blob: 97f2a62f6ed7f5fc087c0b383323b43933405aed [file] [log] [blame]
* iostream.cpp - source for the Standard Library iostream objects
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1994-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#define _RWSTD_LIB_SRC
#if 3 == __GNUG__ && 3 > __GNUC_MINOR__ \
|| 3 == __GNUC_MINOR__ && 1 >__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__
// working around a gcc bug (PR #29570)
# include <rw/_config.h>
# endif
#endif // gcc >= 3.0 && gcc < 3.3.1
#include <rw/_defs.h>
# ifdef _WIN32
# include <io.h>
# define STDIN_FILENO 0
# define STDOUT_FILENO 1
# define STDERR_FILENO 2
# endif // STDIN_FILENO
# else // if !defined _WIN32
// <unistd.h> must preceed other headers to avoid a namespace
// issue ("time_t" vrs "std::time_t") on SunPro 5.3/SunOS 5.8
# include <unistd.h>
# endif // _WIN32
#else // if defined _RWSTD_NO_NATIVE_IO
// <stdio.h> must be included before <fstream> so that the FILE*
// basic_filebuf ctor extensions get declared (they depend on the
// stdin macro being declared)
# include <stdio.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <rw/_error.h>
#include "iosdata.h"
#include "podarray.h" // for __rw_aligned_buffer
#include <stdio.h> // fprintf(), stderr
#include <stdlib.h> // abort()
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// force early intitalization of Standard Iostream Objects
// gives warning C4073: initializers put in library initialization
// area; disable it
# ifdef _RWSTD_MSVC
# pragma warning (disable: 4073)
# endif
# pragma init_seg (lib)
#endif // _MSC_VER
// #defined below
#undef _INIT
// stream objects are initialized with static basic_filebuf objects
// based on static data buffers to avoid dynamic memory allocation
// at library initialization time
// iostream objects and buffers are (re)constructed in ios_base::Init()
// via calls to placement new after being zero-initialized (not constructed)
// at definition time (by the means of the __rw_aligned_buffer trick)
// cin, cout, and the other Standard iostream objects are references to
// these objects which of caurse violates 27.3 but avoids the potential
// for destruction prior to any other objects with static storage duration
// and is undetectable
// buftype: basic_filebuf specialization
// stream: [w]istream or [w]ostream
// name: name of the standard iostream object
// ignN: ignored
#define _RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT(buftype, stream, name, ign1, ign2) \
/* static character buffer to prevent dynamic allocation */ \
static _STD::stream::char_type __rw_##name##_databuf [512]; \
/* static indestructible `basic_filebuf<>' object */ \
static __rw_aligned_buffer<_STD::buftype> __rw_##name##_buffer; \
/* static indestructible `basic_[i|o]stream<>' object */ \
static __rw_aligned_buffer<_STD::stream> __rw_indestructible_##name; \
} /* namespace __rw */ \
/* reference (not object) to a basic_[i|o]stream<> object */ \
_RWSTD_EXPORT stream &name \
= _RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (stream&, _RW::__rw_indestructible_##name); \
} /* namespace std */ \
typedef void __rw_unused_typedef
#define _OBJECT(ignore, name) name
# else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_IOSTREAM_OBJECT_REFS)
// cin, cout, and the other Standard iostream objects are defined to be
// specializations of the POD type __rw::__rw_aligned_buffer<[i|o]stream>
// but declared in <iostream> to be extern [i|o]stream
// since the type information isn't encoded (mangled) in data names this
// lie is transparent to the compiler/linker as neither ever sees both
// declarations
// buftype: basic_filebuf specialization
// stream: [w]istream or [w]ostream
// name: name of the standard iostream object
// ignN: ignored
#define _RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT(buftype, stream, name, ign1, ign2) \
/* static character buffer to prevent dynamic allocation */ \
static _STD::stream::char_type __rw_##name##_databuf [512]; \
/* static indestructible `basic_filebuf<>' object */ \
static __rw_aligned_buffer<_STD::buftype> __rw_##name##_buffer; \
} /* namespace __rw */ \
/* extern indestructible `basic_[i|o]stream<>' object */ \
_RWSTD_EXPORT _RW::__rw_aligned_buffer<stream> name; \
} /* namespace std */ \
/* reference to the actual object for convenience */ \
static __rw_aligned_buffer<_STD::stream>& \
__rw_indestructible_##name = _STD::name; \
} /* namespace __rw */ \
typedef void __rw_unused_typedef
#define _OBJECT(type, name) _RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (type&, name)
// expression returning the address of the initialized object
#define _INIT(buftype, stream, name, buf, f) \
/* construct basic_[i|o]stream object backed by a filebuf object */ \
/* backed by a static characater array */ \
new (&_RW::__rw_indestructible_##name) stream \
(new (&_RW::__rw_##name##_buffer) buftype \
(FILEREF (f), _RW::__rw_##name##_databuf, \
sizeof _RW::__rw_##name##_databuf / sizeof *_RW::__rw_##name##_databuf)) \
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_STATIC_IOSTREAM_INIT)
// iostream objects and buffers are constructed at definition time
// buftype: basic_filebuf specialization
// stream: [w]istream or [w]ostream
// name: name of the standard iostream object
// buf: tied indestructible buffer
// f: associated file descriptor or FILE pointer
#define _RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT(buftype, stream, name, buf, f) \
/* static character buffer to prevent dynamic allocation */ \
static _STD::stream::char_type __rw_##name##_databuf [512]; \
/* static `basic_filebuf<>' object, destroyed at program termination */ \
static _STD::buftype __rw_##name##_buffer (FILEREF (f), \
__rw_##name##_databuf, \
sizeof __rw_##name##_databuf / sizeof *__rw_##name##_databuf); \
} /* namespace __rw */ \
/* extern `basic_[i|o]stream<>' object, destroyed at termination */ \
_RWSTD_EXPORT stream name (&_RW::__rw_##buf##_buffer); \
} /* namespace std */ \
typedef void __rw_unused_typedef
#define _INIT(ign1, stream, ign3, ign4, ign5) ((stream*)0)
// use STDIN_FILENO etc. to initialize basic_filebuf
# define FILEREF(name) name ##_FILENO
// use stdin etc. to initialize basic_filebuf
# define STDIN_FILEPTR stdin
# define STDOUT_FILEPTR stdout
# define STDERR_FILEPTR stderr
# define FILEREF(name) name ##_FILEPTR
// define iostream objects and their corresponding "buffers"
_RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT (filebuf, istream, cin, cin, STDIN);
_RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT (filebuf, ostream, cout, cout, STDOUT);
_RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT (filebuf, ostream, cerr, cerr, STDERR);
_RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT (filebuf, ostream, clog, cerr, STDERR);
_RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT (wfilebuf, wistream, wcin, wcin, STDIN);
_RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT (wfilebuf, wostream, wcout, wcout, STDOUT);
_RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT (wfilebuf, wostream, wcerr, wcerr, STDERR);
_RWSTD_DEFINE_STREAM_OBJECT (wfilebuf, wostream, wclog, wcerr, STDERR);
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
// allow basic_ostream<> inline member functions to refer to the standard
// iostream objects without making those objects visible to user code (so
// that they can safely be dereferenced only after #including <iostream>
// which is the only header where they are declared and by the means of
// which they are initialized - through the static initialization object)
// a single (library-wide) iostream initializer object - must be defined
// after the definition of the iostream objects (above) so that when
// its dtor manipulates the objects they have not been destroyed
ios_base::Init __rw_stream_initializer;
// array of pointers to the 8 standard iostream objects
extern const void* __rw_std_streams [];
// iostream initialization counter
static int __rw_ios_initcnt /* = 0 */;
} // namespace __rw
ios_base::Init::Init ()
// only the first thread initializes
if (1 != _RWSTD_ATOMIC_PREINCREMENT (_RW::__rw_ios_initcnt, false))
// since references need not be initialzied statically, cin, et al
// may not be initialized at this time (i.e., &cin == 0 may hold,
// and does with MSVC 6.0), obtain and use pointers to the objects
istream* const pcin = _INIT (filebuf, istream, cin, cin, STDIN);
ostream* const pcout = _INIT (filebuf, ostream, cout, cout, STDOUT);
ostream* const pcerr = _INIT (filebuf, ostream, cerr, cerr, STDERR);
ostream* const pclog = _INIT (filebuf, ostream, clog, cerr, STDERR);
// stream objects expected to be arranged in this order
// must be initialized dynamically (as opposed to statically)
_RW::__rw_std_streams[0] = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (ios_base*, pcin);
_RW::__rw_std_streams[1] = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (ios_base*, pcout);
_RW::__rw_std_streams[2] = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (ios_base*, pcerr);
_RW::__rw_std_streams[3] = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (ios_base*, pclog);
// 27.3.1, p2
pcin->_C_usr = &_C_usr_data::_C_std_usr_data [0];
pcin->_C_usr->_C_tie = pcout;
// 27.3.1, p5
pcerr->_C_fmtfl |= _RW::__rw_unitbuf;
pcin->_C_fmtfl |= _RW::__rw_sync_stdio;
pcout->_C_fmtfl |= _RW::__rw_sync_stdio;
pcerr->_C_fmtfl |= _RW::__rw_sync_stdio;
pclog->_C_fmtfl |= _RW::__rw_sync_stdio;
#if defined (_RWSTD_REENTRANT) \
&& !defined (_RWSTD_NO_EXT_REENTRANT_IO) \
// override MT-safety setting done in basic_ios<>::init()
pcin->_C_fmtfl &= ~(nolock | nolockbuf);
pcout->_C_fmtfl &= ~(nolock | nolockbuf);
pcerr->_C_fmtfl &= ~(nolock | nolockbuf);
pclog->_C_fmtfl &= ~(nolock | nolockbuf);
wistream* const pwcin = _INIT (wfilebuf, wistream, wcin, wcin, STDIN);
wostream* const pwcout = _INIT (wfilebuf, wostream, wcout, wcout, STDOUT);
wostream* const pwcerr = _INIT (wfilebuf, wostream, wcerr, wcerr, STDERR);
wostream* const pwclog = _INIT (wfilebuf, wostream, wclog, wcerr, STDERR);
// stream objects expected to be arranged in this order
// must be initialized dynamically (as opposed to statically)
_RW::__rw_std_streams[4] = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (ios_base*, pwcin);
_RW::__rw_std_streams[5] = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (ios_base*, pwcout);
_RW::__rw_std_streams[6] = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (ios_base*, pwcerr);
_RW::__rw_std_streams[7] = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (ios_base*, pwclog);
// 27.3.2, p2
pwcin->_C_usr = &_C_usr_data::_C_std_usr_data [1];
pwcin->_C_usr->_C_tie = pwcout;
// 27.3.2, p5
pwcerr->_C_fmtfl |= _RW::__rw_unitbuf;
pwcin->_C_fmtfl |= _RW::__rw_sync_stdio;
pwcout->_C_fmtfl |= _RW::__rw_sync_stdio;
pwcerr->_C_fmtfl |= _RW::__rw_sync_stdio;
pwclog->_C_fmtfl |= _RW::__rw_sync_stdio;
# if defined (_RWSTD_REENTRANT) \
&& !defined (_RWSTD_NO_EXT_REENTRANT_IO) \
// override MT-safety setting done in basic_ios<>::init()
pwcin->_C_fmtfl &= ~(nolock | nolockbuf);
pwcout->_C_fmtfl &= ~(nolock | nolockbuf);
pwcerr->_C_fmtfl &= ~(nolock | nolockbuf);
pwclog->_C_fmtfl &= ~(nolock | nolockbuf);
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
ios_base::Init::~Init ()
if (_RWSTD_ATOMIC_PREDECREMENT (_RW::__rw_ios_initcnt, false))
// put all standard iostream objects in unbuffered mode so that
// output made from dtors of user objects with static storage
// duration destroyed from this point on (i.e., after the destruction
// of *this, the last initializer object) is not lost
// references must not be destroyed
_RWSTD_ASSERT (&cout && &cerr && &clog);
const char fmt[] = "exception during std::%s cleanup\n";
int caught = 0;
_TRY {
_OBJECT (ostream, cout).rdbuf ()->pubsetbuf (0, 0);
_CATCH (...) {
fprintf (stderr, fmt, "cout");
_TRY {
_OBJECT (ostream, cerr).rdbuf ()->pubsetbuf (0, 0);
_CATCH (...) {
fprintf (stderr, fmt, "cerr");
_TRY {
_OBJECT (ostream, clog).rdbuf ()->pubsetbuf (0, 0);
_CATCH (...) {
fprintf (stderr, fmt, "clog");
_RWSTD_ASSERT (&wcout && &wcerr && &wclog);
_TRY {
_OBJECT (wostream, wcout).rdbuf ()->pubsetbuf (0, 0);
_CATCH (...) {
fprintf (stderr, fmt, "wcout");
_TRY {
_OBJECT (wostream, wcerr).rdbuf ()->pubsetbuf (0, 0);
_CATCH (...) {
fprintf (stderr, fmt, "wcerr");
_TRY {
_OBJECT (wostream, wclog).rdbuf ()->pubsetbuf (0, 0);
_CATCH (...) {
fprintf (stderr, fmt, "wclog");
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
if (caught)
abort ();
} // namespace std