times>" (i.e., 1 followed by 308 zeros)
start = &(long_str [sizeof long_str - 310] = '1');
TEST (T, 1.0e+308L, start, 309, 0, Eof);
// parse the same as above but preceded by a bunch of zeros
TEST (T, 1.0e+308L, long_str, sizeof long_str - 1, 0, Eof);
long_str [sizeof long_str - 310] = '0';
# endif // _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP > 308
# undef CAT
# undef CONCAT
# define CAT(a, b) CONCAT (a, b)
# define CONCAT(a, b) a ## b
// parse "10..." (i.e., 1 followed by LDBL_MAX_10_EXP zeros)
long_str [0] = '1';
long_val = CAT (CAT (1.0e+, _RWSTD_LDBL_MAX_10_EXP), L);
TEST (T, long_val, long_str, sizeof long_str - 1, 0, Eof);
if (rw_opt_no_uflow) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "underflow test disabled");
else {
test_ldbl_uflow (ctype, cname, itype, iname);
#else // if defined (NO_GET_LDBL)
#endif // NO_GET_LDBL
static void
run_tests (CharType ctype, const char *cname,
IterType itype, const char *iname)
#undef TEST
#define TEST(T, tname) \
if (rw_enabled (tname)) \
test_ ## T (ctype, cname, itype, iname); \
else \
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "%s test disabled", tname)
#ifndef _RWSTD_NO_BOOL
TEST (bool, "bool");
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_BOOL
TEST (shrt, "short");
TEST (int, "int");
TEST (long, "long");
TEST (ulong, "unsigned long");
TEST (llong, "long long");
TEST (ullong, "unsigned long long");
TEST (pvoid, "void*");
TEST (flt, "float");
TEST (dbl, "double");
TEST (ldbl, "long double");
static void
run_tests (IterType itype)
RW_ASSERT (0 <= itype && itype < 3);
if (rw_enabled ("char")) {
static const char* const inames[] = {
"char*", "istreambuf_iterator<char>", "InputIter<char>"
run_tests (narrow_char, "char", itype, inames [itype]);
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "char test disabled");
if (rw_enabled ("wchar_t")) {
static const char* const inames[] = {
"wchar_t*", "istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t>", "InputIter<wchar_t>"
run_tests (wide_char, "wchar_t", itype, inames [itype]);
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "wchar_t test disabled");
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T)
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"wchar_t test disabled: _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T #defined");
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
#if 0 // disabled
if (rw_enabled ("UserChar")) {
static const char* const inames[] = {
"UserChar*", "istreambuf_iterator<UserChar>", "InputIter<UserChar>"
run_tests (narrow_char, "UserChar", itype, inames [itype]);
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "UserChar test disabled");
#endif // disabled
static int
run_test (int, char*[])
run_tests (iter_pointer);
run_tests (iter_istreambuf);
run_tests (iter_input);
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */, run_test,
"|-no-errno# "
"|-no-grouping# "
"|-no-widen# "