blob: bfd77b2c67de0249a566727f58f28e6abb424797 [file] [log] [blame]
* 21.string.insert.cpp - string test exercising lib.string.insert
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <string> // for string
#include <stdexcept> // for out_of_range, length_error
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <21.strings.h> // for StringIds
#include <alg_test.h> // for InputIter
#include <driver.h> // for rw_test()
#include <rw_allocator.h> // for UserAlloc
#include <rw_char.h> // for rw_expand()
#include <rw_new.h> // for bad_alloc, replacement operator new
// for convenience and brevity
#define Insert(sig) StringIds::insert_ ## sig
static const char* const exceptions[] = {
"unknown exception", "out_of_range", "length_error",
"bad_alloc", "exception"
// used to exercise
// insert (size_type, const value_type*)
static const StringTestCase
size_cptr_test_cases [] = {
#undef TEST
#define TEST(str, off, arg, res, bthrow) { \
__LINE__, off, -1, -1, -1, -1, str, sizeof str - 1, \
arg, sizeof arg - 1, res, sizeof res - 1, bthrow \
// +----------------------------------------- controlled sequence
// | +------------------------ insert() pos argument
// | | +--------------------- sequence to be inserted
// | | | +--------- expected result sequence
// | | | | +- exception info
// | | | | | 0 - no exception
// | | | | | 1 - out_of_range
// | | | | | 2 - length_error
// | | | | | -1 - exc. safety
// | | | | |
// | | | | +-------------+
// V V V V V
TEST ("ab", 0, "c", "cab", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "", "", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "abc", "abc", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "", "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "<U0>", "", 0),
TEST ("abc", 0, "", "abc", 0),
TEST ("abc", 1, "", "abc", 0),
TEST ("abc", 3, "", "abc", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "a", "a<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "a", "<U0>a", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "<U0>", "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "<U0>@2", "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("cde", 0, "ab", "abcde", 0),
TEST ("cde", 1, "ab", "cabde", 0),
TEST ("cde", 2, "ab", "cdabe", 0),
TEST ("cde", 3, "ab", "cdeab", 0),
TEST ("<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 0, "<U0>e<U0>", "<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>b<U0>@2c", 2, "e<U0>e", "a<U0>eb<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 6, "e<U0>e", "a<U0>bc<U0>@2e", 0),
TEST ("", 0, 0, "", 0),
TEST ("abc", 0, 0, "abcabc", 0),
TEST ("abc", 2, 0, "ababcc", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 0, 0, "aa<U0>bc<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 6, 0, "a<U0>bc<U0>@2a", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 5, 0, "x@8192", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "x@4096", "x@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 0, "", "x@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 2, "a@100", "xxa@100x@4094", 0),
TEST ("a@102", 2, "x@4096", "aax@4096a@100", 0),
TEST ("x@10", 1, "x@118", "x@128", 0),
TEST ("x@128", 128, "x@79", "x@207", 0),
TEST ("x@207", 0, "x@127", "x@334", 0),
TEST ("x@334", 1, "x@206", "x@540", 0),
TEST ("x@540", 539, "x@333", "x@873", 0),
TEST ("x@539", 539, "x@873", "x@1412", 0),
TEST ("x@872", 0, "x@1412", "x@2284", 0),
TEST ("x@1411", 207, "x@2284", "x@3695", 0),
TEST ("x@1412", 0, "x@2284", "x@3696", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 2, "", "", 1),
TEST ("a", 2, "", "", 1),
TEST ("x@4096", 4106, "", "", 1),
TEST ("last", 4, "test", "lasttest", 0)
// used to exercise
// insert (size_type, const basic_string&)
static const StringTestCase
size_cstr_test_cases [] = {
#undef TEST
#define TEST(str, off, arg, res, bthrow) { \
__LINE__, off, -1, -1, -1, -1, str, sizeof str - 1, \
arg, sizeof arg - 1, res, sizeof res - 1, bthrow \
// +----------------------------------------- controlled sequence
// | +------------------------ insert() pos argument
// | | +--------------------- sequence to be inserted
// | | | +--------- expected result sequence
// | | | | +- exception info
// | | | | | 0 - no exception
// | | | | | 1 - out_of_range
// | | | | | 2 - length_error
// | | | | | -1 - exc. safety
// | | | | |
// | | | | -+------------+
// V V V V V
TEST ("ab", 0, "c", "cab", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "", "", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "abc", "abc", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "", "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "<U0>", "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("abc", 0, "", "abc", 0),
TEST ("abc", 1, "", "abc", 0),
TEST ("abc", 3, "", "abc", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "a", "a<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "a", "<U0>a", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "<U0>", "<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "<U0>@2", "<U0>@3", 0),
TEST ("cde", 0, "ab", "abcde", 0),
TEST ("cde", 1, "ab", "cabde", 0),
TEST ("cde", 2, "ab", "cdabe", 0),
TEST ("cde", 3, "ab", "cdeab", 0),
TEST ("<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 0, "<U0>e<U0>", "<U0>e<U0>@2ab<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>b<U0>@2c", 2, "e<U0>e", "a<U0>e<U0>eb<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 6, "e<U0>@2e<U0>", "a<U0>bc<U0>@2e<U0>@2e<U0>", 0),
TEST ("abc", 0, 0, "abcabc", 0),
TEST ("abc", 2, 0, "ababcc", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 0, 0, "a<U0>bc<U0>@2a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 6, 0, "a<U0>bc<U0>@2a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 5, 0, "x@8192", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "x@4096", "x@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 0, "", "x@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 2, "a@100", "xxa@100x@4094", 0),
TEST ("a@102", 2, "x@4096", "aax@4096a@100", 0),
TEST ("x@10", 1, "x@118", "x@128", 0),
TEST ("x@128", 128, "x@79", "x@207", 0),
TEST ("x@207", 0, "x@127", "x@334", 0),
TEST ("x@334", 1, "x@206", "x@540", 0),
TEST ("x@540", 539, "x@333", "x@873", 0),
TEST ("x@539", 539, "x@873", "x@1412", 0),
TEST ("x@872", 0, "x@1412", "x@2284", 0),
TEST ("x@1411", 207, "x@2284", "x@3695", 0),
TEST ("x@1412", 0, "x@2284", "x@3696", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 2, "", "", 1),
TEST ("a", 2, "", "", 1),
TEST ("x@4096", 4106, "", "", 1),
TEST ("last", 4, "test", "lasttest", 0)
// exrcises
// insert (size_type, basic_string&, size_type, size_type)
// insert (iterator, InputIterator, InputIterator)
static const StringTestCase
iter_range_test_cases [] = {
// range_test_cases serves a double duty
#define size_cstr_size_size_test_cases iter_range_test_cases
#undef TEST
#define TEST(str, off, arg, off2, size2, res, bthrow) { \
__LINE__, off, -1, off2, size2, -1, str, sizeof str - 1, \
arg, sizeof arg - 1, res, sizeof res - 1, bthrow \
// +----------------------------------------- controlled sequence
// | +------------------------ insert() pos argument
// | | +--------------------- sequence to be inserted
// | | | +-------- insert() off2 argument
// | | | | +----- insert() num argument
// | | | | | +-- expected result sequence
// | | | | | | +--- exception info
// | | | | | | | 0 - no exception
// | | | | | | | 1 - out_of_range
// | | | | | | | 2 - length_error
// | | | | | | | -1 - exc. safety
// | | | | | | |
// | | | | | | +----------------+
// V V V V V V V
TEST ("ab", 0, "c", 0, 1, "cab", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "", 0, 0, "", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "abc", 1, 1, "b", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "<U0>", 0, 1, "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "", 0, 0, "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "", 0, 0, "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("abc", 0, "", 0, 0, "abc", 0),
TEST ("abc", 1, "", 0, 0, "abc", 0),
TEST ("abc", 3, "", 0, 0, "abc", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "a", 0, 1, "a<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "a", 0, 1, "<U0>a", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "<U0>@2", 1, 1, "<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "<U0>@2", 0, 2, "<U0>@3", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "<U0>@2", 1, 5, "<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("cde", 0, "ab", 0, 2, "abcde", 0),
TEST ("cde", 1, "ab", 0, 1, "cade", 0),
TEST ("cde", 2, "ab", 1, 5, "cdbe", 0),
TEST ("cde", 3, "ab", 1, 1, "cdeb", 0),
TEST ("ab", 0, "c<U0>e", 0, 3, "c<U0>eab", 0),
TEST ("ab", 1, "c<U0>e", 1, 2, "a<U0>eb", 0),
TEST ("ab", 2, "c<U0>e", 0, 2, "abc<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>e<U0>", 1, "<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 0, 9, "<U0>@2ab<U0>@2ce<U0>",0),
TEST ("<U0>e<U0>", 1, "<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 0, 3, "<U0>@2abe<U0>", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>b<U0>@2c", 3, "<U0>e<U0>", 0, 3, "a<U0>b<U0>e<U0>@3c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>b<U0>@2c", 2, "<U0>@2e<U0>", 0, 2, "a<U0>@3b<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 0, "<U0>e<U0>", 2, 1, "<U0>@2ab<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 6, "<U0>e", 0, 2, "a<U0>bc<U0>@3e", 0),
TEST ("abc", 0, 0, 1, 1, "babc", 0),
TEST ("abc", 2, 0, 0, 2, "ababc", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 0, 0, 4, 2, "<U0>@2a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 6, 0, 1, 3, "a<U0>bc<U0>@3bc", 0),
TEST ("abcdef", 0, 0, 1, 2, "bcabcdef", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "x@4096", 0, 4096, "x@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 0, "", 0, 0, "x@4096", 0),
TEST ("a@1000", 0, "b@1000", 0, 999, "b@999a@1000", 0),
TEST ("a@1000", 1, "b@1001", 0, 1000, "ab@1000a@999", 0),
TEST ("a@1000", 2, "b@1002", 0, 1001, "aab@1001a@998", 0),
TEST ("a@1000", 998, "b@1000", 1, 999, "a@998b@999aa", 0),
TEST ("a@1000", 999, "b@1001", 2, 1000, "a@999b@999a", 0),
TEST ("a@1000", 2, "b@1002", 999, 1001, "aabbba@998", 0),
TEST ("x@10", 1, "x@118", 0, 118, "x@128", 0),
TEST ("x@128", 0, "x@129", 50, 79, "x@207", 0),
TEST ("x@207", 207, "x@127", 0, 127, "x@334", 0),
TEST ("x@207", 128, "x@207", 10, 127, "x@334", 0),
TEST ("x@334", 334, "x@208", 2, 206, "x@540", 0),
TEST ("x@540", 0, "x@336", 3, 333, "x@873", 0),
TEST ("x@539", 538, "x@873", 0, 873, "x@1412", 0),
TEST ("x@873", 540, "x@540", 1, 539, "x@1412", 0),
TEST ("x@872", 0, "x@1412", 0, 1412, "x@2284", 0),
TEST ("x@1411", 1411, "x@2288", 4, 2284, "x@3695", 0),
TEST ("x@1411", 872, "x@3695", 128, 2284, "x@3695", 0),
TEST ("x@1412", 0, "x@2284", 0, 2284, "x@3696", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 2, "", 0, 0, "<U0>", 1),
TEST ("", 0, "<U0>", 2, 0, "", 2),
TEST ("a", 2, "", 0, 0, "a", 1),
TEST ("", 0, "a", 2, 0, "", 2),
TEST ("x@4096", 4106, "", 0, 0, "x@4096", 1),
TEST ("", 0, "x@4096", 4106, 0, "", 2),
TEST ("last", 4, "test", 0, 4, "lasttest", 0)
// used to exercise
// insert (size_type, const value_type*, size_type)
static const StringTestCase
size_cptr_size_test_cases [] = {
#undef TEST
#define TEST(str, off, arg, size2, res, bthrow) { \
__LINE__, off, -1, -1, size2, -1, str, sizeof str - 1, \
arg, sizeof arg - 1, res, sizeof res - 1, bthrow }
// +----------------------------------------- controlled sequence
// | +------------------------ insert() pos argument
// | | +--------------------- sequence to be inserted
// | | | +-------- insert() num argument
// | | | | +----- expected result sequence
// | | | | | +--- exception info
// | | | | | | 0 - no exception
// | | | | | | 1 - out_of_range
// | | | | | | 2 - length_error
// | | | | | | -1 - exc. safety
// | | | | | |
// | | | | | +-----------+
// V V V V V V
TEST ("ab", 0, "c", 1, "cab", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "", 0, "", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "abc", 1, "a", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "", 0, "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "", 0, "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "<U0>", 1, "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "a", 0, "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "a", 1, "<U0>a", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, "<U0>@2", 1, "<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, "<U0>@2", 2, "<U0>@3", 0),
TEST ("cde", 0, "ab", 2, "abcde", 0),
TEST ("cde", 1, "ab", 1, "cade", 0),
TEST ("cde", 3, "ab", 1, "cdea", 0),
TEST ("cde", 2, "ab", 2, "cdabe", 0),
TEST ("<U0>e<U0>", 3, "a<U0>b<U0>@2c", 0, "<U0>e<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>e<U0>", 3, "<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 3, "<U0>e<U0>@2ab", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>b<U0>@2c", 3, "<U0>e<U0>", 3, "a<U0>b<U0>e<U0>@3c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>b<U0>@2c", 2, "<U0>@2e<U0>", 2, "a<U0>@3b<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 0, "<U0>e<U0>", 1, "<U0>@2ab<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 6, "<U0>e", 2, "a<U0>bc<U0>@3e", 0),
TEST ("abc", 0, 0, 1, "aabc", 0),
TEST ("abc", 2, 0, 2, "ababc", 0),
TEST ("<U0>abc<U0>@2", 0, 0, 1, "<U0>@2abc<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 6, 0, 3, "a<U0>bc<U0>@2a<U0>b", 0),
TEST ("a@4096", 0, 0, 1111, "a@5207", 0),
TEST ("b@4096", 1, 0, 2222, "b@6318", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 1, "<U0>", 1, "x<U0>x@4095", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 0, "<U0>", 1, "<U0>x@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 4096, "<U0>", 1, "x@4096<U0>", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 0, "ab", 2, "abx@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 4095, "ab", 1, "x@4095ax", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 4094, "<U0>@2", 2, "x@4094<U0>@2xx", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "x@4096", 4096, "x@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 0, "", 0, "x@4096", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "x@873", 540, "x@540", 0),
TEST ("x@10", 1, "x@118", 118, "x@128", 0),
TEST ("x@128", 128, "x@79", 79, "x@207", 0),
TEST ("x@207", 0, "x@127", 127, "x@334", 0),
TEST ("x@207", 207, "x@207", 127, "x@334", 0),
TEST ("x@334", 128, "x@206", 206, "x@540", 0),
TEST ("x@540", 540, "x@333", 333, "x@873", 0),
TEST ("x@539", 0, "x@873", 873, "x@1412", 0),
TEST ("x@873", 5, "x@540", 539, "x@1412", 0),
TEST ("x@872", 0, "x@1412", 1412, "x@2284", 0),
TEST ("x@1411", 1411, "x@2284", 2284, "x@3695", 0),
TEST ("x@1411", 873, "x@3695", 2284, "x@3695", 0),
TEST ("x@1412", 0, "x@2284", 2284, "x@3696", 0),
TEST ("", 0, "x@3696", 3696, "x@3696", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 2, "", 0, "", 1),
TEST ("a", 2, "", 0, "", 1),
TEST ("x@4096", 4106, "", 0, "", 1),
TEST ("last", 4, "test", 4, "lasttest", 0)
// exrecises
// insert (size_type, size_type, value_type)
// insert (iterator, size_type, value_type)
static const StringTestCase
iter_size_val_test_cases [] = {
// size_val_test_cases serves a double duty
#define size_size_val_test_cases iter_size_val_test_cases
#undef TEST
#define TEST(str, off, size2, val, res, bthrow) { \
__LINE__, off, -1, -1, size2, val, str, sizeof str - 1, \
0, 0, res, sizeof res - 1, bthrow \
// +---------------------------------------- controlled sequence
// | +----------------------- insert() pos argument
// | | +-------------------- insert() size2 argument
// | | | +------------- character to be inserted
// | | | | +--------- expected result sequence
// | | | | | +- exception info
// | | | | | | 0 - no exception
// | | | | | | 1 - out_of_range
// | | | | | | 2 - length_error
// | | | | | | -1 - exc. safety
// | | | | | |
// | | | | | +---------+
// V V V V V V
TEST ("ab", 0, 1, 'c', "cab", 0),
TEST ("", 0, 0, ' ', "", 0),
TEST ("", 0, 1, 'b', "b", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, 0, ' ', "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, 0, ' ', "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("", 0, 2, '\0', "<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, 1, 'a', "a<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, 1, 'a', "<U0>a", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, 1, '\0', "<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, 2, '\0', "<U0>@3", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, 0, '\0', "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("cde", 0, 2, 'a', "aacde", 0),
TEST ("cde", 1, 1, 'a', "cade", 0),
TEST ("cde", 3, 3, 'a', "cdeaaa", 0),
TEST ("cde", 2, 3, 'a', "cdaaae", 0),
TEST ("ab", 0, 2, '\0', "<U0>@2ab", 0),
TEST ("ab", 1, 1, '\0', "a<U0>b", 0),
TEST ("ab", 2, 2, '\0', "ab<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>b<U0>@2c", 3, 2, '\0', "a<U0>b<U0>@3<U0>c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>b<U0>@2c", 2, 1, '\0', "a<U0>@2b<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 0, 3, '\0', "<U0>@3<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 6, 2, 'a', "a<U0>bc<U0>@2aa", 0),
TEST ("", 0, 4106, 'x', "x@4106", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 0, 2, 'a', "aax@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 0, 2, 'a', "aax@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 1, 2, 'a', "xaax@4095", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 1, 1, '\0', "x<U0>x@4095", 0),
TEST ("x@127", 0, 1, 'x', "x@128", 0),
TEST ("x@200", 128, 7, 'x', "x@207", 0),
TEST ("x@331", 331, 3, 'x', "x@334", 0),
TEST ("x@539", 0, 1, 'x', "x@540", 0),
TEST ("x@539", 0, 873, 'x', "x@1412", 0),
TEST ("x@873", 873, 1411, 'x', "x@2284", 0),
TEST ("x@3694", 128, 1, 'x', "x@3695", 0),
TEST ("x@540", 0, 1, 'x', "x@541", 0),
TEST ("", 0, 3695, 'x', "x@3695", 0),
TEST ("a", 0, 4095, 'x', "x@4095a", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 0, 2047, 'b', "b@2047x@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 2047, 2048, 'x', "x@6144", 0),
TEST ("last", 4, 4, 't', "lasttttt", 0)
// used to exercise
// insert (iterator, value_type)
static const StringTestCase
iter_val_test_cases [] = {
#undef TEST
#define TEST(str, off, val, res, bthrow) \
{ __LINE__, off, -1, -1, -1, val, str, sizeof str - 1, 0, \
0, res, sizeof res - 1, bthrow }
// +----------------------------------------- controlled sequence
// | +------------------------ insert() pos argument
// | | +------------------- character to be inserted
// | | | +--------------- expected result sequence
// | | | | +--- exception info
// | | | | | 0 - no exception
// | | | | | 1 - out_of_range
// | | | | | 2 - length_error
// | | | | | -1 - exc. safety
// | | | | |
// | | | | |
// V V V V V
TEST ("ab", 0, 'c', "cab", 0),
TEST ("", 0, 'b', "b", 0),
TEST ("", 0, '\0', "<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, 'a', "a<U0>", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, 'a', "<U0>a", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 0, '\0', "<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("<U0>", 1, '\0', "<U0>@2", 0),
TEST ("cde", 0, 'a', "acde", 0),
TEST ("cde", 1, 'a', "cade", 0),
TEST ("cde", 2, 'a', "cdae", 0),
TEST ("cde", 3, 'a', "cdea", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>b<U0>@2c", 3, '\0', "a<U0>b<U0>@3c", 0),
TEST ("<U0>ab<U0>@2c", 0, '\0', "<U0>@2ab<U0>@2c", 0),
TEST ("a<U0>bc<U0>@2", 6, 'a', "a<U0>bc<U0>@2a", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 0, 'a', "ax@4096", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 1, 'a', "xax@4095", 0),
TEST ("x@4096", 1, '\0', "x<U0>x@4095", 0),
TEST ("x@127", 0, 'x', "x@128", 0),
TEST ("x@206", 1, 'x', "x@207", 0),
TEST ("x@333", 333, 'x', "x@334", 0),
TEST ("x@539", 128, 'x', "x@540", 0),
TEST ("x@1411", 0, 'x', "x@1412", 0),
TEST ("x@2283", 10, 'x', "x@2284", 0),
TEST ("x@3694", 3694, 'x', "x@3695", 0),
TEST ("x@540", 538, 'x', "x@541", 0),
TEST ("last", 4, 't', "lastt", 0)
// invokes specializations of the member function template
// on the required iterator categories
template <class String, class Iterator>
struct InsertRange: RangeBase<String> {
typedef typename String::iterator StringIter;
typedef typename String::value_type StringChar;
InsertRange () { }
virtual String&
operator() (String &str,
const StringTestCaseData<StringChar>& tdata) const {
const StringTestCase &tcase = tdata.tcase_;
// create a pair of iterators into the string object being modified
const StringIter first1 (str.begin () + tdata.off1_);
const String &cstr = str;
// when (0 == tcase.arg) exercise self-referential modification
// (i.e., replacing a range of elements with a subrange of its
// own elements)
const StringChar* const beg =
(tcase.arg ? tdata.arg_ : ()) + tdata.off2_;
const StringChar* const end = beg + tdata.ext2_;
const Iterator first2 (beg, beg, end);
const Iterator last2 (end, beg, end);
str.insert (first1, first2, last2);
return str;
// invokes possible overloads of the member function template
// on common RandomAccessIterator types
template <class String, class Iterator>
struct InsertRangeOverload: RangeBase<String>
typedef typename String::iterator StringIter;
typedef typename String::value_type StringChar;
InsertRangeOverload () { }
virtual String&
operator() (String &str,
const StringTestCaseData<StringChar>& tdata) const {
const StringTestCase &tcase = tdata.tcase_;
// create a pair of iterators into the string object being modified
const StringIter first1 (str.begin () + tdata.off1_);
bool reverse_iter = StringIds::ReverseIterator == tdata.func_.iter_id_
|| StringIds::ConstReverseIterator == tdata.func_.iter_id_;
const std::size_t srclen_ = tcase.arg ? tdata.arglen_ : str.size ();
const std::size_t off =
reverse_iter ? srclen_ - tdata.off2_ - tdata.ext2_ : tdata.off2_;
const std::size_t ext = tdata.ext2_;
if (0 == tcase.arg) {
// exercise self-referential modification (i.e., replacing
// a range of elements with a subrange of its own elements)
const Iterator first2 (this->begin (str, (Iterator*)0) + off);
const Iterator last2 (first2 + ext);
str.insert (first1, first2, last2);
return str;
String str_arg (tdata.arg_, tdata.arglen_);
const Iterator first2 (this->begin (str_arg, (Iterator*)0) + off);
const Iterator last2 (first2 + ext);
str.insert (first1, first2, last2);
return str;
template <class charT, class Traits, class Allocator>
void test_insert (charT*, Traits*, Allocator*, const RangeBase<
std::basic_string <charT, Traits, Allocator> > &rng,
const StringTestCaseData<charT> &tdata)
typedef std::basic_string <charT, Traits, Allocator> String;
typedef typename String::iterator StringIter;
typedef typename UserTraits<charT>::MemFun TraitsFunc;
const StringFunc &func = tdata.func_;
const StringTestCase &tcase = tdata.tcase_;
// construct the string object to be modified
// and the (possibly unused) argument string
/* const */ String str (tdata.str_, tdata.strlen_);
const String arg (tdata.arg_, tdata.arglen_);
// save the state of the string object before the call
// to detect wxception safety violations (changes to
// the state of the object after an exception)
const StringState str_state (rw_get_string_state (str));
std::ptrdiff_t exp_off = Insert (iter_val) == func.which_ ? : 0;
// compute the offset and the extent (the number of elements)
// of the first range into the string object being modified
const std::size_t size1 = tdata.strlen_;
const std::size_t off1 =
std::size_t ( < size1 ? std::size_t ( : size1;
const charT* const arg_ptr = tcase.arg ? arg.c_str () : str.c_str ();
const String& arg_str = tcase.arg ? arg : str;
const charT arg_val = make_char (char (tcase.val), (charT*)0);
std::size_t total_length_calls = 0;
std::size_t n_length_calls = 0;
std::size_t* const rg_calls = rw_get_call_counters ((Traits*)0, (charT*)0);
if (rg_calls)
total_length_calls = rg_calls [TraitsFunc::length];
rwt_free_store* const pst = rwt_get_free_store (0);
SharedAlloc* const pal = SharedAlloc::instance ();
// iterate for`throw_after' starting at the next call to operator new,
// forcing each call to throw an exception, until the function finally
// succeeds (i.e, no exception is thrown)
std::size_t throw_count;
for (throw_count = 0; ; ++throw_count) {
// (name of) expected and caught exception
const char* expected = 0;
const char* caught = 0;
const bool use_iters =
StringIds::arg_iter == StringIds::arg_type (func.which_, 1);
if (1 == tcase.bthrow && !use_iters)
expected = exceptions [1]; // out_of_range
else if ( 2 == tcase.bthrow
&& Insert (size_cstr_size_size) == func.which_)
expected = exceptions [1]; // out_of_range
else if (3 == tcase.bthrow && !use_iters)
expected = exceptions [2]; // length_error
else if (0 == tcase.bthrow) {
// by default excercise the exception safety of the function
// by iteratively inducing an exception at each call to operator
// new or Allocator::allocate() until the call succeeds
expected = exceptions [3]; // bad_alloc
*pst->throw_at_calls_ [0] = pst->new_calls_ [0] + throw_count + 1;
pal->throw_at_calls_ [pal->m_allocate] =
pal->throw_at_calls_ [pal->m_allocate] + throw_count + 1;
else {
// exceptions disabled for this test case
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
if (tcase.bthrow)
// pointer to the returned reference
const String* ret_ptr = 0;
// start checking for memory leaks
rw_check_leaks (str.get_allocator ());
try {
switch (func.which_) {
case Insert (size_cptr):
ret_ptr = &str.insert (, arg_ptr);
if (rg_calls)
n_length_calls = rg_calls [TraitsFunc::length];
case Insert (size_cstr):
ret_ptr = &str.insert (, arg_str);
case Insert (size_cptr_size):
ret_ptr = &str.insert (, arg_ptr, tcase.size2);
case Insert (size_cstr_size_size):
ret_ptr =
&str.insert (, arg_str, tcase.off2, tcase.size2);
case Insert (size_size_val):
ret_ptr = &str.insert (, tcase.size2, arg_val);
case Insert (iter_size_val): {
const StringIter it (str.begin () + off1);
str.insert (it, tcase.size2, arg_val);
ret_ptr = &str; // function returns void
case Insert (iter_val): {
StringIter it (str.begin () + off1);
it = str.insert (it, arg_val);
ret_ptr = &str + (it - str.begin ());
case Insert (iter_range): {
ret_ptr = &rng (str, tdata); // function returns void
RW_ASSERT (!"logic error: unknown insert overload");
// verify that the reference returned from the function
// refers to the modified string object (i.e., *this
// within the function)
const std::ptrdiff_t ret_off = ret_ptr - &str;
// verify the returned value
rw_assert (exp_off == ret_off, 0, tcase.line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} %{?}== begin() + %td, got %td%{;}"
"%{?}returned invalid reference, offset is %td%{;}",
__LINE__, Insert (iter_val) == func.which_,
exp_off, ret_off,
Insert (iter_val) != func.which_, ret_off);
// for convenience
static const int cwidth = sizeof (charT);
// verfiy that strings length are equal
rw_assert (tdata.reslen_ == str.size (), 0, tcase.line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} expected %{/*.*Gs} with length "
"%zu, got %{/*.*Gs} with length %zu", __LINE__,
cwidth, int (tdata.reslen_), tdata.res_, tdata.reslen_,
cwidth, int (str.size ()), str.c_str (), str.size ());
if (tdata.reslen_ == str.size ()) {
// if the result length matches the expected length
// (and only then), also verify that the modified
// string matches the expected result
const std::size_t match =
rw_match (tcase.res, str.c_str(), str.size ());
rw_assert (match == tdata.reslen_, 0, tcase.line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} expected %{/*.*Gs}, "
"got %{/*.*Gs}, difference at offset %zu",
__LINE__, cwidth, int (tdata.reslen_), tdata.res_,
cwidth, int (str.size ()), str.c_str (), match);
// verify that Traits::length was used
if (Insert (size_cptr) == func.which_ && rg_calls) {
rw_assert (n_length_calls - total_length_calls > 0,
0, tcase.line, "line %d. %{$FUNCALL} doesn't "
"use traits::length()", __LINE__);
catch (const std::out_of_range &ex) {
caught = exceptions [1];
rw_assert (caught == expected, 0, tcase.line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} %{?}expected %s,%{:}"
"unexpectedly%{;} caught std::%s(%#s)",
__LINE__, 0 != expected, expected, caught, ex.what ());
catch (const std::length_error &ex) {
caught = exceptions [2];
rw_assert (caught == expected, 0, tcase.line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} %{?}expected %s,%{:}"
"unexpectedly%{;} caught std::%s(%#s)",
__LINE__, 0 != expected, expected, caught, ex.what ());
catch (const std::bad_alloc &ex) {
caught = exceptions [3];
rw_assert (0 == tcase.bthrow, 0, tcase.line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} %{?}expected %s,%{:}"
"unexpectedly%{;} caught std::%s(%#s)",
__LINE__, 0 != expected, expected, caught, ex.what ());
catch (const std::exception &ex) {
caught = exceptions [4];
rw_assert (0, 0, tcase.line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} %{?}expected %s,%{:}"
"unexpectedly%{;} caught std::%s(%#s)",
__LINE__, 0 != expected, expected, caught, ex.what ());
catch (...) {
caught = exceptions [0];
rw_assert (0, 0, tcase.line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} %{?}expected %s,%{:}"
"unexpectedly%{;} caught %s",
__LINE__, 0 != expected, expected, caught);
// FIXME: verify the number of blocks the function call
// is expected to allocate and detect any memory leaks
rw_check_leaks (str.get_allocator (), tcase.line,
std::size_t (-1), std::size_t (-1));
if (caught) {
// verify that an exception thrown during allocation
// didn't cause a change in the state of the object
str_state.assert_equal (rw_get_string_state (str),
__LINE__, tcase.line, caught);
if (0 == tcase.bthrow) {
// allow this call to operator new to succeed and try
// to make the next one to fail during the next call
// to the same function again
else if (0 < tcase.bthrow) {
rw_assert (caught == expected, 0, tcase.line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} %{?}expected %s, caught %s"
"%{:}unexpectedly caught %s%{;}",
__LINE__, 0 != expected, expected, caught, caught);
// verify that if exceptions are enabled and when capacity changes
// at least one exception is thrown
const std::size_t expect_throws = str_state.capacity_ < str.capacity ();
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_REPLACEABLE_NEW_DELETE)
const std::size_t expect_throws =
(StringIds::UserAlloc == func.alloc_id_)
? str_state.capacity_ < str.capacity (): 0;
// verify number of exceptions thrown
// for range version the allocation may take place several times
if (Insert (iter_range) != func.which_)
rw_assert (expect_throws == throw_count, 0, tcase.line,
"line %d: %{$FUNCALL}: expected exactly 1 %s exception "
"while changing capacity from %zu to %zu, got %zu",
__LINE__, exceptions [3],
str_state.capacity_, str.capacity (), throw_count);
rw_assert (expect_throws <= throw_count, 0, tcase.line,
"line %d: %{$FUNCALL}: expected at least 1 %s exception "
"while changing capacity from %zu to %zu, got %zu",
__LINE__, exceptions [3],
str_state.capacity_, str.capacity (), throw_count);
// disable bad_alloc exceptions
*pst->throw_at_calls_ [0] = 0;
pal->throw_at_calls_ [pal->m_allocate] = 0;
template <class charT, class Traits, class Allocator>
void test_insert (charT*, Traits*, Allocator*,
const StringTestCaseData<charT> &tdata)
typedef std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Allocator> String;
if (tdata.func_.which_ == Insert (iter_range)) {
switch (tdata.func_.iter_id_) {
// exercise possible overloads of the member function template
// on common RandomAccessIterator types
#undef TEST
#define TEST(Iterator) do { \
typedef typename String::Iterator Iter; \
static const \
InsertRangeOverload<String, Iter> rng; \
test_insert ((charT*)0, (Traits*)0, (Allocator*)0, rng, tdata); \
} while (0)
case StringIds::Pointer: TEST (pointer); break;
case StringIds::ConstPointer: TEST (const_pointer); break;
case StringIds::Iterator: TEST (iterator); break;
case StringIds::ConstIterator: TEST (const_iterator); break;
case StringIds::ReverseIterator: TEST (reverse_iterator); break;
case StringIds::ConstReverseIterator: TEST (const_reverse_iterator);
// exercise specializations of the member function template
// on the required iterator categories
#undef TEST
#define TEST(Iterator) do { \
typedef Iterator<charT> Iter; \
static const \
InsertRange<String, Iter> rng; \
test_insert ((charT*)0, (Traits*)0, (Allocator*)0, rng, tdata); \
} while (0)
case StringIds::Input: TEST (InputIter); break;
case StringIds::Forward: TEST (ConstFwdIter); break;
case StringIds::Bidir: TEST (ConstBidirIter); break;
case StringIds::Random: TEST (ConstRandomAccessIter); break;
rw_error (0, 0, __LINE__, "bad iterator id");
else {
// exercise ordinary overloads of the member function
static const RangeBase<String> rng;
test_insert ((charT*)0, (Traits*)0, (Allocator*)0, rng, tdata);
int main (int argc, char** argv)
static const StringTest
tests [] = {
#undef TEST
#define TEST(sig) { \
Insert (sig), sig ## _test_cases, \
sizeof sig ## _test_cases / sizeof *sig ## _test_cases \
TEST (size_cptr),
TEST (size_cstr),
TEST (size_cptr_size),
TEST (size_cstr_size_size),
TEST (size_size_val),
TEST (iter_val),
TEST (iter_size_val),
TEST (iter_range)
const std::size_t test_count = sizeof tests / sizeof *tests;
const int status =
rw_run_string_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
test_insert_func_array, tests, test_count);
return status;