blob: a50808757dafce75f2c4f48a571bf7e98d11860b [file] [log] [blame]
* use_facet.h
* This is an internal header file used to implement the C++ Standard
* Library. It should never be #included directly by a program.
* $Id: //stdlib/dev/source/stdlib/use_facet.h#11 $
* Copyright (c) 1994-2005 Quovadx, Inc., acting through its Rogue Wave
* Software division. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by
* applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
#include <new>
#include <rw/_defs.h>
#include "access.h"
// definition for facets that come in both forms, plain and _byname
# define _RWSTD_DEFINE_FACET_FACTORY(Linkage, Facet, TArgs, fid) \
typedef _STD:: Facet TArgs __rw_ ## fid ## _facet; \
{ \
Linkage __rw_facet* \
__rw_ct_ ## fid (_RWSTD_SIZE_T ref, const char *name) \
{ \
__rw_facet* pfacet; \
if (name) { \
pfacet = new _STD:: Facet ## _byname TArgs (name, ref); \
} \
else { \
static union { \
void *align_; \
char data_ [sizeof (__rw_ ## fid ## _facet)]; \
} f; \
static __rw_facet* const pf = \
new (&f) __rw_ ## fid ## _facet (ref); \
pfacet = pf; \
} \
/* set the pointer to the facet id */ \
__rw_access::_C_get_pid (*pfacet) = \
&(__rw_access::_C_get_id (__rw_ ## fid ## _facet::id)); \
return pfacet; \
} \
} /* namespace __rw */ \
typedef void __rw_unused_type
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_BYNAME_FACET)
// definition for facets such as num_get that do not have a _byname form
# define _RWSTD_DEFINE_FACET_FACTORY(Linkage, Facet, TArgs, fid) \
typedef _STD:: Facet TArgs __rw_ ## fid ## _facet; \
{ \
Linkage __rw_facet* \
__rw_ct_ ## fid (_RWSTD_SIZE_T ref, const char*) \
{ \
static union { \
void *align_; \
char data_ [sizeof (__rw_ ## fid ## _facet)]; \
} f; \
static __rw_facet *pf = \
new (&f) __rw_ ## fid ## _facet (ref); \
/* set the pointer to the facet id */ \
__rw_access::_C_get_pid (*pf) = \
&(__rw_access::_C_get_id (__rw_ ## fid ## _facet::id)); \
return pf; \
} \
} /* namespace __rw */ \
typedef void __rw_unused_type
// provide definitions of explicit specializations of static
// template data members to guarantee a single instance of
// each in a program when the compiler or linker don't
// (e.g., VisualAge C++ on AIX)
# define _RWSTD_SPECIALIZE_FACET_ID(Facet, TArgs) \
_RW::__rw_facet_id Facet TArgs:: \
id (_RW::__rw_facet_id::_C_Init); \
} \
typedef void __rw_unused_type
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_SPECIALIZED_FACET_ID)
// facet id's will not be explicitly specialized
# define _RWSTD_SPECIALIZE_FACET_ID(ignore1, ignore2) \
typedef void __rw_unused_type
const __rw_facet* \
__rw_get_facet_by_id \
(const _V3_LOCALE::locale &__loc, \
const __rw_facet_id&, \
const __rw_ ## fid ## _facet*) { \
return __rw_get_std_facet (__loc, __rw_facet::_C_ ## fid, \
__rw_ct_ ## fid); \
} \
} \
typedef void __rw_unused_type