blob: 7f8713d5bceff716eb85c688429ed8246dd335c1 [file] [log] [blame]
* 25.set.symmetric.difference.cpp - test for lib.set.symmetric.difference
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1994-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <algorithm> // for set_symmetric_difference
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <alg_test.h>
#include <rw_value.h> // for UserClass
#include <driver.h> // for rw_test()
// disable explicit instantiation for compilers (like MSVC)
// that can't handle it
OutputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >
set_symmetric_difference (InputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >,
InputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >,
InputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >,
InputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >,
OutputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >);
OutputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >
set_symmetric_difference (InputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >,
InputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >,
InputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >,
InputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >,
OutputIter<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >,
binary_predicate<lt_comp<assign<base<cpy_ctor> > > >);
} // namespace std
struct Less
static std::size_t funcalls_;
// dummy arguments provided to prevent the class from being
// default constructible and implicit conversion from int
Less (int /* dummy */, int /* dummy */) {
funcalls_ = 0;
// return a type other than bool but one that is implicitly
// convertible to bool to detect incorrect assumptions
conv_to_bool operator() (const UserClass &x,
const UserClass &y) /* non-const */ {
return conv_to_bool::make (x.data_.val_ < y.data_.val_);
void operator= (Less&); // not assignable
std::size_t Less::funcalls_;
struct SetSymDifferenceBase
virtual ~SetSymDifferenceBase() {}
const char* iter_names [3];
// ipure virtual
virtual UserClass*
set_sym_difference (const UserClass*, const UserClass*, const UserClass*,
const UserClass*, UserClass*, UserClass*,
const Less*) const = 0;
template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
struct SetSymDifference: SetSymDifferenceBase
SetSymDifference () {
iter_names [0] = type_name (InputIterator1 (0, 0, 0), (UserClass*)0);
iter_names [1] = type_name (InputIterator2 (0, 0, 0), (UserClass*)0);
iter_names [2] = type_name (OutputIterator (0, 0, 0), (UserClass*)0);
virtual ~SetSymDifference() {}
virtual UserClass*
set_sym_difference (const UserClass *xsrc1, const UserClass *xsrc1_end,
const UserClass *xsrc2, const UserClass *xsrc2_end,
UserClass *xdst, UserClass *xdst_end,
const Less *ppred) const {
const InputIterator1 first1 (xsrc1, xsrc1, xsrc1_end);
const InputIterator1 last1 (xsrc1_end, xsrc1, xsrc1_end);
const InputIterator2 first2 (xsrc2, xsrc2, xsrc2_end);
const InputIterator2 last2 (xsrc2_end, xsrc2, xsrc2_end);
const OutputIterator result (xdst, xdst, xdst_end);
const OutputIterator ret = ppred ?
std::set_symmetric_difference (first1, last1, first2, last2,
result, *ppred)
: std::set_symmetric_difference (first1, last1, first2, last2,
// silence EDG eccp 3.7 and prior remark #550-D:
// variable was set but never used
return ret.cur_;
// exercises set_difference:
void test_set_sym_difference (int line,
const char *src1,
std::size_t nsrc1,
const char *src2,
std::size_t nsrc2,
const char *res,
std::size_t ndst,
const std::size_t nf,
bool predicate,
const SetSymDifferenceBase &alg)
const char* const it1name = alg.iter_names [0];
const char* const it2name = alg.iter_names [1];
const char* const outname = alg.iter_names [2];
const char* const algname = "set_symmetric_difference";
const char* const funname = predicate ? "Less" : 0;
UserClass* const xsrc1 = UserClass::from_char (src1, nsrc1,
true /* must be sorted */);
UserClass* const xsrc2 = UserClass::from_char (src2, nsrc2,
true /* must be sorted */);
UserClass* const xdst = new UserClass [ndst];
// source sequences must be sorted
RW_ASSERT (0 == nsrc1 || 0 != xsrc1);
RW_ASSERT (0 == nsrc2 || 0 != xsrc2);
const int max1_id = nsrc1 > 0 ? xsrc1 [nsrc1 - 1].id_ : -1;
UserClass* const xsrc1_end = xsrc1 + nsrc1;
UserClass* const xsrc2_end = xsrc2 + nsrc2;
UserClass* const xdst_end = xdst + ndst;
const std::size_t last_n_op_lt = UserClass::n_total_op_lt_;
const Less pred (0, 0);
const Less* const ppred = predicate ? &pred : 0;
UserClass* xdst_res = alg.set_sym_difference (xsrc1, xsrc1_end,
xsrc2, xsrc2_end,
xdst, xdst_end, ppred);
// check the returned value
bool success = xdst_res == xdst_end;
rw_assert (success, 0, line,
"line %d: %s<%s, %s, %s%{?}, %s%{;}> (\"%s\", \"%s\", ...) "
"got res + %td, expected res + %zu",
__LINE__, algname, it1name, it2name, outname, predicate,
funname, src1, src2, xdst_res - xdst, ndst);
//quit here to avoid the running out of the array boundaries
if (! success) {
delete[] xsrc1;
delete[] xsrc2;
delete[] xdst;
std::size_t n_ops_lt = ppred ?
Less::funcalls_ : UserClass::n_total_op_lt_ - last_n_op_lt;
// verify the algorithm correctness
std::size_t i = 0;
std::size_t n1 = 0;
std::size_t n2 = 0;
for ( ; i < ndst; i++) {
xdst [i].origin_ <= max1_id ? n1++ : n2++;
success = xdst [i].data_.val_ == res [i];
if (!success)
// to avoid errors in --trace mode
i = i < ndst ? i : ndst - 1;
rw_assert (success, 0, line,
"line %d: %s<%s, %s, %s%{?}, %s%{;}> (\"%s\", \"%s\", ...) "
" ==> \"%{X=*.*}\", expected \"%s\"",
__LINE__, algname, it1name, it2name, outname, predicate,
funname, src1, src2, int (ndst), i, xdst, res);
// verfiy that only elements from first sequence sequence were taken
success = n1 == nf;
rw_assert (success, 0, line,
"line %d: %s<%s, %s, %s%{?}, %s%{;}> (\"%s\", \"%s\", ...) "
" ==> \"%{X=*.*}\" got %zu elements from first sequence and "
"%zu from second, expected %zu from first and %zu from second",
__LINE__, algname, it1name, it2name, outname, predicate,
funname, src1, src2,
int (ndst), -1, xdst, n1, n2, nf, ndst - nf);
// verify that the operation is stable: two equal elements
// should go in the same order
for (i = 1; i < ndst; i++) {
if (xdst [i - 1].data_.val_ == xdst [i].data_.val_) {
success = xdst [i - 1].origin_ < xdst [i].origin_;
if (!success)
// to avoid errors in --trace mode
if (ndst > 1) {
i = i < ndst ? i : ndst - 1;
rw_assert (success, 0, line,
"line %d: %s<%s, %s, %s%{?}, %s%{;}> (\"%s\", \"%s\", ...)"
" ==> \"%{X=*.*}\" not stable : elements %#c==%#c have "
"ids %d >= %d ",
__LINE__, algname, it1name, it2name, outname, predicate,
funname, src1, src2, int (ndst), i, xdst,
xdst[i - 1].data_.val_, xdst[i].data_.val_,
xdst[i - 1].origin_, xdst[i].origin_);
// verify the complexity
std::size_t n_exp_ops = nsrc1 + nsrc2 > 0 ? 2 * (nsrc1 + nsrc2) - 1 : 0;
rw_assert (n_ops_lt <= n_exp_ops, 0, line,
"line %d: %s<%s, %s, %s%{?}, %s%{;}> (\"%s\", \"%s\", ...) "
"complexity: got %zu, expected no more than %zu",
__LINE__, algname, it1name, it2name, outname, predicate,
funname, src1, src2, n_ops_lt, n_exp_ops);
delete[] xsrc1;
delete[] xsrc2;
delete[] xdst;
void test_set_sym_difference (const SetSymDifferenceBase &alg,
bool predicate)
const char* const it1name = alg.iter_names [0];
const char* const it2name = alg.iter_names [1];
const char* const outname = alg.iter_names [2];
const char* const algname = "set_symmetric_difference";
const char* const funname = predicate ? "Less" : 0;
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"%s std::%s(%s, %3$s, %s, %4$s, %1$s%{?}, %s%{;})",
outname, algname, it1name, it2name, predicate, funname);
#define TEST(src1, src2, res, nf) \
test_set_sym_difference (__LINE__, src1, sizeof src1 -1, \
src2, sizeof src2 - 1, \
res, sizeof res - 1, \
nf, predicate, alg)
// +------------------------------ first set
// | +--------------------- second set
// | | +------------ symmetric difference between them
// | | | +-- number of elements from the first
// | | | | sequence copied to the result
// V V V V
TEST ("a", "", "a", 1);
TEST ("abcde", "", "abcde", 5);
TEST ("", "a", "a", 0);
TEST ("", "abcde", "abcde", 0);
TEST ("a", "b", "ab", 1);
TEST ("b", "a", "ab", 1);
TEST ("aa", "aa", "", 0);
TEST ("ab", "ab", "", 0);
TEST ("aa", "ab", "ab", 1);
TEST ("aa", "bb", "aabb", 2);
TEST ("ab", "bb", "ab", 1);
TEST ("ac", "bb", "abbc", 2);
TEST ("ace", "bdf", "abcdef", 3);
TEST ("acf", "bdf", "abcd", 2);
TEST ("ade", "bdf", "abef", 2);
TEST ("bce", "bdf", "cdef", 2);
TEST ("aacee", "aacee", "", 0);
TEST ("aacee", "aaace", "ae", 1);
TEST ("aacee", "aaaae", "aace", 2);
TEST ("aacee", "aaaaa", "aaacee", 3);
TEST ("aacee", "aaabd", "abcdee", 3);
TEST ("aacee", "aabee", "bc", 1);
TEST ("aaaaa", "aaaaa", "", 0);
TEST ("aaaaa", "aaaa", "a", 1);
TEST ("aaaaa", "aaa", "aa", 2);
TEST ("aaaaa", "aa", "aaa", 3);
TEST ("aaaaa", "a", "aaaa", 4);
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_predicate; // --no-predicate
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_input_iter; // --no-InputIterator
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_output_iter; // --no-OutputIterator
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_fwd_iter; // --no-ForwardIterator
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_bidir_iter; // --no-BidirectionalIterator
/* extern */ int rw_opt_no_rnd_iter; // --no-RandomAccessIterator
template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2, class OutputIterator>
void gen_set_sym_difference_test (const InputIterator1&,
const InputIterator2&,
const OutputIterator&,
bool predicate)
const SetSymDifference<
InputIterator1, InputIterator2, OutputIterator> alg;
test_set_sym_difference (alg, predicate);
template <class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
void gen_set_sym_difference_test (const InputIterator1 &it1,
const InputIterator2 &it2,
bool predicate)
if (0 == rw_opt_no_output_iter)
gen_set_sym_difference_test (
it1, it2, OutputIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), predicate);
if (0 == rw_opt_no_fwd_iter)
gen_set_sym_difference_test (
it1, it2, FwdIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), predicate);
if (0 == rw_opt_no_bidir_iter)
gen_set_sym_difference_test (
it1, it2, BidirIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), predicate);
if (0 == rw_opt_no_rnd_iter)
gen_set_sym_difference_test (
it1, it2, RandomAccessIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), predicate);
template <class InputIterator1>
void gen_set_sym_difference_test (const InputIterator1 &it1,
bool predicate)
if (0 == rw_opt_no_input_iter)
gen_set_sym_difference_test (
it1, InputIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), predicate);
if (0 == rw_opt_no_fwd_iter)
gen_set_sym_difference_test (
it1, ConstFwdIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), predicate);
if (0 == rw_opt_no_bidir_iter)
gen_set_sym_difference_test (
it1, ConstBidirIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), predicate);
if (0 == rw_opt_no_rnd_iter)
gen_set_sym_difference_test (
it1, ConstRandomAccessIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), predicate);
// generates a specialization of the set_union test for each of the required
// iterator categopries
void gen_set_sym_difference_test (bool predicate)
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"template <class %s, class %s, class %s%{?}, class %s%{;}> %3$s "
"set_symmetric_difference (%1$s, %1$s, %2$s, %2$s, "
"%3$s%{?}, %s%{;})",
"InputIterator1", "InputIterator2", "OutputIterator",
predicate, "Compare", predicate, "Compare");
if (rw_opt_no_output_iter)
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "OutputIterator test disabled");
if (rw_opt_no_input_iter)
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "InputIterator test disabled");
gen_set_sym_difference_test (InputIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), predicate);
if (rw_opt_no_fwd_iter)
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "ForwardIterator test disabled");
gen_set_sym_difference_test (ConstFwdIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0),
if (rw_opt_no_bidir_iter)
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "BidirectionalIterator test disabled");
gen_set_sym_difference_test (ConstBidirIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0),
if (rw_opt_no_rnd_iter)
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "RandomAccessIterator test disabled");
gen_set_sym_difference_test (
ConstRandomAccessIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), predicate);
static int run_test (int, char*[])
if (rw_opt_no_predicate)
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "predicate test disabled");
const int niters = rw_opt_no_predicate ? 1 : 2;
for (int i = 0; i != niters; ++i) {
gen_set_sym_difference_test (1 == i);
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */, run_test,
"|-no-InputIterator# "
"|-no-OutputIterator# "
"|-no-ForwardIterator# "
"|-no-BidirectionalIterator# "