blob: ad59dde6bd2e75651946d33e937f67580d66666e [file] [log] [blame]
* - istream definitions
* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 1994-2005 Quovadx, Inc., acting through its Rogue Wave
* Software division. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by
* applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
* the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
template <class _CharT, class _Traits, class _NativeType>
_STD::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
__rw_extract (_STD::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> &__strm,
_NativeType &__val)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __strm.rdbuf ());
typedef _STD::istreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> _Iter;
typedef _STD::num_get<_CharT, _Iter> _NumGet;
_STD::ios_base::iostate __err = _STD::ios_base::goodbit;
// eat leading whitespace
const _TYPENAME _STD::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry
__ipfx (__strm /* , noskipws = false */);
if (__ipfx) {
_TRY {
_STD_USE_FACET (_NumGet, __strm.getloc ())
.get (_Iter (__strm), _Iter (), __strm, __err, __val);
_CATCH (...) {
__strm.setstate (__strm.badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
if (_STD::ios_base::goodbit != __err)
__strm.setstate (__err);
return __strm;
} // namespace __rw
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
_C_ipfx (bool __noskipws, ios_base::iostate __errbits)
// extension - zero out irrespective of state so that gcount()
// called after any failed extraction (even formatted) reports 0
// and always count _all_ extracted characters
_C_gcount = 0;
if (ios_base::goodbit == this->rdstate ()) {
if (this->tie ())
this->tie ()->flush ();
if ( ios_base::eofbit == __errbits // passed by std::ws
|| !__noskipws && this->flags () & ios_base::skipws) {
// skip over leading whitespace
basic_streambuf<char_type, traits_type>* const __rdbuf =
this->rdbuf ();
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __rdbuf);
const ctype<char_type> &__ctp =
_USE_FACET (ctype<char_type>, this->getloc ());
for ( ; ; ) {
const char_type* const __gptr = __rdbuf->gptr ();
const char_type* const __egptr = __rdbuf->egptr ();
if (__gptr < __egptr) {
// scan the sequence for the first non-whitespace char
const streamsize __nskip =
__ctp.scan_not (, __gptr, __egptr)
- __gptr;
_C_gcount += __nskip;
__rdbuf->gbump (__nskip);
if (__nskip < __egptr - __gptr)
else {
const int_type __c = __rdbuf->sgetc ();
if (traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, traits_type::eof ())) {
this->setstate (__errbits);
if (! (,
traits_type::to_char_type (__c)))
__rdbuf->sbumpc ();
// increment gcount only _after_ sbumpc() but _before_
// the subsequent call to sgetc() to correctly reflect
// the number of extracted characters in the presence
// of exceptions thrown from streambuf virtuals
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_OPTIMIZE_SPEED)
// increment gcount only _after_ sbumpc() but _before_
// the subsequent call to sgetc() to correctly reflect
// the number of extracted characters in the presence
// of exceptions thrown from streambuf virtuals
for (; ; __rdbuf->sbumpc (), ++_C_gcount) {
const int_type __c = __rdbuf->sgetc ();
if (traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, traits_type::eof ())) {
this->setstate (__errbits);
if (! (, traits_type::to_char_type (__c)))
else if (!__noskipws)
this->setstate (ios_base::failbit);
return *this;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
_TYPENAME basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::int_type
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
_C_unsafe_get (streamsize *__cnt /* = 0 */,
int_type __delim /* = eof() */,
int __flags /* = 0 */)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != this->rdbuf ());
ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit;
// initialize in case sgetc() below throws
int_type __c = traits_type::eof ();
_TRY {
// get next char without extracting
__c = this->rdbuf ()->sgetc ();
// extract delimiter or eos only if asked to
// extract whitespace only if it doesn't terminate input
if (traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, traits_type::eof ()))
__err = ios_base::eofbit
| (__flags & _C_faileof ? this->failbit : this->goodbit);
else if ( ( _C_eatdelim & __flags
|| !traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, __delim))
&& ( _C_eatnull & __flags
|| !traits_type::eq (traits_type::to_char_type (__c),
char_type ()))
&& ( !(_C_wsterm & __flags)
|| !_USE_FACET (ctype<char_type>, this->getloc ())
.is (ctype_base::space,
traits_type::to_char_type (__c)))) {
if (traits_type::eq_int_type (this->rdbuf ()->sbumpc (),
traits_type::eof ()))
__err = ios_base::failbit;
else if (__cnt)
++*__cnt; // increment number of extracted chars
_CATCH (...) {
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
if (__err)
this->setstate (__err);
return __c;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
_C_get (basic_streambuf<char_type, traits_type> &__sb, int_type __delim)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != this->rdbuf ());
ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit;
const sentry __ipfx (*this, true /* noskipws */);
if (__ipfx) {
_TRY {
for ( ; ; ) {
int_type __c = this->rdbuf ()->sgetc ();
if (traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, traits_type::eof ())) {
__err = ios_base::eofbit;
if (traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, __delim))
_TRY {
__c = __sb.sputc (traits_type::to_char_type (__c));
_CATCH (...) {
// indicate to the outer catch block the the
// exception rethrown from the call to setstate()
// below should be propagated without setting
// badbit (whose purpose is to indicates the
// "badness" of *this, not some other object)
__err = ios_base::failbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow;
// set failbit and rethrow if failbit is set in
// exceptions() despite, p12, bullet 4
this->setstate (__err);
if (traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, traits_type::eof ())) {
__err = ios_base::failbit;
this->rdbuf ()->sbumpc ();
_CATCH (...) {
// will rethrow if `err' is set since the caught exception
// is the one thrown during output and rethrown by setstate()
// in the nested catch block above
if (ios_base::goodbit == __err)
__err = ios_base::badbit;
this->setstate (__err | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
//, p13
if (!gcount ())
__err |= ios_base::failbit;
if (__err)
this->setstate (__err);
return *this;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
read (char_type *__s, streamsize __n, int_type __delim, int __flags)
// if __s is 0 function doesn't store characters (used by ignore)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 <= __n);
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != this->rdbuf ());
const char_type __eos = char_type ();
const bool __getline = (_C_failend | _C_nullterm)
== ((_C_failend | _C_nullterm) & __flags);
// "clear" buffer if reading a null-terminated string
// follows the proposed resolution of lwg issue 243
if (__getline)
traits_type::assign (*__s, __eos);
// read and getline are unformatted (noskipws), others are formatted
const sentry __ipfx (*this, !(_C_skipws & __flags));
//, p1 and, p1: proceed iff sentry is okay
if (__ipfx) {
// read at most n - 1 characters when null-terminating
while (__n) {
// handle, p17 and p18
if (0 == --__n && _C_nullterm & __flags) {
int_type __c;
if ( !__getline
|| !traits_type::eq_int_type (__c = this->rdbuf ()->sgetc(),
traits_type::eof ())
&& !traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, __delim))
__flags &= ~_C_failend; // prevent failbit from being set
// will break out in the check below...
// get (possibly extract) next char
const int_type __c = _C_unsafe_get (&_C_gcount, __delim, __flags);
// eof or delimiter may terminate input
if ( traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, traits_type::eof())
|| traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, __delim))
const char_type __ch = traits_type::to_char_type (__c);
// space or eos char may terminate input
if ( !(_C_eatnull & __flags) && traits_type::eq (__ch, __eos)
|| _C_wsterm & __flags
&& _USE_FACET (ctype<char_type>, this->getloc ())
.is (ctype_base::space, __ch))
// ignore input if __s is null
if (__s)
traits_type::assign (*__s++, __ch);
if (_C_nullterm & __flags && __s)
traits_type::assign (*__s, __eos);
// fail if no chars extracted or if end of buffer has been reached
if ( _C_failnoi & __flags && !gcount ()
|| _C_failend & __flags && !__n)
this->setstate (ios_base::failbit);
return *this;
//, p28
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
read (char_type *__s, streamsize __n)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 <= __n);
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != this->rdbuf ());
//, p28: sets ios_base::failbit if !this->good()
const sentry __ipfx (*this, true /* noskipws */);
//, p1 and, p1: proceed iff sentry is okay
if (__ipfx) {
streamsize __nread = 0;
_TRY {
__nread = this->rdbuf ()->sgetn (__s, __n);
if (__nread >= 0)
_C_gcount = __nread;
_CATCH (...) {
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
if (__n != __nread)
this->setstate (ios_base::eofbit | ios_base::failbit);
return *this;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
readsome (char_type *__s, streamsize __n)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __s);
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 <= __n);
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != this->rdbuf());
const sentry __ipfx (*this, true /* noskipws */);
if (__ipfx) {
streamsize __nread = 0;
_TRY {
const streamsize __in_avail = this->rdbuf ()->in_avail ();
if (!__in_avail)
return 0;
if (__n > __in_avail)
__n = __in_avail;
// the call to sgetn() below is required to return >= 0
__nread = __n >= 0 ? this->rdbuf ()->sgetn (__s, __n) : -1;
if (__nread >= 0)
_C_gcount = __nread;
_CATCH (...) {
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
if (__nread < 0) {
this->setstate (ios_base::eofbit);
__nread = 0;
return __nread;
this->setstate (ios_base::failbit);
return 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
_TYPENAME basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::pos_type
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
tellg ()
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != this->rdbuf ());
const sentry __ipfx (*this, true /* noskipws */);
if (__ipfx && !this->fail ()) {
_TRY {
return this->rdbuf ()->pubseekoff (0, ios_base::cur, ios_base::in);
_CATCH (...) {
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
return off_type (-1);
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
putback (char_type __c)
const sentry __ipfx (*this, true /* noskipws */);
if (__ipfx) {
if (this->rdbuf ()) {
_TRY {
if (!traits_type::eq_int_type (this->rdbuf ()->sputbackc (__c),
traits_type::eof ()))
return *this;
_CATCH (...) {
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit);
return *this;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
unget ()
const sentry __ipfx (*this, true /* noskipws */);
if (__ipfx) {
if (this->rdbuf ()) {
_TRY {
if (!traits_type::eq_int_type (this->rdbuf ()->sungetc (),
traits_type::eof ()))
return *this;
_CATCH (...) {
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit);
return *this;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
sync ()
const sentry __ipfx (*this, true /* noskipws */);
if (__ipfx && this->rdbuf ()) {
_TRY {
if (-1 != this->rdbuf ()->pubsync ())
return 0;
_CATCH (...) {
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit);
return -1;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
get (char_type *__s, streamsize __n, char_type __delim)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != this->rdbuf ());
if (0 < __n) {
// lwg issue 243: store the NUL character before
// constructing the sentry object in case it throws
traits_type::assign (__s [0], char_type ());
const sentry __ipfx (*this, true /* noskipws */);
ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit;
if (__ipfx) {
_TRY {
basic_streambuf<char_type, traits_type>* const __rdbuf =
this->rdbuf ();
for ( ; __n > 1; ) {
streamsize __navail =
streamsize (__rdbuf->egptr () - __rdbuf->gptr ());
if (__n - 1 < __navail)
__navail = __n - 1;
if (__navail) {
char_type* const __gptr = __rdbuf->gptr ();
const char_type* const __pdelim =
traits_type::find (__gptr, __navail, __delim);
if (__pdelim) {
__navail = streamsize (__pdelim - __gptr);
if (!__navail)
traits_type::copy (__s + _C_gcount, __gptr, __navail);
__rdbuf->gbump (__navail);
_C_gcount += __navail;
__n -= __navail;
else {
const int_type __c = __rdbuf->sgetc ();
if (traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, traits_type::eof ())) {
__err = ios_base::eofbit;
const char_type __ch = traits_type::to_char_type (__c);
if (traits_type::eq (__ch, __delim))
traits_type::assign (__s [_C_gcount++], __ch);
__rdbuf->sbumpc ();
traits_type::assign (__s [_C_gcount], char_type ());
if (!_C_gcount)
__err |= ios_base::failbit;
_CATCH (...) {
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
if (ios_base::goodbit != __err)
this->setstate (__err);
return *this;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::
getline (char_type *__line, streamsize __size, char_type __delim)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__size >= 0);
_RWSTD_ASSERT (!__size || __line);
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != this->rdbuf ());
char_type __dummy;
if (0 < __size) {
// lwg issue 243: store the NUL character before
// constructing the sentry object in case it throws
traits_type::assign (__line [0], char_type ());
else {
// use a dummy buffer to avoid having to check size
// again below, and prevent undefined behavior when
// size is negative
__line = &__dummy;
__size = 0;
const sentry __ipfx (*this, true /* noskipws */);
ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit;
if (__ipfx) {
basic_streambuf<char_type, traits_type>* const __rdbuf =
this->rdbuf ();
_TRY {
for ( ; ; ) {
const char_type* const __gptr = __rdbuf->gptr ();
const char_type* const __egptr = __rdbuf->egptr ();
// compute the lesser of the number of characters in the
// stream buffer and the size of the destination buffer
streamsize __navail = __egptr - __gptr;
if (__size < __navail)
__navail = __size;
if (__navail) {
// find the delimiter in the sequence if it exists
const char_type* const __pdel =
traits_type::find (__gptr, __navail, __delim);
if (__pdel) {
__navail = __pdel - __gptr + 1;
__size -= __navail - 1;
else if (__size == __navail)
__size -= --__navail;
__size -= __navail;
// copy including delimiter, if any
// (delimiter will be overwritten below)
traits_type::copy (__line + _C_gcount, __gptr, __navail);
_C_gcount += __navail;
// advance gptr()
__rdbuf->gbump (__navail);
if (__pdel) {
traits_type::assign (__line [_C_gcount - 1],
char_type ());
if (2 > __size && __egptr - __gptr != __navail) {
traits_type::assign (__line [_C_gcount], char_type ());
__err = ios_base::failbit;
else {
// no data in buffer, trigger underflow()
// note that streambuf may be unbuffered
const int_type __c = __rdbuf->sgetc ();
if (traits_type::eq_int_type (__c, traits_type::eof ())) {
traits_type::assign (__line [_C_gcount], char_type ());
__err = ios_base::eofbit;
const char_type __ch = traits_type::to_char_type (__c);
if (traits_type::eq (__ch, __delim)) {
traits_type::assign (__line [_C_gcount], char_type ());
__rdbuf->sbumpc ();
if (2 > __size) {
traits_type::assign (__line [_C_gcount], char_type ());
__err = ios_base::failbit;
traits_type::assign (__line [_C_gcount], __ch);
__rdbuf->sbumpc ();
// increment gcount only _after_ sbumpc() but _before_
// the subsequent call to sgetc() to correctly reflect
// the number of extracted characters in the presence
// of exceptions thrown from streambuf virtuals
_CATCH (...) {
this->setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
if (0 == _C_gcount)
__err |= ios_base::failbit;
if (__err)
this->setstate (__err);
return *this;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Allocator>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
operator>> (basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __is,
basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>& __str)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __is.rdbuf ());
ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit;
_TRY {
const _TYPENAME basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry
__ipfx (__is /* , noskipws = false */);
if (__ipfx) {
basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* const __rdbuf = __is.rdbuf ();
// FIXME: code commented out to work around an HP aCC 3.14.10
// bug #JAGac86264
// typedef _TYPENAME
// basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>::size_type
const _RWSTD_SIZE_T __maxlen =
__is.width () ? __is.width () : __str.max_size ();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0;
__str.erase ();
const ctype<_CharT> &__ctp =
_USE_FACET (ctype<_CharT>, __is.getloc ());
for ( ; __maxlen != __i; ++__i, __rdbuf->sbumpc ()) {
const _TYPENAME _Traits::int_type __c = __rdbuf->sgetc ();
if (_Traits::eq_int_type (__c, _Traits::eof ())) {
__err = ios_base::eofbit;
// convert to char_type so that isspace works correctly
const _TYPENAME _Traits::char_type
__ch = _Traits::to_char_type (__c);
if ( (, __ch))
__str.push_back (__ch);
__is.width (0);
if (!__i)
__err |= ios_base::failbit;
_CATCH (...) {
__is.setstate (__is.badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
if (__err)
__is.setstate (__err);
return __is;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits, class _Allocator>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&
getline (basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __is,
basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>& __str,
_CharT __delim)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __is.rdbuf ());
const _TYPENAME basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry
__ipfx (__is, true /* noskipws */);
ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::goodbit;
typedef _RWSTD_SIZE_T _SizeT;
_SizeT __gcount = 0;
if (__ipfx) {
__str.erase ();
// carefuly handle arithmetic overflow
_SizeT __n = __str.max_size ();
if (__n + _SizeT (1))
basic_streambuf<_CharT, _Traits>* const __rdbuf = __is.rdbuf ();
_TRY {
for ( ; ; ) {
typedef _TYPENAME _Traits::int_type int_type;
const _CharT* const __gptr = __rdbuf->gptr ();
const _CharT* const __egptr = __rdbuf->egptr ();
// compute the lesser of the number of characters in the
// stream buffer and the size of the destination buffer
_SizeT __navail = __egptr - __gptr;
if (__n < __navail)
__navail = __n;
if (__navail) {
// find the delimiter in the sequence if it exists
const _CharT* const __pdel =
_Traits::find (__gptr, __navail, __delim);
if (__pdel) {
__navail = __pdel - __gptr + 1;
__n -= __navail - 1;
else if (__n == __navail)
__n -= --__navail;
__n -= __navail;
// store characters excluding the delimiter
__str.append (__gptr, __navail - !!__pdel);
__gcount += __navail;
// advance gptr() by the number of extracted
// characters, including the delimiter
__rdbuf->gbump (__navail);
if (__pdel) {
if (2 > __n && _SizeT (__egptr - __gptr) != __navail) {
__err = ios_base::failbit;
else {
// no data in buffer, trigger underflow()
// note that streambuf may be unbuffered
const int_type __c = __rdbuf->sgetc ();
if (_Traits::eq_int_type (__c, _Traits::eof ())) {
__err = ios_base::eofbit;
const _CharT __ch = _Traits::to_char_type (__c);
if (_Traits::eq (__ch, __delim)) {
__rdbuf->sbumpc ();
if (2 > __n) {
__err = ios_base::failbit;
__str += __ch;
__rdbuf->sbumpc ();
// increment gcount only _after_ sbumpc() but _before_
// the subsequent call to sgetc() to correctly reflect
// the number of extracted characters in the presence
// of exceptions thrown from streambuf virtuals
_CATCH (...) {
__is.setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
if (!__gcount)
__err |= ios_base::failbit;
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_FRIEND_TEMPLATE)
ios_base::iostate __err = ios_base::failbit;
if (__ipfx) {
_TRY {
__str.erase ();
const _RWSTD_SIZE_T __max_size = __str.max_size ();
// FIXME: code commented out to work around an HP aCC 3.14.10
// bug #JAGac86264
// typedef _TYPENAME
// basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>::size_type
for ( ; ; ) {
const _TYPENAME _Traits::int_type __c =
__is.rdbuf ()->sgetc ();
if (_Traits::eq_int_type (__c, _Traits::eof ())) {
//, p7
if (__str.size ())
__err = ios_base::eofbit;
__err = ios_base::eofbit | ios_base::failbit;
if (_Traits::eq (_Traits::to_char_type (__c), __delim)) {
__is.rdbuf ()->sbumpc ();
__err = ios_base::goodbit;
if (__max_size <= __str.size ())
__str.push_back (_Traits::to_char_type (__c));
__is.rdbuf ()->sbumpc ();
_CATCH (...) {
__is.setstate (ios_base::badbit | _RW::__rw_rethrow);
if (__err)
__is.setstate (__err);
return __is;
template <class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry::
sentry (const sentry&)
: _RW::__rw_guard (0)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (!"not callable");
template <class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>::sentry::
operator= (const sentry&)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (!"not callable");
} // namespace std