blob: dc0d2e34cdea9bd265245c341a9609012420c772 [file] [log] [blame]
* _mutex.h - definitions of classes and inline functions
* for thread safety and atomic operations
* This is an internal header file used to implement the C++ Standard
* Library. It should never be #included directly by a program.
* $Id$
* Copyright 2005-2006 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
* as applicable.
* Copyright 1994-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#if __GNUG__ >= 3
# pragma GCC system_header
#endif // gcc >= 3
# include <rw/_defs.h>
# include <rw/_exception.h>
# include <rw/_error.h>
// work around SunOS 5.{8,9}/SunPro bug (see PR #26255)
#if defined (__SunOS_5_8) || defined (__SunOS_5_9)
# undef _TIME_T
#endif // __SunOS_5_{8,9}
#if defined (_RWSTD_SOLARIS_THREADS) // assuming Solaris 2.1 or greater
// SunOS 5.7 Threads Library:
// "A statically allocated mutex does not need to be explicitly
// initialized; by default, a statically allocated mutex is initialized
// with all zeros and its scope is set to be within the calling
// process."
# include <synch.h>
# include <thread.h>
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_INIT(mutex) mutex_init (&mutex, USYNC_THREAD, 0)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_DESTROY(mutex) mutex_destroy (&mutex)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex) mutex_lock (&mutex)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex) mutex_unlock (&mutex)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_T mutex_t
#elif defined (_RWSTD_POSIX_THREADS)
// LinuxThreads man page:
// "Variables of type pthread_mutex_t can also be initialized
// statically, using the constants PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
// (for recursive mutexes), and PTHREAD_ERRORCHECK_MUTEX_INI-
// TIALIZER_NP (for error checking mutexes)."
// ...
// "Attempting to initialize an already initialized mutex results
// in undefined behavior."
# include <pthread.h>
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_INIT(mutex) pthread_mutex_init (&mutex, 0)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_DESTROY(mutex) pthread_mutex_destroy (&mutex)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex) pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex) pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_T pthread_mutex_t
#elif defined (_RWSTD_DCE_THREADS)
# if defined (_RWSTD_NO_DCE_PTHREAD_H)
# include <pthread.h>
# else
# include <dce/pthread.h>
# endif
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_INIT(mutex) \
pthread_mutex_init (&mutex, pthread_mutexattr_default)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_DESTROY(mutex) pthread_mutex_destroy (&mutex)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex) pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex) pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_T pthread_mutex_t
#elif defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
# include <windows.h>
# else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_FWD_DECLARATIONS)
// avoid #including this header (MFC doesn't like it)
// # include <windows.h>
extern "C" {
// but rather declare these globals here
__declspec (dllimport) void __stdcall
InitializeCriticalSection (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION*);
__declspec (dllimport) void __stdcall
EnterCriticalSection (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION*);
__declspec (dllimport) void __stdcall
LeaveCriticalSection (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION*);
__declspec (dllimport) void __stdcall
DeleteCriticalSection (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION*);
__declspec (dllimport) long __stdcall
InterlockedIncrement (_RWSTD_INTERLOCKED_T*);
__declspec (dllimport) long __stdcall
InterlockedDecrement (_RWSTD_INTERLOCKED_T*);
__declspec (dllimport) long __stdcall
InterlockedExchange (_RWSTD_INTERLOCKED_T*, long);
} // extern "C"
// fake critical section type
union __rw_critical_section {
long _C_pad; // force alignment
char _C_buf [24 /* == sizeof (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION) */];
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_T _RW::__rw_critical_section
} // namespace __rw
// Win32/64 throws non-C++ exceptions rather than returning error status
// from some system calls like most other operating systems do
inline int __rw_mutex_init (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *__mutex)
__try {
InitializeCriticalSection (__mutex);
__except (1) {
return -1;
return 0;
inline int __rw_mutex_destroy (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *__mutex)
__try {
DeleteCriticalSection (__mutex);
__except (1) {
return -1;
return 0;
inline int __rw_mutex_lock (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *__mutex)
__try {
EnterCriticalSection (__mutex);
__except (1) {
return -1;
return 0;
inline int __rw_mutex_unlock (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION *__mutex)
__try {
LeaveCriticalSection (__mutex);
__except (1) {
return -1;
return 0;
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_INIT(mutex) \
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_DESTROY(mutex) \
__rw_mutex_destroy (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION*, &mutex))
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex) \
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex) \
__rw_mutex_unlock (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION*, &mutex))
} // namespace __rw
#elif defined (__OS2__)
# include <os2.h>
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_INIT(mutex) \
DosCreateMutexSem (0, &mutex, DC_SEM_SHARED,FALSE)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_DESTROY(mutex) DosCloseMutexSem (mutex)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_LOCK(mutex) \
DosRequestMutexSem (mutex, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT)
# define _RWSTD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(mutex) DosReleaseMutexSem (mutex)
# error unknown thread environment
# include <new>
#if defined (__GNUG__) && defined (__osf__)
// prevent g++ warnings about missing initializers
// see <pthread.h> for explanation of _PTHREAD_NOMETER_STATIC
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
# else // if defined (_PTHREAD_NOMETER_STATIC)
{ 0, _PTHREAD_MVALID | _PTHREAD_MVF_STA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
#elif defined (__GNUG__) && defined (__sgi__)
// prevent g++ warnings about a partly bracketed initializer
// a using declaration (rather than a directive)
// used to work around yet another MSVC 6.0 bug
_USING (std::exception);
class __rw_thread_error : public exception
__rw_thread_error () _THROWS (())
: exception () { }
virtual const char* what () const _THROWS (()) {
return "thread synchronization error";
// POD type with no user-defined ctor or dtor facilitates static
// initialization of mutex objects with static storage duration
// (important during library initialziation time)
class _RWSTD_EXPORT __rw_mutex_base
void _C_acquire () {
#if !defined (__HP_aCC) || __HP_aCC > 32700
if (0 != _RWSTD_MUTEX_LOCK (_C_mutex))
"synchronization error");
// working around an HP aCC 3.27 bug JAGac88738
#endif // !defined (__HP_aCC) || __HP_aCC > 32700
void _C_release ();
// static initialization not an option, define ctor and dtor
// and make member mutex private
__rw_mutex_base ();
~__rw_mutex_base ();
// not defined
__rw_mutex_base (const __rw_mutex_base&);
__rw_mutex_base& operator= (const __rw_mutex_base&);
_RWSTD_MUTEX_T _C_mutex; // the real thing
inline void __rw_mutex_base::_C_release ()
// we should NOT throw from here as _C_release will typically be called
// during the destruction of local objects such as __rw_guard (perhaps
// due to another exception)
// non-POD type, always initializes mutex data member via a function call
class _RWSTD_EXPORT __rw_mutex: public __rw_mutex_base
__rw_mutex ();
~__rw_mutex ();
// not defined
__rw_mutex (const __rw_mutex&);
__rw_mutex& operator= (const __rw_mutex&);
// helper factory class - static member is guranteed to be constructed
// during static initialization; objects of this POD class are not
// destroyed during program termination (important to allow them
// to be used in dtors of other objects with static storage duration)
template <class _TypeT>
struct __rw_static_mutex
static __rw_mutex_base _C_mutex;
template <class _TypeT>
__rw_mutex_base __rw_static_mutex<_TypeT>::_C_mutex
// explicitly instantiated to work around a g++ 2.95.2 bug on COFF systems
// (such as IBM AIX or DEC OSF1) where it "forgets" to do so implicitly for
// explicitly initialized static data members
_RWSTD_INSTANTIATE_1 (class _RWSTD_EXPORT __rw_static_mutex<int>);
_RWSTD_INSTANTIATE_1 (class _RWSTD_EXPORT __rw_static_mutex<size_t>);
inline __rw_mutex::__rw_mutex ()
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT)
inline __rw_mutex_base::__rw_mutex_base ()
if (0 != _RWSTD_MUTEX_INIT (_C_mutex))
_RW::__rw_throw (_RWSTD_ERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR, "synchronization error");
inline __rw_mutex::~__rw_mutex ()
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT)
inline __rw_mutex_base::~__rw_mutex_base ()
// type used in instantiating __rw_get_static_mutex
template<class _TypeT, int _IntI> struct __rw_type { };
// mutex factory function avoids problematic initialization dependencies
// introduced by definitions of mutexes with static storage duration
// instead of defining a static mutex member that may not be initialized
// before first use, a non-local class may either declare a unique type
// (enum or class) or use itself as this type, and call this template
// function with a ptr to that type to obtain an initialized mutex object
// that is the same for each unique type passed to the function
template <class _TypeT>
__rw_mutex_base& __rw_get_static_mutex (_TypeT*)
// POD mutex already initialized during static initialization
return __rw_static_mutex<_TypeT>::_C_mutex;
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT)
template <class _TypeT>
__rw_mutex_base& __rw_get_static_mutex (_TypeT*)
#else // if !defined (_INLINE_WITH_STATICS)
template <class _TypeT>
__rw_mutex_base& __rw_get_static_mutex (_TypeT*)
// allocate properly aligned memory for static mutex (necessary
// to prevent static local mutex from being destroyed during
// program termination)
union __mutex_buf_t {
long double __pad; // force alignment (must be first)
char __buf [sizeof (__rw_mutex_base)];
// using a named union to work around a bug in HP aCC 3.14.10 (JAGad03246)
static __mutex_buf_t __mutex_buf;
// initialize mutex reference to refer to the static buffer space
__rw_mutex_base &__mutex =
_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (__rw_mutex_base&, __mutex_buf);
// keep track of number of mutex initialization attempts
// although `init' may reach a value greater than 1, `mutex'
// will (should) never be multiply initialized
// implicit initialization used to prevent a g++ 2.95.2 warning on Tru64
// sorry: semantics of inline function static data are wrong (you'll wind
// up with multiple copies)
static volatile long __cntr /* = 0 */; // initialization counter
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
// MT safe
if (0 == __cntr && 1 == InterlockedIncrement ((long*)&__cntr))
// not so safe (volatile should help)
if (0 == __cntr && 1 == ++__cntr)
#endif // _WIN32
// manually initialize `mutex' via a call to placement new
new (&__mutex) __rw_mutex_base ();
// indicate that `mutex' has been fully initialized
// (unlikely that we'll have more than 1000 threads)
__cntr += 1000;
// busywait until `mutex' has been completely initialized
while (__cntr < 1000);
return __mutex;
// clean up
// allows safe use of a mutex in the presence of exceptions
class __rw_guard
__rw_mutex_base *_C_mutex;
// undefined
__rw_guard& operator= (const __rw_guard&);
__rw_guard (__rw_guard &__rhs)
: _C_mutex (__rhs._C_mutex) {
__rhs._C_mutex = 0;
__rw_guard (__rw_mutex_base &__mutex): _C_mutex (&__mutex) {
_C_mutex->_C_acquire ();
__rw_guard (__rw_mutex_base *__mutex): _C_mutex (__mutex) {
if (_C_mutex)
_C_mutex->_C_acquire ();
~__rw_guard () {
if (_C_mutex)
_C_mutex->_C_release ();
__rw_mutex_base* _C_set (__rw_mutex_base *__mutex) {
__rw_mutex_base *__tmp = _C_mutex;
return _C_mutex = __mutex, __tmp;
// base class for obects required to guarantee some degree of MT safety
struct _RWSTD_EXPORT __rw_synchronized
__rw_mutex _C_mutex;
void _C_lock () {
_C_mutex._C_acquire ();
void _C_unlock () {
_C_mutex._C_release ();
__rw_guard _C_guard () {
__rw_guard __guard (_C_mutex);
return __guard;
// helper functions for atomic value [in|de]crement and exchange
// the functions are atomic with respect to each other as long as
// they are passed the same mutex by the callers
template <class _TypeT>
_TypeT __rw_atomic_preincrement (_TypeT &__t, __rw_mutex_base &__mutex)
_RWSTD_MT_GUARD (__mutex);
return ++__t;
template <class _TypeT>
_TypeT __rw_atomic_predecrement (_TypeT &__t, __rw_mutex_base &__mutex)
_RWSTD_MT_GUARD (__mutex);
return --__t;
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
_TypeT __rw_atomic_exchange (_TypeT &__t, const _TypeU &__u,
__rw_mutex_base &__mutex)
_RWSTD_MT_GUARD (__mutex);
_TypeT __tmp = __t;
#ifndef _WIN64
__t = __u;
// silence MSVC conversion warnings (cast breaks SunPro 5.3 and prior)
__t = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (_TypeT, __u);
return __tmp;
// for use on class statics or on namespace-scope variables
// the unused argument is only here so that all functions
// can be called from the same set of macros
template <class _TypeT>
_TypeT __rw_atomic_preincrement (_TypeT &__t, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (__t,
__rw_get_static_mutex ((_TypeT*)0));
template <class _TypeT>
_TypeT __rw_atomic_predecrement (_TypeT &__t, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (__t,
__rw_get_static_mutex ((_TypeT*)0));
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
_TypeT __rw_atomic_exchange (_TypeT &__t, const _TypeU &__u, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (__t, __u,
__rw_get_static_mutex ((_TypeT*)0));
/********************** no atomic ops ********************************/
#if defined (_RWSTD_NO_ATOMIC_OPS)
// do nothing
/********************** DEC CXX **************************************/
#elif defined (__DECCXX)
} // namespace __rw
// get declarations of __ATOMIC_XXX intrinsics
# include <machine/builtins.h>
// intrinsic functions declared in <machine/builtins.h> that atomically
// modify their argument and return its original value (__ATOMIC_XXX_LONG
// is misnamed -- it actually operates on an int, not a long)
inline int
__rw_atomic_preincrement (int &__x, bool)
return 1 + __ATOMIC_INCREMENT_LONG (&__x);
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
inline long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (long &__x, bool)
return 1 + __ATOMIC_INCREMENT_QUAD (&__x);
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
inline int
__rw_atomic_predecrement (int &__x, bool)
return __ATOMIC_DECREMENT_LONG (&__x) - 1;
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
inline long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (long &__x, bool)
return __ATOMIC_DECREMENT_QUAD (&__x) - 1;
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
inline int
__rw_atomic_exchange (int &__x, int __y, bool)
return __ATOMIC_EXCH_LONG (&__x, __y);
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned &__x, unsigned __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (unsigned&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (int, __y), false);
inline long
__rw_atomic_exchange (long &__x, long __y, bool)
return __ATOMIC_EXCH_QUAD (&__x, __y);
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned long &__x, unsigned long __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (long, __y), false);
/********************** SPARC **************************************/
#elif defined (__sparc) && (defined (__SUNPRO_CC) || defined (__GNUG__))
extern "C" {
// define in assembler file "atomic-sparc.s" and "atomic-sparc64.s"
// exchange returns the original value, and add returns the incremented
// value
int __rw_atomic_xchg32 (int*, int);
int __rw_atomic_add32 (int*, int);
# if defined (_LP64)
long __rw_atomic_xchg64 (long*, long);
long __rw_atomic_add64 (long*, long);
# endif // !_LP64
} // extern "C"
inline int
__rw_atomic_preincrement (int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (int));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (&__x, 1);
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (unsigned));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int*, &__x), 1);
inline int
__rw_atomic_predecrement (int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (int));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (&__x, -1);
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (unsigned));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int*, &__x), -1);
inline int
__rw_atomic_exchange (int &__x, int __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (int));
return __rw_atomic_xchg32 (&__x, __y);
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned &__x, unsigned __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (unsigned));
return __rw_atomic_xchg32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int*, &__x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (int, __y));
inline long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (long &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (long));
return __rw_atomic_add64 (&__x, 1);
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (unsigned long));
return __rw_atomic_add64 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long*, &__x), 1);
inline long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (long &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (long));
return __rw_atomic_add64 (&__x, -1);
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (unsigned long));
return __rw_atomic_add64 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long*, &__x), -1);
inline long
__rw_atomic_exchange (long &__x, long __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (long));
return __rw_atomic_xchg64 (&__x, __y);
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned long &__x, unsigned long __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (unsigned long));
return __rw_atomic_xchg64 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long*, &__x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (long, __y));
/********************** AIX **************************************/
#elif defined (_AIX43) && defined (__IBMCPP__)
} // namespace __rw
#include <sys/atomic_op.h>
inline int
__rw_atomic_preincrement (int &__x, bool)
return fetch_and_add (&__x, 1) + 1;
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
inline int
__rw_atomic_predecrement (int &__x, bool)
return fetch_and_add(&__x,-1) - 1;
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
inline int
__rw_atomic_exchange (int &__x, int __y, bool)
int __tmp;
do {
__tmp = __x;
} while (!compare_and_swap (&__x, &__tmp, __y));
return __tmp;
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned &__x, unsigned __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (int, __y), false);
inline long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (long &__x, bool)
return fetch_and_addlp (&__x, 1) + 1;
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
inline long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (long &__x, bool)
return fetch_and_addlp (&__x, -1) - 1;
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
inline long
__rw_atomic_exchange (long &__x, long __y, bool)
long __tmp;
do {
__tmp = __x;
} while (!compare_and_swaplp (&__x, &__tmp, __y));
return __tmp;
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned long &__x, unsigned long __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (long, __y), false);
/********************** SGI **************************************/
#elif defined (__sgi) && defined (__host_mips)
} // namespace __rw
# include <mutex.h>
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned &__x, bool)
return __add_then_test32 (&__x, 1U);
inline int
__rw_atomic_preincrement (int &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (unsigned&, __x),
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned &__x, bool)
return __add_then_test32 (&__x, unsigned (-1));
inline int
__rw_atomic_predecrement (int &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (unsigned &, __x),
inline unsigned
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned &__x, unsigned __y, bool)
return __test_and_set32 (&__x, __y);
inline int
__rw_atomic_exchange (int &__x, int __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (unsigned int&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (unsigned int, __y), false);
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
return __add_then_test (&__x, 1);
inline long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (long &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST(unsigned long&,
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
return __add_then_test (&__x, -1);
inline long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (long &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (unsigned long&,
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned long &__x, unsigned long __y, bool)
return __test_and_set (&__x, __y);
inline long
__rw_atomic_exchange (long &__x, long __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (unsigned long&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (unsigned long, __y),
/********************** PA-RISC 2.0 ************************************/
#elif defined (_PA_RISC2_0)
extern "C" {
// special constraint: the value of both the argument and the result
// must not be zero
int __rw_atomic_incr32 (int*);
int __rw_atomic_decr32 (int*);
int __rw_atomic_xchg32 (int*, int);
} // extern "C"
inline int
__rw_string_atomic_preincrement (int &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_incr32 (&__x);
inline unsigned
__rw_string_atomic_preincrement (unsigned &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST(int&, __x),
inline int
__rw_string_atomic_predecrement (int &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_decr32 (&__x);
inline unsigned
__rw_string_atomic_predecrement (unsigned &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST(int&, __x),
inline int
__rw_string_atomic_exchange (int &__x, int __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_xchg32 (&__x, __y);
inline unsigned
__rw_string_atomic_exchange (unsigned &__x, unsigned __y, bool)
return __rw_string_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST(int&, __x),
/********************** i386/gcc **************************************/
#elif defined (__i386__) && (defined (__GNUG__) || defined (__INTEL_COMPILER))
extern "C" {
char __rw_atomic_add8 (char*, int);
short __rw_atomic_add16 (short*, short);
int __rw_atomic_add32 (int*, int);
char __rw_atomic_xchg8 (char*, char);
short __rw_atomic_xchg16 (short*, short);
int __rw_atomic_xchg32 (int*, int);
} // extern "C"
inline char
__rw_atomic_preincrement (char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (&__x, +1);
inline signed char
__rw_atomic_preincrement (signed char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (signed char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (char*, &__x), +1);
inline unsigned char
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (unsigned char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (char*, &__x), +1);
inline short
__rw_atomic_preincrement (short &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (short));
return __rw_atomic_add16 (&__x, +1);
inline unsigned short
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned short &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (unsigned short));
return __rw_atomic_add16 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (short*, &__x), +1);
inline int
__rw_atomic_preincrement (int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (int));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (&__x, 1);
inline unsigned int
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (unsigned int));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int*, &__x), 1);
inline char
__rw_atomic_predecrement (char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (&__x, -1);
inline signed char
__rw_atomic_predecrement (signed char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (signed char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (char*, &__x), -1);
inline unsigned char
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (unsigned char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (char*, &__x), -1);
inline short
__rw_atomic_predecrement (short &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (short));
return __rw_atomic_add16 (&__x, -1);
inline unsigned short
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned short &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (unsigned short));
return __rw_atomic_add16 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (short*, &__x), -1);
inline int
__rw_atomic_predecrement (int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (int));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (&__x, -1);
inline unsigned int
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (unsigned int));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int*, &__x), -1);
inline char
__rw_atomic_exchange (char &__x, char __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (char));
return __rw_atomic_xchg8 (&__x, __y);
inline signed char
__rw_atomic_exchange (signed char &__x, signed char __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (signed char));
return __rw_atomic_xchg8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (char*, &__x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char, __y));
inline unsigned char
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned char &__x, unsigned char __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (unsigned char));
return __rw_atomic_xchg8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (char*, &__x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (char, __y));
inline short
__rw_atomic_exchange (short &__x, short __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (short));
return __rw_atomic_xchg16 (&__x, __y);
inline unsigned short
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned short &__x, unsigned short __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (unsigned short));
return __rw_atomic_xchg16 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (short*, &__x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (short, __y));
inline int
__rw_atomic_exchange (int &__x, int __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (int));
return __rw_atomic_xchg32 (&__x, __y);
inline unsigned int
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned int &__x, unsigned int __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (unsigned int));
return __rw_atomic_xchg32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int*, &__x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (int, __y));
/********************** WIN 32/64 ************************************/
#elif defined (_WIN32)
// Interlocked[In|De]crement functions atomically modify their argument
// and return the new value
// InterlockedExchange atomically sets the value pointed to by the first
// argument to that of the second argument and returns the original value
inline int
__rw_atomic_preincrement (int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (sizeof __x == sizeof (long));
return InterlockedIncrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long*, &__x));
inline unsigned int
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned int &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
inline int
__rw_atomic_predecrement (int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (sizeof __x == sizeof (long));
return InterlockedDecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long*, &__x));
inline unsigned int
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned int &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
inline int
__rw_atomic_exchange (int &__x, int __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (sizeof __x == sizeof (long));
return InterlockedExchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long*, &__x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (long, __y));
inline unsigned int
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned int &__x, unsigned int __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (int, __y), false);
/********************** IA64/x86_64 ***********************************/
#elif defined (__ia64) || defined (__x86_64)
extern "C" {
_RWSTD_INT8_T __rw_atomic_xchg8 (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, _RWSTD_INT8_T);
_RWSTD_INT16_T __rw_atomic_xchg16 (_RWSTD_INT16_T*, _RWSTD_INT16_T);
_RWSTD_INT32_T __rw_atomic_xchg32 (_RWSTD_INT32_T*, _RWSTD_INT32_T);
_RWSTD_INT8_T __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, _RWSTD_INT8_T);
_RWSTD_INT16_T __rw_atomic_add16 (_RWSTD_INT16_T*, _RWSTD_INT16_T);
_RWSTD_INT32_T __rw_atomic_add32 (_RWSTD_INT32_T*, _RWSTD_INT32_T);
#ifdef _RWSTD_INT64_T
_RWSTD_INT64_T __rw_atomic_xchg64 (_RWSTD_INT64_T*, _RWSTD_INT64_T);
_RWSTD_INT64_T __rw_atomic_add64 (_RWSTD_INT64_T*, _RWSTD_INT64_T);
#endif // _RWSTD_INT64_T
} // extern "C"
inline char
__rw_atomic_preincrement (char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, &__x),
inline signed char
__rw_atomic_preincrement (signed char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (signed char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned char
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (unsigned char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, &__x),
inline short
__rw_atomic_preincrement (short &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (short));
return __rw_atomic_add16 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT16_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned short
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned short &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (unsigned short));
return __rw_atomic_add16 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT16_T*, &__x),
inline int
__rw_atomic_preincrement (int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (int));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT32_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned int
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (unsigned int));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT32_T*, &__x),
inline long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (long &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (long));
return __rw_atomic_add64 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT64_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (unsigned long));
return __rw_atomic_add64 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT64_T*, &__x),
#endif // _RWSTD_LONG_SIZE
inline char
__rw_atomic_predecrement (char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, &__x),
inline signed char
__rw_atomic_predecrement (signed char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (signed char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned char
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned char &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (unsigned char));
return __rw_atomic_add8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, &__x),
inline short
__rw_atomic_predecrement (short &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (short));
return __rw_atomic_add16 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT16_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned short
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned short &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (unsigned short));
return __rw_atomic_add16 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT16_T*, &__x),
inline int
__rw_atomic_predecrement (int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (int));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT32_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned int
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned int &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (unsigned int));
return __rw_atomic_add32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT32_T*, &__x),
inline long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (long &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (long));
return __rw_atomic_add64 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT64_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (long));
return __rw_atomic_add64 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT64_T*, &__x),
#endif // _RWSTD_LONG_SIZE
inline char
__rw_atomic_exchange (char &__x, char __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (char));
return __rw_atomic_xchg8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, &__x),
inline signed char
__rw_atomic_exchange (signed char &__x, signed char __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (signed char));
return __rw_atomic_xchg8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned char
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned char &__x, unsigned char __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (1 == sizeof (unsigned char));
return __rw_atomic_xchg8 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT8_T*, &__x),
inline short
__rw_atomic_exchange (short &__x, short __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (short));
return __rw_atomic_xchg16 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT16_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned short
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned short &__x, unsigned short __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (2 == sizeof (unsigned short));
return __rw_atomic_xchg16 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT16_T*, &__x),
inline int
__rw_atomic_exchange (int &__x, int __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (int));
return __rw_atomic_xchg32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT32_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned int
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned int &__x, unsigned int __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (4 == sizeof (unsigned int));
return __rw_atomic_xchg32 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT32_T*, &__x),
inline long
__rw_atomic_exchange (long &__x, long __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (long));
return __rw_atomic_xchg64 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT64_T*, &__x),
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned long &__x, unsigned long __y, bool)
_RWSTD_COMPILE_ASSERT (8 == sizeof (unsigned long));
return __rw_atomic_xchg64 (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (_RWSTD_INT64_T*, &__x),
#elif !defined (_RWSTD_NO_ATOMIC_OPS)
/********************** generic long functions ************************/
inline long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (long &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
inline long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (long &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned long &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
inline long
__rw_atomic_exchange (long &__x, long __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (int, __y),
inline unsigned long
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned long &__x,
unsigned long __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (int&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (int, __y),
/********************** generic long long functions *******************/
__rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_LONG_LONG &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
inline unsigned _RWSTD_LONG_LONG
__rw_atomic_preincrement (unsigned _RWSTD_LONG_LONG &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_preincrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
__rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_LONG_LONG &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
inline unsigned _RWSTD_LONG_LONG
__rw_atomic_predecrement (unsigned _RWSTD_LONG_LONG &__x, bool)
return __rw_atomic_predecrement (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
__rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_LONG_LONG &__x, _RWSTD_LONG_LONG __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (long, __y),
inline unsigned _RWSTD_LONG_LONG
__rw_atomic_exchange (unsigned _RWSTD_LONG_LONG &__x,
unsigned _RWSTD_LONG_LONG __y, bool)
return __rw_atomic_exchange (_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long&, __x),
_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (long, __y),
#endif // _RWSTD_LONG_LONG
} // namespace __rw
#else // if !defined (_RWSTD_REENTRANT)
// atomic in a single-threaded environment
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
_TypeT __rw_atomic_exchange (_TypeT &__t, const _TypeU &__u, bool)
_TypeT __tmp = __t;
__t = _TypeT (__u);
return __tmp;
// dummy classes used as a base class in single-threaded environments
struct __rw_mutex_base
void _C_acquire () { }
void _C_release () { }
struct _RWSTD_EXPORT __rw_mutex: public __rw_mutex_base
struct __rw_guard
__rw_guard (__rw_mutex_base&) { }
__rw_guard (__rw_mutex_base*) { }
__rw_mutex_base* _C_set (__rw_mutex_base*) {
return 0;
struct __rw_synchronized
// static so that it takes up no space
static _RWSTD_EXPORT __rw_mutex _C_mutex;
void _C_lock () { }
void _C_unlock () { }
__rw_guard _C_guard () {
return __rw_guard (_C_mutex);
} // namespace __rw
// available in all environments (ST and MT), used along with
// __rw_atomic_exchange<>() from conditional expressions in iostreams
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
_TypeT __rw_ordinary_exchange (_TypeT &__t, const _TypeU &__u)
_TypeT __tmp = __t;
__t = __u;
return __tmp;
} // namespace __rw