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* 20.tuple.cnstr.cpp - tests exercising tuple constructors and operators
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2008 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
#include <rw_driver.h>
// compile out all test code if extensions disabled
#if !defined (_RWSTD_NO_EXT_CXX_0X) \
#include <climits> // for CHAR_MAX
#include <cstdlib> // for rand
#include <cstring> // for strcmp
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits> // for decay
#include <rw_valcmp.h> // for rw_fltcmp
#include <rw_allocator.h> // for UserAlloc
#include "20.tuple.h"
// general test function and underlying abstractions
template <class T, class U = T>
bool equal (const T& x, const U& y)
return x == y;
template <>
bool equal (const float& x, const float& y)
return 0 == rw_fltcmp (x, y);
template <>
bool equal (const char* const& x, const char* const& y)
return 0 == std::strcmp (x, y);
template <class T, class U>
void assert (int line, unsigned index, const char* tuple_name,
const T& t, const U& u)
const char* fmtT = FMT_SPEC (T);
const char* fmtU = FMT_SPEC (U);
rw_assert (equal (t, u), __FILE__, line,
"get<%d, %s> (); got %{@}, expected %{@}",
index, tuple_name, fmtT, t, fmtU, u);
void assert (int line, unsigned index, const char* tuple_name,
const UserDefined& t, const UserDefined& u)
rw_assert (equal (t, u), __FILE__, line,
"get<%d, %s> (); got %p [%d], expected %p [%d]",
index, tuple_name, &t, t.value (), &u, u.value ());
UserDefined::size_type a, e;
#undef CHECK
#define CHECK(N) \
a = UserDefined::actual.N; e = UserDefined::expect.N; \
rw_assert (a == e, __FILE__, line, \
"UserDefined::" #N "; got %u, expected %u", a, e)
CHECK (dflt_ctor);
CHECK (copy_ctor);
CHECK (tmpl_ctor);
CHECK (move_ctor);
CHECK (copy_asgn);
CHECK (tmpl_asgn);
CHECK (move_asgn);
template <class T, class U>
void assert (int line, unsigned index, const char* tuple_name,
const std::tuple<T>& t, const std::tuple<U>& u)
const char* fmtT = FMT_SPEC (T);
const char* fmtU = FMT_SPEC (U);
rw_assert (equal (t, u), __FILE__, line,
"get<%d, %s> (); got %{@}, expected %{@}",
index, tuple_name,
fmtT, std::get<0> (t), fmtU, std::get<0> (u));
template <unsigned Index, class Tuple, class... Elements>
/*static*/ void
test_impl (int line, const Tuple& tuple, const Elements&... values);
// terminating specialization
template <unsigned Index, class Tuple>
/*static*/ void
test_impl (int, const Tuple&) {}
// generic definition
template <unsigned Index, class Tuple, class Element, class... Elements>
/*static*/ void
test_impl (int line, const Tuple& tuple,
const Element& value, const Elements&... values)
// assume std::get() has been fully tested and works correctly
assert (line, Index, TYPE_NAME (Tuple),
std::get<Index> (tuple), value);
test_impl<Index+1> (line, tuple, values...);
template <class Tuple, class... Elements>
/*static*/ void
test (int line, const Tuple& tuple, const Elements&... values)
test_impl<0> (line, tuple, values...);
static void
test_default_ctor ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "default constructor");
std::tuple<> et; _RWSTD_UNUSED (et);
// TODO: enable this test after implementing empty space optimization
//rw_assert (sizeof (et) == 0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
//"sizeof (std::tuple<>); got %u, expected 0",
//sizeof (et));
std::tuple<int> it; _RWSTD_UNUSED (it);
std::tuple<const int> ct; _RWSTD_UNUSED (ct);
// ill-formed for tuples with element types containing references
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt; _RWSTD_UNUSED (pt);
std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt; _RWSTD_UNUSED (nt);
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined> bt;
UserDefined::reset ();
std::tuple<UserDefined> ut; _RWSTD_UNUSED (ut);
rw_assert (1 == UserDefined::actual.dflt_ctor, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::tuple<UserDefined> ut; called %d default ctors, "
"expected 1", UserDefined::actual.dflt_ctor);
static void
test_value_copy_ctor ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "value copy constructor");
const int i = std::rand ();
std::tuple<int> it1 (i);
test (__LINE__, it1, i);
const std::tuple<int> it2 (i);
test (__LINE__, it2, i);
std::tuple<const int> ct (i);
test (__LINE__, ct, i);
int j = std::rand ();
const std::tuple<int&> rt (j);
test (__LINE__, rt, j);
std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt (it2);
//std::get<0> (it2) = std::rand (); // diliberately cause assertion
test (__LINE__, nt, it2);
const long l = std::rand ();
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt (l, "string");
test (__LINE__, pt, l, (const char*) "string");
const UserDefined ud (i);
UserDefined::reset ();
std::tuple<UserDefined> ut (ud);
UserDefined::expect.copy_ctor = 1;
test (__LINE__, ut, ud);
const bool b = true; const char c = 'a';
const double d = 3.14159; void* const p = (void*) &i;
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
bt (b, c, i, d, p, ud);
test (__LINE__, bt, b, c, i, d, p, ud);
static void
test_value_move_ctor ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "value move constructor");
std::tuple<int> it1 (INTEGER_CONSTANT);
test (__LINE__, it1, INTEGER_CONSTANT);
const int c = std::rand ();
int i = c; // move semantics can alter source value
std::tuple<int> it2 (i); // temporary source value
test (__LINE__, it2, c);
const std::tuple<int> it3 (INTEGER_CONSTANT);
test (__LINE__, it3, INTEGER_CONSTANT);
i = c;
const std::tuple<int> it4 (i);
test (__LINE__, it4, c);
std::tuple<const int> ct1 (INTEGER_CONSTANT);
test (__LINE__, ct1, INTEGER_CONSTANT);
i = c;
std::tuple<const int> ct2 (i);
test (__LINE__, ct2, c);
// ill-formed for tuples with element types containing references
std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt (it1);
test (__LINE__, nt, it1);
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt (123456789L, "string");
test (__LINE__, pt, 123456789L, (const char*) "string");
const UserDefined src (c);
UserDefined tmp (src);
UserDefined::reset ();
std::tuple<UserDefined> ut (tmp);
UserDefined::expect.move_ctor = 1;
test (__LINE__, ut, src);
tmp = src; ++UserDefined::expect.copy_asgn;
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
bt (true, 'a', INTEGER_CONSTANT, 3.14159, (void*) 0, tmp);
test (__LINE__, bt,
true, 'a', INTEGER_CONSTANT, 3.14159, (void*) 0, src);
static void
test_homo_copy_ctor ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"copy constructor (homogenous tuples)");
std::tuple<> et1, et2 (et1);
const int ci = std::rand ();
const std::tuple<int> it1 (ci);
std::tuple<int> it2 (it1);
test (__LINE__, it2, ci);
const std::tuple<const int>& ct1 = it1; // same as copy ctor
std::tuple<const int> ct2 (ct1);
test (__LINE__, ct2, ci);
int i = ci;
const std::tuple<int&> rt1 (i);
std::tuple<int&> rt2 (rt1);
test (__LINE__, rt2, ci);
const std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt1 (it1);
std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt2 (nt1);
test (__LINE__, nt2, it1);
const std::tuple<long, const char*> pt1 (1234567890L, "string");
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt2 (pt1);
test (__LINE__, pt2, 1234567890L, (const char*) "string");
UserDefined ud (ci);
const std::tuple<UserDefined> ut1 (ud);
UserDefined::reset ();
std::tuple<UserDefined> ut2 (ut1);
test (__LINE__, ut2, ud);
const std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
bt1 (true, 'a', ci, 3.14159, (void* const) &i, ud);
++UserDefined::expect.move_ctor; // moved ud to bt1
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined> bt2 (bt1);
++UserDefined::expect.copy_ctor; // copied to bt2
test (__LINE__, bt2, true, 'a', ci, 3.14159, (void* const) &i, ud);
static void
test_homo_move_ctor ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"move constructor (homogenous tuples)");
std::tuple<> et (std::tuple<> ()); _RWSTD_UNUSED (et);
const int ci = std::rand ();
std::tuple<int> it1 (ci);
std::tuple<int> it2 (std::move (it1));
test (__LINE__, it2, ci);
std::tuple<const int> ct1 (ci);
std::tuple<const int> ct2 = std::move (ct1);
test (__LINE__, ct2, ci);
std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt1 (it1);
std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt2 = std::move (nt1);
test (__LINE__, nt2, it1);
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt1 (1234567890L, "string");
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt2 (std::move (pt1));
test (__LINE__, pt2, 1234567890L, (const char*) "string");
const UserDefined ud (ci);
std::tuple<UserDefined> ut1 (ud);
UserDefined::reset ();
std::tuple<UserDefined> ut2 (std::move (ut1));
test (__LINE__, ut2, ud);
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
bt1 (true, 'a', ci, 3.14159, (void*) &ci, ud);
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
bt2 (std::move (bt1));
test (__LINE__, bt2, true, 'a', ci, 3.14159, (void*) &ci, ud);
static void
test_homo_copy_assign ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"copy assignment operator (homogenous tuples)");
const std::tuple<> et1 = std::tuple<> ();
std::tuple<> et2;
et2 = et1;
int i = std::rand ();
const std::tuple<int> it1 (i);
std::tuple<int> it2;
it2 = it1;
test (__LINE__, it2, i);
// copy assignment ill-formed for constant element types
const std::tuple<int&> rt1 (i);
int j = -1; // outside range of rand()
std::tuple<int&> rt2 (j); // note, different reference
rt2 = rt1;
test (__LINE__, rt2, i);
std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt1 (it1);
std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt2;
nt2 = nt1;
test (__LINE__, nt2, it1);
const std::tuple<long, const char*> pt1 (long (i), "string");
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt2;
pt2 = pt1;
test (__LINE__, pt2, long (i), (const char*) "string");
const UserDefined ud (i);
const std::tuple<UserDefined> ut1 (ud);
std::tuple<UserDefined> ut2;
UserDefined::reset ();
ut2 = ut1; ++UserDefined::expect.copy_asgn;
test (__LINE__, ut2, ud);
const std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
bt1 (true, 'a', i, 3.14159, (void* const) &i, ud);
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined> bt2;
bt2 = bt1; ++UserDefined::expect.copy_asgn;
test (__LINE__, bt2, true, 'a', i, 3.14159, (void* const) &i, ud);
static void
test_homo_move_assign ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"move assignment operator (homogenous tuples)");
std::tuple<> et1, et2;
et2 = std::move (et1);
int i = std::rand ();
std::tuple<int> it1 (i);
std::tuple<int> it2;
it2 = std::move (it1);
test (__LINE__, it2, i);
// move assignment ill-formed for constant element types
std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt1 (it2);
std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt2;
nt2 = std::move (nt1);
test (__LINE__, nt2, it2);
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt1 (1234567890L, "string");
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt2;
pt2 = std::move (pt1);
test (__LINE__, pt2, 1234567890L, (const char*) "string");
const UserDefined ud (i);
std::tuple<UserDefined> ut1 (ud);
std::tuple<UserDefined> ut2;
UserDefined::reset ();
ut2 = std::move (ut1); ++UserDefined::expect.move_asgn;
test (__LINE__, ut2, ud);
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
bt1 (true, 'a', i, 3.14159, (void* const) &i, ud);
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined> bt2;
UserDefined::reset ();
bt2 = std::move (bt1); ++UserDefined::expect.move_asgn;
test (__LINE__, bt2, true, 'a', i, 3.14159, (void* const) &i, ud);
// heterogenous tests do not apply to empty tuples so no tests required
#include <string>
// need a string class with implicit conversion to type `const char*'
struct String: public std::string
String (): std::string () {}
String (const char* s): std::string (s) {}
operator const char* () const { return this->data (); }
static void
test_hetero_copy_ctor ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"copy constructor (heterogenous tuples)");
int i = std::rand () % CHAR_MAX;
const std::tuple<char> cit (static_cast<char> (i));
std::tuple<int> it (cit);
test (__LINE__, it, i);
std::tuple<unsigned, String> cpt (12345U, "string");
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt (cpt);
test (__LINE__, pt, 12345U, (const char*) "string");
char s [] = "string"; const UserDefined ud (i);
const std::tuple<int, int, short, float, char*, UserDefined>
cbt (int (true), int ('a'), short (i), 3.14159f, s, ud);
UserDefined::reset ();
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined> bt (cbt);
test (__LINE__, bt, true, 'a', i, 3.14159f, s, ud);
static void
test_hetero_move_ctor ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"move constructor (heterogenous tuples)");
int i = std::rand () % CHAR_MAX;
std::tuple<char> cit (static_cast<char> (i));
std::tuple<int> it (std::move (cit));
test (__LINE__, it, i);
std::tuple<unsigned, String> cpt (12345U, "string");
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt (std::move (cpt));
test (__LINE__, pt, 12345U, (const char*) "string");
char s [] = "string"; const UserDefined ud (i);
std::tuple<int, int, short, float, char*, UserDefined>
cbt (int (true), int ('a'), short (i), 3.14159f, s, ud);
UserDefined::reset ();
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
bt (std::move (cbt));
test (__LINE__, bt, true, 'a', i, 3.14159f, s, ud);
static void
test_hetero_copy_assign ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"copy assignment operator (heterogenous tuples)");
int i = std::rand () % CHAR_MAX;
std::tuple<char> cit (static_cast<char> (i));
std::tuple<int> it;
it = cit;
test (__LINE__, it, i);
std::tuple<unsigned, String> cpt (12345U, "string");
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt;
pt = cpt;
test (__LINE__, pt, 12345U, (const char*) "string");
char s [] = "string"; const UserDefined ud (i);
std::tuple<int, int, short, float, char*, UserDefined>
cbt (int (true), int ('a'), short (i), 3.14159f, s, ud);
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined> bt;
UserDefined::reset ();
bt = cbt; ++UserDefined::expect.copy_asgn;
test (__LINE__, bt, true, 'a', i, 3.14159f, s, ud);
static void
test_hetero_move_assign ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"move assignment operator (heterogenous tuples)");
int i = std::rand () % CHAR_MAX;
std::tuple<char> cit (i);
std::tuple<int> it;
it = std::move (cit);
test (__LINE__, it, i);
std::tuple<unsigned, String> cpt (12345U, "string");
std::tuple<long, const char*> pt;
pt = std::move (cpt);
test (__LINE__, pt, 12345U, (const char*) "string");
char s [] = "string"; const UserDefined ud (i);
std::tuple<int, int, short, float, char*, UserDefined>
cbt (int (true), int ('a'), short (i), 3.14159f, s, ud);
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined> bt;
UserDefined::reset ();
bt = std::move (cbt); ++UserDefined::expect.move_asgn;
test (__LINE__, bt, true, 'a', i, 3.14159f, s, ud);
static void
test_alloc_ctors ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"user-defined allocator constructors");
static int
run_test (int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/ [])
test_default_ctor ();
test_value_copy_ctor ();
test_value_move_ctor ();
test_homo_copy_ctor ();
test_homo_move_ctor ();
test_homo_copy_assign ();
test_homo_move_assign ();
test_hetero_copy_ctor ();
test_hetero_move_ctor ();
test_hetero_copy_assign ();
test_hetero_move_assign ();
test_alloc_ctors ();
return 0;
static int
run_test (int, char*[])
#if defined (_RWSTD_NO_EXT_CXX_OX)
rw_warn (0, 0, __LINE__,
"test disabled because _RWSTD_NO_EXT_CXX_0X is defined");
rw_warn (0, 0, __LINE__,
"test disabled because _RWSTD_NO_RVALUE_REFERENCES is "
return 0;
/*extern*/ int
main (int argc, char* argv [])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
"[tuple.cnstr]", " Construction",
run_test, "", 0);