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* icecream.cpp - Priority queue example program.
* $Id: //stdlib/dev/examples/stdlib/tutorial/icecream.cpp#16 $
* Copyright (c) 1994-2005 Quovadx, Inc., acting through its Rogue Wave
* Software division. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by
* applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
#include <algorithm> // for random_shuffle()
#include <iostream> // for cout
#include <queue> // for queue
#include <vector> // for vector
#include <examples.h>
// Execution event in a descrete event driven simulation.
class event {
// Construct sets time of event.
event (unsigned int t) : time (t)
{ }
// Execute event my invoking this method.
virtual void processEvent () = 0;
bool operator> ( const event* evt_ ) {
return time > evt_->time;
const unsigned int time;
typedef std::greater<event*> eventComparator;
// Framework for discrete event-driven simulations.
class simulation {
simulation () : time (0), eventQueue ()
void run ();
void scheduleEvent (event * newEvent) {
eventQueue.push (newEvent);
unsigned int time;
std::vector<event *, std::allocator<event*> >,
eventComparator > eventQueue;
void simulation::run () {
while (! eventQueue.empty ()) {
event * nextEvent = ();
eventQueue.pop ();
time = nextEvent->time;
nextEvent->processEvent ();
delete nextEvent;
// Ice cream store simulation.
class storeSimulation : public simulation {
storeSimulation () : simulation (), freeChairs (35), profit (0.0)
{ }
bool canSeat (unsigned int numberOfPeople);
void order (unsigned int numberOfScoops);
void leave (unsigned int numberOfPeople);
// Data fields.
unsigned int freeChairs;
double profit;
} theSimulation;
class arriveEvent : public event {
arriveEvent (unsigned int t, unsigned int groupSize)
: event (t), size (groupSize)
{ }
virtual void processEvent ();
unsigned int size;
class orderEvent : public event {
orderEvent (unsigned int t, unsigned int groupSize)
: event (t), size (groupSize)
{ }
virtual void processEvent ();
unsigned int size;
class leaveEvent : public event
leaveEvent (unsigned int t, unsigned int groupSize)
: event (t), size (groupSize)
{ }
virtual void processEvent ();
unsigned int size;
// returns a random integer between 0 and n with n <= 32767 <= INT_MAX
int irand (int n)
static int seq[] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf
std::random_shuffle (seq, seq + sizeof seq / sizeof *seq);
const int rnd = (seq [0] << 11) | (seq [1] << 8) | (seq [2] << 4) + seq [3];
return rnd % n;
void arriveEvent::processEvent () {
if (theSimulation.canSeat (size))
(new orderEvent (time + 1 + irand (4), size));
void orderEvent::processEvent () {
// Each person orders some number of scoops.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
theSimulation.order (1 + irand (4));
// Then we schedule the leave event.
(new leaveEvent (time + 1 + irand (10), size));
void leaveEvent::processEvent () {
theSimulation.leave (size);
// If sufficient room then seat customers.
bool storeSimulation::canSeat (unsigned int numberOfPeople) {
std::cout << "Time: " << time;
std::cout << " group of " << numberOfPeople << " customers arrives";
if (numberOfPeople < freeChairs) {
std::cout << " is seated\n";
freeChairs -= numberOfPeople;
return true;
else {
std::cout << " no room, they leave\n";
return false;
// Service icecream, compute profits.
void storeSimulation::order (unsigned int numberOfScoops) {
std::cout << "Time: " << time << " serviced order for "
<< numberOfScoops << '\n';
profit += 0.35 * numberOfScoops;
// People leave, free up chairs.
void storeSimulation::leave (unsigned int numberOfPeople) {
std::cout << "Time: " << time << " group of size "
<< numberOfPeople << " leaves\n";
freeChairs += numberOfPeople;
int main () {
std::cout << "Ice Cream Store simulation from Chapter 9\n";
// Load queue with some number of initial events.
for (unsigned t = 0; t < 20; t += irand (6)) {
std::cout << "pumping queue with event " << t << '\n';
theSimulation.scheduleEvent (new arriveEvent (t, 1 + irand (4)));
// Run the simulation. ();
std::cout << "Total profits " << theSimulation.profit
<< "\nEnd of ice cream store simulation\n";
return 0;