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* - test exercising 18.5 []
* $Id$
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* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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* Copyright 2001-2008 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <rw/_defs.h>
#if defined (__IBMCPP__) && !defined (_RWSTD_NO_IMPLICIT_INCLUSION)
// Disable implicit inclusion to work around
// a limitation in IBM's VisualAge (see PR#26959)
// verifies that typeid is correctly declared for MSVC (see PR #25603)
void foo ()
_THROW (0); // must appear before #include <typeinfo>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <driver.h>
#include <valcmp.h>
// polymorphic classes (10.3, p1) used in tests below
struct B { virtual ~B () { } };
struct D1: B { };
struct D2: B { };
static int
run_test (int, char* [])
if (1) {
// exercise 18.5, the synopsis of <typeinfo>
std::type_info *ti = 0;
std::bad_cast *bc = 0;
std::bad_typeid *bt = 0;
if (1) {
// exercise 18.5.1, class type_info interface
// 18.5.1, p2
bool (std::type_info::*p_op_eq)(const std::type_info&) const =
// 18.5.1, p3
bool (std::type_info::*p_op_neq)(const std::type_info&) const =
// 18.5.1, p5
bool (std::type_info::*p_before)(const std::type_info&) const =
// 18.5.1, p7
const char* (std::type_info::*p_name)() const = &std::type_info::name;
_RWSTD_UNUSED (p_op_eq);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (p_op_neq);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (p_before);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (p_name);
if (1) {
// exercise 18.5.1, class type_info functionality
D1 d1;
D2 d2;
const std::type_info &ti_D1 = typeid (D1);
const std::type_info &ti_D2 = typeid (D2);
const std::type_info &ti_d1 = typeid (d1);
const std::type_info &ti_d2 = typeid (d2);
const char *D1_name = () ? () : "(D1 null)";
const char *D2_name = () ? () : "(D2 null)";
const char *d1_name = () ? () : "(d1 null)";
const char *d2_name = () ? () : "(d2 null)";
// 18.5.1, p2
rw_assert (ti_D1 == ti_D1, 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator==(): \"%s\" != \"%s\"",
D1_name, D1_name);
rw_assert (ti_D1 == ti_d1, 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator==(): \"%s\" != \"%s\"",
D1_name, d1_name);
rw_assert (!(ti_D1 == ti_D2), 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator==(): \"%s\" == \"%s\"",
D1_name, D2_name);
rw_assert (ti_d1 == ti_d1, 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator==(): \"%s\" != \"%s\"",
d1_name, d1_name);
rw_assert (ti_d1 == ti_D1, 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator==(): \"%s\" != \"%s\"",
d1_name, D1_name);
rw_assert (!(ti_d1 == ti_d2), 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator==(): \"%s\" == \"%s\"",
d1_name, d2_name);
// 18.5.1, p3
rw_assert (ti_D1 != ti_D2, 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator!=(): \"%s\" == \"%s\"",
D1_name, D2_name);
rw_assert (ti_D1 != ti_d2, 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator!=(): \"%s\" == \"%s\"",
D1_name, d2_name);
rw_assert (!(ti_D1 != ti_D1), 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator!=(): \"%s\" != \"%s\"",
D1_name, D1_name);
rw_assert (ti_d1 != ti_d2, 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator!=(): \"%s\" == \"%s\"",
d1_name, d2_name);
rw_assert (ti_d1 != ti_D2, 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator!=(): \"%s\" == \"%s\"",
d1_name, D2_name);
rw_assert (!(ti_d1 != ti_d1), 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::operator!=(): \"%s\" != \"%s\"",
d1_name, d1_name);
// 18.5.1, p5
rw_assert (!ti_D1.before (ti_D1) && !ti_D2.before (ti_D2),
0, __LINE__, "std::type_info::before ()");
rw_assert (ti_D1.before (ti_D2) || ti_D2.before (ti_D1),
0, __LINE__, "std::type_info::before ()");
rw_assert (ti_d1.before (ti_d2) || ti_d2.before (ti_d1),
0, __LINE__, "std::type_info::before ()");
rw_assert (!ti_d1.before (ti_d1) && !ti_d2.before (ti_d2),
0, __LINE__, "std::type_info::before ()");
// 18.5.1, p7
rw_assert (0 == rw_strncmp (D1_name, d1_name), 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::name (): \"%s\" != \"%s\"",
D1_name, d1_name);
rw_assert (0 != rw_strncmp (D1_name, D2_name), 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::name (): \"%s\" == \"%s\"",
D1_name, D2_name);
rw_assert (0 == rw_strncmp (D2_name, d2_name), 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::name (): \"%s\" != \"%s\"",
D2_name, d2_name);
rw_assert (0 != rw_strncmp (d1_name, d2_name), 0, __LINE__,
"std::type_info::name (): \"%s\" == \"%s\"",
d1_name, d2_name);
if (1) {
// exercise 18.5.2, class bad_cast interface
// std::bad_cast must publicly derive from std::exception
const std::bad_cast *pbc = 0;
const std::exception *pe = pbc;
// 18.5.2, p2
std::bad_cast bc;
// 18.5.2, p4 - copy ctor
std::bad_cast bc2 (bc);
// 18.5.2, p4 - assignment
std::bad_cast& (std::bad_cast::*p_op_assign)(const std::bad_cast&)
_PTR_THROWS (()) = &std::bad_cast::operator=;
// 18.5.2, p5
const char* (std::bad_cast::*p_what)() const _PTR_THROWS (()) =
_RWSTD_UNUSED (p_op_assign);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (p_what);
if (1) {
// exercise 18.5.2, class bad_cast functionality
const char *caught = "no exception";
D1 d1;
B &b = d1;
try {
D2 &d2 = dynamic_cast<D2&>(b);
catch (const std::bad_cast &bc) {
caught = "std::bad_cast";
// 18.5.2, p2
std::bad_cast bc2;
// 18.5.2, p4 - copy ctor
std::bad_cast bc3 (bc);
const char* const bc_what = bc.what ();
const char* bc2_what = bc2.what ();
const char* const bc3_what = bc3.what ();
if (0 == bc2_what)
rw_assert (false, 0, __LINE__, "bad_cast().what() != 0");
if (0 == bc3_what)
rw_assert (false, 0, __LINE__,
"bad_cast::what() != 0 failed "
"for a copy of a caught exception object");
if (bc2_what && bc3_what)
rw_warn (0 == rw_strncmp (bc2_what, bc3_what),
0, __LINE__,
"bad_cast::bad_cast (const bad_cast&): "
"\"%s\" != \"%s\"", bc_what, bc3_what);
// 18.5.2, p4 - assignment
bc2 = bc;
bc2_what = bc2.what ();
if (0 == bc_what)
rw_assert (false, 0, __LINE__,
"bad_cast::what() != 0 failed "
"for a caught exception object");
if (0 == bc2_what)
rw_assert (false, 0, __LINE__,
"bad_cast::what() != 0 failed "
"for an assigned exception object");
if (bc_what && bc2_what)
rw_warn (0 == rw_strncmp (bc_what, bc2_what),
0, __LINE__,
"bad_cast::operator=(const bad_cast&): "
"\"%s\" != \"%s\"", bc_what, bc2_what);
// 18.5.2, p5
if (bc_what)
rw_assert (0 == rw_strncmp (bc.what (), bc.what ()),
0, __LINE__,
"bad_cast::what() const: \"%s\" != \"%s\"",
bc.what (), bc.what ());
catch (const std::exception&) {
caught = "std::exception";
catch (...) {
caught = "unknown exception";
#if !defined (_RWSTD_NO_STD_BAD_CAST) \
|| !defined (_RWSTD_NO_RUNTIME_IN_STD)
const char expect[] = "std::bad_cast";
const char expect[] = "std::bad_cast (alias for ::bad_cast)";
rw_assert (0 == rw_strncmp (caught, "std::bad_cast"),
0, __LINE__,
"dynamic_cast<>() threw %s, expected %s; this suggests "
"that bad_cast might be defined in the wrong namespace",
caught, expect);
if (1) {
// exercise 18.5.3, class bad_typeid interface
// std::bad_cast must publicly derive from std::exception
const std::bad_typeid *pbt = 0;
const std::exception *pe = pbt;
// 18.5.2, p2
std::bad_typeid bt;
// 18.5.2, p4 - copy ctor
std::bad_typeid bt2 (bt);
// 18.5.2, p4 - assignment
std::bad_typeid& (std::bad_typeid::*p_op_assign)(const std::bad_typeid&)
_PTR_THROWS (()) = &std::bad_typeid::operator=;
// 18.5.2, p5
const char* (std::bad_typeid::*p_what)() const _PTR_THROWS (()) =
_RWSTD_UNUSED (p_op_assign);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (p_what);
if (1) {
// exercise 18.5.3, class bad_typeid functionality
const char *caught = "no exception";
try {
#if !defined (__GNUG__) || __GNUG__ > 2
B *b = 0;
// 5.2.8, p2 - typeid(0) throws std::bad_typeid
const std::type_info &ti = typeid (*b);
// working around a gcc 2.x bug
caught = "SIGSEGV (program dumps core)";
#endif // gcc < 3.0
catch (const std::bad_typeid &bt) {
caught = "std::bad_typeid";
// 18.5.2, p2
std::bad_typeid bt2;
// 18.5.2, p4 - copy ctor
std::bad_typeid bt3 (bt);
// verify that what() returns the same string
// after copy construction
rw_warn (0 == rw_strncmp (bt.what (), bt3.what ()),
0, __LINE__,
"std::bad_typeid::bad_typeid (const bad_typeid&): "
"\"%s\" != \"%s\"", bt.what (), bt3.what ());
// 18.5.2, p4 - assignment
bt2 = bt;
// verify that what() returns the same string
// after assignment
rw_warn (0 == rw_strncmp (bt.what (), bt2.what ()),
0, __LINE__,
"std::bad_typeid::operator=(const bad_typeid&): "
"\"%s\" != \"%s\"", bt.what (), bt2.what ());
// 18.5.2, p5
rw_assert (0 == rw_strncmp (bt.what (), bt.what ()),
0, __LINE__,
"std::bad_typeid::what() const: "
"\"%s\" != \"%s\"", bt.what (), bt.what ());
catch (const std::exception&) {
caught = "std::exception";
catch (...) {
caught = "unknown exception";
#if !defined (_RWSTD_NO_STD_BAD_TYPEID) \
|| !defined (_RWSTD_NO_RUNTIME_IN_STD)
const char expect[] = "std::bad_typeid";
const char expect[] = "std::bad_typeid (alias for ::bad_typeid)";
rw_assert (0 == rw_strncmp (caught, "std::bad_typeid"),
0, __LINE__,
"typeid ((T*)0) threw %s, expected %s; this suggests "
"that bad_typeid might be defined in the wrong namespace",
caught, expect);
return 0;
int main (int argc, char* argv [])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,