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// -*- C++ -*-
* valaray - Declarations for the Standard Library valarray
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1994-2007 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <rw/_array.h>
#include <rw/_defs.h>
#include _RWSTD_CMATH
#ifdef _RWSTD_MSVC
# pragma warning (push)
// disable conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data
// until a conforming <cmath> header with float and long double overloads
// for the C functions is provided
# pragma warning (disable: 4244)
#endif // _RWSTD_MSVC
// forward declarations
class _RWSTD_EXPORT slice;
template <class _TypeT> class slice_array;
class _RWSTD_EXPORT gslice;
template <class _TypeT> class gslice_array;
template <class _TypeT> class mask_array;
template <class _TypeT> class indirect_array;
// 26.3.2
template <class _TypeT>
class valarray
typedef _TypeT value_type;
//, p1
valarray () { }
//, p2
explicit valarray (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __size)
: _C_array (value_type (), __size) { }
//, p3
valarray (const value_type& __val, _RWSTD_SIZE_T __size)
: _C_array (__val, __size) { }
//, p4
valarray (const value_type* __p, _RWSTD_SIZE_T __size)
: _C_array (__p, __size) { }
//, p5
valarray (const valarray& __rhs)
: _C_array (__rhs._C_array) { }
//, p6
valarray (const slice_array<value_type>&);
valarray (const gslice_array<value_type>&);
valarray (const mask_array<value_type>&);
valarray (const indirect_array<value_type>&);
//, p1 - assignment
valarray& operator= (const valarray &__rhs) {
if (this != &__rhs)
_C_array = __rhs._C_array;
return *this;
//, p2 - assignment
valarray& operator= (const value_type &__val) {
return _STD::fill (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), __val), *this;
//, p3 - assignment
valarray& operator= (const slice_array<value_type>&);
valarray& operator= (const gslice_array<value_type>&);
valarray& operator= (const mask_array<value_type>&);
valarray& operator= (const indirect_array<value_type>&);
// - element access
const value_type& operator[] (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i) const {
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__i < size ());
return _C_array[__i];
value_type& operator[] (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i) {
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__i < size ());
return _C_array[__i];
// - subset operations
valarray operator[] (slice) const;
slice_array<value_type> operator[] (slice);
valarray operator[] (const gslice&) const;
gslice_array<value_type> operator[] (const gslice&);
valarray operator[] (const valarray<bool>&) const;
mask_array<value_type> operator[] (const valarray<bool>&);
valarray operator[] (const valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T>&) const;
indirect_array<value_type> operator[] (const valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T>&);
// - unary operators
valarray operator+ () const;
valarray operator- () const;
valarray operator~ () const;
valarray<bool> operator! () const;
//, p1 - computed assignment
valarray& operator*= (const valarray&);
valarray& operator/= (const valarray&);
valarray& operator+= (const valarray&);
valarray& operator-= (const valarray&);
valarray& operator%= (const valarray&);
valarray& operator^= (const valarray&);
valarray& operator&= (const valarray&);
valarray& operator|= (const valarray&);
valarray& operator<<= (const valarray&);
valarray& operator>>= (const valarray&);
//, p5 - computed assignment
valarray& operator*= (const value_type&);
valarray& operator/= (const value_type&);
valarray& operator%= (const value_type&);
valarray& operator+= (const value_type&);
valarray& operator-= (const value_type&);
valarray& operator^= (const value_type&);
valarray& operator&= (const value_type&);
valarray& operator|= (const value_type&);
valarray& operator<<= (const value_type&);
valarray& operator>>= (const value_type&);
//, p1
_RWSTD_SIZE_T size () const {
return _C_array.size ();
//, p2
value_type sum () const {
return accumulate (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), value_type ());
//, p3
value_type (min)() const {
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != size ());
return *min_element (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end ());
//, p4
value_type (max)() const {
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != size ());
return *max_element (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end ());
//, p5 - ordinary shift
valarray shift (int) const;
//, p7 - circular shift
valarray cshift (int) const;
//, p8
valarray apply (value_type __func (value_type)) const;
valarray apply (value_type __func (const value_type&)) const;
//, p9
void resize (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __size, value_type __val = value_type ()) {
_C_array.resize (__size, __val);
// implementation
valarray (_RW::__rw_array<value_type> &__rhs) {
_C_array.swap (__rhs);
_RW::__rw_array<value_type> _C_array;
} // namespace std
template<class _TypeT, class _UnaryFunction>
inline _STD::valarray<_TypeT>
__rw_unary_function (const _STD::valarray<_TypeT> &__val, _UnaryFunction __fun)
// allocate but do not initialize
__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (__val.size ());
typedef _STD::raw_storage_iterator<_TypeT*, _TypeT> _Iter;
// apply `fun' to each element of `a' and initialize `tmp'
_STD::transform (__val._C_array.begin (), __val._C_array.end (),
_Iter (__tmp.begin ()), __fun);
return _STD::valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
// implements symmetric non-member valarray binary operators
template<class _TypeT, class _BinaryFunction>
inline _STD::valarray<typename _BinaryFunction::result_type>
__rw_binary_function (const _STD::valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs,
_BinaryFunction __fun)
typedef typename _BinaryFunction::result_type result_type;
typedef _STD::raw_storage_iterator<result_type*, result_type> _Iter;
// allocate but do not initialize
__rw_array<result_type> __tmp =
__rw_array<result_type>((_STD::min)(__lhs.size (), __rhs.size ()));
// apply `fun' to each pair of elements of `lhs' and `rhs'
_STD::transform (__lhs._C_array.begin (),
__lhs._C_array.begin () + __tmp.size (),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _Iter (__tmp.begin ()), __fun);
return _STD::valarray<result_type>(__tmp);
// implements asymmetric non-member valarray binary operators
template<class _TypeT, class _BinaryFunction>
inline _STD::valarray<typename _BinaryFunction::result_type>
__rw_binary_function (const _STD::valarray<_TypeT> &__val,
_BinaryFunction __fun)
typedef typename _BinaryFunction::result_type result_type;
typedef _STD::raw_storage_iterator<result_type*, result_type> _Iter;
// allocate but do not initialize
__rw_array<result_type> __tmp = __rw_array<result_type>(__val.size ());
// apply `fun' to each element of `a' and initialize `tmp'
_STD::transform (__val._C_array.begin (), __val._C_array.end (),
_Iter (__tmp.begin ()), __fun);
return _STD::valarray<result_type>(__tmp);
template <class _TypeT, class _UnaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_unary_function (const _STD::slice_array<_TypeT>&,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT>&,
template <class _TypeT, class _BinaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_binary_function (const _STD::slice_array<_TypeT>&,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT>&,
template <class _TypeT, class _UnaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_unary_function (const _STD::mask_array<_TypeT>&,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT>&,
template <class _TypeT, class _BinaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_binary_function (const _STD::mask_array<_TypeT>&,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT>&,
template <class _TypeT, class _UnaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_unary_function (const _STD::indirect_array<_TypeT>&,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT>&,
template <class _TypeT, class _BinaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_binary_function (const _STD::indirect_array<_TypeT>&,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT>&,
} // namespace __rw
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::operator+ () const
return _RW::__rw_unary_function (*this, _RW::unary_plus<_TypeT>());
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::operator- () const
return _RW::__rw_unary_function (*this, negate<_TypeT>());
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::operator~ () const
return _RW::__rw_unary_function (*this, _RW::bitwise_complement<_TypeT>());
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool> valarray<_TypeT>::operator! () const
_RW::__rw_array<bool> __tmp = _RW::__rw_array<bool>(size ());
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), __tmp.begin (),
return valarray<bool>(__tmp);
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator*= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (),
_C_array.begin () + (_STD::min)(size (), __rhs.size ()),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _C_array.begin (),
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator/= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (),
_C_array.begin () + (_STD::min)(size (), __rhs.size ()),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _C_array.begin (),
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator+= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (),
_C_array.begin () + (_STD::min)(size (), __rhs.size ()),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _C_array.begin (),
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator-= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (),
_C_array.begin () + (_STD::min)(size (), __rhs.size ()),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _C_array.begin (),
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator%= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (),
_C_array.begin () + (_STD::min)(size (), __rhs.size ()),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _C_array.begin (),
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator^= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (),
_C_array.begin () + (_STD::min)(size (), __rhs.size ()),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _C_array.begin (),
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator&= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (),
_C_array.begin () + (_STD::min)(size (), __rhs.size ()),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _C_array.begin (),
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator|= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (),
_C_array.begin () + (_STD::min)(size (), __rhs.size ()),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _C_array.begin (),
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator<<= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (),
_C_array.begin () + (_STD::min)(size (), __rhs.size ()),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _C_array.begin (),
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator>>= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (),
_C_array.begin () + (_STD::min)(size (), __rhs.size ()),
__rhs._C_array.begin (), _C_array.begin (),
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator*= (const _TypeT& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), _C_array.begin (),
bind2nd (multiplies<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>& valarray<_TypeT>::operator/= (const _TypeT& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), _C_array.begin (),
bind2nd (divides<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>& valarray<_TypeT>::operator+= (const _TypeT& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), _C_array.begin (),
bind2nd (plus<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>& valarray<_TypeT>::operator-= (const _TypeT& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), _C_array.begin (),
bind2nd (minus<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>& valarray<_TypeT>::operator%= (const _TypeT& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), _C_array.begin (),
bind2nd (modulus<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>& valarray<_TypeT>::operator^= (const _TypeT& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), _C_array.begin (),
bind2nd (_RW::exclusive_or<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>& valarray<_TypeT>::operator&= (const _TypeT& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), _C_array.begin (),
bind2nd (_RW::bitwise_and<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>& valarray<_TypeT>::operator|= (const _TypeT& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), _C_array.begin (),
bind2nd (_RW::bitwise_or<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>& valarray<_TypeT>::operator<<= (const _TypeT& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), _C_array.begin (),
bind2nd (_RW::shift_left<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>& valarray<_TypeT>::operator>>= (const _TypeT& __rhs)
transform (_C_array.begin (), _C_array.end (), _C_array.begin (),
bind2nd (_RW::shift_right<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::apply (_TypeT __fun (_TypeT)) const
return _RW::__rw_unary_function (*this, __fun);
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::apply (_TypeT __fun (const _TypeT&)) const
return _RW::__rw_unary_function (*this, __fun);
// 26.3.3 - valarray non-members
// - valarray binary operators
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator* (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) *= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator/ (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) /= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator% (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) %= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator+ (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) += __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator- (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) -= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator^ (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) ^= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator& (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) &= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator| (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) |= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator<< (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) <<= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator>>(const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) >>= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator&& (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs, __rhs, logical_and<_TypeT>());
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator|| (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs, __rhs, logical_or<_TypeT>());
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator* (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) *= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator/ (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) /= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator% (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) %= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator+ (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) += __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator- (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) -= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator^ (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) ^= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator& (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) &= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator| (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) |= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator<< (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) <<= __rhs;
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator>>(const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return valarray<_TypeT>(__lhs) >>= __rhs;
// - valarray logical operators
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator&& (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs,
bind2nd (equal_to<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator|| (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs,
bind2nd (logical_or<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator* (const _TypeT& __lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (multiplies<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator/ (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (divides<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator% (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (modulus<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator+ (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs, bind1st (plus<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator- (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs, bind1st (minus<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator^ (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (_RW::exclusive_or<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator& (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (_RW::bitwise_and<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator| (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (_RW::bitwise_or<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator<< (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (_RW::shift_left<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
operator>>(const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (_RW::shift_right<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator&& (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (logical_and<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator|| (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (logical_or<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator== (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs, __rhs, equal_to<_TypeT>());
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator!= (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs, __rhs, not_equal_to<_TypeT>());
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator< (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs, __rhs, less<_TypeT>());
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator>(const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs, __rhs, greater<_TypeT>());
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator<= (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs, __rhs, less_equal<_TypeT>());
template<class _TypeT>
operator>= (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs, __rhs, greater_equal<_TypeT>());
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator== (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs,
bind2nd (equal_to<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator!= (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs,
bind2nd (not_equal_to<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator< (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs, bind2nd (less<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator>(const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs,
bind2nd (greater<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator<= (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs,
bind2nd (less_equal<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator>= (const valarray<_TypeT> &__lhs, const _TypeT &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__lhs,
bind2nd (greater_equal<_TypeT>(), __rhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator== (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (equal_to<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator!= (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (not_equal_to<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator< (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs, bind1st (less<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator>(const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (greater<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<bool>
operator<= (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (less_equal<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
template<class _TypeT>
valarray<bool> operator>= (const _TypeT &__lhs, const valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs)
return _RW::__rw_binary_function (__rhs,
bind1st (greater_equal<_TypeT>(), __lhs));
// - valarray transcendentals
// can't use function objects in definitions below due to different linkage
// of the math functions' overloads (e.g., extern "C" double cos (double)
// and extern "C++" float cos (float), etc...)
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> abs (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = __val [__i] < _TypeT () ? -__val [__i] : __val [__i];
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> acos (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::acos (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> asin (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::asin (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT> atan (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::atan (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> cos (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::cos (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> cosh (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::cosh (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> exp (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::exp (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> log (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::log (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> log10 (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::log10 (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> sinh (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::sinh (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> sin (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::sin (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> sqrt (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::sqrt (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> tan (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::tan (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> tanh (const valarray<_TypeT> &__val)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __val.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __val.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::tanh (__val [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
atan2 (const valarray<_TypeT> &__x, const valarray<_TypeT> &__y)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__x.size () == __y.size ());
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __x.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __tmp.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::atan2 (__x [__i], __y [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> atan2 (const valarray<_TypeT> &__x, const _TypeT &__y)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __x.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __tmp.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::atan2 (__x [__i], __y);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> atan2 (const _TypeT &__x, const valarray<_TypeT> &__y)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __y.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __tmp.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::atan2 (__x, __y [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
pow (const valarray<_TypeT> &__x, const valarray<_TypeT> &__y)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__x.size () == __y.size ());
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __x.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __tmp.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::pow (__x [__i], __y [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> pow (const valarray<_TypeT> &__x, const _TypeT &__y)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __x.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __tmp.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::pow (__x [__i], __y);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template<class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> pow (const _TypeT &__x, const valarray<_TypeT> &__y)
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp (_TypeT (0), __y.size ());
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __tmp.size (); ++__i)
__tmp [__i] = _RWSTD_C::pow (__x, __y [__i]);
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
// 26.3.4
class _RWSTD_EXPORT slice
slice (): _C_start (0), _C_length (0), _C_stride (0) { }
slice (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __start, _RWSTD_SIZE_T __length, _RWSTD_SIZE_T __stride)
: _C_start (__start)
, _C_length (__length)
, _C_stride (__stride)
{ }
// - slice access functions
_RWSTD_SIZE_T start () const {
return _C_start;
_RWSTD_SIZE_T size () const {
return _C_length;
_RWSTD_SIZE_T stride () const {
return _C_stride;
_RWSTD_SIZE_T _C_start; // starting offset
_RWSTD_SIZE_T _C_length; // length of this slice
_RWSTD_SIZE_T _C_stride; // offset between elements
// 26.3.5 - helper class not to be directly used
template <class _TypeT>
class slice_array
friend class valarray<_TypeT>;
typedef _TypeT value_type;
slice_array (const slice_array &__rhs)
: _C_array(__rhs.get_ref_mem_array()),
{ }
// implementation
slice_array (_RW::__rw_array<value_type>* __a, const slice &__s)
: _C_array (__a),
_C_slice (__s)
{ }
_RW::__rw_array<value_type>* get_ref_mem_array () const {
return _C_array;
slice _C_get_slice () const {
return _C_slice;
// - fill function
void operator= (const value_type&) const;
// - assignment
void operator= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_unary_function (*this, __rhs, _RW::identity<value_type>());
// - slice_array computed assignment
void operator*= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, multiplies<value_type>());
void operator/= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, divides<value_type>());
void operator+= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, plus<value_type>());
void operator-= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, minus<value_type>());
void operator%= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, modulus<value_type>());
void operator^= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator&= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator|= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, _RW::bitwise_or<value_type>());
void operator<<= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, _RW::shift_left<value_type>());
void operator>>= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
slice_array ();
slice_array& operator= (const slice_array&);
_RW::__rw_array<value_type> *_C_array; // the referenced valarray
slice _C_slice; // slice of referenced valarray
template <class _TypeT>
inline void slice_array<_TypeT>::operator= (const value_type &__rhs) const
// assign the value `__rhs' to the given slice of valarray
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = _C_slice.start(), __j = 0;
__i < _C_array->size () && __j != _C_slice.size ();
__i += _C_slice.stride (), ++__j)
(*_C_array)[__i] = __rhs;
// 26.3.6 - generalized slice of a valarray
class _RWSTD_EXPORT gslice
gslice ()
: _C_start (0),
_C_reset (true)
{ }
gslice (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __start,
const valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T>& __length,
const valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T>& __stride)
: _C_start (__start),
_C_length (__length),
_C_stride (__stride),
_C_reset (true),
_C_r_length ((_RWSTD_SIZE_T)0, __length.size ()) {
_RWSTD_ASSERT (_C_length.size () == _C_stride.size ());
gslice (const gslice &__rhs)
: _C_start (__rhs._C_start),
_C_length (__rhs._C_length),
_C_stride (__rhs._C_stride),
_C_reset (true),
_C_r_length ((_RWSTD_SIZE_T)0, __rhs._C_length.size ()) {
_RWSTD_ASSERT (_C_length.size () == _C_stride.size ());
_RWSTD_SIZE_T start () const {
return _C_start;
valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> size () const {
return _C_length;
valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> stride () const {
return _C_stride;
// convenience functions
_RWSTD_SIZE_T next_ind ();
bool is_reseted () const {
return _C_reset;
_RWSTD_SIZE_T ind_numb () const;
_RWSTD_SIZE_T _C_start; // starting offset
valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> _C_length; // set of lengths (sizes equal)
valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> _C_stride; // set of strides (sizes equal)
bool _C_reset;
valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> _C_r_length;
template <class _TypeT>
class gslice_array
friend class valarray<_TypeT>;
typedef _TypeT value_type;
gslice_array (const gslice_array<value_type>& __rhs)
: _C_array (__rhs.get_ref_mem_array ()),
_C_slice (__rhs._C_get_slice ())
{ }
gslice_array (_RW::__rw_array<value_type>* __a, const gslice & __s)
: _C_array (__a),
_C_slice (__s)
{ }
_RW::__rw_array<value_type>* get_ref_mem_array () const {
return _C_array;
gslice _C_get_slice () const {
return _C_slice;
void operator= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
void operator= (const value_type &__rhs) const;
void operator*= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
void operator/= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
void operator+= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
void operator-= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
void operator%= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
void operator^= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
void operator&= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
void operator|= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
void operator<<= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
void operator>>= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const;
gslice_array ();
gslice_array<value_type>& operator= (const gslice_array<value_type>&);
_RW::__rw_array<value_type>* _C_array;
gslice _C_slice;
template <class _TypeT>
class mask_array
friend class valarray<_TypeT>;
typedef _TypeT value_type;
mask_array (const mask_array<value_type> &__rhs)
: _C_array (__rhs.get_ref_mem_array ()),
_C_valarray (__rhs._C_get_array ())
{ }
mask_array (_RW::__rw_array<value_type> *__a, const valarray<bool>& __val)
: _C_array (__a),
_C_valarray (__val)
{ }
_RW::__rw_array<value_type>* get_ref_mem_array () const {
return _C_array;
valarray<bool> _C_get_array () const {
return _C_valarray;
const valarray<bool>* _C_get_array_ptr () const {
return &_C_valarray;
void operator= (const value_type&) const;
void operator= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_unary_function (*this, __rhs, _RW::identity<value_type>());
void operator*= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, multiplies<value_type>());
void operator/= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, divides<value_type>());
void operator+= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, plus<value_type>());
void operator-= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, minus<value_type>());
void operator%= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, modulus<value_type>());
void operator^= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator&= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator|= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, _RW::bitwise_or<value_type>());
void operator<<= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs, _RW::shift_left<value_type>());
void operator>>= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
mask_array ();
mask_array<value_type>& operator= (const mask_array<value_type>&);
_RW::__rw_array<value_type>* _C_array;
valarray<bool> _C_valarray;
template <class _TypeT>
void mask_array<_TypeT>::operator= (const value_type &__rhs) const
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != get_ref_mem_array ());
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> &__a = *get_ref_mem_array ();
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != _C_valarray.size (); ++__i) {
if (_C_valarray [__i])
__a [__i] = __rhs;
template <class _TypeT>
class indirect_array
friend class valarray<_TypeT>;
typedef _TypeT value_type;
indirect_array (const indirect_array<value_type>& __sl)
:_C_array (__sl.get_ref_mem_array ()),
_C_valarray (__sl._C_get_array ())
{ }
indirect_array (_RW::__rw_array<value_type> *__a,
const valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> &__v)
:_C_array (__a),
_C_valarray (__v)
{ }
_RW::__rw_array<value_type>* get_ref_mem_array () const {
return _C_array;
valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> _C_get_array () const {
return _C_valarray;
const valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T>* _C_get_array_ptr () const {
return &_C_valarray;
void operator= (const value_type&) const;
void operator= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_unary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator*= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator/= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator+= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator-= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator%= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator^= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator&= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator|= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator<<= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
void operator>>= (const valarray<value_type> &__rhs) const {
_RW::__rw_binary_function (*this, __rhs,
indirect_array ();
indirect_array& operator= (const indirect_array&);
_RW::__rw_array<value_type>* _C_array;
valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> _C_valarray;
template <class _TypeT>
inline void indirect_array<_TypeT>::operator= (const _TypeT &__rhs) const
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != _C_valarray.size (); ++__i)
(*_C_array)[_C_valarray [__i]] = __rhs;
} // namespace std
template <class _TypeT, class _UnaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_unary_function (const _STD::slice_array<_TypeT> &__lhs,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs,
_UnaryFunction __fun)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __lhs.get_ref_mem_array ());
_STD::slice __slice = __lhs._C_get_slice ();
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> &__ar = *__lhs.get_ref_mem_array ();
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = __slice.start (), __j = 0;
__j != __slice.size (); ++__j) {
if (__j < __rhs.size () && __i < __ar.size ())
__ar [__i] = __fun (__rhs [__j]);
__i += __slice.stride ();
template <class _TypeT, class _BinaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_binary_function (const _STD::slice_array<_TypeT> &__lhs,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs,
_BinaryFunction __fun)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __lhs.get_ref_mem_array ());
_STD::slice __slice = __lhs._C_get_slice ();
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> &__ar = *__lhs.get_ref_mem_array ();
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = __slice.start (), __j = 0;
__j != __slice.size (); ++__j) {
if (__j < __rhs.size () && __i < __ar.size ())
__ar [__i] = __fun (__ar [__i], __rhs [__j]);
__i += __slice.stride ();
template <class _TypeT, class _UnaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_unary_function (const _STD::mask_array<_TypeT> &__lhs,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs,
_UnaryFunction __fun)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __lhs.get_ref_mem_array ());
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> &__ar = *__lhs.get_ref_mem_array ();
const _STD::valarray<bool> &__vlray = *__lhs._C_get_array_ptr ();
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0, __j = 0; __i != __vlray.size (); ++__i)
if (__vlray [__i])
__ar [__i] = __fun (__rhs [__j++]);
template <class _TypeT, class _BinaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_binary_function (const _STD::mask_array<_TypeT> &__lhs,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs,
_BinaryFunction __fun)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __lhs.get_ref_mem_array ());
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> &__ar = *__lhs.get_ref_mem_array ();
const _STD::valarray<bool> &__vlray = *__lhs._C_get_array_ptr ();
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0, __j = 0; __i != __vlray.size (); ++__i)
if (__vlray [__i])
__ar [__i] = __fun (__ar [__i], __rhs [__j++]);
template <class _TypeT, class _UnaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_unary_function (const _STD::indirect_array<_TypeT> &__lhs,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs,
_UnaryFunction __fun)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __lhs.get_ref_mem_array ());
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> &__ar = *__lhs.get_ref_mem_array ();
const _STD::valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> &__vlray = *__lhs._C_get_array_ptr ();
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __vlray.size (); ++__i)
__ar [__vlray [__i]] = __fun (__rhs [__i]);
template <class _TypeT, class _BinaryFunction>
inline void
__rw_binary_function (const _STD::indirect_array<_TypeT> &__lhs,
const _STD::valarray<_TypeT> &__rhs,
_BinaryFunction __fun)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __lhs.get_ref_mem_array ());
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> &__ar = *__lhs.get_ref_mem_array ();
const _STD::valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> &__vlray = *__lhs._C_get_array_ptr ();
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __vlray.size (); ++__i)
__ar [__vlray [__i]] = __fun (__ar [__vlray [__i]], __rhs [__i]);
} // namespace __rw
* *
* *
// gslice_array inline member functions
template <class _TypeT>
inline void
gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] = __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator= (const _TypeT& value) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( !gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb() )
(*_C_array)[__i] = value;
__i= gsl->next_ind();
// computed assignment
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator*= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] *= __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator/= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] /= __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator+= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] += __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator-= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] -= __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator%= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] %= __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator^= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] ^= __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator&= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] &= __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator|= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] |= __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator<<= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] <<= __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
template <class _TypeT>
inline void gslice_array<_TypeT>::operator>>= (const valarray<_TypeT>& __rhs) const
gslice *gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &_C_slice);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = gsl->next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( (!gsl->is_reseted() || !__cpt && gsl->ind_numb()) && __cpt < __rhs.size() )
(*_C_array)[__i] >>= __rhs[__cpt];
__i= gsl->next_ind();
inline _RWSTD_SIZE_T gslice::ind_numb() const
if (_C_length.size () == 0)
return 0;
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __inx = _C_length [0] != 0;
for(_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i < _C_length.size (); ++__i) {
if (_C_length [__i])
__inx *= _C_length [__i];
return __inx;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT> valarray<_TypeT>::operator[] (slice __sl) const
if (0 == __sl.size ())
return valarray<_TypeT>();
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__sl.start () < size ());
_RWSTD_ASSERT (0 != __sl.stride ());
const _RWSTD_SIZE_T __max_span = size () - __sl.start () - 1;
const _RWSTD_SIZE_T __size =
__max_span < (__sl.size () - 1) * __sl.stride () ?
__max_span / __sl.stride () + 1 : __sl.size ();
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__size <= size ());
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp =
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(_TypeT (), __size);
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = __sl.start (), __j = 0; __j != __size;
__i += __sl.stride (), ++__j)
__tmp [__j] = _C_array [__i];
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>::valarray (const slice_array<_TypeT>& sl_ar)
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp =
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(_TypeT (), sl_ar._C_get_slice ().size());
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = sl_ar._C_get_slice().start();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( __cpt < sl_ar._C_get_slice().size() )
__tmp[__cpt] = (*(sl_ar.get_ref_mem_array()))[__i];
__i+= sl_ar._C_get_slice().stride();
_C_array.swap (__tmp);
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator= (const slice_array<_TypeT>& sl_ar)
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp =
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(_TypeT (), sl_ar._C_get_slice ().size());
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = sl_ar._C_get_slice().start();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( __cpt < sl_ar._C_get_slice().size() )
__tmp[__cpt] = (*(sl_ar.get_ref_mem_array()))[__i];
__i+= sl_ar._C_get_slice().stride();
if ( &_C_array == sl_ar.get_ref_mem_array() )
_C_array.swap (__tmp);
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::operator[](const gslice& __sl) const
const _RWSTD_SIZE_T __maxinx = __sl.ind_numb ();
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT> __tmp =
_RW::__rw_array<_TypeT>(_TypeT (), __maxinx);
gslice* const __gsl = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (gslice*, &__sl);
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __maxinx; ++__i) {
const _RWSTD_SIZE_T __inx = __gsl->next_ind ();
__tmp [__i] = _C_array [__inx];
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>::valarray(const gslice_array<_TypeT>& sl_ar)
gslice __sl(sl_ar._C_get_slice());
const _RWSTD_SIZE_T __maxinx = __sl.ind_numb ();
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp =
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(_TypeT (), __maxinx);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = __sl.next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( !__sl.is_reseted() || !__cpt && __maxinx )
__tmp[__cpt] = (*(sl_ar.get_ref_mem_array()))[__i];
__i= __sl.next_ind();
_C_array.swap (__tmp);
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator= (const gslice_array<_TypeT>& sl_ar)
gslice __sl(sl_ar._C_get_slice());
const _RWSTD_SIZE_T __maxinx = __sl.ind_numb ();
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp =
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(_TypeT (), __maxinx);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = __sl.next_ind();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
while( !__sl.is_reseted() || !__cpt && __maxinx )
__tmp[__cpt] = (*(sl_ar.get_ref_mem_array()))[__i];
__i= __sl.next_ind();
if ( &_C_array == sl_ar.get_ref_mem_array() )
_C_array.swap (__tmp);
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::operator[](const valarray<bool>& __rhs) const
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i, __n = 0;
for(__i=0; __i < __rhs.size(); __i++ )
if ( __rhs[__i]) __n++;
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp = _RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(_TypeT (), __n);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
for( __i=0; __i < __rhs.size(); __i++ )
if ( __rhs[__i]) __tmp[__cpt++] = _C_array[__i];
return valarray<_TypeT>(__tmp);
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>::valarray(const mask_array<_TypeT>& __rhs)
mask_array<_TypeT> *__msk = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (mask_array<_TypeT>*, &__rhs);
const valarray<bool>*__sec = __msk->_C_get_array_ptr();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i, __n = 0;
for(__i = 0; __i < __sec->size(); __i++)
if ( (*__sec)[__i]) __n++;
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp = _RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(_TypeT (), __n);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
for( __i=0; __i < __sec->size(); __i++ )
if ( (*__sec)[__i]) __tmp[__cpt++] = (*(__rhs.get_ref_mem_array()))[__i];
_C_array.swap (__tmp);
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator= (const mask_array<_TypeT>& __rhs)
mask_array<_TypeT> *__msk = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (mask_array<_TypeT>*, &__rhs);
const valarray<bool>*__sec = __msk->_C_get_array_ptr();
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i, __n = 0;
for (__i = 0; __i < __sec->size(); __i++)
if ((*__sec)[__i])
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp = _RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(_TypeT (), __n);
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
for( __i=0; __i < __sec->size(); __i++ )
if ( (*__sec)[__i]) __tmp[__cpt++] = (*(__rhs.get_ref_mem_array()))[__i];
if ( &_C_array == __rhs.get_ref_mem_array() )
_C_array.swap (__tmp);
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::operator[](const valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T>& __rhs) const
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp = _RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(__rhs.size ());
#if defined (__GNUG__) && __GNUC__ <= 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 97
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __rhs.size (); ++__i) {
// prevent a g++ 2.95.2 ICE
_TypeT *__place = __tmp.begin () + __i;
new (__place) _TypeT ((*this)[__rhs [__i]]);
#else // if __GNUG__ >= 2.97
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __rhs.size (); ++__i)
new (&__tmp [__i]) _TypeT ((*this)[__rhs [__i]]);
#endif // __GNUG__ >= 2.97
return valarray (__tmp);
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>::valarray (const indirect_array<_TypeT>& __rhs)
indirect_array<_TypeT> *__ia =
_RWSTD_CONST_CAST (indirect_array<_TypeT>*, &__rhs);
const valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> *__sec = __ia->_C_get_array_ptr();
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp =
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(_TypeT (), __sec->size());
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
for(_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i=0; __i < __sec->size(); __i++ )
__tmp[__cpt++] = (*(__rhs.get_ref_mem_array()))[(*__sec)[__i]];
_C_array.swap (__tmp);
template <class _TypeT>
inline valarray<_TypeT>&
valarray<_TypeT>::operator= (const indirect_array<_TypeT>& __rhs)
indirect_array<_TypeT> *__ia =
_RWSTD_CONST_CAST (indirect_array<_TypeT>*, &__rhs);
const valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> *__sec = __ia->_C_get_array_ptr();
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT> __tmp =
_RW::__rw_array <_TypeT>(_TypeT (), __sec->size());
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __cpt = 0;
for(_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i=0; __i < __sec->size(); __i++ )
__tmp[__cpt++] = (*(__rhs.get_ref_mem_array()))[(*__sec)[__i]];
if (&_C_array == __rhs.get_ref_mem_array() )
_C_array.swap (__tmp);
return *this;
template <class _TypeT>
inline slice_array<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::operator[] (slice __x)
return slice_array<value_type>(&_C_array, __x);
template <class _TypeT>
inline gslice_array<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::operator[] (const gslice &__x)
return gslice_array<value_type>(&_C_array, __x);
template <class _TypeT>
inline mask_array<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::operator[] (const valarray<bool> &__x)
return mask_array<value_type>(&_C_array, __x);
template <class _TypeT>
inline indirect_array<_TypeT>
valarray<_TypeT>::operator[] (const valarray<_RWSTD_SIZE_T> &__x)
return indirect_array<value_type>(&_C_array, __x);
} // namespace std
# include <>
#ifdef _RWSTD_MSVC
# pragma warning (pop)
#endif // _RWSTD_MSVC