blob: e37a765cc7ef98c6c2f1a3651241fbafea53dc39 [file] [log] [blame]
* - definition of std::num_put members
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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* Copyright 2001-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <loc/_locale.h> // for use_facet
#include <loc/_ctype.h> // for ctype
__rw_put_num (char**, _RWSTD_SIZE_T, unsigned, int, _RWSTD_STREAMSIZE,
const void*, const char*);
_RWSTD_EXPORT extern const unsigned char
template <class _OutputIter>
inline bool
__rw_iter_failed (const _OutputIter&) { return false; }
// const commented to resolve ambiguity on MSVC 7.0:
// error C2667: '__rw_iter_failed' : none of 2 overloads have a best conversion
template <class _CharT, class _Traits>
inline bool
__rw_iter_failed (/*const */_STD::ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT, _Traits> &__it)
return __it.failed ();
} // namespace __rw
template <class _CharT, class _OutputIter>
_RW::__rw_facet_id num_put<_CharT, _OutputIter>::id;
template <class _CharT, class _OutputIter /* = ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> */>
/* virtual */ num_put<_CharT, _OutputIter>::~num_put ()
// no-op
template <class _CharT, class _OutputIter /* = ostreambuf_iterator<_CharT> */>
typename num_put<_CharT, _OutputIter>::iter_type
num_put<_CharT, _OutputIter>::
_C_put (iter_type __it, ios_base &__flags, char_type __fill, int __type,
const void *__pval) const
const numpunct<char_type> &__np =
_RWSTD_USE_FACET (numpunct<char_type>, __flags.getloc ());
char __buf [_RWSTD_DBL_MAX_10_EXP];
// will grow as necessary and may need to be deleted
char *__pbuf = __buf;
const string __grouping = __np.grouping ();
const char* const __grp = __grouping.c_str ();
const _RWSTD_STREAMSIZE __prec = __flags.precision ();
const int __f = __flags.flags ();
// format value, ignore C++ decimal_point and thousands_sep
_RWSTD_SIZE_T __res =
_RW::__rw_put_num (&__pbuf, sizeof __buf, __f, __type,
__prec, __pval, __grp);
// for bool values and boolalpha bit set, retrieve the "truth" string
basic_string<char_type, char_traits<char_type>, allocator<char_type> >
if (!__res) {
// avoid an IBM VAC++ 7.0 code generation bug that causes
// local string objects to get incorrectly destroyed (see
// bug #546)
// __boolstr = __pval ? __np.truename () : __np.falsename ();
if (__pval)
__boolstr = __np.truename ();
__boolstr = __np.falsename ();
__res = __boolstr.size ();
// number of fill chars to pad with
streamsize __pad = __flags.width () - streamsize (__res);
// unconditionally reset width before inserting anything
// in case the insertion causes an exception to be thrown
__flags.width (0);
// adjustfield bits (left, internal, or the default right)
const int __adj = __f & _RWSTD_IOS_ADJUSTFIELD;
if (__pad > 0 && !(__adj & (_RWSTD_IOS_LEFT | _RWSTD_IOS_INTERNAL))) {
// right justify if either no justification or
// right justification specified in adjustfield
for (; __pad--; ++__it)
*__it = __fill;
const ctype<char_type> &__ctp =
_RWSTD_USE_FACET (ctype<char_type>, __flags.getloc ());
const char *__p = __pbuf;
if (__pad > 0 && _RWSTD_IOS_INTERNAL == __adj) {
typedef unsigned char _UChar;
// internal padding only between the leading "0x"
// prefix or the leading sign and the number
if (43 /* '+' or '-' */ == _RW::__rw_digit_map [_UChar (*__p)])
*__it++ = __ctp.widen (*__p++);
else if ( '0' == *__p && __res > 2
&& 33 == /* 'X' */ _RW::__rw_digit_map [_UChar (__p [1])]) {
*__it++ = __ctp.widen (*__p++);
*__it++ = __ctp.widen (*__p++);
// right justify if not internally padded
for (; __pad--; ++__it)
*__it = __fill;
if (__type & _RW::__rw_facet::_C_integral && !*__grp && __prec >= 0) {
// optimized for integer output, no grouping
for (const char *__end = __pbuf + __res; __p != __end; ++__p, ++__it)
*__it = __ctp.widen (*__p);
else if (_RW::__rw_facet::_C_bool == __type) {
// boolalpha output
for (_RWSTD_SIZE_T __i = 0; __i != __res; ++__i, ++__it)
*__it = __boolstr [__i];
else {
// all other numeric output
for (const char *__end = __pbuf + __res; __p != __end; ++__p, ++__it) {
switch (*__p) {
// replace either the period or the comma with the
// decimal point in case a setlocale() call made by
// the program changed the default '.' to ','
case '.':
case ',': *__it = __np.decimal_point (); break;
case ';': *__it = __np.thousands_sep (); break;
default: *__it = __ctp.widen (*__p); break;
// delete if the buffer was dynamically allocated
if (__pbuf != __buf)
delete[] __pbuf;
// left justify if necessary
for (; __pad > 0; ++__it, --__pad)
*__it = __fill;
// reset width only if the insertion has been successful
// (i.e., no exception and the iterator has not failed)
if (!_RW::__rw_iter_failed (__it))
__flags.width (0);
return __it;
} // namespace std