blob: 9d3cc8da13338e1628911b16ba1d1066a28f41f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* 25.transform.cpp - test exercising 25.2.3 [lib.alg.transform]
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1994-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <algorithm> // for transform
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <alg_test.h>
#include <rw_value.h> // for UserClass
#include <driver.h> // for rw_test()
// disable explicit instantiation for compilers (like MSVC)
// that can't handle it
OutputIter<assign<base<> > >
transform (InputIter<assign<base<> > >,
InputIter<assign<base<> > >,
OutputIter<assign<base<> > >,
func<assign<base<> > >);
OutputIter<assign<base<> > >
transform (InputIter<assign<base<> > >,
InputIter<assign<base<> > >,
InputIter<assign<base<> > >,
OutputIter<assign<base<> > >,
binary_func<assign<base<> > >);
} // namespace std
template <class T>
struct incT
// not a binary function
enum { binary = 0 };
// function name
static const char* name () { return "unary_function"; }
// dummy arguments to prevent the class from being default
// constructible or construtible by conversion from an int
incT (int /* dummy */, int /* dummy */) {
funcalls_ = 0;
// non-const in order to detect unwarranted assumptions
// in the algorithm(s)
T operator() (const T &x) /* non-const */ {
T y (x);
y.data_.val_ += 1;
return y;
static std::size_t funcalls_;
template <class T>
struct plusT
// binary function
enum { binary = 1 };
// function name
static const char* name () { return "binary_function"; }
// dummy arguments to prevent the class from being default
// constructible or construtible by conversion from an int
plusT (int, int) {
funcalls_ = 0;
// non-const in order to detect unwarranted assumptions
// in the algorithm(s)
T operator() (const T &a, const T &b) /* non-const */ {
T x (a);
x.data_.val_ = a.data_.val_ + b.data_.val_;
return x;
static std::size_t funcalls_;
template <class T> std::size_t incT<T>::funcalls_;
template <class T> std::size_t plusT<T>::funcalls_;
/* extern */ int rw_opt_nloops = 32; // --nloops=#
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_unary_function; // --no-unary_function
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_binary_function; // --no-binary_function
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_input_iter; // --no-InputIterator
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_output_iter; // --no-OutputIterator
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_fwd_iter; // --no-ForwardIterator
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_bidir_iter; // --no-BidirectionalIterator
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_rnd_iter; // --no-RandomAccessIterator
template <class InputIterator, class Unused, class OutputIterator>
invoke_transform (InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
Unused /* for compatibility with the overload below */,
OutputIterator dest, incT<UserClass> fun)
return std::transform (first, last, dest, fun);
template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
invoke_transform (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,
InputIterator2 first2,
OutputIterator dest, plusT<UserClass> fun)
return std::transform (first1, last1, first2, dest, fun);
template <class T, class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
class OutputIterator, class Function>
void test_transform (const T* ptr,
const InputIterator1 &it1,
const InputIterator2 &it2,
const OutputIterator &out,
const Function*,
int same_seq)
static const char* const it1name = type_name (it1, ptr);
static const char* const it2name = type_name (it2, ptr);
static const char* const outname = type_name (out, ptr);
static const char* const algname = "transform";
static const char* const funname = Function::name ();
static const bool binary = Function::binary;
const std::size_t nloops = std::size_t (rw_opt_nloops);
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"std::%s (%s, %2$s%{?}, %s%{;}, %s, %s)%{?}, %s%d == %s%{;}",
algname, it1name, binary, it2name, outname, funname,
same_seq, "first", same_seq, "dest");
// generate sequential values for each default constructed T
T::gen_ = gen_seq;
// make sure buf{1,2}[0] is dereferenceable even when (nloops == 0)
T* const buf1 = new T [nloops + 1];
T* const buf2 = new T [nloops + 1];
T* const buf3 = same_seq ? (same_seq == 1 ? buf1 : buf2) : new T [nloops];
const int start1_val =
same_seq == 2 ? buf2 [0].data_.val_ : buf1 [0].data_.val_;
const int start2_val =
same_seq == 2 ? buf1 [0].data_.val_ : buf2 [0].data_.val_;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nloops; ++i) {
T* const buf1_end = buf1 + i;
const T* const buf2_end = buf2 + i;
const T* const buf3_end = buf3 + i;
const InputIterator1 first1 = make_iter (buf1, buf1, buf1_end, it1);
const InputIterator1 last1 = make_iter (buf1_end, buf1, buf1_end, it1);
const InputIterator2 first2 = make_iter (buf2, buf2, buf2_end, it2);
const OutputIterator dest = make_iter (buf3, buf3, buf3_end, out);
const Function fun (0, 0); // dummy arguments
// invoke the overload of std::transform() appropriate
// for this Function
const OutputIterator result =
invoke_transform (first1, last1, first2, dest, fun);
// check the returned iterator
bool success = result.cur_ == buf3_end;
rw_assert (success, 0, __LINE__,
"%zu. %s (%s, %2$s%{?}, %s%{;}, %s, %s)%{?}, "
"%s%d == %s%{;} : return val: "
"dest + %td, expected dest + %zu",
i, algname, it1name, binary, it2name, outname, funname,
same_seq, "first", same_seq, "dest",
result.cur_ - buf3, i);
if (!success)
// check the transformation results
int exp_val = 0;
std::size_t j = 0;
for ( ; j < i; j++) {
if (0 == same_seq) {
exp_val = binary ?
start1_val + int (j) + start2_val + int (j)
: start1_val + int (j) + 1;
else {
exp_val = binary ?
start1_val + int (j)
+ (start2_val + int (j)) * int (i - j)
: start1_val + int (i);
success = buf3 [j].data_.val_ == exp_val;
if (!success)
rw_assert (success, 0, __LINE__,
"%zu. %s (%s, %2$s%{?}, %s%{;}, %s, %s)%{?}, "
"%s%d == %s%{;} : error: incorrect value %d, "
"expected %d, position %zu",
i, algname, it1name, binary, it2name, outname, funname,
same_seq, "first", same_seq, "dest",
buf3 [j].data_.val_, exp_val, j + 1);
if (!success)
// check compexity, 25.2.3 p4
rw_assert (Function::funcalls_ == i, 0, __LINE__,
"%zu. %s (%s, %2$s%{?}, %s%{;}, %s, %s)%{?}, "
"%s%d == %s%{;} : complexity : %zu "
"applications of %5$s, expected %zu",
i, algname, it1name, binary, it2name, outname, funname,
same_seq, "first", same_seq, "dest",
Function::funcalls_, i);
delete[] buf1;
delete[] buf2;
if (0 == same_seq)
delete[] buf3;
template <class T, class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,
class OutputIterator, class Function>
void gen_test (const T* ptr,
const InputIterator1 &it1,
const InputIterator2 &it2,
const OutputIterator &out,
const Function* pfun,
int tag1,
int tag2,
int tag3,
int same_seq)
const InputIter<UserClass> input_iter (0, 0, 0);
const OutputIter<T> output_iter (0, 0, 0);
const FwdIter<T> fwd_iter (0, 0, 0);
const BidirIter<T> bidir_iter (0, 0, 0);
const RandomAccessIter<UserClass> rand_iter (0, 0, 0);
// tag1, tag2 and tag3 indicates that an iterator needs to be generated
// at the corresponding position by a recursive call to gen_test
// and other positions there the iterator will be used
// for all tags:
// 0 means that no iterator is needed here
// (maybe it was already generated or just not needed)
// 1 means that the iterator is needed at this position
// (first for tag1, second for tag2, etc)
// 2 means that the iterator is needed at this position and the
// same type of iterator should be used at third position
if (rw_opt_no_input_iter) {
if (1 == tag1 || 0 == tag1 && 1 == tag2)
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "InputIterator test disabled");
else {
if (1 == tag1) {
gen_test (ptr, input_iter, it2, out,
pfun, 0, tag2, tag3, same_seq);
else if (0 == tag1 && 1 == tag2) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, input_iter, out,
pfun, tag1, 0, tag3, same_seq);
if (rw_opt_no_fwd_iter) {
if (tag1 || !tag1 && tag2 || !tag1 && !tag2 && tag3)
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ForwardIterator test disabled");
else {
if (1 == tag1) {
gen_test (ptr, fwd_iter, it2, out,
pfun, 0, tag2, tag3, same_seq);
else if (2 == tag1) {
gen_test (ptr, fwd_iter, it2, fwd_iter,
pfun, 0, tag2, 0, same_seq);
else if (0 == tag1 && 1 == tag2) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, fwd_iter, out,
pfun, tag1, 0, tag3, same_seq);
else if (0 == tag1 && 2 == tag2) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, fwd_iter, fwd_iter,
pfun, tag1, 0, 0, same_seq);
else if (0 == tag1 && 0 == tag2 && 1 == tag3) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, it2, fwd_iter,
pfun, tag1, tag2, 0, same_seq);
if (rw_opt_no_bidir_iter) {
if (tag1 || !tag1 && tag2 || !tag1 && !tag2 && tag3)
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"BidirectionalIterator test disabled");
else {
if (1 == tag1) {
gen_test (ptr, bidir_iter, it2, out,
pfun, 0, tag2, tag3, same_seq);
else if (2 == tag1) {
gen_test (ptr, bidir_iter, it2, bidir_iter,
pfun, 0, tag2, 0, same_seq);
else if (0 == tag1 && 1 == tag2) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, bidir_iter, out,
pfun, tag1, 0, tag3, same_seq);
else if (0 == tag1 && 2 == tag2) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, bidir_iter, bidir_iter,
pfun, tag1, 0, 0, same_seq);
else if (0 == tag1 && 0 == tag2 && 1 == tag3) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, it2, bidir_iter,
pfun, tag1, tag2, 0, same_seq);
if (rw_opt_no_rnd_iter) {
if (tag1 || !tag1 && tag2 || !tag1 && !tag2 && tag3)
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"RandomAccessIterator test disabled");
else {
if (1 == tag1) {
gen_test (ptr, rand_iter, it2, out,
pfun, 0, tag2, tag3, same_seq);
else if (2 == tag1) {
gen_test (ptr, rand_iter, it2, rand_iter,
pfun, 0, tag2, 0, same_seq);
else if (0 == tag1 && 1 == tag2) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, rand_iter, out,
pfun, tag1, 0, tag3, same_seq);
else if (0 == tag1 && 2 == tag2) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, rand_iter, rand_iter,
pfun, tag1, 0, 0, same_seq);
else if (0 == tag1 && 0 == tag2 && 1 == tag3) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, it2, rand_iter,
pfun, tag1, tag2, 0, same_seq);
if (rw_opt_no_output_iter) {
if (0 == tag1 && 0 == tag2 && 1 == tag3)
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "OutputIterator test disabled");
else {
if (0 == tag1 && 0 == tag2 && 1 == tag3) {
gen_test (ptr, it1, it2, output_iter,
pfun, tag1, tag2, 0, same_seq);
if (0 == tag1 && 0 == tag2 && 0 == tag3) {
test_transform (ptr, it1, it2, out, pfun, same_seq);
static int
run_test (int, char*[])
const InputIter<UserClass> input_iter (0, 0, 0);
const RandomAccessIter<UserClass> rand_iter;
const UserClass* const ptr = 0;
// test transform with a unary function
// according to 25.2.3 p5 'result may be equal to first'
// so it is neccessary to test this case separately
if (rw_opt_no_unary_function) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::transform unary function test disabled");
else {
const incT<UserClass>* const pfun = 0;
gen_test (ptr, input_iter, rand_iter, rand_iter,
pfun, 1, 0, 1, 0 /* result distinct from first */);
// test 25.2.3 p5 - result is equal to first
// set tag1 = 2 and tag3 = 0 to test all iterators at the first
// position and avoid generating iterators at the third pos
gen_test (ptr, input_iter, rand_iter, rand_iter,
pfun, 2, 0, 0, 1 /* result same as first */);
// test transform with a binary function
// according to 25.2.3 p5 'result may be equal to first1 or first2'
// so it is neccessary to test these cases separately
if (rw_opt_no_binary_function) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"std::transform binary function test disabled");
else {
const plusT<UserClass>* const pfun = 0;
gen_test (ptr, input_iter, rand_iter, rand_iter,
pfun, 1, 1, 1, 0 /* result distinct from first{1,2} */);
// test 25.2.3 p5 - result is equal to first2
// set tag2 = 2 and tag3 = 0 to test all iterators at the second
// position and avoid generating iterators at the third pos
gen_test (ptr, input_iter, rand_iter, rand_iter,
pfun, 1, 2, 0, 2 /* result same as first2 */);
// test 25.2.3 p5 - result is equal to first1
// set tag1 = 2 and tag3 = 0 to test all iterators at the first
// position and avoid generating iterators at the third pos
// set same_seq to 1 to indicate that first1 and dest should be
// the same iterators
gen_test (ptr, input_iter, rand_iter, rand_iter,
pfun, 2, 1, 0, 1 /* result same as first1 */);
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */, run_test,
"|-nloops#0 " // must be non-negative
"|-no-unary_function# "
"|-no-binary_function# "
"|-no-InputIterator# "
"|-no-OutputIterator# "
"|-no-ForwardIterator# "
"|-no-BidirectionalIterator# "