blob: 496ecbbed04007b202892b4f9003be44e2802b00 [file] [log] [blame]
* test exercising the thread safety of the messages facet
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <locale>
#include <driver.h> // for rw_test()
#include <rw_locale.h> // for rw_create_catalog()
#include <rw_thread.h>
#include <valcmp.h> // for rw_strncmp ()
#include <cstring> // for strlen()
#include <cstdio> // for remove()
// maximum number of threads allowed by the command line interface
#define MAX_THREADS 32
#define MAX_LOOPS 100000
// default number of threads (will be adjusted to the number
// of processors/cores later)
int rw_opt_nthreads = 1;
// the number of times each thread should iterate (unless specified
// otherwise on the command line)
int rw_opt_nloops = 100000;
// locale for threads to share
static const
std::locale locale;
// message catalog for threads to share
std::messages_base::catalog catalog;
std::messages_base::catalog wcatalog;
#ifndef _WIN32
# define CAT_NAME "./"
# define MSG_NAME "rwstdmessages.msg"
# define CAT_NAME "rwstdmessages.dll"
# define MSG_NAME "rwstdmessages.rc"
#define MAX_SETS 5
#define MAX_MESSAGES 5
int msg_id (int set, int id)
#ifdef _WIN32
return (set - 1) * 5 + id;
return id;
static const char* const
messages [MAX_SETS][MAX_MESSAGES] = {
{ "First set, first message",
"First set, second message",
"First set, third message",
"First set, fourth message",
"First set, fifth message"
{ "Second set, first message",
"Second set, second message",
"Second set, third message",
"Second set, fourth message",
"Second set, fifth message"
{ "Third set, first message",
"Third set, second message",
"Third set, third message",
"Third set, fourth message",
"Third set, fifth message"
{ "Fourth set, first message",
"Fourth set, second message",
"Fourth set, third message",
"Fourth set, fourth message",
"Fourth set, fifth message"
{ "Fifth set, first message",
"Fifth set, second message",
"Fifth set, third message",
"Fifth set, fourth message",
"Fifth set, fifth message"
static std::string str_messages;
template <class T>
void test_open_close (const std::locale& loc,
const std::messages<T>& msgs,
const std::string& name)
std::messages_base::catalog cat =
( (name, loc);
RW_ASSERT (! (cat < 0));
(msgs.close) (cat);
template <class T>
void test_get (const std::messages<T>& msgs,
const std::messages_base::catalog cat,
int set, int msgid,
const std::basic_string<T>& dflt)
// the msg_id() thing seems like a bug to me. if anything, the user
// should never need to write or call msg_id().
const typename std::messages<T>::string_type res =
msgs.get (cat, set, msg_id (set, msgid), dflt);
RW_ASSERT (!rw_strncmp (messages [set-1][msgid-1], res.c_str ()));
extern "C" {
bool test_char; // exercise messages<char>
bool test_wchar; // exercise messages<wchar_t>
static void*
thread_func (void*)
const std::string name (CAT_NAME);
const std::messages<char>& nmsgs =
std::use_facet<std::messages<char> >(locale);
const std::string ndflt ("\1\2\3\4");
const std::messages<wchar_t>& wmsgs =
std::use_facet<std::messages<wchar_t> >(locale);
const std::wstring wdflt (L"\1\2\3\4");
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
for (int i = 0; i != rw_opt_nloops; ++i) {
int set = 1 + i % MAX_SETS;
int msgid = 1 + i % MAX_MESSAGES;
if (test_char) {
if (i & 1) {
test_get<char>(nmsgs, catalog, set, msgid, ndflt);
else {
test_open_close<char>(locale, nmsgs, name);
if (test_wchar) {
if (i & 1) {
test_get<wchar_t>(wmsgs, wcatalog, set, msgid, wdflt);
else {
test_open_close<wchar_t>(locale, wmsgs, name);
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
return 0;
} // extern "C"
static int
run_test (int, char**)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SETS; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_MESSAGES; ++j)
str_messages.append (messages [i][j], std::strlen (messages [i][j]) + 1);
str_messages.append (1, '\0');
// generate a message catalog
rw_create_catalog (MSG_NAME, str_messages.c_str ());
const std::string name (CAT_NAME);
const std::messages<char>& nmsgs =
std::use_facet<std::messages<char> >(locale);
catalog = ( (name, locale);
const std::messages<wchar_t>& wmsgs =
std::use_facet<std::messages<wchar_t> >(locale);
wcatalog = ( (name, locale);
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"testing std::messages<charT> with %d thread%{?}s%{;}, "
"%zu iteration%{?}s%{;} each",
rw_opt_nthreads, 1 != rw_opt_nthreads,
rw_opt_nloops, 1 != rw_opt_nloops);
test_char = true;
test_wchar = false;
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::messages<char>");
int result =
rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (rw_opt_nthreads), 0,
thread_func, 0);
rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
"rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
rw_opt_nthreads, thread_func);
test_char = false;
test_wchar = true;
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::messages<wchar_t>");
result =
rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (rw_opt_nthreads), 0,
thread_func, 0);
rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
"rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
rw_opt_nthreads, thread_func);
test_char = true;
test_wchar = true;
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::messages<char> and "
result =
rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (rw_opt_nthreads), 0,
thread_func, 0);
rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
"rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
rw_opt_nthreads, thread_func);
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
(nmsgs.close) (catalog);
(wmsgs.close) (wcatalog);
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
std::remove (CAT_NAME);
return result;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// set nthreads to the greater of the number of processors
// and 2 (for uniprocessor systems) by default
rw_opt_nthreads = rw_get_cpus ();
if (rw_opt_nthreads < 2)
rw_opt_nthreads = 2;
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
"thread safety", run_test,
"|-nloops#0 " // must be non-negative
"|-nthreads#0-* ", // must be in [0, MAX_THREADS]