blob: c6aade2cbab5a643f45a3ca1374d6910f22e157d [file] [log] [blame]
// checking for runtime support in namespace std
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1999-2007 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
# define STD_NAME(name) name
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_HONOR_STD)
# define STD_NAME(ignore) ""
const char* const std_defs[] = {
// avoid false positives if namespace std is not honored
0 // sentinel
const char* const global_defs[] = {
0 // sentinel
int main ()
// since some (possibly many) individual config tests fail
// to detect either an STD or a GLOBAL version of the feature,
// this test overrides (#undef-ines) one of the matching pair
// of macros based on the overall findings to avoid complex
// #ifdef logic in the library headers
unsigned n_std_defs = 0; // number of macros defined for std names
unsigned n_global_defs = 0; // number of macros defined for global names
unsigned n_both_defs = 0; // number of macros defined for both
unsigned n_neither_defs = 0; // number of macros defined for neither
unsigned n_count = 0; // total number of symbols
// numbers of symbols found to be defined only in namespace std
// and not in the global namespace, and vice versa
unsigned n_std_only_syms = 0;
unsigned n_global_only_syms = 0;
unsigned i;
// count the number of macro definitions for the symbols
// found to be missing in namespace std and in the global
// namespace, the number of symbols found to be defined
// in both namespaces, and the total number of symbols
for (i = 0; std_defs [i]; ++i, ++n_count) {
// number of macros defined
int cnt = 0;
if (*std_defs [i]) {
if (*global_defs [i]) {
if (0 == cnt) {
// increment the number of symbols that are found to be
// defined in namespace std and not in the global namespace
else {
if (1 == cnt) {
// increment the number of symbols that are found to be
// defined in the global namespace and not also in std
if (2 == cnt)
else if (0 == cnt)
// #undef macros that are (assumed to be) #defined due to
// false negative test results
for (i = 0; std_defs [i]; ++i) {
if (*std_defs [i] && *global_defs [i]) {
// both the NO_STD and NO_GLOBAL forms of the same macro
// are #defined (i.e., the symbol wasn't found in either
// namespace, presumably because of a false negative
// result of one or both tests for the symbol)
const char *symbol_scope;
if (n_std_only_syms && n_global_only_syms <= n_std_only_syms) {
// there are at least as many names defined only in
// namespace std and not also in the global namespace
// than there are those defined in the global namespace
// that are not also defined in namespace std (and this
// number is non-zero)
symbol_scope = "STD";
else if (n_global_defs < n_std_defs) {
// there are more symbols found to be defined in the global
// namespace than there are those defined in namespace std
symbol_scope = "GLOBAL";
symbol_scope = "STD";
// undefine the macro
printf ("#undef _RWSTD_NO_%s_%s\n", symbol_scope, std_defs [i]);
// in a comment print out the number of symbols found to be defined
// in namespace std, in the global namespace, in both namespaces,
// and in neither
printf ("// number of runtime library symbols examined: %2u\n"
"// symbols found only in namespace std: %2u\n"
"// symbols found only in the global namespace: %2u\n"
"// symbols found in both namespaces: %2u\n"
"// symbols found in neither namespace: %2u\n",
if (n_std_only_syms) {
// comment out the NO_RUNTIME_IN_STD macro when at least one symbol
// is defined in namespace std and not also defined in the global
// namespace
printf ("%s ", "//");
printf ("#define %s\n", "_RWSTD_NO_RUNTIME_IN_STD\n");
return 0;