blob: f922d3c44def05bf4f5da83cabfb735749da298f [file] [log] [blame]
* 22.locale.collate.cpp -- tests for collate-facet member functions
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1994-2008 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <locale> // for collate, locale
#include <string> // for string
#include <algorithm> // for sort and unique
#include <climits> // for UCHAR_MAX
#include <clocale> // for LC_COLLATE, setlocale
#include <cstdlib> // for exit()
#include <cstdio> // for fprintf()
#include <cstring> // for strcmp(), strcoll(), ...
#include <cwchar> // for wcscoll()
#include <driver.h>
#include <environ.h>
#include <file.h>
#include <rw_locale.h>
#include <rw_process.h>
#if _RWSTD_PATH_SEP == '/'
# define SLASH "/"
# define SLASH "\\"
// strings declared extern to work around a SunPro bug (PR #28124)
// get the source root
#define RELPATH "etc" SLASH "nls"
#define TESTS_ETC_PATH "tests" SLASH "etc"
// the root of the locale directory (RWSTD_LOCALE_ROOT)
const char* locale_root;
#define LC_COLLATE_CM ""
#define TEST_LOCALE_NAME "test.locale"
// These overloads are necessary in our template
// functions so that we can make a single function call reguardless
// of the charT we are using
int c_strcoll (const char* s1, const char* s2)
const int ret = std::strcoll(s1, s2);
return ret ? ret > 0 ? 1 : -1 : 0;
std::size_t c_xfrm (char* to, const char* from, std::size_t size)
char safety_buf [8];
if (0 == to && 0 == size) {
// prevent buggy implementations (such as MSVC 8) from trying
// to write to the destination buffer even though it's 0 and
// its size is zero (see stdcxx-69)
to = safety_buf;
*to = '\0';
std::size_t n = std::strxfrm (to, from, size);
if (to)
n = std::strlen (to);
return n;
std::size_t c_strlen (const char* s1)
return std::strlen (s1);
const char* narrow (char* dst, const char* src)
if (src == dst || !src || !dst)
return src;
std::memcpy (dst, src, std::strlen (src) + 1);
return dst;
const char* widen (char* dst, const char* src)
if (src == dst || !src || !dst)
return src;
std::memcpy (dst, src, std::strlen (src) + 1);
return dst;
int c_strcoll (const wchar_t* s1, const wchar_t* s2)
const int ret = std::wcscoll(s1, s2);
return ret ? ret > 0 ? 1 : -1 : 0;
std::size_t c_xfrm (wchar_t* to, const wchar_t* from, std::size_t size)
#if !defined (_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER > 1200
wchar_t safety_buf [8];
if (0 == to && 0 == size) {
// prevent buggy implementations (such as MSVC 8) from trying
// to write to the destination buffer even though it's 0 and
// its size is zero (see stdcxx-69)
to = safety_buf;
*to = L'\0';
std::size_t n = std::wcsxfrm (to, from, size);
if (to)
n = std::wcslen (to);
#else // MSVC 6 and prior
// working around an MSVC 6.0 libc bug (PR #26437)
if (to) {
std::size_t n = std::wcsxfrm (to, from, size);
n = std::wcslen (to);
return n;
wchar_t tmp [1024];
std::size_t n = std::wcslen (from);
_RWSTD_ASSERT (n < sizeof tmp / sizeof *tmp);
std::wcscpy (tmp, from);
std::wcsxfrm (tmp, from, sizeof tmp / sizeof *tmp);
n = std::wcslen (tmp);
#endif // MSVC 6
return n;
std::size_t c_strlen (const wchar_t* s1)
return std::wcslen (s1);
const wchar_t* widen (wchar_t* dst, const char* src)
static wchar_t buf [4096];
if (!src)
return 0;
if (!dst)
dst = buf;
std::size_t len = std::strlen (src);
_RWSTD_ASSERT (len < sizeof buf /sizeof *buf);
len = std::mbstowcs (dst, src, sizeof buf / sizeof *buf);
if (std::size_t (-1) == len)
*dst = 0;
return dst;
const char* narrow (char* dst, const wchar_t* src)
static char buf [4096];
if (!src)
return 0;
if (!dst)
dst = buf;
std::size_t len = std::wcslen (src);
_RWSTD_ASSERT (len < sizeof buf);
len = std::wcstombs (dst, src, sizeof buf / sizeof *buf);
if (std::size_t (-1) == len)
*dst = 0;
return dst;
#endif //_RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
template <class charT>
/*static*/ void
gen_str (charT* str, std::size_t size)
// generate a random string with the given size
if (!size)
// use ASCII characters in the printable range
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != size - 1; ++i)
str [i] = ' ' + std::rand () % ('~' - ' ');
str [size - 1] = charT ();
template <class charT>
/*static*/ void
check_libc (const char* charTname)
// the libc implementation of the library should act the same as
// the c-library. Go through all the locales, generate some random
// strings and make sure that the following holds true:
// transform acts like strxfrm and wcsxfrm,
// compare acts like strcoll and wcscoll
int nfail [3] = { 0 };
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"libc std::collate<%s>::transform ()", charTname);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"libc std::collate<%s>::compare ()", charTname);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::collate<%s>::hash ()", charTname);
for (const char* locname = rw_locales (LC_COLLATE);
*locname; locname += std::strlen (locname) + 1) {
_TRY {
std::setlocale (LC_COLLATE, locname);
int max = MB_CUR_MAX;
if (max > 1)
std::locale loc;
_TRY {
loc = std::locale (locname);
_CATCH (...) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::locale(\"%s\") unexpectedly threw "
"an exception", locname);
const std::collate<charT> &co =
_STD_USE_FACET (std::collate<charT>, loc);
co._C_opts |= co._C_use_libc;
co._C_opts &= ~co._C_use_libstd;
// now the locale is set up so lets test the transform and
// compare functions
for (int loop_cntrl = 0; loop_cntrl < 10; loop_cntrl++) {
#define STR_SIZE 16
charT str1 [STR_SIZE] = { 0 };
charT str2 [STR_SIZE] = { 0 };
// generate two random NUL-terminated strings
gen_str (str1, sizeof str1 / sizeof *str1);
gen_str (str2, sizeof str2 / sizeof *str2);
// call transform on the generated string
// not including the terminating NUL
const std::basic_string <charT, std::char_traits<charT>,
std::allocator<charT> > out =
co.transform (str1, str1 + sizeof str1 / sizeof *str1 - 1);
// get the size of the buffer needed to hold the
// transformed string (with the terminating NUL)
std::size_t size = 1U + c_xfrm (0, str1, 0);
// prevent errors caused by huge return values (e.g., MSVC)
if (size > STR_SIZE * 64)
size = 0;
std::basic_string <charT, std::char_traits<charT>,
std::allocator<charT> > c_out;
if (size) {
c_out.resize (size);
// call the C-library transform function
size = c_xfrm (&c_out [0], str1, size);
if (size > STR_SIZE * 64)
size = 0;
// shrink to fit (chop off the terminating NUL)
c_out.resize (size);
// make sure the output is the same
if (out != c_out) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d. collate<%s>::transform(%s, ...) "
"== %{S}, got %{S} in locale(\"%s\")",
loop_cntrl, charTname, str1,
&c_out, &out, locname);
// now call compare on the two generated strings
int ret1 = (str1, str1 + sizeof str1 / sizeof *str1,
str2, str2 + sizeof str2 / sizeof *str2);
// call the C-library comparison function
int ret2 = c_strcoll (str1, str2);
// make sure the results are the same
if (ret1 != ret2) {
nfail [1]++;
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d. collate<%s>::compare(%s, ..., %s, ...) "
"== %d, got %d in locale(\"%s\")",
loop_cntrl, charTname, str1,
str2, ret2, ret1, locname);
// two strings that compare identically must hash
// identically as well. Calling hash on the same string is
// not very conclusive but generating strings that have exactly
// the same weights is not possible without knowing all the
// weight orderings
const long hashNum1 =
co.hash (str1, str1 + sizeof str1 / sizeof *str1);
const long hashNum2 =
co.hash (str1, str1 + sizeof str1 / sizeof *str1);
if (hashNum1 != hashNum2) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d. collate<%s>::hash(%s, ...) == %d, "
"got %d in locale(\"%s\")",
loop_cntrl, charTname, str1,
hashNum1, hashNum2, locname);
_CATCH (...) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"locale(\"%s\") threw an exception", locname);
rw_assert (0 == nfail [0], __FILE__, __LINE__,
"collate<%s>::transform () failed %d times",
charTname, nfail [0]);
rw_assert (0 == nfail [1], __FILE__, __LINE__,
"collate<%s>::compare () failed %d times",
charTname, nfail [1]);
rw_assert (0 == nfail [2], __FILE__, __LINE__,
"collate<%s>::hash () failed %d times",
charTname, nfail [2]);
static const char*
make_test_locale ()
// create a temporary locale definition file that exercises as
// many different parts of the collate standard as possible
char lc_collate_src_path [L_tmpnam + sizeof LC_COLLATE_SRC + 2];
std::strcpy (lc_collate_src_path, locale_root);
std::strcat (lc_collate_src_path, SLASH);
std::strcat (lc_collate_src_path, LC_COLLATE_SRC);
std::FILE *fout = std::fopen (lc_collate_src_path, "w");
const char lc_collate_file[] = {
"script <ALL_FORWARD>\n"
"collating-element <er> from \"<e><r>\"\n"
"collating-element <ic> from \"ic\"\n"
"collating-symbol <LETTER>\n"
"collating-symbol <COLLATING_ELEMENT>\n"
"collating-symbol <DIGIT>\n"
"order_start forward;backward;forward,position\n"
"<a> <a> <LETTER> IGNORE\n"
"<b> <b> <LETTER> IGNORE\n"
// "<c>" will have a non-ignored position ordering
"<c> <c> <LETTER> <c>\n"
// try giving "<d>" a many-to-one weight
"<d> \"<d><a>\" <LETTER> IGNORE\n"
// try giving "<e>" a decimal value weight
"<e> \\d139 <LETTER> IGNORE\n"
// try giving "<f>" an octal value weight
"<f> \\36 <LETTER> IGNORE\n"
// try giving "<g>" a hex value weight
"<g> \\x3A <LETTER> IGNORE\n"
"<zero> <zero> <DIGIT> IGNORE\n"
"<one> <one> <DIGIT> <zero>\n"
"<two> <two> <DIGIT> IGNORE\n"
"<three> <three> <DIGIT> IGNORE\n"
// the <ic> collating element will be equivalent to the letter <c>
"<ic> <c> <LETTER> <c>\n"
// define a section in which all of the orders are forward orders
"order_start <ALL_FORWARD>;forward;forward;forward\n"
// reorder the elementes in the <ALL_FORWARD> section to appear
// after the letter "<g>"
"reorder-after <g>\n"
// try to reorder "<a>" after "<b>"
"reorder-after <b>\n"
"<a> <a> <LETTER> IGNORE\n"
std::fputs (lc_collate_file, fout);
std::fclose (fout);
// create a temporary character map file
char lc_collate_cm_path [L_tmpnam + sizeof LC_COLLATE_CM + 2];
std::strcpy (lc_collate_cm_path, locale_root);
std::strcat (lc_collate_cm_path, SLASH);
std::strcat (lc_collate_cm_path, LC_COLLATE_CM);
fout = std::fopen (lc_collate_cm_path, "w");
pcs_write (fout, 0);
std::fclose (fout);
return rw_localedef ("-w", lc_collate_src_path,
template <class charT>
/*static*/ void
check_libstd_test_locale (const char* charTname)
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"libstd std::collate<%s>::transform () "
"collate test database", charTname);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"libstd std::collate<%s>::compare () collate test "
"database", charTname);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"libstd std::collate<%s>::hash () collate test "
"database", charTname);
const char* const locname = make_test_locale ();
if (locname) {
std::locale loc;
_TRY {
loc = std::locale (locname);
_CATCH (...) {
const char* const var = std::getenv (LOCALE_ROOT);
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::locale(\"%s\") unexpectedly threw "
"an exception; " LOCALE_ROOT "=%s",
locname, var ? var : "(null)");
const std::collate<charT> &co =
_STD_USE_FACET (std::collate<charT>, loc);
co._C_opts |= co._C_use_libstd;
co._C_opts &= ~co._C_use_libc;
#define IGNORE 0
// first lets make sure that each character was given the
// correct weight for each level.
#undef TEST
#define TEST(ch, w0, w1, w2, w3, w3_is_fp) \
test_weight_val (charTname, co, charT (ch), w0, w1, w2, w3, w3_is_fp)
TEST ('a', 6, IGNORE, 2, IGNORE, true);
TEST ('b', 5, IGNORE, 2, IGNORE, true);
TEST ('c', 7, IGNORE, 2, 7, true);
TEST ('d', 8, 6, 2, IGNORE, true);
TEST ('e', 139, IGNORE, 2, IGNORE, true);
TEST ('f', 30, IGNORE, 2, IGNORE, true);
TEST ('g', 58, IGNORE, 2, IGNORE, true);
TEST ('h', 12, IGNORE, 12, 12, false);
TEST ('i', 13, IGNORE, 13, 13, false);
TEST ('j', 14, IGNORE, 14, 14, false);
TEST ('k', 15, IGNORE, 15, 15, false);
TEST ('0', 16, IGNORE, 4, IGNORE, true);
TEST ('1', 17, IGNORE, 4, 16, true);
TEST ('2', 18, IGNORE, 4, IGNORE, true);
TEST ('3', 19, IGNORE, 4, IGNORE, true);
// make sure that strings collate the way we expect them to
// a should collate greater then b
test_string (charTname, co, "a", "b", 1) ;
// the collating element "er" should collate after 'a' and 'b'
// but before 'c'
test_string (charTname, co, "er", "a", 1);
test_string (charTname, co, "er", "b", 1);
test_string (charTname, co, "er", "c", -1);
// the collating element "ic" should be equivalent to the letter 'c'
test_string (charTname, co, "ic", "c", 0);
// two strings that compare identically must hash
// identically as well.
// since ic and c are equivalent elements string they should hash
// the same
test_hash (charTname, co, "c", "ic");
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"unable to create a locale database");
enum { bufsiz = 256 };
template <class charT>
/*static*/ void
test_hash (const char* charTname, const std::collate<charT>& co,
const char* str1, const char* str2)
// convert narrow string to a (possibly) wide representation
charT wstrbuf [bufsiz];
charT wstrbuf2 [bufsiz];
const charT* const wstr = widen (wstrbuf, str1);
const charT* const wstr2 = widen (wstrbuf2, str2);
long hashNum1 = co.hash (wstr, wstr + c_strlen (wstr));
long hashNum2 = co.hash (wstr2, wstr2 + c_strlen (wstr2));
if (hashNum1 != hashNum2) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"collate<%s>::hash(%s, ...) returned %d and\n "
"collate<%s>::hash(%s, ...) returned %d",
charTname, str1,
hashNum1, charTname, str2, hashNum2);
template <class charT>
/*static*/ void
test_string (const char* charTname, const std::collate<charT>& co,
const char* str1, const char* str2,
int expected_val)
// convert narrow string to a (possibly) wide representation
charT wstrbuf [bufsiz];
charT wstrbuf2 [bufsiz];
const charT* const wstr = widen (wstrbuf, str1);
const charT* const wstr2 = widen (wstrbuf2, str2);
int ret = (wstr, wstr + c_strlen (wstr),
wstr2, wstr2 + c_strlen(wstr2));
if (ret != expected_val)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"libstd std::collate<%s>::compare"
"(%s, ..., %s, ...) == %d, got %d",
charTname, str1, str2, expected_val, ret);
template <class charT>
/*static*/ void
test_weight_val (const char* charTname, const std::collate<charT>& co,
charT ch, int w1a, int w1b, int w2, int w3, bool w3_is_fp)
int w [3][2] = { { w1a, w1b }, { w2, IGNORE }, { w3, IGNORE } };
typedef std::char_traits<charT> Traits;
typedef std::allocator<charT> Alloc;
typedef std::basic_string <charT, Traits, Alloc> String;
// construct an expected transformed string out of the weight arguments
String expected;
if (sizeof (charT) == sizeof (char)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
if (w [i][k] != IGNORE) {
while (w [i][k] > _RWSTD_CHAR_MAX) {
expected += charT (_RWSTD_CHAR_MAX);
w [i][k] -= _RWSTD_CHAR_MAX;
expected += charT (w [i][k]);
else if (i == 2 && k == 0 && w3_is_fp)
expected += charT (_RWSTD_CHAR_MAX);
// mark the end of the pass
expected += charT (1);
else {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
if (w [i][k] != IGNORE) {
expected += charT (w [i][k]);
else if (i == 2 && k == 0 && w3_is_fp)
expected += charT (_RWSTD_WCHAR_MAX);
expected += charT (1);
// get the transformed string
const String actual = co.transform (&ch, &ch + 1);
// make sure the strings are equal
rw_assert (expected != actual, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"collate<%s>::transform (\"%c\", ...) == %{S}, "
"got %{S}", charTname, ch, &expected, &actual);
template <class charT>
/*static*/ void
check_libstd (const char* charTname)
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"libstd std::collate<%s>::transform () sorting "
"file test", charTname);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"libstd std::collate<%s>::compare () sorting "
"file test", charTname);
// This test works by using a series of sorted input files
// we randomize the words in the input files and sort them using
// the proper locale's collate facet. This test will automatically
// generate the required locales.
static const char* const locales[][3] = {
// +-- locale name
// | +-- character set
// | | +-- input file name
// | | |
// V V V
{ "cs_CZ", "ISO-8859-2", "" }, // Czech, Czech Rep.
{ "da_DK", "ISO-8859-1", "" }, // Danish, Denmark
{ "en_US", "ISO-8859-1", "" }, // English, US
{ "hr_HR", "ISO-8859-2", "" }, // Hungarian, Hungary
{ "sv_SE", "ISO-8859-1", "" }, // Swedish, Sweden
{ "th_TH", "TIS-620", "" } // Thai, Thailand
const std::size_t nlocales = sizeof locales / sizeof *locales;
typedef std::char_traits<charT> Traits;
typedef std::allocator<charT> Allocator;
typedef std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Allocator> String;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nlocales; ++i) {
const char* const locname =
rw_localedef ("-w --no_position",
locales [i][0], locales [i][1], 0);
if (locname) {
std::locale loc;
_TRY {
loc = std::locale (locname);
_CATCH (...) {
const char* const var = std::getenv (LOCALE_ROOT);
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::locale(\"%s\") unexpectedly threw "
"an exception; " LOCALE_ROOT "=%s",
locname, var ? var : "(null)");
const std::collate<charT> &co =
_STD_USE_FACET (std::collate<charT>, loc);
co._C_opts |= co._C_use_libstd;
co._C_opts &= ~co._C_use_libc;
typedef std::codecvt<charT, char, std::mbstate_t> CodeCvt;
const CodeCvt &cvt = _STD_USE_FACET (CodeCvt, loc);
cvt._C_opts |= cvt._C_use_libstd;
cvt._C_opts &= ~cvt._C_use_libc;
// 'in' holds the strings from the input file and is there
// sorting will take place.
String in [1000];
// out holds the strings located in the output file
String out [1000];
#define TOPDIR "TOPDIR" /* the TOPDIR environment variable */
const char* in_path = std::getenv (TOPDIR);
if (!in_path || !*in_path) {
std::fprintf (stderr, "TOPDIR not defined or empty");
std::exit (1);
std::string path (in_path);
path += locales [i][2];
std::FILE* const f = std::fopen (path.c_str (), "r");
if (!f) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"file \"%s\" could not be opened", path.c_str ());
std::size_t j = 0;
while (1) {
char next_line [bufsiz];
if (0 != std::fgets (next_line, bufsiz, f)) {
std::size_t line_len = std::strlen (next_line);
// get rid of the newline character
next_line [--line_len] = '\0';
// convert from external to internal encoding
// (both of which might be the same type)
charT to [bufsiz];
const char* from_next;
charT* to_next;
static std::mbstate_t initial;
std::mbstate_t mbs = initial;
const std::codecvt_base::result res = (mbs,
next_line, next_line + line_len + 1,
to, to + sizeof to / sizeof *to,
if (cvt.ok == res) {
in [j] = to;
out [j] = to;
else if (cvt.noconv == res) {
in [j] = (charT*)next_line;
out [j] = (charT*)next_line;
// close the file
std::fclose (f);
// now bubble sort the items in the array
std::size_t idx;
std::size_t idx2;
String tmp;
String tmp2;
bool flipped;
if (j > 1) {
idx = 1;
do {
flipped = false;
for (idx2 = j - 1; idx2 >= idx; --idx2) {
const std::size_t idx1 = idx2 - 1;
if ( (in [idx1].c_str (),
in [idx1].c_str () + in [idx1].size (),
in [idx2].c_str (),
in [idx2].c_str () + in [idx2].size ())
> 0) {
in [idx1].swap (in [idx2]);
flipped = true;
} while (++idx < j && flipped);
// the items are sorted now lets make sure that they are sorted
// the same way they are sorted in the output file.
std::size_t nfail = 0;
for (std::size_t k = 0; k < j; ++k) {
if (in [k] != out [k]) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"%{S} != %{S} at line %u of %s",
&out [k], &in [k],
k + 1, locales [i][2]);
rw_assert (!nfail, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"collate<%s>::compare() failed %d times",
charTname, nfail);
template <class charT>
/*static*/ void
check_hash_eff (const char* charTname)
// test effectiveness of hash function
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::collate<%s>::hash () -- effectiveness", charTname);
// since the same hash algorithm is used for both byname and non-byname
// facets, simply set up a std::locale that uses the "C" locale
std::locale loc ("C");
const std::collate<charT> &co =
_STD_USE_FACET (std::collate<charT>, loc);
int nfail = 0;
charT s[100];
bool next = true;
// generate `N' unique strings and hash them, storing each value
static const std::size_t N = 100;
long hashed [N] = { 0 };
std::size_t k;
for (k = 1; k != N && next; ++k) {
// generate a unique string
gen_str (s, k);
// compute hash value
hashed [k] = co.hash (s, s + std::char_traits<charT>::length(s));
// sort hashed values, then remove all duplicates
std::sort (hashed, hashed + k);
k = std::unique (hashed, hashed + k) - hashed;
// assert that the probability of a collision is less than 1%
// according to, p3, the likelihood should be very small,
// approaching 1.0 / numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max()
if (N - k > N /100) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"collate<%s>::do_hash (const char_type*, "
"const char_type*); "
"probability of collision %f",
charTname, double (N - k) / N);
rw_assert (!nfail, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"collate<%s>::do_hash () failed %d times", charTname,
template <class charT>
/*static*/ void
check_NUL (const char* charTname)
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::collate<%s>::compare() with embedded NULs", charTname);
// verify that the collate facet correctly handles
// character sequences with embedded NULs
charT buf_1 [STR_SIZE];
charT buf_2 [STR_SIZE];
bool fail = false;
unsigned i = 0;
for (const char* locname = rw_locales (LC_COLLATE);
*locname && !fail; locname += std::strlen (locname) + 1, ++i) {
std::locale loc;
_TRY {
loc = std::locale (locname);
_CATCH (...) {
const std::size_t buflen = sizeof buf_1 / sizeof *buf_1 - 1;
gen_str (buf_1, sizeof buf_1 / sizeof *buf_1);
std::memcpy (buf_2, buf_1, sizeof buf_2);
// compute a random index into the character buffers
// at which to set the element to NUL; the indices
// are such that (inx_1 > inx_2) always holds
const std::size_t inx_2 = std::rand () % (buflen - 1);
const std::size_t inx_1 =
inx_2 + 1 + std::rand () % (buflen - inx_2 - 1);
buf_2 [inx_2] = charT ();
typedef std::collate<charT> CollateT;
const CollateT &col = std::use_facet<CollateT>(loc);
int cmp = (buf_1, buf_1 + buflen, buf_2, buf_2 + buflen);
if (!cmp) {
typedef typename CollateT::string_type StringT;
const StringT str_1 (buf_1, buflen);
const StringT str_2 (buf_2, buflen);
fail = true;
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"collate<%s>::compare(%{S}, ..., %{S}, ...) "
"!= 0, got 0 in locale(\"%s\")", charTname,
&str_1, &str_2, locname);
// set the character at the smaller index in both buffers to
// NUL, then set a character at the larger index in the first
// buffer to NUL, compare the two, and verify that the buffers
// compare unequal (buf_1 probably less)
buf_1 [inx_1] = charT ();
buf_1 [inx_2] = charT ();
cmp = (buf_1, buf_1 + buflen, buf_2, buf_2 + buflen);
if (!cmp) {
typedef typename CollateT::string_type StringT;
const StringT str_1 (buf_1, buflen);
const StringT str_2 (buf_2, buflen);
fail = true;
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"collate<%s>::compare(%{S}, ..., %{S}, ...) "
"!= 0, got 0 in locale(\"%s\")", charTname,
&str_1, &str_2, locname);
template <class charT>
/*static*/ void
do_test (const char* charTname)
check_libstd_test_locale<charT> (charTname);
check_libstd<charT> (charTname);
check_libc<charT> (charTname);
check_NUL<charT> (charTname);
check_hash_eff<charT> (charTname);
#if _RWSTD_PATH_SEP == '/'
# define RM_RF "rm -rf "
# define RM_RF "rmdir /Q /S "
#endif // _RWSTD_PATH_SEP == '/'
static int
run_test (int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/ [])
// set any additional environment variables defined in
// the RW_PUTENV environment variable (if it exists)
rw_putenv (0);
// create a temporary directory for files created by the test
char namebuf [L_tmpnam];
locale_root = std::tmpnam (namebuf);
char envvar [sizeof LOCALE_ROOT + L_tmpnam] = LOCALE_ROOT "=";
std::strcat (envvar, locale_root);
rw_system ("mkdir %s", locale_root);
// set the LOCALE_ROOT variable where std::locale looks
// for locale database files
rw_putenv (envvar);
do_test<char> ("char");
do_test<wchar_t> ("wchar_t");
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
// remove temporary locale databases created by the test
rw_system (RM_RF "%s", locale_root);
return 0;
/*extern*/ int
main (int argc, char* argv [])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
"22.2.4 The collate category",
run_test, "", 0);