blob: ef0d8bd2b078231ca0195e8865b59e89229866fb [file] [log] [blame]
; x86_64/
; $Id$
; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
; contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
; with this work for additional information regarding copyright
; ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
; License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
; except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
; the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; implied. See the License for the specific language governing
; permissions and limitations under the License.
; Copyright 2003-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
; extern "C" int8_t __rw_atomic_xchg8 (int8_t *x, int8_t y);
; Atomically assigns the 8-bit value y to *x and returns
; the original (before assignment) 8-bit value of *x.
align 16
public __rw_atomic_xchg8
__rw_atomic_xchg8 proc ; int8_t (int8_t *x, int8_t y)
; %rcx = x
mov al, dl ; %al = y
xchg al, [rcx] ; %al <-> (%rcx)
__rw_atomic_xchg8 endp
; extern "C" int16_t __rw_atomic_xchg16 (int16_t *x, int16_t y);
; Atomically assigns the 16-bit value y to *x and returns
; the original (before assignment) 16-bit value of *x.
align 16
public __rw_atomic_xchg16
__rw_atomic_xchg16 proc ; int16_t (int16_t *x, int16_t y)
; %rcx = x
mov ax, dx ; %ax = y
xchg ax, [rcx] ; %ax <-> (%rcx)
__rw_atomic_xchg16 endp
; extern "C" int32_t __rw_atomic_xchg32 (int32_t *x, int32_t y);
; Atomically assigns the 32-bit value y to *x and returns
; the original (before assignment) 32-bit value of *x.
align 16
public __rw_atomic_xchg32
__rw_atomic_xchg32 proc ; int32_t (int32_t *x, int32_t y)
; %rcx = x
mov eax, edx ; %eax = y
xchg eax, [rcx] ; %eax <-> (%rcx)
__rw_atomic_xchg32 endp
; extern "C" int32_t __rw_atomic_xchg64 (int64_t *x, int64_t y);
; Atomically assigns the 64-bit value y to *x and returns
; the original (before assignment) 64-bit value of *x.
align 16
public __rw_atomic_xchg64
__rw_atomic_xchg64 proc ; int64_t (int64_t *x, int64_t y)
; %rcx = x
mov rax, rdx ; %rax = y
xchg rax, [rcx] ; %rax <-> (%rcx)
__rw_atomic_xchg64 endp
; extern "C" int8_t __rw_atomic_add8 (int8_t *x, int8_t y);
; Atomically increments the 8-bit value *x by y and returns
; the new (after increment) 8-bit value of *x.
align 16
public __rw_atomic_add8
__rw_atomic_add8 proc ; int8_t (int8_t *dst, int8_t inc)
; %rcx = dst
mov eax, edx ; %eax = inc
lock xadd [rcx], al ; tmp = *dst
; dst += inc
; %al = tmp
add eax, edx ; return %al + inc
__rw_atomic_add8 endp
; extern "C" int16_t __rw_atomic_add16 (int16_t *x, int16_t y);
; Atomically increments the 16-bit value *x by y and returns
; the new (after increment) 16-bit value of *x.
align 16
public __rw_atomic_add16
__rw_atomic_add16 proc ; int16_t (int16_t *dst, int16_t inc)
; %rcx = dst
mov ax, dx ; %ax = inc
lock xadd [rcx], ax ; tmp = *dst
; dst += inc
; eax = tmp
add ax, dx ; return %ax + inc
__rw_atomic_add16 endp
; extern "C" int32_t __rw_atomic_add32 (int32_t *x, int32_t y);
; Atomically increments the 32-bit value *x by y and returns
; the new (after increment) 32-bit value of *x.
align 16
public __rw_atomic_add32
__rw_atomic_add32 proc ; int32_t (int32_t *dst, int32_t inc)
; %rcx = dst
mov eax, edx ; %eax = inc
lock xadd [rcx], eax ; tmp = *dst
; dst += inc
; %eax = tmp
add eax, edx ; return %eax + inc
__rw_atomic_add32 endp
; extern "C" int64_t __rw_atomic_add64 (int64_t *x, int64_t y);
; Atomically increments the 32-bit value *x by y and returns
; the new (after increment) 32-bit value of *x.
align 16
public __rw_atomic_add64
__rw_atomic_add64 proc ; int64_t (int64_t *dst, int64_t inc)
; %rcx = dst
mov rax, rdx ; %eax = inc
lock xadd [rcx], rax ; tmp = *dst
; dst += inc
; %eax = tmp
add rax, rdx ; return %eax + inc
__rw_atomic_add64 endp