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* _facet.h - definition of the std::locale::facet and locale::id classes
* This is an internal header file used to implement the C++ Standard
* Library. It should never be #included directly by a program.
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1994-2007 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
#include <rw/_mutex.h>
#include <rw/_defs.h>
struct _RWSTD_CLASS_EXPORT locale;
} // namespace std
class _RWSTD_EXPORT __rw_locale;
struct __rw_access;
struct _RWSTD_EXPORT __rw_facet: __rw_synchronized
// the type of a "constructor" function used to create facet objects
// of standard types by the library
typedef __rw_facet* (_C_ctor_t)(_RWSTD_SIZE_T, const char*);
#if !defined (_MSC_VER) || 5 <= _RWSTD_VER_MAJOR
// disabled for binary compatibility with stdcxx 4.1.x for MSVC
// (the compiler mangles access specifiers into class members)
#endif // !MSVC || 5 <= stdcxx version
explicit __rw_facet (_RWSTD_SIZE_T = 0);
virtual ~__rw_facet ();
// types of standard facets; only globally managed facets (i.e.,
// standard facets created internally) set this member, user-created
// facet objects of any types set their type to _C_unknown
// NOTE: the values and order of all the enumerators below are important
// any changes may affect the binary compatibility of the library
enum _C_facet_type {
/* -1 */ _C_invalid = -1, // marked e.g., when deleted
/* 0 */ _C_unknown = 0, // user-defined
// narrow character specializations
// classic versions // byname versions
/* id */ // <-- facet id, i.e. the value of Facet::id._C_val
// collate category
/* 1 */ _C_collate, _C_collate_byname,
// ctype category
/* 3 */ _C_codecvt, _C_codecvt_byname,
/* 5 */ _C_ctype, _C_ctype_byname,
// monetary category
/* 7 */ _C_moneypunct, _C_moneypunct_byname,
/* 9 */ _C_moneypunct_intl, _C_moneypunct_intl_byname,
/* 11 */ _C_money_get, _C_nonexistent_0,
/* 13 */ _C_money_put, _C_nonexistent_1,
// numeric category
/* 15 */ _C_numpunct, _C_numpunct_byname,
/* 17 */ _C_num_get, _C_nonexistent_2,
/* 19 */ _C_num_put, _C_nonexistent_3,
// time category
/* 21 */ _C_time_get, _C_time_get_byname,
/* 23 */ _C_time_put, _C_time_put_byname,
// messages category
/* 25 */ _C_messages, _C_messages_byname,
// wide character specializations
// classic versions // byname versions
/* 27 */ _C_wcollate, _C_wcollate_byname,
/* 29 */ _C_wcodecvt, _C_wcodecvt_byname,
/* 31 */ _C_wctype, _C_wctype_byname,
/* 33 */ _C_wmoneypunct, _C_wmoneypunct_byname,
/* 35 */ _C_wmoneypunct_intl, _C_wmoneypunct_intl_byname,
/* 37 */ _C_wmoney_get, _C_nonexistent_4,
/* 39 */ _C_wmoney_put, _C_nonexistent_5,
/* 41 */ _C_wnumpunct, _C_wnumpunct_byname,
/* 43 */ _C_wnum_get, _C_nonexistent_6,
/* 45 */ _C_wnum_put, _C_nonexistent_7,
/* 47 */ _C_wtime_get, _C_wtime_get_byname,
/* 49 */ _C_wtime_put, _C_wtime_put_byname,
/* 51 */ _C_wmessages, _C_wmessages_byname,
// the value of each standard facet's id is computed
// as (facet_type + 1) / 2; the value is stored in
// each facet's *__rw_facet::_C_pid member
// the value of the first available (non-standard)
// facet's id is computed as (_C_last_type / 2 + 1)
// note that this value determines the binary footprint of each facet
// changing it affects the binary compatibility of the localization
// library
/* 52 */ _C_last_type = _C_wmessages_byname
// unique fundamental type id
enum _C_type_id {
_C_signed = 0x100, _C_ptr = 0x200, _C_cont = 0x400,
_C_integral = 0x800, _C_floating = 0x1000, _C_typemask = 0x00ff,
_C_bool = 0,
_C_char = 1 | _C_integral,
_C_uchar = 2 | _C_integral, _C_schar = _C_uchar | _C_signed,
_C_ushort = 3 | _C_integral, _C_short = _C_ushort | _C_signed,
_C_uint = 4 | _C_integral, _C_int = _C_uint | _C_signed,
_C_ulong = 5 | _C_integral, _C_long = _C_ulong | _C_signed,
_C_ullong = 6 | _C_integral, _C_llong = _C_ullong | _C_signed,
_C_float = 7 | _C_floating,
_C_double = 8 | _C_floating,
_C_ldouble = 9 | _C_floating,
_C_void = 10, _C_pvoid = _C_void | _C_ptr,
_C_wchar_t = 11
enum {
// SunOS prepends the separator charater to the beginning
// of locale names, e.g., "/en_US/de_DE/fr_FR/..."
_C_prepend_cat_sep = 0x01,
// Linux uses the names of LC_XXX constants in combined
// locale names,
// e.g., "LC_CYPE=en_US;LC_COLLATE=de_DE;LC_MONETARY=fr_FR..."
_C_use_cat_names = 0x02,
// HP-UX, for instance, keeps even trivial locale names
// fully expanded
// (e.g., setlocale ("C") will return "C C C C C C")
// and doesn't include category names in (combined or others)
// locale names
_C_condensed_name = 0x04,
// bits to determine whether and when libc locale will be
// used as an implementation of C++ locale functionality
// libc libstd effect
// 0 0 use own implementation, fall back on libc if that fails
// 0 1 use own implementation only, never libc
// 1 0 use libc implementation only, never own
// 1 1 try libc implementation first, own if that fails
_C_use_libc = 0x08,
_C_use_libstd = 0x10
// global options controlling the behavior of locale and facets
static int _C_opts;
// returns a pointer to the facet's implementation data
// if it exists, 0 otherwise
const void* _C_data () const {
return _C_impsize ? _C_impdata
: _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (__rw_facet*, this)->_C_get_data ();
const char* _C_get_name () const {
return _C_name ? _C_name : "C";
// set facet locale name (will allocate if bufsize is too small)
void _C_set_name (const char*, char*, _RWSTD_SIZE_T);
const char *_C_name; // name of locale associated with facet
char *_C_buf; // character buffer name may be stored in
const void *_C_impdata; // implementation data (e.g., punct)
_RWSTD_SIZE_T _C_impsize; // size of implementation data
_C_facet_type _C_type; // facet type (see above)
_RWSTD_SIZE_T _C_ref; // reference count (> 0)
_RWSTD_SIZE_T *_C_pid; // pointer to the static Facet::id._C_id
// standard facets' id's are computed as (_C_type + 1) / 2
// standard facet's base type is computed as 2 * Facet::id._C_id - 1
__rw_facet (const __rw_facet&); // not defined
void operator= (const __rw_facet&); // not defined
const void* _C_get_data ();
static __rw_facet*
_C_manage (__rw_facet*, _C_facet_type, const char*, _C_ctor_t*);
friend struct _STD::locale;
friend class __rw_locale;
friend struct __rw_facet_id;
friend struct __rw_access;
struct _RWSTD_EXPORT __rw_facet_id
__rw_facet_id () {
// _C_id member zero-initialized (i.e., invalidated) by the system
// for __rw_facet_id objects with static storage duration, the only
// ones locale ever references
#else // if !defined (_RWSTD_NO_SPECIALIZED_FACET_ID)
enum _C_init_id { _C_Init };
__rw_facet_id (_C_init_id = _C_Init) {
// same as above except that Facet::id is explicitly specialized
// for all standard facet base classes in order to guarantee one
// instance of each in a program; the definition of the explicit
// specialization is distinguished from the declaration by the
// presence of an initializer
__rw_facet_id (const __rw_facet_id&); // not defined
void operator= (const __rw_facet_id&); // not defined
// initialize id to the given value if within the valid range
// otherwise to the next value generated by the id generator
_RWSTD_SIZE_T _C_init () const;
_MUTABLE _RWSTD_SIZE_T _C_id; // unique id > 0
friend class __rw_locale;
friend struct _STD::locale;
friend struct __rw_access;
// does the necessary path calculations and mapping of locale databases
const void*
__rw_get_facet_data (int, _RWSTD_SIZE_T&, const char*, const char* = 0);
// its counterpart - does the database unmapping
void __rw_release_facet_data (const void*, _RWSTD_SIZE_T);
} // namespace __rw