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* environ.cpp - definitions of testsuite helpers
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
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* Copyright 2001-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
// expand _TEST_EXPORT macros
#include <rw_environ.h>
#include <assert.h> // for assert
#include <stdlib.h> // for getenv, malloc, putenv
#include <string.h> // for strchr, strlen, ...
extern "C" {
// char** environ;
_RWSTD_DLLIMPORT int putenv (const char*) _LIBC_THROWS ();
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_PUTENV_CONST_CHAR)
_RWSTD_DLLIMPORT int putenv (char*) _LIBC_THROWS ();
_RWSTD_DLLIMPORT int unsetenv (const char*) _LIBC_THROWS ();
} // extern "C"
// sets (or unsets) one or more sep-separated environment variables
rw_putenv (const char* str, int sep /* = -1 */)
int nset = 0;
int ret = 0;
if (!str) {
str = getenv ("RW_PUTENV");
if (str)
sep = *str++;
return 0;
// set separator to NUL if it's invalid
if (sep < 0 || int (_RWSTD_UCHAR_MAX) < sep)
sep = 0;
for (const char *pvar = str; pvar && *pvar; ++nset) {
// look for separator (or the terminating NUL by default)
const char *pend = strchr (pvar, sep);
if (0 == pend)
pend = pvar + strlen (pvar);
const size_t varlen = pend - pvar;
// reserve the one more character for Windows mode
char* const envvar = (char*)malloc (varlen + 2);
if (0 == envvar)
return -1;
memcpy (envvar, pvar, varlen);
envvar [varlen] = '\0';
// look for the first equals sign
char* const equals = strchr (envvar, '=');
char *var = 0;
// putenv mode: 0 - POSIX; 1 - undefined; 2 - Windows
static int mode = 1;
if (equals) {
// add the variable to the environment or modify it if
// it's already defined
// Note: calling Solaris 7 putenv() during program startup
// (i.e., from ctors of namespace-scope objects) prevents
// getenv() from finding that variable at program runtime
char namebuf [256];
const size_t namelen = equals - envvar;
assert (namelen < sizeof (namebuf));
memcpy (namebuf, envvar, namelen);
namebuf [namelen] = '\0';
switch (!equals [1] * mode) {
case 0:
ret = putenv (envvar);
case 1:
ret = putenv (envvar);
if (getenv (namebuf)) {
mode = 0;
mode = 2;
// fall through
case 2:
// on Windows it's impossible to set empty environment variable
// append any character after '='
equals [1] = '1';
equals [2] = '\0';
ret = putenv (envvar);
equals [1] = '\0';
// determine wheteher putenv() made copy of the variable
// or if it simply used the pointer passed to it; if the
// former, deallocate the buffer dynamically allocated
// above
var = getenv (namebuf);
// empty the environment variable directly on Windows
if (!equals [1] && 2 == mode)
*var = '\0';
if (equals + 1 != var)
free (envvar);
else if ((var = getenv (envvar))) {
// try to remove variable from the environment
# if defined (_RWSTD_OS_FREEBSD) || defined (_RWSTD_OS_DARWIN)
// FreeBSD (and Darwin) declares void unsetenv(const char*)
unsetenv (envvar);
ret = 0;
# else // !FreeBSD ...
ret = unsetenv (envvar);
# endif // FreeBSD ...
#else // ifdef _RWSTD_NO_UNSETENV
switch (mode) {
case 0:
ret = putenv (envvar);
case 1:
ret = putenv (envvar);
if (!getenv (envvar)) {
mode = 0;
mode = 2;
// fall through
case 2:
// on Windows append '=' character to remove
// the environment variable
envvar [varlen] = '=';
envvar [varlen + 1] = '\0';
ret = putenv (envvar);
envvar [varlen] = '\0';
if (0 == ret) {
// see if the variable has been removed
var = getenv (envvar);
if (var) {
// if not, zero-out the first byte of its name
// FIXME: make this more robust, e.g., by calling
// unsetenv() when provided or by manipulating
// the environment directly
*(var - 1 - varlen) = '\0';
#if 0 // disabled
char **penv = environ;
if (penv) {
while (*penv && *penv != (var - 1 - varlen))
while (*penv)
*penv = penv [1];
#endif // 0/1
free (envvar);
pvar = pend + !!*pend;
if (1 == nset)
return ret;
return nset;