blob: 11647c4a270405d22b0f1a952809d783ebc4374d [file] [log] [blame]
* - Non-inline tree definitions for the Standard Library
* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 1994
* Hewlett-Packard Company
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* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
* in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
* representations about the suitability of this software for any
* purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
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* Copyright 1994-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
__rb_tree (const key_compare &__cmp /* = key_compare () */,
const allocator_type &__alloc /* = allocator_type () */)
: allocator_type (__alloc),
_C_buf_list (0),
_C_end (0),
_C_size (0),
_C_cmp (__cmp)
_C_init ();
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>&
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
operator= (const __rb_tree &__x)
if (this != &__x) {
erase (begin (), end ());
// set the root of the tree
_C_end->_C_parent = _C_copy (__x._C_end->_C_parent, _C_end);
if (_C_link_t () == _C_end->_C_parent) {
// set the child pointers of an empty tree to point to the header
_C_end->_C_child [0] =
_C_end->_C_child [1] = _C_end;
else {
// set the leftmost and the rightmost nodes
_C_end->_C_child [0] = _C_node_t::_C_min (_C_end->_C_parent);
_C_end->_C_child [1] = _C_node_t::_C_max (_C_end->_C_parent);
_C_size = __x._C_size;
_C_cmp = __x._C_cmp;
return *this;
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
__rb_tree (const __rb_tree &__lnk)
: allocator_type (__lnk.get_allocator ()), _C_buf_list (0), _C_end (0),
_C_size (__lnk._C_size),
_C_cmp (__lnk._C_cmp)
_C_free_list = _C_next_avail = _C_last = 0;
_C_end = _C_get_node ();
_C_end->_C_color = _C_node_t::_C_red;
_TRY {
_C_end->_C_parent = _C_copy (__lnk._C_end->_C_parent, _C_end);
_CATCH (...) {
_C_deallocate_buffers ();
if (_C_link_t () == _C_end->_C_parent) {
_C_end->_C_child [0] =
_C_end->_C_child [1] = _C_end;
else {
_C_end->_C_child [0] = _C_node_t::_C_min (_C_end->_C_parent);
_C_end->_C_child [1] = _C_node_t::_C_max (_C_end->_C_parent);
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
~__rb_tree ()
if (_C_link_t () != _C_end) {
erase (begin (), end ());
_C_put_node (_C_end, false);
_C_deallocate_buffers ();
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
void __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
_C_add_new_buffer ()
const size_type __bufsize =
_C_buf_ptr_t () == _C_buf_list ? 0 : _C_buf_list->size;
size_type __newsize = _RWSTD_NEW_CAPACITY (__rb_tree, this, __bufsize);
if (__newsize <= __bufsize)
__newsize = __bufsize + 1;
_C_buf_ptr_t __buf =
_C_buf_alloc_t (*this).allocate (size_type (1), (void*)_C_buf_list);
_TRY {
__buf->_C_buffer =
_C_node_alloc_t (*this).allocate (__newsize, (void*)_C_last);
_CATCH (...) {
_C_buf_alloc_t (*this).deallocate (__buf, 1);
__buf->_C_next_buffer = _C_buf_list;
__buf->size = __newsize;
_C_buf_list = __buf;
_C_next_avail = _C_buf_list->_C_buffer;
_C_last = _C_next_avail + __newsize;
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
void __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
_C_deallocate_buffers ()
while ((void*)_C_buf_list) {
_C_buf_ptr_t __tmp = _C_buf_list;
_C_buf_list = (_C_buf_ptr_t)(_C_buf_list->_C_next_buffer);
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::iterator
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
_C_insert (_C_link_t __x, _C_link_t __y, const value_type &__v)
_C_link_t __z = _C_get_node (__v);
// for notational convenience
const typename _C_node_t::_C_color_t _Red = _C_node_t::_C_red;
const typename _C_node_t::_C_color_t _Black = _C_node_t::_C_black;
const _C_link_t _Null = _C_link_t ();
if ( __y == _C_end || _Null != __x
|| _C_cmp (_KeyOf()(__v), __y->_C_key ())) {
__y->_C_child [0] = __z;
if (__y == _C_end) {
// set the root node and the rightmost node
_C_end->_C_parent = __z;
_C_end->_C_child [1] = __z;
else if (__y == _C_end->_C_child [0]) {
// set the leftmost node
_C_end->_C_child [0] = __z;
else {
__y->_C_child [1] = __z;
if (__y == _C_end->_C_child [1]) {
// set the rightmost node
_C_end->_C_child [1] = __z;
__z->_C_parent = __y;
__x = __z; // recolor and rebalance the tree
while ( __x != _C_end->_C_parent
&& __x->_C_parent->_C_color == _Red) {
if (__x->_C_parent == __x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_child [0]) {
__y = __x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_child [1];
if (_Null != __y && __y->_C_color == _Red) {
__x->_C_parent->_C_color = _Black;
__y->_C_color = _Black;
__x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_color = _Red;
__x = __x->_C_parent->_C_parent;
else {
if (__x == __x->_C_parent->_C_child [1]) {
__x = __x->_C_parent;
_C_rol (__x);
__x->_C_parent->_C_color = _Black;
__x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_color = _Red;
_C_ror (__x->_C_parent->_C_parent);
else {
__y = __x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_child [0];
if (_Null != __y && __y->_C_color == _Red) {
__x->_C_parent->_C_color = _Black;
__y->_C_color = _Black;
__x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_color = _Red;
__x = __x->_C_parent->_C_parent;
else {
if (__x == __x->_C_parent->_C_child [0]) {
__x = __x->_C_parent;
_C_ror (__x);
__x->_C_parent->_C_color = _Black;
__x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_color = _Red;
_C_rol (__x->_C_parent->_C_parent);
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_OPTIMIZE_SPEED)
const bool __left =
__x->_C_parent == __x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_child [0];
const bool __right = !__left;
__y = __x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_child [__left];
if (_Null != __y && _Red == __y->_C_color) {
__y->_C_color =
__x->_C_parent->_C_color = _Black;
__x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_color = _Red;
__x = __x->_C_parent->_C_parent;
else {
if (__x == __x->_C_parent->_C_child [__left]) {
__x = __x->_C_parent;
_C_rotate (__x, __right);
__x->_C_parent->_C_color = _Black;
__x->_C_parent->_C_parent->_C_color = _Red;
_C_rotate (__x->_C_parent->_C_parent, __left);
// set the color of the root node
_C_end->_C_parent->_C_color = _Black;
return _C_make_iter (__z);
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
void __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
_C_insert (const value_type &__v, _STD::pair<iterator, bool> &__ret,
bool __dup)
_C_link_t __y = _C_end; // end
_C_link_t __x = _C_end->_C_parent; // root node
bool __right = true;
while (_C_link_t () != __x) {
__y = __x;
__right = _C_cmp (_KeyOf ()(__v), __x->_C_key ());
__x = __x->_C_child [!__right];
typedef _STD::pair<iterator, bool> _IterPair;
if (__dup) {
// allow insertion of duplicate keys
__ret = _IterPair (_C_insert (__x, __y, __v), true);
iterator __j = _C_make_iter (__y);
if (__right) {
if (__j == begin ()) {
__ret = _IterPair (_C_insert (__x, __y, __v), true);
if (_C_cmp (_ITER_NODE (__j)->_C_key (), _KeyOf ()(__v)))
__ret = _IterPair (_C_insert (__x, __y, __v), true);
__ret = _IterPair (__j, false);
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::iterator
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
insert (iterator __it, const value_type &__v, bool __dup)
_RWSTD_ASSERT_RANGE (begin (), __it);
{ // verify the consistency of the tree
size_type __two_logN = 0;
for (size_type __i = size () + 1; __i >>= 1; ++__two_logN);
__two_logN *= 2;
const size_type __depth = _C_depth ();
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__depth <= __two_logN);
#endif // _RWSTDDEBUG
const _C_link_t __hint = _ITER_NODE (__it);
// if __hint is the right most child, or tree is empty
if (__hint == _C_end->_C_child [1]) {
// if tree is not empty and __key is greater
// then insert on the right
if (_C_size && _C_cmp (__hint->_C_key (), _KeyOf ()(__v)))
return _C_insert (0, __hint, __v);
// otherwise just insert
return insert (__v, __dup).first;
// if __hint is past the end and __key is greater,
// then insert on the right
if (__hint == _C_end) {
if (_C_cmp (__hint->_C_child [1]->_C_key(), _KeyOf ()(__v)))
return _C_insert (0, __hint->_C_child [1], __v);
return insert (__v, __dup).first;
// if __hint is the left most child and __key is less
// then insert on the left
if (__hint == _C_end->_C_child [0]) {
if (_C_cmp (_KeyOf ()(__v), __hint->_C_key ()))
return _C_insert (__hint, __hint, __v);
return insert (__v, __dup).first;
const iterator __prev = __it++;
// if __v falls between __prev and __it, then insert it there
if ( _C_cmp (_ITER_NODE (__prev)->_C_key (), _KeyOf ()(__v))
&& _C_cmp (_KeyOf ()(__v), _ITER_NODE (__it)->_C_key ())) {
// if there is no right child of __prev, then __prev is the
// left child of __it and we insert to right of __prev
if (_C_link_t () == _ITER_NODE (__prev)->_C_child [1])
return _C_insert (0, _ITER_NODE (__prev), __v);
// otherwise we insert on the left of __it
return _C_insert (_ITER_NODE (__it), _ITER_NODE (__it), __v);
// otherwise, do a full traversal
return insert (__v, __dup).first;
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::iterator
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::erase (iterator __it)
_RWSTD_ASSERT_RANGE (begin (), __it);
{ // verify the consistency of the tree
size_type __two_logN = 0;
for (size_type __i = size () + 1; __i >>= 1; ++__two_logN);
__two_logN *= 2;
const size_type __depth = _C_depth ();
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__depth <= __two_logN);
#endif // _RWSTDDEBUG
if (__it == end ())
return end ();
// for notational convenience
const typename _C_node_t::_C_color_t _Red = _C_node_t::_C_red;
const typename _C_node_t::_C_color_t _Black = _C_node_t::_C_black;
const _C_link_t _Null = _C_link_t ();
// returned iterator pointing to the element just past `it'
const iterator __next = ++iterator (__it);
_C_link_t __z (_ITER_NODE (__it)); // `it's node
_C_link_t __y (__z); // node to be erased
_C_link_t __x;
_C_link_t __x_parent = 0;
_RWSTD_ASSERT (_Null != __z);
if (_Null == __y->_C_child [0]) {
// __z might have one non-null child. x
// holds that child (might be null though).
__x = __y->_C_child [1];
else if (_Null == __y->_C_child [1]) {
// __z HAS one non-null child and __x points to it now.
__x = __y->_C_child [0];
else {
// __z has two non-null children; make __y point to its immediate
// predecessor; __x will point to that predecessor's immediate
// predecessor.
__y = _C_node_t::_C_min (__y->_C_child [1]);
__x = __y->_C_child [1];
if (__y != __z) {
// __y != __z ( means __y is in __z's left subtree )
// __y REPLACES __z
// relink `y' in place of `z' (at this point __y
// is __z's immediate predecessor)
__z->_C_child [0]->_C_parent = __y;
__y->_C_child [0] = __z->_C_child [0];
if (__y != __z->_C_child [1]) {
// __y is predecessor but is not __z's direct child (right)
// save y's former parent
__x_parent = __y->_C_parent;
if (_Null != __x)
// if __x exists, __x's parent becomes __y's parent
__x->_C_parent = __y->_C_parent;
// __y's former parent becomes __x's parent
__y->_C_parent->_C_child [0] = __x;
// __y's right child gets __z's former right child
__y->_C_child [1] = __z->_C_child [1];
// __z's former right child gets __y as parent
__z->_C_child [1]->_C_parent = __y;
else {
// in the case when __y is a direct child of __z,
// save __y value as __x's parent
__x_parent = __y;
if (_C_end->_C_parent == __z) {
// when deleted (__z) is root/end, then __y replaces root/end
_C_end->_C_parent = __y;
else {
// nice shot;
// when __z is not root/end, then its parent's
// child on __z's side becomes __y
__z->_C_parent->_C_child [__z->_C_parent->_C_child [0] != __z]
= __y;
// Finally, y's parent changes to be z's parent;
// y is completely severed from its place
__y->_C_parent = __z->_C_parent;
// swap y and z colors
_STD::swap (__y->_C_color, __z->_C_color);
// __y now points to the deleted node
__y = __z;
else {
// (__y == __z) ( __z has had only one child (or maybe none) )
// __x REPLACES __z
// save __y's/__z's parent (will later become x's parent)
__x_parent = __y->_C_parent;
if (_Null != __x) {
// for a non-null __x, set its parent to point to __y's parent
__x->_C_parent = __y->_C_parent;
if (_C_end->_C_parent == __z) {
// if __z was root, __x becomes new root...
_C_end->_C_parent = __x;
// ... otherwise, __x simply replaces __z and as such,
// __z's parent gets __x as right *or* left child
__z->_C_parent->_C_child [__z->_C_parent->_C_child [0] != __z]
= __x;
if (_C_end->_C_child [0] == __z) {
// __z is the left corner of the tree (smallest element)
if (_Null == __z->_C_child [1])
// when __z leaves the tree, leftmost will be invalidated;
// adjust left corner to point to __z's parent
_C_end->_C_child [0] = __z->_C_parent;
else {
// finding the successor of __z when __z's right subtree
// is not null; leftmost becomes that minimum/sucessor
_C_end->_C_child [0] = _C_node_t::_C_min (__x);
if (_C_end->_C_child [1] == __z) {
// __z is in the right corner of the tree
if (_Null == __z->_C_child [0])
// when __z leaves the tree, right corner will be invalidated;
// adjust right corner to point to __z's parent
_C_end->_C_child [1] = __z->_C_parent;
else {
// otherwise, find z's predecessor in z's
// left subtree; that becomes the new rightmost element
_C_end->_C_child [1] = _C_node_t::_C_max (__x);
// (At this point __y has replaced __z and __z has been removed.)
if (__y->_C_color != _Red) {
// __y's color is not red; had it been red, we would have been
// done because it would not have altered the "blackness"
// At the loop's beginning, __x can be one of the two:
// 1. either the strict predecessor of __z's strict predecessor
// and in this case is down the subtree on z's left
// 2. is the node that replaced __z when __z has had only one
// child; that child has replaced __z and its changes
// will be propagated upward
while ( __x != _C_end->_C_parent
&& (_Null == __x || __x->_C_color == _Black)) {
if (__x == __x_parent->_C_child [0]) {
// __w is __x's brother/sibling
_C_link_t __w = __x_parent->_C_child [1];
if (_Red == __w->_C_color) {
__w->_C_color = _Black;
__x_parent->_C_color = _Red;
_C_rol (__x_parent);
__w = __x_parent->_C_child [1];
if ((_Null == __w->_C_child [0] ||
_Black == __w->_C_child [0]->_C_color) &&
(_Null == __w->_C_child [1] ||
_Black == __w->_C_child [1]->_C_color)) {
// __x's sibling (__w) has black children (or null);
// color __x's sibling as RED and move up in the tree
__w->_C_color = _Red;
__x = __x_parent;
__x_parent = __x_parent->_C_parent;
else {
// __w (__x's sibling) has a child which is RED
if (_Null == __w->_C_child [1] ||
_Black == __w->_C_child [1]->_C_color) {
// __w's left is RED
if (_Null != __w->_C_child [0])
// the left RED child becomes BLACK
__w->_C_child [0]->_C_color = _Black;
// __w (x's sibling) becomes RED - color propagates up
__w->_C_color = _Red;
_C_ror (__w);
__w = __x_parent->_C_child [1];
__w->_C_color = __x_parent->_C_color;
__x_parent->_C_color = _Black;
if (_Null != __w->_C_child [1])
__w->_C_child [1]->_C_color = _Black;
_C_rol (__x_parent);
else {
// same as the if clause with "right" and "left" exchanged
_C_link_t __w = __x_parent->_C_child [0];
if (_Red == __w->_C_color) {
__w->_C_color = _Black;
__x_parent->_C_color = _Red;
_C_ror (__x_parent);
__w = __x_parent->_C_child [0];
if ((_Null == __w->_C_child [1] ||
_Black == __w->_C_child [1]->_C_color) &&
(_Null == __w->_C_child [0] ||
_Black == __w->_C_child [0]->_C_color)) {
__w->_C_color = _Red;
__x = __x_parent;
__x_parent = __x_parent->_C_parent;
else {
if (_Null == __w->_C_child [0] ||
_Black == __w->_C_child [0]->_C_color) {
if (_Null != __w->_C_child [1])
__w->_C_child [1]->_C_color = _Black;
__w->_C_color = _Red;
_C_rol (__w);
__w = __x_parent->_C_child [0];
__w->_C_color = __x_parent->_C_color;
__x_parent->_C_color = _Black;
if (_Null != __w->_C_child [0])
__w->_C_child [0]->_C_color = _Black;
_C_ror (__x_parent);
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_OPTIMIZE_SPEED)
const bool __left = (__x == __x_parent->_C_child [0]);
const bool __right = !__left;
_C_link_t __w = __x_parent->_C_child [__left];
if (_Red == __w->_C_color) {
__w->_C_color = _Black;
__x_parent->_C_color = _Red;
// rotate right if `x' is a right child, otherwise right
_C_rotate (__x_parent, __right);
__w = __x_parent->_C_child [__left];
if ((_Null == __w->_C_child [__right] ||
_Black == __w->_C_child [__right]->_C_color) &&
(_Null == __w->_C_child [__left ] ||
_Black == __w->_C_child [__left ]->_C_color)) {
__w->_C_color = _Red;
__x = __x_parent;
__x_parent = __x->_C_parent;
else {
if (_Null == __w->_C_child [__left] ||
_Black == __w->_C_child [__left]->_C_color) {
if (_Null != __w->_C_child [__right])
__w->_C_child [__right]->_C_color = _Black;
__w->_C_color = _Red;
_C_rotate (__w, __left);
__w = __x_parent->_C_child [__left];
if (_Null != __w) {
__w->_C_color = __x_parent->_C_color;
__x_parent->_C_color = _Black;
if (_Null != __w->_C_child [__left])
__w->_C_child [__left]->_C_color = _Black;
_C_rotate (__x_parent, __right);
if (_Null != __x)
__x->_C_color = _Black;
_C_put_node (__y);
return __next;
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::size_type
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
erase (const key_type &__x)
const _STD::pair<iterator, iterator> __p = equal_range(__x);
const size_type __n = _DISTANCE (__p.first, __p.second, size_type);
erase (__p.first, __p.second);
return __n;
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::_C_link_t
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
_C_copy (_C_link_t __x, _C_link_t __p)
// recursive structural copy
_C_link_t __res = __x;
while (_C_link_t () != __x) {
const _C_link_t __y = _C_get_node (__x->_C_value);
if (__res == __x)
__res = __y; // save for return value
__y->_C_color = __x->_C_color;
__y->_C_parent = __p;
__p->_C_child [0] = __y;
__y->_C_child [1] = _C_copy (__x->_C_child [1], __y);
__p = __y;
__x = __x->_C_child [0];
__p->_C_child [0] = 0;
return __res;
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
void __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
_C_erase (_C_link_t __x)
// recursively erase without rebalancing
while (_C_link_t () != __x) {
_C_erase (__x->_C_child [1]);
_C_link_t __y = __x->_C_child [0];
_C_put_node (__x);
__x = __y;
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::iterator
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
erase (iterator __first, iterator __last)
_RWSTD_ASSERT_RANGE (begin (), __first);
_RWSTD_ASSERT_RANGE (__first, __last);
iterator __tmp;
if (__first == begin () && __last == end () && _C_size) {
// erase the root node
_C_erase (_C_end->_C_parent);
// set the parent pointer of an empty tree to null
_C_end->_C_parent = 0;
// set the child pointers of an empty tree to end()
_C_end->_C_child [0] =
_C_end->_C_child [1] = _C_end;
// set the size of the tree to 0
_C_size = 0;
// return end()
__tmp = end ();
} else
for (__tmp = end (); !(__first == __last); __tmp = erase (__first++));
return __tmp;
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::iterator
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
find (const key_type &__k)
const iterator __j = lower_bound (__k);
return __j == end () || _C_cmp (__k, _ITER_NODE (__j)->_C_key ()) ?
end () : __j;
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::iterator
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
lower_bound (const key_type &__k)
_C_link_t __y = _C_end;
for (_C_link_t __x = __y->_C_parent; _C_link_t () != __x; ) {
if (_C_cmp (__x->_C_key (), __k)) {
__x = __x->_C_child [1];
else {
__y = __x;
__x = __x->_C_child [0];
return _C_make_iter (__y);
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::iterator
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
upper_bound (const key_type &__k)
_C_link_t __y = _C_end;
for (_C_link_t __x = __y->_C_parent; _C_link_t () != __x; ) {
if (_C_cmp (__k, __x->_C_key ())) {
__y = __x;
__x = __x->_C_child [0];
__x = __x->_C_child [1];
return _C_make_iter (__y);
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::size_type
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
_C_depth (const_iterator __it, size_type *__rank /* = 0 */) const
// for notational convenience
const typename _C_node_t::_C_color_t _Black = _C_node_t::_C_black;
const _C_link_t _Null = _C_link_t ();
const _C_link_t __node = _ITER_NODE (__it);
if (_Null == __node)
return 0;
const typename _C_node_t::_C_color_t _Red = _C_node_t::_C_red;
if (_Red == __node->_C_color) {
// both children of every red node must be black
const bool __left_child_black =
_Null == __node->_C_child [0]
|| _Black == __node->_C_child [0]->_C_color;
const bool __right_child_black =
_Null == __node->_C_child [1]
|| _Black == __node->_C_child [1]->_C_color;
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__left_child_black);
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__right_child_black);
#endif // _RWDSDEBUG
// every simple path from every node must contain the same number
// of black nodes; that means that every black node must either
// have zero or two children (of either color), or a single red
// child
size_type __ranks [2];
if ( _Null == __node->_C_child [0]
|| _Black == __node->_C_child [0]->_C_color)
__ranks [0] = 1;
__ranks [0] = 0;
if ( _Null == __node->_C_child [1]
|| _Black == __node->_C_child [1]->_C_color)
__ranks [1] = 1;
__ranks [1] = 0;
const size_type __depth [] = {
_Null == __node->_C_child [0] ?
0 : 1 + _C_depth (_C_make_iter (__node->_C_child [0]), __ranks + 0),
_Null == __node->_C_child [1] ?
0 : 1 + _C_depth (_C_make_iter (__node->_C_child [1]), __ranks + 1)
_RWSTD_ASSERT (__ranks [0] == __ranks [1]);
if (__rank)
*__rank += __ranks [0];
return __depth [__depth [0] < __depth [1]];
template <class _Key, class _Val, class _KeyOf, class _Comp, class _Alloc>
typename __rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::size_type
__rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOf, _Comp, _Alloc>::
_C_level (const_iterator __it) const
if (_ITER_NODE (__it) == _C_end->_C_parent)
return 0;
return 1 + _C_level (_C_make_iter (_ITER_NODE (__it)->_C_parent));
} // namespace __rw