blob: 9765487e0a776db940e7043cc556373699441251 [file] [log] [blame]
* 27.filebuf.cpp - test exercising class template basic_filebuf
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1994-2008 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <cerrno> // for errno
#include <csignal> // for signal()
#include <cstdio> // for FILE, fopen(), remove()
#include <cstring> // for memcmp()
#include <cwchar> // for mbstate_t
#include <fstream>
#if !defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_WIN64)
# ifdef __SUNPRO_CC
// working around a SunOS/SunPro bug (PR #26255)
# undef _TIME_T
# endif
# include <cstdlib> // for exit()
# include <fcntl.h> // for open(), O_XXX constants
# include <unistd.h> // for fork()
# include <sys/stat.h> // for mkfifo()
# include <sys/types.h> // for pid_t
# include <sys/wait.h> // for wait()
# include <fcntl.h> // for O_XXX constants
# include <io.h> // for open()
#endif // _WIN{32,64}
#ifndef SIGPIPE
# define SIGPIPE 13 /* HP-UX, Linux, and SunOS value */
#endif // SIGPIPE
#include <driver.h>
#include <file.h>
#include <valcmp.h>
#define REMOVE_FILE(tmpfname) \
rw_warn (0 == std::remove (tmpfname), __FILE__, __LINE__, \
"std::remove(\"%s\") failed: %m", tmpfname)
template <class charT>
static void
test_ctors (const char* tname)
typedef std::basic_filebuf<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Filebuf;
int fdcount [2];
int next_fd [2];
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::basic_filebuf()", tname);
next_fd [0] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 0);
Filebuf fb;
// verify the postcondition in, p2
rw_assert (!fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::basic_filebuf().is_open() == "
"false, got true", tname);
// verify that no file descriptor has been allocated
next_fd [1] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 1);
rw_assert (next_fd [0] == next_fd [1] && fdcount [0] == fdcount [1],
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d file descriptor leak(s) detected after construction",
fdcount [1] - fdcount [0]);
// verify that no file descriptor has been closed
next_fd [1] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 1);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::~basic_filebuf()", tname);
rw_assert (next_fd [0] == next_fd [1] && fdcount [0] == fdcount [1],
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d file descriptor leak(s) detected after destruction",
fdcount [1] - fdcount [0]);
const char* const tmpfname = rw_tmpnam (0);
if (!tmpfname) {
Filebuf fb;
next_fd [0] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 0);
Filebuf *tmp = (tmpfname, std::ios::out);
// verify that open() succeeds and allocates a file descriptor
rw_assert (0 != tmp, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::open(\"%s\", std::ios_base::out) "
"failed", tname, tmpfname);
next_fd [1] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 1);
rw_assert (next_fd [0] != next_fd [1]
&& fdcount [0] + 1 == fdcount [1], __FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d file descriptor mismatch detected after open()",
fdcount [1] - fdcount [0]);
// verify that dtor closes the file descriptor
next_fd [1] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 1);
rw_assert (next_fd [0] == next_fd [1] && fdcount [0] == fdcount [1],
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d file descriptor leak(s) detected after destruction",
fdcount [1] - fdcount [0]);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::basic_filebuf(FILE*) "
"[extension]", tname);
# ifdef stdin
std::FILE* const fp = std::fopen (tmpfname, "w");
next_fd [0] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 0);
// object takes over the ownership of the file pointer
Filebuf fb (fp);
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::basic_filebuf (FILE*).is_open() "
"== true, got false", tname);
next_fd [1] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 1);
rw_assert (next_fd [0] == next_fd [1] && fdcount [0] == fdcount [1],
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d file descriptor mismatch detected after open()",
fdcount [1] - fdcount [0]);
// verify that dtor closes the file descriptor
next_fd [1] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 1);
rw_assert (fdcount [0] == fdcount [1] + 1, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d file descriptor leak(s) detected after destruction",
fdcount [1] - fdcount [0]);
# else // if !defined (stdin)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"macro stdin unexpectedly not #defined, "
"basic_filebuf<%s>::basic_filebuf (FILE*) "
"extension not tested", tname);
# endif // stdin
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::basic_filebuf(int) "
"[extension]", tname);
Filebuf *pfb = 0;
std::FILE* const fp = std::fopen (tmpfname, "w");
// object takes over the ownership of the file pointer
pfb = new Filebuf (fp);
next_fd [0] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 0);
// object takes over the ownership of the file descriptor
Filebuf fb (pfb->fd ());
next_fd [1] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 1);
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::basic_filebuf (int).is_open() "
"== true, got false", tname);
rw_assert (next_fd [0] == next_fd [1] && fdcount [0] == fdcount [1],
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d file descriptor mismatch detected after open()",
fdcount [1] - fdcount [0]);
// verify that dtor closes the file descriptor
next_fd [1] = rw_nextfd (fdcount + 1);
rw_assert (fdcount [0] == fdcount [1] + 1, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d file descriptor leak(s) detected after destruction",
fdcount [1] - fdcount [0]);
delete pfb;
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
extern "C" {
// instead of calling signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN)
void ignore_signal (int)
std::signal (SIGPIPE, ignore_signal);
} // extern "C"
template <class charT>
static void
test_open (const char* tname)
typedef std::basic_filebuf<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Filebuf;
const char* const tmpfname = rw_tmpnam (0);
if (!tmpfname) {
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open ()", tname);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::open (const char*, "
"ios_base::openmode)", tname);
Table 92
| bin | in | out |trunc| app |stdio|
| | | + | | | "w" |
| | | + | | + | "a" |
| | | + | + | | "w" |
| | + | | | | "r" |
| | + | + | | |"r+" |
| | + | + | + | |"w+" |
| + | | + | | |"wb" |
| + | | + | | + |"ab" |
| + | | + | + | |"wb" |
| + | + | | | |"rb" |
| + | + | + | | |"r+b"|
| + | + | + | + | |"w+b"|
r open text file for reading
w truncate to zero length or create text file for writing
a append; open or create text file for writing at EOF
rb open binary file for reading
wb truncate to zero length or create binary file for writing
ab append; open or create binary file for writing at EOF
r+ open text file for update (reading and writing)
w+ truncate to zero length or create text file for update
a+ append; open or create text file for update at EOF
r+b or rb+ open binary file for update (reading and writing)
w+b or wb+ truncate to zero length or create binary file for update
a+b or ab+ append; open or create binary file for update at EOF
#define BEGIN_MODE(openmode, ext) \
mode = (openmode), \
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "%{Io} %s", mode, ext)
#define ASSERT_OPEN(expr, mode, txt) \
rw_assert (expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, \
"basic_filebuf<%s>::open (\"%s\", %{Io}) %s ", \
tname, tmpfname, mode, txt) \
std::ios_base::openmode mode;
const std::ios::openmode iomodes[] = {
std::ios::openmode ()
, std::ios::stdio
const std::size_t niomodes = sizeof iomodes / sizeof *iomodes;
const char* buf = 0;
std::size_t size = 0;
// exercise open (..., ios::out)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::out | iomodes [minx], "");
Filebuf ().open (tmpfname, mode);
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
ASSERT_OPEN (0 != buf, mode, "failed to create a new file");
if (buf)
ASSERT_OPEN (!size, mode,
"unexpectedly created a non-empty file");
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
Filebuf ().open (tmpfname, mode);
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
ASSERT_OPEN (0 != buf, mode, "failed to open an existing file");
if (buf)
ASSERT_OPEN (!size, mode,
"unexpectedly created a non-empty file");
// exercise open (..., ios::out | ios::app)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::out | std::ios::app | iomodes [minx], "");
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
Filebuf ().open (tmpfname, mode);
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
ASSERT_OPEN (0 != buf, mode, "failed to create a new file");
if (buf)
ASSERT_OPEN (!size, mode, "unexpectedly created a non-empty file");
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
Filebuf ().open (tmpfname, mode);
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
ASSERT_OPEN (0 != buf, mode, "failed to open an existing file");
if (buf)
ASSERT_OPEN (6 == size, mode,
"unexpectedly truncated a non-empty file");
// exercise open (..., ios::out | ios::trunc)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | iomodes [minx], "");
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
// open a file for writing and truncate it to 0 size
Filebuf ().open (tmpfname, mode);
// read the contents of the file and verify that they are empty
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
// file must exist
ASSERT_OPEN (0 != buf, mode, "failed to open an existing file");
// the size of the file must be 0
if (buf)
ASSERT_OPEN (!size, mode, "failed to truncate a non-empty file");
// exercise open (..., ios::nocreate)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
// ios::nocreate is meaningless by itself
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::nocreate | iomodes [minx], "[extension]");
Filebuf fb; (tmpfname, mode);
// verify that the call failed
ASSERT_OPEN (!fb.is_open (), mode,
"unexpectedly succeeded to open a non-existent file");
// exercise open (..., ios::out | ios::nocreate)
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::out | std::ios::nocreate, "[extension]");
// ios::nocreate will prevent the call to open from creating
// the file if it doesn't exist
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
Filebuf fb;
// try to open a file that doesn't exist for output but prevent
// the call from creating it by setting the nocreate bit (tmpfname, mode);
// verify that the call failed
ASSERT_OPEN (!fb.is_open (), mode,
"unexpectedly succeeded to open a non-existent file");
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
ASSERT_OPEN (0 == buf, mode, "unexpectedly created a file");
// the same as above but with an existing file
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
Filebuf fb;
// try to open an existing file (tmpfname, mode);
// verify that the call succeeded
ASSERT_OPEN (fb.is_open (), mode,
"unexpectedly succeeded to open an existing file");
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
ASSERT_OPEN (0 != buf, mode, "failed to open an existing file");
// exercise open (..., ios::stdio| ios::out | ios::nocreate)
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::stdio | std::ios::out | std::ios::nocreate,
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
// ios::nocreate can't be implemented with ios::stdio
// and the call must fail
Filebuf fb; (tmpfname, mode);
// verify that the call failed
ASSERT_OPEN (!fb.is_open (), mode,
"unexpectedly succeeded to open a non-existent file");
// verify that the file wasn't created
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
ASSERT_OPEN (0 == buf, mode, "unexpectedly created a file");
// exercise open (..., ios::out | ios::nocreate | ios::trunc)
// ios::trunc has no effect on ios::nocreate
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::out | std::ios::nocreate | std::ios::trunc,
// remove file in case it was unexpectedly created above
std::remove (tmpfname);
Filebuf fb;
// try to open a file that doesn't exist for output but prevent
// the call from creating it by setting the nocreate bit (tmpfname, mode);
// verify that the call failed
ASSERT_OPEN (!fb.is_open (), mode,
"unexpectedly succeeded to open a non-existent file");
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
ASSERT_OPEN (0 == buf, mode, "unexpectedly created a file");
// exercise open (..., ios::noreplace)
// remove file in case it was unexpectedly created above
std::remove (tmpfname);
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
// ios::noreplace is meaningless by itself
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::noreplace | iomodes [minx], "[extension]");
Filebuf fb; (tmpfname, mode);
// verify that the call failed
ASSERT_OPEN (!fb.is_open (), mode,
"unexpectedly succeeded to open a non-existent file");
// exercise open (..., ios::out | ios::noreplace)
// ios::noreplace will cause the call to open to succeed only
// if the file doesn't exist, otherwise the call will fail
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::out | std::ios::noreplace, "[extension]");
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
Filebuf fb;
// try to open an existing file for output but prevent
// the call from replacing it by setting the noreplace bit (tmpfname, mode);
// verify that the call failed
ASSERT_OPEN (!fb.is_open (), mode,
"unexpectedly succeeded to open an existing file");
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
ASSERT_OPEN (0 != buf, mode, "unexpectedly removed an existing file");
if (buf)
ASSERT_OPEN (0 != size, mode, "unexpectdly truncated a non-empty file");
// exercise open (..., ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::noreplace)
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::noreplace,
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
Filebuf fb;
// try to open an existing file for output (tmpfname, mode);
// verify that the call failed
ASSERT_OPEN (!fb.is_open (), mode,
"failed to open an existing file");
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size));
ASSERT_OPEN (0 != buf, mode, "unexpectedly removed an existing file");
if (buf)
ASSERT_OPEN (0 != size, mode, "failed to truncate a non-empty file");
// exercise open (..., ios::in)
charT readbuf [256];
const std::size_t readbuf_size = sizeof readbuf / sizeof *readbuf;
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::in | iomodes [minx], "");
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
Filebuf fb;
const charT foobar[] = { 'f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r' };
if ( (tmpfname, mode)) {
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open()", tname);
std::memset (readbuf, 0, sizeof readbuf);
fb.sgetn (readbuf, readbuf_size);
ASSERT_OPEN (!std::memcmp (readbuf, foobar, sizeof foobar),
mode, "failed to open an existing file for reading");
else {
ASSERT_OPEN (0, mode, "failed to open an existing file");
// exercise open (..., ios::in | ios::out)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::in | std::ios::out | iomodes [minx], "");
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
Filebuf fb;
if ( (tmpfname, mode)) {
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open()", tname);
const charT FOO[] = { 'F', 'O', 'O' };
const charT bar[] = { 'b', 'a', 'r' };
if (3 != fb.sputn (FOO, sizeof FOO / sizeof *FOO))
ASSERT_OPEN (false, mode,
"failed to open an existing file for writing "
"(sputn() failed)");
// an input operation must be separated from a
// preceding output operation by a seek() or flush()
fb.pubsync ();
std::memset (readbuf, 0, sizeof readbuf);
const std::streamsize got = fb.sgetn (readbuf, readbuf_size);
if (3 == got) {
rw_assert (!std::memcmp (readbuf, bar, sizeof bar),
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn() retrieved the wrong data)");
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn() == 3, got %td: %{*.*Ac}, "
"expected %{*.*Ac}",
got, int (sizeof (charT)), got, readbuf,
int (sizeof (charT)),
int (sizeof bar / sizeof *bar), bar);
else {
ASSERT_OPEN (0, mode, "failed to open an existing file");
// exercise open (..., ios::in | ios::out | ios::trunc)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE ( std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc
| iomodes [minx], "");
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
Filebuf fb;
if ( (tmpfname, mode)) {
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open()", tname);
const charT FOO[] = { 'F', 'O', 'O' };
std::memset (readbuf, 0, sizeof readbuf);
if (0 != fb.sgetn (readbuf, readbuf_size))
ASSERT_OPEN (false, mode,
"failed to truncate a non-empty file");
if (3 != fb.sputn (FOO, sizeof FOO / sizeof *FOO))
ASSERT_OPEN (false, mode,
"failed to open an existing file for writing "
"(sputn() failed)");
// an input operation must be separated from a
// preceding output operation by a seek() or flush()
fb.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::beg);
std::memset (readbuf, 0, sizeof readbuf);
if (3 != fb.sgetn (readbuf, readbuf_size))
ASSERT_OPEN (false, mode,
"failed to open an existing file for reading "
"(sgetn() failed after a sputn())");
ASSERT_OPEN (!std::memcmp (readbuf, FOO, sizeof FOO), mode,
"failed to open an existing file for reading "
"and writing (sgetn() retrieved the wrong data)");
else {
ASSERT_OPEN (0, mode, "failed to open an existing file");
// exercise open (..., ios::binary | ios::in)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::binary | std::ios::in | iomodes [minx], "");
// create a file containing various combinations of new-line
// and line-feed and read the file in using the ios::binary
// flag, expecting the original contents of the file on
// output (i.e., no CR/LF conversion on Win32)
const char bindata[] = "\nf\ro\n\ro\r\n\b\n\ra\r\rr";
// rw_fwrite() returns the number of bytes successfully written
size = rw_fwrite (tmpfname, bindata, sizeof bindata - 1, "wb");
Filebuf fb;
if ( (tmpfname, mode)) {
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open()", tname);
std::memset (readbuf, 0, sizeof readbuf);
const std::streamsize N = fb.sgetn (readbuf, readbuf_size);
if (N != std::streamsize (size))
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sgetn (%p, %d) == %d, "
"got %d", tname, readbuf,
readbuf_size, size, N);
for (std::streamsize i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
if (char (readbuf [i]) != bindata [i]) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sgetn() data "
"mismatch: got \"%s\", expected \"%s\"",
tname, readbuf, bindata);
else {
ASSERT_OPEN (0, mode, "failed to open an existing file");
// exercise open (..., ios::binary | ios::out)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::binary | std::ios::out | iomodes [minx], "");
Filebuf fb;
if ( (tmpfname, mode)) {
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open()", tname);
const charT XYZ[] = {
'\n', 'X', '\r', 'Y', '\n', '\r', 'Z', '\r', '\n', '\0'
const std::streamsize N = sizeof XYZ / sizeof *XYZ - 1;
if (N != fb.sputn (XYZ, N))
ASSERT_OPEN (false, mode,
"failed to open an existing file for writing "
"(sputn() failed)");
fb.close ();
size = 0;
buf = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &size, "rb"));
rw_assert (std::size_t (N) == size, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sputn() wrote %d bytes, "
"%d expected",
tname, size, N * sizeof (charT));
for (std::streamsize i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
if (buf [i] != char (XYZ [i])) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sputn() data "
"mismatch: wrote \"%s\", expected \"%s\"",
tname, buf, XYZ);
else {
ASSERT_OPEN (0, mode, "failed to open an existing file");
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
// exercise open ((const char*)0, ios::in)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::in | iomodes [minx],
", file name = 0 [extension]");
// verify that open() succeeds when the first argument
// is the null pointer (the call creates a temporary
// file and opens it for reading -- such a file may not
// be very useful but since it's harmless there's no
// reason it shouldn't be possible)
Filebuf fb; ((const char*)0, mode);
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open()", tname);
// FIXME: verify that the call to close removes the file
fb.close ();
// exercise open ((const char*)0, ios::out)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::out | iomodes [minx],
", file name = 0 [extension]");
// verify that open() succeeds when the first argument
// is the null pointer (the call creates a temporary
// file and opens it for writing)
Filebuf fb; ((const char*)0, mode);
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open()", tname);
// FIXME: verify that the call to close removes the file
fb.close ();
// exercise open ((const char*)0, ios::in | ios::out)
for (std::size_t minx = 0; minx != niomodes; ++minx) {
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::in | std::ios::out | iomodes [minx],
", file name = 0 [extension]");
Filebuf fb; ((const char*)0, mode);
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open()", tname);
// FIXME: verify that the call to close removes the file
fb.close ();
#if !defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_WIN64)
// exercise open (..., ios::ate)
BEGIN_MODE (std::ios::ate | std::ios::out, "");
std::signal (SIGPIPE, ignore_signal);
if (mkfifo (tmpfname, S_IRWXU))
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"mkfifo (\"%s\", S_IRWXU) failed", tmpfname);
else {
const pid_t childpid = fork ();
if (childpid > 0) { // parent process
Filebuf fb;
const Filebuf* const fbp = (tmpfname, mode);
// verify that open(ate) fails for an existing but unseekable file
if (fbp) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::open(\"%s\", ios::ate | "
"ios::out) == 0 after a failed seek to end",
tname, tmpfname);
// verify that is_open() returns false after a failed open
if (fb.is_open ()) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open() == false"
" after a failed call to open", tname);
// reap our child's exit status
wait (0);
else if (0 == childpid) { // child process
Filebuf fb;
if ( (tmpfname, std::ios::in))
fb.sgetc ();
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::open(\"%s\", "
"ios::in) failed in child process",
tname, tmpfname);
std::exit (0);
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fork() failed");
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
// exercise close ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::close ()", tname);
std::signal (SIGPIPE, ignore_signal);
if (mkfifo (tmpfname, S_IRWXU))
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"mkfifo (\"%s\", S_IRWXU) failed", tmpfname);
else {
// verify that close() returns 0 on failure by opening and
// writing into a pipe in the parent process that the child
// prematurely closes
const pid_t childpid = fork ();
if (childpid > 0) { // parent process
Filebuf fb;
if ( (tmpfname, std::ios::out)) {
// write into the file buffer
fb.sputc (charT ());
// wait for child to open and close the pipe
wait (0);
// close() will try to flush the contents of the buffer
// into the pipe which should fail, since the other end
// of the pipe has already been closed
if (fb.close ())
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::close() unexpectedly "
"suceeded", tname);
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::open (\"%s\", ios::out) "
" != 0; got 0", tname, tmpfname);
else if (0 == childpid) { // child process
Filebuf fb;
if (! (tmpfname, std::ios::in))
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::open(\"%s\", "
"ios::in) failed in child process",
tname, tmpfname);
std::exit (0);
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fork() failed");
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
#endif // _WIN{32,64}
template <class charT>
static void
test_sync (const char* tname)
typedef std::basic_filebuf<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Filebuf;
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::sync ()", tname);
const char* const tmpfname = rw_tmpnam (0);
if (!tmpfname) {
Filebuf fb;
static const charT foo[] = { 'f', 'o', 'o' };
static const charT BAR[] = { 'B', 'A', 'R' };
// create a non-empty file
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
if ( (tmpfname, std::ios::in)) {
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open()", tname);
charT readbuf [256] = { 0 };
// read the first part of the file; filebuf will actually
// end up reading and caching the entire contents of the
// file
std::streamsize got = fb.sgetn (readbuf, 3);
// verify the contents of buffer match that of the file
if (3 != got)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn() == 3, got %d", got);
rw_assert (!std::memcmp (readbuf, foo, sizeof foo),
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn() retrieved \"%s\", expected \"%s\")",
readbuf, foo);
// overwrite the contents of the file
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "FOOBAR");
// call sync, excpecting filebuf to synchromnize with
// the new contents of the file while maintaining
// the correct position
const int res = fb.pubsync ();
rw_assert (0 == res, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"pubsync() == 0, got %d", res);
std::memset (readbuf, 0, sizeof readbuf);
// continue to read the file where the first sgetn()
// call left off
got = fb.sgetn (readbuf, 3);
// verify that the new contents of the file have been read
if (3 != got)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn() == 3, got %d", got);
rw_assert (!std::memcmp (readbuf, BAR, sizeof BAR),
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn() retrieved \"%s\", expected \"%s\")",
readbuf, BAR);
else {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"failed to open an existing file");
Filebuf fb;
static const charT foo[] = { 'f', 'o', 'o' };
// create a non-empty file
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "foobar");
if ( (tmpfname, std::ios::in)) {
rw_assert (fb.is_open (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open()", tname);
charT readbuf [256] = { 0 };
// read the first part of the file; filebuf will actually
// end up reading and caching the entire contents of the
// file
std::streamsize got = fb.sgetn (readbuf, 3);
// verify the contents of buffer match that of the file
if (3 != got)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn() == 3, got %d", got);
rw_assert (!std::memcmp (readbuf, foo, sizeof foo),
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn() retrieved \"%s\", expected \"%s\")",
readbuf, foo);
// overwrite the contents of the file with less data
rw_fwrite (tmpfname, "BA");
// call sync, excpecting filebuf to synchromnize with
// the new contents of the file
// since there is less data in the file than the current
// offset, verify that the offset is adjusted to be the
// same as the end of the actual file
const int res = fb.pubsync ();
rw_assert (0 == res, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"pubsync() == 0, got %d", res);
std::memset (readbuf, 0, sizeof readbuf);
// try to continue to read the file where the first sgetn()
// call left off, expecting a failure
got = fb.sgetn (readbuf, 3);
// verify that nothing has been read
if (0 != got)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn() == 0, got %d", got);
// verify that the end of the file is correctly reported
const typename Filebuf::off_type off =
fb.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::end);
rw_assert (off == 2, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"pubseekoff(0, ios::end) == 2, got %d", off);
else {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"failed to open an existing file");
template <class charT>
static void
test_attach (const char* tname)
// exercise attach(int) and fd()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::attach (int) [extension]", tname);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::fd () [extension]", tname);
typedef std::basic_filebuf<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Filebuf;
// Extension:
// basic_filebuf* attach(int fd)
// Connects *this to an open file descriptor, fd. Unless detach() is
// called, the file descriptor will be closed during the first call
// to close() or when the object is destroyed. Returns this on success,
// 0 on failure (e.g., when this->is_open() evaluates to true).
int lastfd = -1;
Filebuf fb;
// get a new valid file descriptor
const int fd = open (DEV_NULL, O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"open (\"%s\", O_RDWR) < 0; "
"aborting test", DEV_NULL);
lastfd = fd;
// attach the filebuf object to the file descriptor
Filebuf *pfb = fb.attach (fd);
// verify that attach() succeeded
if (&fb != pfb)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::attach(int = %d) == %p, got 0",
tname, fd, &fb);
// verify that fd() returns the attached file descriptor
if (fd != fb.fd ())
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::fd() == %d, got %d",
tname, fd, fb.fd ());
// verify that the filebuf object is open
if (!fb.is_open ())
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open() == true, "
"got false after a successful call to attach(%d)",
tname, fd);
// Filebuf dtor should close the file descriptor (checked below)
Filebuf fb;
// create a new file descriptor
const int fd = open (DEV_NULL, O_RDWR);
// verify that the dtor in the block above closed the filebuf's fd
if (fd != lastfd)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::attach(int = %d) caused "
"a file descriptor leak after object destruction",
tname, lastfd);
lastfd = fd;
// attach this object to the new file descriptor
Filebuf *pfb = fb.attach (fd);
// verify that attach() succeeded
if (&fb != pfb)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::attach(int = %d) == %p, got 0",
tname, fd, &fb);
// verify that fd() returns the attached file descriptor
if (fd != fb.fd ())
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::fd() == %d, got %d",
tname, fd, fb.fd ());
// verify that the filebuf object is open
if (!fb.is_open ())
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open() == true, "
"got false after a successful call to attach(%d)",
tname, fd);
// call close
pfb = fb.close ();
// verify that the call to close() succeeded
if (&fb != pfb)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::close() == %p, got 0",
tname, &fb);
// verify that fd() returns an invalid file descriptor after
// a successful call to close()
if (0 <= fb.fd ())
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::fd() < 0, got %d after "
"a call to close()",
tname, fb.fd ());
// verify that is_open() returns false after the call to close()
if (fb.is_open ())
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open() == false, "
"got true after a successful call to close()",
Filebuf fb;
// get a new valid file descriptor
const int fd = open (DEV_NULL, O_RDWR);
// verify that the dtor in the block above closed the filebuf's fd
if (fd != lastfd)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::attach(int = %d) caused "
"a file descriptor leak after object destruction",
tname, lastfd);
lastfd = fd;
// attach the filebuf object to the file descriptor
Filebuf *pfb = fb.attach (fd);
// verify that attach() succeeded
if (&fb != pfb)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::attach(int = %d) == %p, got 0",
tname, fd, &fb);
pfb = fb.attach (fd);
// verify that a subsequent call to attach() (with the same
// or different file descriptor) failed
if (&fb == pfb)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::attach(int = %d) == 0, got %p",
tname, fd, &fb);
const int new_fd = open (DEV_NULL, O_RDWR);
pfb = fb.attach (fd);
if (&fb == pfb)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::attach(int = %d) == 0, got %p",
tname, fd, &fb);
close (new_fd);
// Filebuf dtor should close the file descriptor (checked below)
// exercise detach()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s>::detach () [extension]", tname);
// Extension:
// int detach()
// Flushes any waiting output to the file associated with the file
// descriptor, and disconnects the file descriptor from *this so
// that subsequent calls to close() will not close the file
// descriptor. Returns the detached file descriptor on success,
// -1 on failure.
Filebuf fb;
// get a new valid file descriptor
const int fd = open (DEV_NULL, O_RDWR);
// verify that the dtor in the block above closed the filebuf's fd
if (fd != lastfd)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::attach(int = %d) caused "
"a file descriptor leak after object destruction",
tname, lastfd);
lastfd = fd;
// attach the filebuf object to the file descriptor
fb.attach (fd);
const int old_fd = fb.detach ();
// verify that detach() returned the original file descriptor
if (fd != old_fd)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::detach() == %d, got %d",
tname, fd, old_fd);
// verify that is_open() returns false after the call to detach()
if (fb.is_open ())
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open() == false, "
"got true after a call to detach()", tname);
// verify that fd() returns an invalid file descriptor after
// a successful call to detach()
if (0 <= fb.fd ())
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::fd() < 0, got %d after "
"a call to detach()()", tname, fb.fd ());
close (old_fd);
errno = 0;
// verify that the dtor in the block above didn't try to close
// the already explicitly closed file descriptor
if (errno)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::~basic_filebuf() attempted to "
"close a detached file descriptor", tname);
Filebuf fb;
if (fb.fd () >= 0)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::fd() < 0, got %d for an "
"object that's not open", tname, fb.fd ());
const int old_fd = fb.detach ();
// verify detach() returns an invalid file descriptor when called
// on a filebuf object that's not open
if (0 <= old_fd)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::detach() < 0, got %d",
tname, old_fd);
const char* const tmpfname = rw_tmpnam (0);
if (!tmpfname) {
Filebuf fb;
// open a writeable file
const int fd = open (tmpfname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0666);
if (fd < 0) {
rw_warn (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"open (\"%s\", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0666) "
"failed: %m", tmpfname);
// attach filebuf to the file descriptor
fb.attach (fd);
const charT data[] = { '0', '1', '2', '\0' };
const std::size_t nelems = sizeof data / sizeof *data - 1;
// write into the filebuf object
const std::size_t wrote = fb.sputn (data, nelems);
if (wrote != nelems)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"sputn(\"%s\", %d) == %d, got %d",
data, nelems, nelems, wrote);
// and detach
const int old_fd = fb.detach ();
if (fd != old_fd)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::detach() == %d, got %d",
fd, old_fd);
// verify by reading the contents of the named file that
// the call to detach() wrote the contents of the filebuf
// object's data buffer into the file before detaching
std::size_t nbytes = 0;
const char* const buf =
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, &nbytes));
if ( !buf || nbytes != nelems
|| rw_strncmp (buf, data, nelems))
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::detach() failed to flush "
"data to the attached file descriptor; "
"read %lu bytes: %s, expected \"012\"",
tname, nbytes, buf);
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
Filebuf fb;
// create a new file and open it for writing
const int fd = open (tmpfname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0666);
// attach filebuf to the file descriptor (will set mode to ios::out
// based on the O_WRONLY open mode of the file descriptor)
fb.attach (fd);
// close and reopen the same file descriptor as read-only
close (fd);
if (fd != open (tmpfname, O_RDONLY)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"open (\"%s\", O_RDONLY) != %d; aborting test",
tmpfname, fd);
static const charT data[] = { '0', '1', '2', '\0' };
static const std::size_t nelems = sizeof data / sizeof *data - 1;
// write into the filebuf object's buffer
if (nelems != std::size_t (fb.sputn (data, nelems)))
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sputn() failed");
// and try to detach (must try to flush data into file)
const int bad_fd = fb.detach ();
// verify that detach() failed (due to the failure
// to write to a read-only file descriptor)
if (bad_fd >= 0)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::detach() < 0, got %d after "
"a failure to write to read-only file descriptor",
tname, bad_fd);
// verify that the call to detach() failed to flush the contents
// of the filebuf object's data buffer into a read-only file by
// testing that the size of the file is unchanged (i.e., 0)
std::size_t nbytes = 0;
const char* buf =
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char*, rw_fread (tmpfname, 0));
if (buf && nbytes)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::detach() unexpectedly wrote "
"%u bytes to a read-only file: \"%s\"",
tname, nbytes, buf);
// close and reopen the same file descriptor as write-only
close (fd);
if (fd != open (tmpfname, O_WRONLY)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"open (\"%s\", O_WRONLY) != %d; aborting test",
tmpfname, fd);
// and detach (must successfully flush data into file)
const int good_fd = fb.detach ();
// verify that the call to detach() was successful
if (good_fd < 0)
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::detach() == %d, got %d",
tname, fd, good_fd);
// verify that the filebuf object is no longer open
if (fb.is_open ())
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::is_open() unexpectedly "
"true after a successful call to detach()",
// verify that this call to detach() wrote out the contents of the
// filebuf object's data buffer into the writeable file by checking
// the size and contents of the file
buf = (char*)rw_fread (tmpfname, &nbytes);
if ( !buf || nbytes != nelems
|| rw_strncmp (buf, data, nelems))
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::detach() failed to flush "
"data to the attached file descriptor; "
"read %lu bytes: %s, expected %s",
tname, nbytes, buf, data);
// close the file descriptor before removing the file
close (good_fd);
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_EXT_FILEBUF)
_RWSTD_UNUSED (tname);
// CodeCvt<charT> performs a state-dependent conversion
// the first byte of the state_type object encodes the state,
// any remaining bytes must be 0
// internal characters are externally represented as sequences
// of 1 to 22 chars, escape sequences are 11 to 13 chars long
// and all start with the "<ESC-" prefix
// for example, the string "Hello, World!\n" will be externally
// represented by the following sequence of narrow characters:
// "W<ESC-LOWER>orld<ESC-PUNCT><exclamation-mark><ESC-CNTRL>\n"
template <class charT>
struct CodeCvt: std::codecvt<charT, char, std::mbstate_t>
typedef std::codecvt<charT, char, std::mbstate_t> Base;
enum { cntrl, punct, digit, upper, lower, hexcode };
typedef typename Base::intern_type intern_type;
typedef typename Base::extern_type extern_type;
typedef typename Base::state_type state_type;
explicit CodeCvt (std::size_t ref = 0)
: Base (ref) { }
virtual std::codecvt_base::result
do_out (state_type&,
const intern_type*, const intern_type*, const intern_type*&,
extern_type*, extern_type*, extern_type*&) const;
virtual std::codecvt_base::result
do_in (state_type&,
const extern_type*, const extern_type*, const extern_type*&,
intern_type*, intern_type*, intern_type*&) const;
virtual std::codecvt_base::result
do_unshift (state_type&, extern_type*, extern_type*, extern_type*&) const;
virtual int do_encoding () const _THROWS (()) {
return -1; // state-dependent encoding
virtual bool do_always_noconv () const _THROWS (()) {
return false; // conversion always necessary
// returns the maximum `N' of extern chars in the range [from, from_end)
// such that N represents max or fewer internal chars
virtual int
do_length (state_type&, const extern_type*,
const extern_type*, std::size_t) const;
// returns the max value do_length (s, from, from_end, 1) can return
// for any valid range [from, from_end) - see LWG issue 74
virtual int do_max_length () const _THROWS (()) {
return -1;
extern const char* const escapes[] = {
extern const char* const charnames[] = {
// control characters (<ESC-CNTRL>)
"<NUL>", "<SOH>", "<STX>", "<ETX>", "<EOT>", "<ENQ>", "<ACK>", "<BEL>",
"<BS>", "<HT>", "\n", "<VT>", "<FF>", "<CR>" /* '\r' */, "<SO>", "<SI>",
"<DLE>", "<DC1>", "<DC2>", "<DC3>", "<DC4>", "<NAK>", "<SYN>", "<ETB>",
"<CAN>", "<EM>", "<SUB>", "<ESC>", "<FS>", "<GS>", "<RS>", "<US>",
// punctuators (<ESC-PUNCT>)
// digits (<ESC-DIGIT>)
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
// punctuators (<ESC-PUNCT>)
// uppercase letters (<ESC_UPPER>)
"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M",
"N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
// punctuators (<ESC-PUNCT>)
// lowercase letters (<ESC_LOWER>)
"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m",
"n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",
// punctuators (<ESC-PUNCT>)
// control characters (<ESC-CNTRL>)
// characters above '\x7f' are represented in hex (<ESC-HEXCODE>)
template <class charT>
CodeCvt<charT>::do_out ( state_type &state,
const intern_type *from,
const intern_type *from_end,
const intern_type *&from_next,
extern_type *to,
extern_type *to_end,
extern_type *&to_next) const
std::codecvt_base::result res = std::codecvt_base::ok;
char hexbuf [5] = "";
int int_state = hexcode;
for (from_next = from, to_next = to; from_next != from_end; ++from_next) {
typedef std::char_traits<intern_type> Traits;
const std::size_t uch = std::size_t (Traits::to_int_type (*from_next));
if (uch < ' ') {
int_state = cntrl;
else if (uch >= ' ' && uch <= '/') {
int_state = punct;
else if (uch >= '0' && uch <= '9') {
int_state = digit;
else if (uch >= ':' && uch <= '@') {
int_state = punct;
else if (uch >= 'A' && uch <= 'Z') {
int_state = upper;
else if (uch >= '[' && uch <= '`') {
int_state = punct;
else if (uch >= 'a' && uch <= 'z') {
int_state = lower;
else if (uch >= '{' && uch <= '~') {
int_state = punct;
else if (uch == '\x7f') {
int_state = cntrl;
else if (uch <= 0xff) {
int_state = hexcode;
if (to_end - to_next < 4) {
res = std::codecvt_base::partial;
// convert `uch' to a hexadecimal escape sequence
static const char hexdigits[] = "0123456789abcdef";
hexbuf [0] = '\\';
hexbuf [1] = 'x';
hexbuf [2] = hexdigits [uch >> 8];
hexbuf [3] = hexdigits [uch & 0x0fU];
hexbuf [4] = '\0';
else {
res = std::codecvt_base::error;
if (int (*(char*)&state) != int_state) {
const std::size_t len = std::strlen (escapes [int_state]);
if (len > std::size_t (to_end - to_next)) {
res = std::codecvt_base::partial;
std::memcpy (to_next, escapes [int_state], len);
to_next += len;
*(char*)&state = char (int_state);
const char* const outs = *hexbuf ? hexbuf : charnames [uch];
const std::size_t len = std::strlen (outs);
if (len > std::size_t (to_end - to_next)) {
res = std::codecvt_base::partial;
std::memcpy (to_next, outs, len);
to_next += len;
return res;
// looks for a character whose name starts at `*pbeg' in the table
// of character names, `chartbl' containing `tblsize' elements
// if a unique (even partial) match is found, returns the index of
// the character in the table; if the unique match is complete,
// also advances `*pbeg' by the length of the match
std::size_t find_char (const char **pbeg, const char *end,
const char* const chartbl[], std::size_t tblsize)
const std::size_t nchars = sizeof charnames / sizeof *charnames;
std::size_t hits [nchars] = { 0 };
const char* cur = *pbeg;
for (; cur != end; ++cur) {
const std::size_t inx = cur - *pbeg;
std::size_t nmatches = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != tblsize; ++i) {
if (hits [i] == inx && chartbl [i] && *cur == chartbl [i][inx]) {
++hits [i];
if (!nmatches)
std::size_t nmatches = 0;
std::size_t imaxhits = 0;
std::size_t inx = std::size_t (-1);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != tblsize; ++i) {
if (!chartbl [i])
if (hits [i] > hits [imaxhits])
imaxhits = i;
if (hits [i] == std::strlen (chartbl [i])) {
if (std::size_t (-1) == inx)
inx = 0;
if (hits [i] == hits [inx]) {
inx = i;
else if (hits [i] > hits [inx]) {
nmatches = 1;
inx = i;
else if (std::size_t (-1) != inx && hits [i] > hits [inx]) {
nmatches = 0;
inx = i;
if (inx != std::size_t (-1) && 1 == nmatches)
*pbeg = cur;
if (hits [imaxhits] == std::size_t (end - *pbeg))
inx = imaxhits;
return inx;
template <class charT>
CodeCvt<charT>::do_in ( state_type &state,
const extern_type *from,
const extern_type *from_end,
const extern_type *&from_next,
intern_type *to,
intern_type *to_end,
intern_type *&to_next) const
std::codecvt_base::result res = std::codecvt_base::ok;
for (to_next = to, from_next = from; to_next != to_end; ++to_next) {
if (from_next == from_end)
const std::size_t navail = from_end - from_next;
// check the beginning of the sequence to see if
// it may possibly start with an escape sequence
if (navail <= 5 && !std::memcmp (from_next, "<ESC-", navail))
return std::codecvt_base::partial;
if (navail > 5 && !std::memcmp (from_next, "<ESC-", 5)) {
// found the beginning of what might be an escape sequence
if (navail >= 11) {
const std::size_t nescapes = sizeof escapes / sizeof *escapes;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != nescapes; ++i) {
const std::size_t len = std::strlen (escapes [i]);
if (!std::memcmp (escapes [i], from_next, len)) {
// found an escape sequence
// set the state variable
*(char*)&state = char (i);
// advance past the escape sequence
from_next += len;
// continue iterating over the rest of the sequence
goto top_of_loop;
else {
// not enough external elements to convert
// to an internal character
return std::codecvt_base::partial;
std::size_t chinx = std::size_t (-1); // character index
std::size_t choff = 0; // character offset
const char* const from_next_save = from_next;
switch (*(char*)&state) {
case cntrl:
chinx = find_char (&from_next, from_end, charnames, ' ' + 1U);
if ( std::size_t (-1) == chinx
&& 5 <= from_end - from_next
&& !std::memcmp (from_next, "<DEL>", 5)) {
chinx = '\x7f';
from_next += 5;
case punct: {
static const char* const pun[] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
chinx = find_char (&from_next, from_end,
pun, sizeof pun / sizeof *pun);
case digit:
choff = '0';
if (*from_next >= '0' && *from_next <= '9')
chinx = *from_next++ - '0';
// commented out code replaced by the above for efficiency
// chinx = find_char (&from_next, from_end, charnames + choff, 10);
case lower:
choff = 'a';
// assume ASCII
if (*from_next >= 'a' && *from_next <= 'z')
chinx = *from_next++ - 'a';
// commented out code replaced by the above for efficiency
// chinx = find_char (&from_next, from_end, charnames + choff, 26);
case upper:
choff = 'A';
// assume ASCII
if (*from_next >= 'A' && *from_next <= 'Z')
chinx = *from_next++ - 'A';
// commented out code replaced by the above for efficiency
// chinx = find_char (&from_next, from_end, charnames + choff, 26);
case hexcode: {
if (from_end - from_next < 4)
return std::codecvt_base::partial;
if ( from_next [0] != '\\' || from_next [1] != 'x'
|| !( from_next [2] >= '0' && from_next [2] <= '9'
|| from_next [2] >= 'A' && from_next [2] <= 'F'
|| from_next [2] >= 'a' && from_next [2] <= 'f')
|| !( from_next [3] >= '0' && from_next [3] <= '9'
|| from_next [3] >= 'A' && from_next [3] <= 'F'
|| from_next [3] >= 'a' && from_next [3] <= 'f'))
return std::codecvt_base::error;
// convert a hex literal to a number
chinx = 0;
for (unsigned i = 2; i != 4; ++i) {
chinx <<= 4;
if (from_next [i] >= '0' && from_next [i] <= '9')
chinx += from_next [i] - '0';
else if (from_next [i] >= 'A' && from_next [i] <= 'F')
chinx += 10 + (from_next [i] - 'A');
chinx += 10 + (from_next [i] - 'a');
chinx = std::size_t (-1);
if (std::size_t (-1) == chinx) {
res = std::codecvt_base::error;
// the combination of a valid `chinx' and an unmodified
// `from_next' pointer indicates a partial match
if (from_next == from_next_save) {
res = std::codecvt_base::partial;
*to_next = charT (chinx + choff);
return res;
template <class charT>
do_unshift (state_type &state,
extern_type *to,
extern_type *to_end,
extern_type *&to_next) const
to_next = to;
if (!*(char*)&state)
return std::codecvt_base::noconv;
const std::size_t len = std::strlen (escapes [0]);
if (len > std::size_t (to_end - to_next))
return std::codecvt_base::partial;
std::memcpy (to_next, escapes [0], len);
to_next += len;
std::memset (&state, 0, sizeof state);
return std::codecvt_base::ok;
template <class charT>
do_length (state_type&, const extern_type*,
const extern_type*, std::size_t) const
return 0;
static const char*
get_codecvt_result (std::codecvt_base::result res)
switch (res) {
case std::codecvt_base::error: return "std::codecvt_base::error";
case std::codecvt_base::noconv: return "std::codecvt_base::noconv";
case std::codecvt_base::ok: return "std::codecvt_base::ok";
case std::codecvt_base::partial: return "std::codecvt_base::partial";
return "unknown";
template <class charT>
static void
test_codecvt (const char* tname)
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::basic_filebuf<%s> with a state-dependent encoding",
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn() with state-dependent code conversion");
// read in the text of this source file as plain text
typedef std::basic_filebuf<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > Filebuf;
typedef typename Filebuf::off_type off_type;
Filebuf noconv_in;
// use ios_base::binary to avoid CR/LF conversion issues
if (! (__FILE__, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::open (\"%s\", "
"ios_base::binary | ios_base::in) failed",
tname, __FILE__);
// seek to the end of the file to get its size in bytes
const std::streamsize noconv_fsize =
noconv_in.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::end);
if (noconv_fsize <= 0) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::pubseekoff "
"(0, ios_base::end) >= 0, got %i",
tname, noconv_fsize);
if (0 != noconv_in.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::beg)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::pubseekoff "
"(0, ios_base::beg) failed", tname);
const char* const tmpfname = rw_tmpnam (0);
if (!tmpfname) {
// allocate a buffer large enough to hold the contents of the
// file in internal representation without codeset conversion
charT *noconv_intbuf = new charT [noconv_fsize];
// sgetn() returns the number of internal characters read in
// which must equal the number of external characters read by
// the `noconv_in' file buffer (since it does no conversion)
std::streamsize nread = noconv_in.sgetn (noconv_intbuf, noconv_fsize);
if (nread != noconv_fsize) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sgetn (%p, %i) == %i), got %i",
tname, noconv_intbuf,
noconv_fsize, noconv_fsize, nread);
delete[] noconv_intbuf;
const CodeCvt<charT> cvt (1);
// write out the text of this file using the test codecvt facet
// that performs state-dependent encoding
Filebuf conv_out;
conv_out.pubimbue (std::locale (std::locale::classic (), &cvt));
if (! (tmpfname, std::ios::binary | std::ios::out)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::open (\"%s\", ios_base::out) "
"failed", tname, tmpfname);
delete[] noconv_intbuf;
// sputn() returns the number of internal characters written out
// which must equal the number of external characters read by
// the `noconv_in' file buffer (since it does no conversion)
const std::streamsize nwrote = conv_out.sputn (noconv_intbuf, nread);
if (nread != nwrote) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sputn (\"%s\", %i) == %i), "
"got %i", tname,
noconv_intbuf, nread, nread, nwrote);
delete[] noconv_intbuf;
// close file buffer to flush it out
if (!conv_out.close ())
rw_warn (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>(\"%s\").close() failed",
tname, tmpfname);
std::filebuf nin; // narrow input stream buffer
if (! (tmpfname, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::open (\"%s\", ios_base::in) failed",
tname, tmpfname);
delete[] noconv_intbuf;
// get the size of the converted file in external characters
const std::streamsize conv_fsize = nin.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::end);
if (conv_fsize <= noconv_fsize) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"filebuf::pubseekoff (0, ios_base::end) > %i, got %i",
noconv_fsize, conv_fsize);
delete[] noconv_intbuf;
if (0 != nin.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::beg)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"filebuf::pubseekoff (0, ios_base::beg) failed");
delete[] noconv_intbuf;
// allocate a buffer large enough to hold the contents of the
// file in external representation without codeset conversion
char *noconv_extbuf = new char [conv_fsize];
std::memset (noconv_extbuf, 0, conv_fsize);
// read in the (unconverted) contents of the file
nread = nin.sgetn (noconv_extbuf, conv_fsize);
if (nread != conv_fsize) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"filebuf::sgetn (%p, %i) == %i, got %i",
noconv_extbuf, conv_fsize, conv_fsize, nread);
delete[] noconv_intbuf;
delete[] noconv_extbuf;
if (!nin.close ())
rw_warn (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>(\"%s\").close() failed",
tname, tmpfname);
std::mbstate_t state;
std::memset (&state, 0, sizeof state);
const char *from = noconv_extbuf;
const char *from_end = noconv_extbuf + nread;
const char *from_next = 0;
// allocate a buffer large enough to hold the contents of the
// file in internal representation with codeset conversion
charT *conv_intbuf = new charT [noconv_fsize];
std::memset (conv_intbuf, 0, noconv_fsize * sizeof *conv_intbuf);
charT *to = conv_intbuf;
charT *to_end = conv_intbuf + noconv_fsize;
charT *to_next = 0;
// convert the contents of the file using the test codecvt facet
const std::codecvt_base::result cvtres = (state, from, from_end, from_next, to, to_end, to_next);
if (std::codecvt_base::ok != cvtres) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"CodeCvt<%s>::in ({ %d, ... }, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p) "
"== std::codecvt_base::ok, got %s",
tname, *(unsigned char*)&state,
from, from_end, from_next, to, to_end, to_next,
get_codecvt_result (cvtres));
delete[] noconv_intbuf;
delete[] noconv_extbuf;
delete[] conv_intbuf;
const std::streamsize n_ext_cvt = from_next - from;
const std::streamsize n_int_cvt = to_next - to;
rw_assert (n_ext_cvt == conv_fsize, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"CodeCvt<%s>::in() converted %i external characters, "
"expected %i", tname, n_ext_cvt, conv_fsize);
rw_assert (n_int_cvt == noconv_fsize, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"CodeCvt<%s>::in() produced %i internal characters, "
"expected %i", tname, n_int_cvt, noconv_fsize);
// verify that the contents of the unconverted internal buffer
// (i.e., the text of this file in internal representation) are
// the same as the contents of the converted internal buffer
// (i.e., the text of this file converted to the external
// state-dependent representation and then converted back to
// the internal encoding)
rw_assert (!std::memcmp (noconv_intbuf, conv_intbuf, n_int_cvt),
__FILE__, __LINE__, "code conversion mismatch");
// read in the text of the temporary file encoded in
// a state-dependent encoding and convert it to its
// internal representation
Filebuf conv_in;
conv_in.pubimbue (std::locale (std::locale::classic (), &cvt)); (tmpfname, std::ios::in);
std::memset (conv_intbuf, 0, noconv_fsize * sizeof *conv_intbuf);
nread = conv_in.sgetn (conv_intbuf, noconv_fsize);
if (nread != noconv_fsize) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sgetn (%p, %i) == %i, got %i",
tname, conv_intbuf, noconv_fsize,
noconv_fsize, nread);
delete[] noconv_intbuf;
delete[] noconv_extbuf;
delete[] conv_intbuf;
rw_assert (!std::memcmp (noconv_intbuf, conv_intbuf,
n_int_cvt * sizeof *noconv_intbuf),
__FILE__, __LINE__, "code conversion mismatch");
if (!noconv_in.close ())
rw_warn (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>(" __FILE__ ").close() failed",
if (!conv_in.close ())
rw_warn (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>(\"%s\").close() failed",
tname, tmpfname);
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"pubseekoff() and pubseekpos() with state-dependent "
"code conversion"); (__FILE__, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in); (tmpfname, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
for (std::streamsize i = 0; i < noconv_fsize; i += noconv_fsize / 13) {
typedef typename Filebuf::pos_type pos_type;
noconv_in.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::beg);
conv_in.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::beg);
std::memset (noconv_intbuf, 0, noconv_fsize * sizeof *noconv_intbuf);
std::memset (conv_intbuf, 0, noconv_fsize * sizeof *conv_intbuf);
nread = noconv_in.sgetn (noconv_intbuf, i);
if (i != nread) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sgetn (%p, %d) == %d, "
"got %d", tname, noconv_intbuf, i, i, nread);
nread = conv_in.sgetn (conv_intbuf, i);
if (i != nread) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sgetn (%p, %d) == %d, "
"got %d", tname, conv_intbuf, i, i, nread);
if (std::memcmp (noconv_intbuf, conv_intbuf,
i * sizeof *conv_intbuf)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d. code conversion mismatch", i);
const pos_type noconv_pos =
noconv_in.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::cur);
const pos_type conv_pos =
conv_in.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::cur);
std::memset (noconv_intbuf, 0, noconv_fsize * sizeof *noconv_intbuf);
std::memset (conv_intbuf, 0, noconv_fsize * sizeof *conv_intbuf);
nread = noconv_in.sgetn (noconv_intbuf, noconv_fsize);
if (noconv_fsize - i != nread) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sgetn (%p, %d) == %d, "
"got %d", tname, noconv_intbuf,
noconv_fsize, noconv_fsize - i, nread);
nread = conv_in.sgetn (conv_intbuf, noconv_fsize);
if (noconv_fsize - i != nread) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sgetn (%p, %d) == %d, "
"got %d", tname, conv_intbuf,
noconv_fsize, noconv_fsize - i, nread);
if (std::memcmp (noconv_intbuf, conv_intbuf,
nread * sizeof *noconv_intbuf)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"%d. data mismatch after conversion", i);
if (!noconv_in.close ())
rw_warn (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>(" __FILE__ ").close() failed",
if (!conv_in.close ())
rw_warn (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>(\"%s\").close() failed",
tname, tmpfname); (__FILE__, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in); (tmpfname, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
const pos_type noconv_pos_new = noconv_in.pubseekpos (noconv_pos);
if (noconv_pos_new != noconv_pos) {
std::mbstate_t noconv_state = noconv_pos.state ();
std::mbstate_t noconv_state_new = noconv_pos_new.state ();
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::pubseekpos ({ %d, %d }, "
"ios_base::cur) == { %d, %d }, got { %d, %d }",
off_type (noconv_pos), *(char*)&noconv_state,
off_type (noconv_pos), *(char*)&noconv_state,
off_type (noconv_pos_new),
const pos_type conv_pos_new = conv_in.pubseekpos (conv_pos);
if (conv_pos_new != conv_pos) {
std::mbstate_t conv_state = noconv_pos.state ();
std::mbstate_t conv_state_new = noconv_pos_new.state ();
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::pubseekpos ({ %d, %d }, "
"ios_base::cur) == { %d, %d }, got { %d, %d }",
off_type (conv_pos), *(char*)&conv_state,
off_type (conv_pos), *(char*)&conv_state,
off_type (conv_pos_new),
std::memset (noconv_intbuf, 0, noconv_fsize * sizeof *noconv_intbuf);
nread = noconv_in.sgetn (noconv_intbuf, noconv_fsize);
if (noconv_fsize - i != nread) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sgetn (%p, %d) == %d, "
"got %d (no code conversion)",
tname, noconv_intbuf,
noconv_fsize, noconv_fsize - i, nread);
if (std::memcmp (noconv_intbuf, conv_intbuf,
nread * sizeof *noconv_intbuf)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"data mismatch (no code conversion)");
std::memset (conv_intbuf, 0, noconv_fsize * sizeof *conv_intbuf);
nread = conv_in.sgetn (conv_intbuf, noconv_fsize);
if (noconv_fsize - i != nread) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>::sgetn (%p, %d) == %d, "
"got %d (with code conversion)",
tname, conv_intbuf,
noconv_fsize, noconv_fsize - i, nread);
if (std::memcmp (noconv_intbuf, conv_intbuf,
nread * sizeof *noconv_intbuf)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"code conversion mismatch");
delete[] noconv_intbuf;
delete[] noconv_extbuf;
delete[] conv_intbuf;
if (!noconv_in.close ())
rw_warn (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>(" __FILE__ ").close() failed",
if (!conv_in.close ())
rw_warn (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_filebuf<%s>(\"%s\").close() failed",
tname, tmpfname);
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
template <class charT>
static void
test_codecvt_with_seek ()
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"interleaved input, output, and seeks in ios_base::app "
"mode with state-dependent code conversion");
typedef std::basic_filebuf<charT, std::char_traits<charT> > FileBuf;
FileBuf inbuf;
// open this source file (__FILE__, std::ios::in);
const std::streamsize N = 0xfffff;
charT *buf = new charT [N];
// read the text of the file into a local buffer
const std::streamsize nchars = inbuf.sgetn (buf, N);
if (nchars <= 0) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn(..., %d) > 0, got %d", N, nchars);
delete[] buf;
inbuf.close ();
FileBuf iobuf;
// imbue a locale containing a CodeCvt<charT> facet into the filebuf
iobuf.pubimbue (std::locale (std::locale::classic (), new CodeCvt<charT>));
const char* const tmpfname = rw_tmpnam (0);
if (!tmpfname) {
delete[] buf;
// remove file just in case it exists (it shouldn't)
std::remove (tmpfname);
// open the filebuf on a temporary file
if (! (tmpfname, std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::app)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"open (\"%s\", ios::in | ios::out | ios::app) failed",
delete[] buf;
charT *pb = buf;
// alterante writes, seeks, and reads to/from the filebuf
for (std::streamsize n = nchars, i = nchars; n; i = n / 2) {
const std::streamsize nput = iobuf.sputn (pb, n - i);
iobuf.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::beg);
charT *localbuf = new charT [N];
const std::streamsize nget = iobuf.sgetn (localbuf, n - i);
// verify the consistency of the read data
if (nget != n - i || std::memcmp (buf, localbuf, nget * sizeof *buf)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn(..., %d) == %d, got %d (or inconsistent data)",
n - i, n - i, nget);
delete[] localbuf;
delete[] localbuf;
iobuf.pubseekoff (0, std::ios::beg);
pb += nput;
n -= nput;
iobuf.close ();
// imbue the filebuf object with a locale with the conversion facet
inbuf.pubimbue (std::locale (std::locale::classic (),
new CodeCvt<charT>));
// and open the temporary file one more time
if (! (tmpfname, std::ios::in)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__, "");
delete[] buf;
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
charT *cvtbuf = new charT [N];
// read the whole file into a temporary buffer
std::streamsize ncvt = inbuf.sgetn (cvtbuf, N);
// verify that the contents are consistent with the original data
if (nchars != ncvt || std::memcmp (buf, cvtbuf, nchars * sizeof *buf)) {
rw_assert (false, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"sgetn(..., %d) == %d, got %d (or inconsistent data)",
N, nchars, ncvt);
delete[] buf;
delete[] cvtbuf;
// close file before removing it
inbuf.close ();
REMOVE_FILE (tmpfname);
template <class charT>
static void
do_test (const char* tname)
rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "std::basic_filebuf<%s>", tname);
// exercise basic_filebuf constructors
test_ctors<charT> (tname);
// exercise basic_filebuf::open()
test_open<charT> (tname);
// exercise basic_filebuf::sync()
test_sync<charT> (tname);
// exercise the basic_filebuf::attach() and detach() extensions
test_attach<charT> (tname);
// exercise basic_filebuf functionality with a non-trivial
// codecvt facet that implements stateful conversion
test_codecvt<charT> (tname);
test_codecvt_with_seek<charT> ();
static int
run_test (int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/ [])
do_test<char> ("char");
do_test<wchar_t> ("wchar_t");
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
return 0;
/*extern*/ int
main (int argc, char* argv [])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
"", // no comment
run_test, "", 0);