blob: 4644e8a1333b06055c7fc0d1e83a7baf911fee93 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# $Id$
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
# with this work for additional information regarding copyright
# ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
# License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.
# myname [bodyonly=0|1 logdir=<logdir> version=<version>] logs...
# bodyonly when non-zero, suppresses the <html> tags
# logdir
# version stdcxx version (branch) to generate results for.
# array of component counts for each section and component
# compcnts [section, compname]
# array of lists of component names for each section with
# each list maintaining the same order as in the logs
# sectcomponents [section]
# map of [FILENAME,components] to component status
# compstatuses [FILENAME, compcnts]
sectnames [1] = "locale"
sectnames [2] = "test"
sectnames [3] = "example"
# names of build stages
buildstages [1] = "config"
buildstages [2] = "lib"
buildstages [3] = "examples"
buildstages [4] = "bin"
buildstages [5] = "tests"
buildstages [6] = "runall"
buildstages [7] = "total"
# displayed and cout as failures
states ["ASSERT"] = 1
states ["BUILD"] = 1
states ["COMP"] = 1
states ["DIFF"] = 1
states ["EXEC"] = 1
states ["FORMAT"] = 1
states ["EXIT"] = 1
states ["LINK"] = 1
states ["SIGNAL"] = 1
# displayed but don't cout as failures
states ["OUTPUT"] = -1
states ["WARN"] = -1
# expected failures are displayed but not counted as failures
states ["XASSERT"] = -1
states ["XBUILD"] = -1
states ["XCOMP"] = -1
states ["XDIFF"] = -1
states ["XEXEC"] = -1
states ["XFORMAT"] = -1
states ["XEXIT"] = -1
states ["XLINK"] = -1
states ["XPASS"] = -1
states ["XSIGNAL"] = -1
# not displayed and doesn't cout as a failure
states ["MISS"] = 0
states ["OK"] = 0
# add all states/classes that count as failures to failclasses
for (e in states) {
if (1 == states [e])
failclasses [e]
# month numbers used to format dates
monthnames ["Jan"] = 1
monthnames ["Feb"] = 2
monthnames ["Mar"] = 3
monthnames ["Apr"] = 4
monthnames ["May"] = 5
monthnames ["Jun"] = 6
monthnames ["Jul"] = 7
monthnames ["Aug"] = 8
monthnames ["Sep"] = 9
monthnames ["Oct"] = 10
monthnames ["Nov"] = 11
monthnames ["Dec"] = 12
# mapping from build type to the more descriptive build mode
buildmodes ["8a"] = "shared archive, optimized"
buildmodes ["8A"] = "shared archive, optimized, wide"
buildmodes ["8d"] = "shared, optimized"
buildmodes ["8D"] = "shared, optimized, wide"
buildmodes ["8s"] = "archive, optimized"
buildmodes ["8S"] = "archive, optimized, wide"
buildmodes ["11a"] = "shared archive, debug"
buildmodes ["11A"] = "shared archive, debug, wide"
buildmodes ["11d"] = "shared, debug"
buildmodes ["11D"] = "shared, debug, wide"
buildmodes ["11s"] = "archive, debug"
buildmodes ["11S"] = "archive, debug, wide"
buildmodes ["12a"] = "shared archive, optimized, reentrant"
buildmodes ["12A"] = "shared archive, optimized, reentrant, wide"
buildmodes ["12d"] = "shared, optimized, reentrant"
buildmodes ["12D"] = "shared, optimized, reentrant, wide"
buildmodes ["12s"] = "archive, optimized, reentrant"
buildmodes ["12S"] = "archive, optimized, reentrant, wide"
buildmodes ["15a"] = "shared archive, debug, reentrant"
buildmodes ["15A"] = "shared archive, debug, reentrant, wide"
buildmodes ["15d"] = "shared, debug, reentrant"
buildmodes ["15D"] = "shared, debug, reentrant, wide"
buildmodes ["15s"] = "archive, debug, reentrant"
buildmodes ["15S"] = "archive, debug, reentrant, wide"
# regular expression to match a name (e.g., compiler or OS)
re_name = "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z_0-9]*"
# regular expression to match a version string (includes 0)
re_version = "[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*"
# regular expression matching the buildtype string
re_buildtype = "(8|11|12|15)[aAdDsS](-(solaris|win32))?"
# regular expresssion matching a log file name
re_logname = re_name "-" re_version \
"-" re_name "-" re_name "-" re_version \
"-" re_buildtype "-" "[1-9][0-9]*-log"
# get today's date
cmd = "LC_ALL=C date"
cmd | getline todays_date
# set the conversion format to two decimal places
CONVFMT = "%.3g"
# field separator character (not an awk variable)
FSEP = "|"
# detect the type of file
1 == FNR {
if (svnpath == "") {
# initialize svnpath using version (assume trunk by default)
svnpath = ""
if (version == "" || version == "trunk")
svnpath = svnpath "/trunk"
svnpath = svnpath "/branches/" version
section = 0
if (0 == match(FILENAME, re_logname)) {
# treat files whose names don't match the log file name pattern
# as lists of expected failures
expect_file = 1
else {
expect_file = 0
logsections [FILENAME] = 0
logcompcnts [1, FILENAME] = 0
logcompcnts [2, FILENAME] = 0
logcompcnts [3, FILENAME] = 0
# append the current log file name to the list
logfnames [logcount] = FILENAME
# process file containing specification of expected failures
1 == expect_file && $1 ~ "^[^#][^#]" {
if (1 == index($0, " ")) {
# component specification continued from previous line
cont = 1
else {
compname = $1
cont = 0
pattern = $(2 - cont)
status = $(3 - cont)
comment = $(4 - cont)
# convert shell globbing pattern to a regular expression by
# escaping periods and replacing astersisks with ".*" and
# question marks with "."
gsub("\\.", "\\.", pattern)
gsub("\\*", ".*", pattern)
gsub("\\?", ".", pattern)
# if patter contains an open brace expand it using the shell
if (0 < index(pattern, "{")) {
cmd = "echo " pattern
cmd | getline pattern
# split the (potentially expanded) pattern into an array
n = split(pattern, patlist, " ")
spec = ""
sep = ""
# concatenate the array of expanded patters, the status,
# and the comment, to form a single specification
for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
spec = spec sep patlist [i] " " status " " comment
sep = ":"
# insert the specification to the expected_statuses array
if (compname in nexpected_statuses)
spec = expected_statuses [compname] ":" spec
expected_statuses [compname] = spec
# skip the actions below
# logfile only processing below
# extract operating system name and its version, and hardware
# architecture (if possible)
/^ *#+ *uname / {
uname_output = $0
osname = $1
osver = ""
osdesc = uname_output
arch = ""
archdesc = ""
if (osname == "AIX") {
# AIX <host> 2 5 00CBEEBE4C00
osver = $4 "." $3
arch = "PowerPC"
else if (osname ~ "^CYGWIN") {
# CYGWIN_NT-5.1 <host> 1.5.24(0.156/4/2) 2007-01-31 10:57 i686 Cygwin
osname = "Cygwin"
osver = substr($3, 1, index($3, "(") - 1)
pos = match(uname_output, " i[2-6]86 ")
if (0 < pos) {
arch = substr(uname_output, pos + 1, 4)
else if (uname_output ~ " x86 ") {
arch = "x86"
else if (osname == "FreeBSD") {
osver = $3
else if (osname == "HP-UX") {
# HP-UX <host> B.11.31 U ia64 3417177861 unlimited-user license
# HP-UX <host> B.11.23 U 9000/800 3952255646 unlimited-user license
# HP-UX <host> B.11.11 U 9000/800 1936254444 unlimited-user license
osver = $3
arch = $5
else if (osname == "IRIX64") {
# IRIX64 <host> 6.5 04101930 IP27
osver = $3
arch = "MIPS"
else if (osname == "Linux")
# Linux <host> <ver> #1 SMP <builddate> x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
osver = ""
else if (osname == "SunOS") {
# SunOS <host> <ver> Generic_118855-33 i86pc i386 i86pc
# SunOS <host> <ver> Generic_118833-33 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V215
# SunOS <host> <ver> Generic_117350-43 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240
osver = $3
if (0 < index($0, "sparc"))
arch = "SPARC"
arch = "x86"
else if (osname == "OSF1") {
# OSF1 <host.domain> V5.1 1885 alpha
osver = $3
logos [FILENAME] = osname " " osver FSEP osdesc FSEP arch FSEP archdesc
# extract Linux distro name and version
/^ *#+ *cat *\/etc\/.*-release/ {
if (1 == match($1, "^LSB_VERSION"))
osname = ""
osver = ""
osdesc = $0
arch = ""
archdesc = ""
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga)
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 4)
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 2)
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 8)
# SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)
# SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (x86_64)
# remove the Red Hat code name including the release
# and keep the distribution code name and update info:
# RHEL 5: Tikanga (Update 1 through 2)
# RHEL 4: Nahant (Update 1 through 6)
# RHEL 3: Taroon (Update 1 through 9)
# RHEL 2.1 AS: Pensacola
# RHEL 2.1 ES: Panama
if ("RedHat" == $1 $2) {
if ("EnterpriseLinux" == $3 $4) {
if ("AS" == $5)
osname = "RHAS"
else if ("ES" == $5)
osname = "RHES"
else if ("WS" == $5)
osname = "RHWS"
osname = "RHEL"
osname = "RHL"
match($0, "release " re_version)
if (0 < RSTART)
osver = substr($0, RSTART + 8, RLENGTH - 8)
match($0, "Update [1-9][0-9]*")
if (0 < RSTART)
osver = osver "." substr($0, RSTART + 7, RLENGTH - 7)
osver = osver ".0"
else if ($1 == "SUSE") {
osname = "SLES"
osver = $5
logos [FILENAME] = osname " " osver FSEP osdesc FSEP arch FSEP archdesc
# extract x86 processor name and version
/^ *#+ *cat *\/proc\/cpuinfo/ {
arch = ""
archdesc = ""
# look for CPU manufacturer and other goodies in the contents
# of /proc/cpuinfo
do {
if ($1 $2 $3 == "modelname:") {
$1 = "" # model
$2 = "" # name
$3 = "" # :
archdesc = $0
if ($1 $2 == "arch:") {
$1 = "" # arch
$2 = "" # :
arch = $0
if ($1 $2 == "family:") {
$1 = "" # family
$2 = "" # :
if (arch == "")
arch = "IA64"
archdesc = $0
if (arch != "" && archdesc != "")
} while (0 < NF)
# bail if no architecture could be determined
if (arch == "" && archdesc == "")
# strip leading whitespace (result of assigning $N = "")
archdesc = substr(archdesc, match(archdesc, "[A-Za-z]"))
n = split(logos [FILENAME], platfields, FSEP)
osname = platfields [1]
osdesc = platfields [2]
# arch = platfields [3]
# archdesc = platfields [4]
if (uname_output ~ " x86_64 ") {
if (archdesc ~ "Intel\\(R\\)")
arch = "EM64T"
else if (archdesc ~ "AMD ")
arch = "AMD64"
arch = "x86_64"
else if (uname_output ~ " ia64 ") {
if (arch == "")
arch = "IA64"
else if (arch == "") {
pos = match(uname_output, " i[3456]86 ")
if (0 < pos)
arch = substr(uname_output, pos + 1, 4)
else if (uname_output ~ " x86 ")
arch = "x86"
logos [FILENAME] = osname FSEP osdesc FSEP arch FSEP archdesc
# extract processor architecture info on Windows
n = split(logos [FILENAME], platfields, FSEP)
osname = platfields [1]
osdesc = platfields [2]
arch = platfields [3]
archdesc = substr($0, index($0, "=") + 1)
if ("" == arch)
arch = substr(archdesc, 1, index(archdesc, " ") - 1)
logos [FILENAME] = osname FSEP osdesc FSEP arch FSEP archdesc
# extract the (POSIX) build date and time (date output)
/^ *#+ *date *: *$/ {
logdates [FILENAME] = $0
# extract the Windows build date (date /T output)
/>date *\/T *$/ {
logdates [FILENAME] = $0
# extract compiler name and version
/^configuring stdcxx / {
cxxdesc = $5
pos = index(cxxdesc, "-")
if (0 < pos) {
cxxname = substr(cxxdesc, 1, pos - 1)
cxxver = substr(cxxdesc, pos + 1)
cxxname = cxxdesc
if (cxxname == "aCC")
cxxname = "HP aCC"
else if (cxxname == "CC" && uname_output ~ "^IRIX64")
cxxname = "SGI MIPSpro"
else if (cxxname == "cxx" && uname_output ~ "^OSF1")
cxxname = "HP C++"
else if (cxxname == "eccp")
cxxname = "EDG eccp"
else if (cxxname == "icc")
cxxname = "Intel C++"
else if (cxxname ~ "^xlC")
cxxname = "IBM XLC++"
logos [FILENAME] = logos [FILENAME] FSEP cxxname " " cxxver FSEP cxxdesc
# extract compiler name and version (Visual Studio build)
/^Configuring for / {
cxxdesc = $3
pos = index(cxxdesc, "-")
if (0 < pos) {
cxxname = substr(cxxdesc, 1, pos - 1)
cxxver = substr(cxxdesc, pos + 1)
cxxname = cxxdesc
if (cxxname == "msvc")
cxxname = "MSVC"
else if (cxxname = "icc")
cxxname = "Intel C++"
logos [FILENAME] = logos [FILENAME] FSEP cxxname " " cxxver FSEP cxxdesc
# extract compiler name and version (Visual Studio build)
/^Selected compiler: / {
$1 = ""
$2 = ""
cxxdesc = $0
if (cxxdesc ~ "Intel.*C++") {
cxxname = "Intel C++"
cxxver = $5
else {
cxxname = $1 " " $2
cxxver = $3
logos [FILENAME] = logos [FILENAME] FSEP cxxname " " cxxver FSEP cxxdesc
# see if the library failed to configure or build (UNIX)
/^g?make: \*\*\* \[(config|lib)\] Error/ {
buildstatus [FILENAME] = "LIB"
# see if the library failed to configure or build (Windows)
/.stdcxx - [1-9][0-9]* error(s), [1-9][0-9]* warning(s)/ {
buildstatus [FILENAME] = "LIB"
# extract the real, user and system times for the children of the shell
# that executed the commands from the log
# the format of the output is:
# <real-time>
# <times-output>
# with <real-time> looking like:
# [1-9][0-9]*m[1-9][0-9]s
# and with <times-output> being the output of the POSIX standard times
# built-in utility, i.e., the first line giving the system and user times
# for the shell and the second line giving the system and user times for
# its children in the format:
# "%dm%fs %dm%fs"
# we don't care about the shell times, just the times for its children,
# so we skip that line
/^ *#+ real, user, system time \(/ {
stage = substr($6, 2, index($6, ")") - 2);
getline # real time
times = $0
getline # ignore shell times
getline # times for all children
pos = index($0, " ")
times = times FSEP substr($0, 1, pos - 1)
times = times FSEP substr($0, pos + 1)
# times is: <real> FSEP <usr> FSEP <sys>
logstagetimes [FILENAME, stage] = times
# extract the size of the library
/^ *#+ ls -l/ {
while (0 < NF) {
size = $5
libsizes [FILENAME] = size
# extract the full build size or the size after the clean target
/^ *#+ *du -sk / {
if (FILENAME in buildsizes)
cleansizes [FILENAME] = $1
buildsizes [FILENAME] = $1
# count the number of (make) errors
/^g?make: \*\*\* \[.*\] Error /{
++logerrors [FILENAME]
# count the number of (Visual Studio) errors
/ - [1-9][0-9]* error\(s\), [1-9][0-9]* warning\(s\)/{
if (cxxname ~ "^MSVC")
++logerrors [FILENAME]
# count the number of warnings
/[^A-Z_0-9](WARNING|[Ww]arning)[^A-Z_0-9]/ {
# if the library hasn't been seen yet count this as a library warning
if (!(FILENAME in libsizes))
++libwarnings [FILENAME]
++logwarnings [FILENAME]
# action at the beginning of component table
start = 1
++logsections [FILENAME]
logcompcnts [section, FILENAME] = 0
# skip this record
# end of component table
start = 0
0 == start {
# skip this record
# component (locale, example, or test) section
1 == start {
# store the name of the component
compname = $1
# trim suffix from component name
sub("(\\.bat|\\.exe|\\.sh)$", "", compname)
# store the component status
compstatus = $2
# the default expected status is empty (no record for it exists)
expect = ""
comment = ""
# append the component name to the list of component names
# for the current section
if (0 == ((section, compname) in compcnts))
sectcomponents [section] = sectcomponents [section] " " compname
# increment the number of times the current component occurs
# in the current section across all logs
++compcnts [section, compname]
# increment the number of components in the current section
# and log
++logcompcnts [section, FILENAME]
# if appropriate, increase the maximum number of components
# across all logs
if (sectmaxcompcnts [section] < logcompcnts [section, FILENAME])
sectmaxcompcnts [section] = logcompcnts [section, FILENAME]
# look up the component's name in the array of components each
# with a record of the platform(s) and the expecred status of
# the component on the platform(s), something like
# "aix-.*-ppc-.*-.*-12{d,D} SEGV STDCXX-123"
# ":linux.*-.*-gcc ABRT STDCXX-345"
# ^ ^ ^
# | | |
# | | +-- required comment (issue)
# | +-- expected component status
# +-- platform matching ERE pattern
if (compname in expected_statuses)
expspec = expected_statuses [compname]
expspec = ""
# split the list of platforms/expected statuses into an array
# with one element for each status and a pattern matching one
# or more platforms
n = split(expspec, slist, ":")
for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
# get the platform matching pattern, expected status, and
# the required comment
split(slist [i], fields, " ")
# try to match the log file name against the specified pattern
if (match(FILENAME, fields [1])) {
# extract the expected component status and the comment
expect = fields [2]
comment = fields [3]
# class (determins the color of the cell), value (the text displayed
# in the cell), and the optional detail for the cell
class = ""
value = ""
detail = ""
# compstatus:
# <class>:[<value>]:[<detail>]
if (0 == compstatus) {
# successful exit status: component built but may have failed
# assertions or runtime warnings
class = "OK"
if (3 != section) {
# locales and tests but not examples
runwarns = $3 # number of runtime warnings
asserts = $4 # number of assertions tried
failed = $5 # number of failed assertions
if (0 < failed) {
# non-zero number of assertions
class = "ASSERT"
value = failed
detail = asserts
else if (0 < runwarns) {
# non-zero runtime warnings
class = "RUNWARN"
value = "(" runwarns ")"
if (expect != "") {
if ("OK" == class && expect != class) {
# unexpected success
class = "XPASS"
value = "XPASS<br>(X" expect ")"
detail = "unexpected success"
else if ("OK" != class) {
# expected status doesn't match
++xmatchcounts [section, FILENAME]
value = value "<br>" expect
else if (0 < compstatus && compstatus < 256) {
# non-zero exit status
class = "EXIT"
value = compstatus
if (expect != "") {
if (expect == value) {
# actual exit status matches the expected status
++xfailcounts [section, FILENAME]
class = "X" class
else {
++xmatchcounts [section, FILENAME]
value = value "<br>(X" expect ")"
detail = "expected failure doesn't match actual status"
else if ( "COMP" == compstatus \
|| "DIFF" == compstatus \
|| "FORMAT" == compstatus \
|| "LINK" == compstatus \
|| "NOUT" == compstatus \
|| "OUTPUT" == compstatus) {
# DIFF unexpected (example) output
# FORMAT unexpected (test) output format
# NOUT no (test) output
# OUTPUT no (example) master output file
class = compstatus
if (expect != "") {
if (expect == class) {
# actual status matches expected status
++xfailcounts [section, FILENAME]
class = "X" class
else {
# actual status doesn't match expected status
++xmatchcounts [section, FILENAME]
value = class "<br>(X" expect ")"
detail = "expected failure doesn't match actual status"
else {
# signal
class = "SIGNAL"
value = compstatus
if (expect != "") {
if (expect == value) {
# received signal matches the expected signal
++xfailcounts [section, FILENAME]
# prepend "X" to the class/value to indicate that
# the signal was expected
class = "X" class
value = "X" value
else {
# received signal doesn't match expected status
++xmatchcounts [section, FILENAME]
value = value "<br>(X" expect ")"
detail = "expected failure doesn't match actual status"
compstatus = class ":" value ":" detail
compstatuses [section, FILENAME, compname] = compstatus
# locale section
1 == section && 1 == start {
# test section
2 == section && 1 == start {
# example section
3 == section && 1 == start {
# functions
function get_date(fulldate)
n = split(fulldate, fields)
if (2 == n) {
# assume Windows 'date /T' format (i.e., "AbWeekDay MM/DD/YYYY")
date = fields [2]
split(date, fields, "/")
date = (0 + fields [1]) "/" (0 + fields [2])
else if (2 < n) {
# assume POSIX standard 'date' format in the "C" locale
# i.e., "AbWeekDay AbMon D HH:MM:SS $TZ YYYY"
month = fields [2]
mday = fields [3]
date = monthnames [month] "/" mday
date = "N/A"
return date
function get_time(fulldate)
split(fulldate, fields)
return fields [4]
# extracts operating system name and version from the log file name
function get_osname(fname)
# strip directory prefix from filename
pos = match(fname, ".*/")
if (0 < pos)
fname = substr(fname, RLENGTH + 1)
# strip anything after the first dash
pos = match(fname, "-")
if (0 == pos)
return ""
osname = substr(fname, 1, pos - 1)
# TO DO: extract version here
return osname
# extracts the build type from the log file name
function get_buildtype(fname)
# look for the beginning of the buildtype component followed
# by the (Subversion) revision number
pos = match(fname, "-(8|11|12|15)[aAdDsS]-[1-9][0-9]*-log")
# is not found, try looking for the buildtype followed by
# the name of the threads library and only then followed
# by the (Subversion) revision number
if (0 == pos)
pos = match(fname,
buildtype = substr(fname, pos + 1)
pos = index(buildtype, "-")
buildtype = substr(buildtype, 1, pos - 1)
return buildtype
function get_dispname(section, compname)
dir = ""
if (1 == section) {
# compose a URL pointing to the character set description
# file and the locale defintion file in the repository
pos = index(compname, ".")
if (0 < pos) {
locale = substr(compname, 1, pos - 1)
codeset = substr(compname, pos + 1);
url = svnpath "/etc/nls/src/" locale "?view=markup"
dispname = "<a href=\"" url "\">" locale "</a>"
url = svnpath "/etc/nls/charmaps/" codeset "?view=markup"
dispname = dispname ".<a href=\"" url "\">" codeset "</a>"
else {
dispname = compname
else if (2 == section) {
dir = "tests"
if (match(compname, "\\.stdcxx-"))
dir = dir "/regress"
else if (match(compname, "^0\\."))
dir = dir "/self"
else if (match(compname, "^17\\."))
dir = dir "/intro"
else if (match(compname, "^18\\."))
dir = dir "/support"
else if (match(compname, "^19\\."))
dir = dir "/diagnostics"
else if (match(compname, "^20\\."))
dir = dir "/utilities"
else if (match(compname, "^21\\."))
dir = dir "/strings"
else if (match(compname, "^22\\."))
dir = dir "/localization"
else if (match(compname, "^23\\."))
dir = dir "/containers"
else if (match(compname, "^24\\."))
dir = dir "/iterators"
else if (match(compname, "^25\\."))
dir = dir "/algorithm"
else if (match(compname, "^26\\."))
dir = dir "/numerics"
else if (match(compname, "^27\\."))
dir = dir "/iostream"
else if (match(compname, "^d_"))
; # dir = dir "/depr"
dir = ""
if (dir != "") {
dispname = "<a href=\"" svnpath "/" dir "/" compname
dispname = dispname ".cpp?view=markup\">"
dispname = dispname compname "</a>"
else {
dispname = compname
else {
dispname = compname
return dispname
# prints a row of columns for the given section and component
function print_component(section, compname)
# increment for each component, regardless of whether it gets
# included in the output or not
row = ""
# the number of failures and warning states of the current
# component across all logs to decide whether to include
# the component in the output or not
nfailures = 0
nwarnings = 0
# maximum number of assertions exercised by the current
# test across all logs
maxasserts = 0
# the number of columns to span the same class/value
repeat = 1
last_class = ""
last_value = ""
last_title = ""
# iterate over all log files
for (i = 1; i <= logcount; ++i) {
# only process the specified section
# if (section != substr(fi, 1, 1))
# continue
# extract the name of the log file from the key
# fname = substr(fi, 3)
fname = logfnames [i]
# check to see if the component was found in the current
# log file being careful not to add a new entry to the
# array
if ((section, fname, compname) in compstatuses) {
# component found
status = compstatuses [section, fname, compname]
n = split(status, triple, ":")
class = triple [1]
value = "" == triple [2] ? class : triple [2]
title = triple [3]
if ("ASSERT" == class) {
if (0 < value) {
title = "failed " value " out of " \
triple [3] " assertions"
title = ""
if (maxasserts < triple [3])
maxasserts = triple [3]
else {
# component missing from log file
class = "MISS"
title = "not tested"
value = "N/A"
if (class in failclasses) {
++logcompfails [fname]
else if (class != "OK" && class != "MISS") {
++logcompwarns [fname]
if ("" == last_class) {
last_class = class
last_title = title
last_value = value
else if ( last_class == class \
&& last_value == value \
&& last_title == title) {
else {
row = row " <td class=\"" last_class "\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
coltext = "columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1
else {
coltext = "column " i - 1
if (last_title == "")
last_title = coltext
last_title = coltext ":" last_title
row = row " title=\"" last_title "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
repeat = 1
last_class = class
last_title = title
last_value = value
++statuscnts [fname, class]
row = row " <td class=\"" last_class "\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
coltext = "columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1
else {
coltext = "column " i - 1
if (last_title == "")
last_title = coltext
last_title = coltext ": " last_title
row = row " title=\"" last_title "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>"
repeat = 0
if (0 < nfailures || nwarnings) {
# increment only for components included in the output
dispname = get_dispname(section, compname)
print " <tr>"
print " <td class=\"header\">" compinx "</td>"
print " <td class=\"name\">" dispname "</td>"
if (2 == section)
print " <td class=\"total\">" maxasserts "</td>"
print row
print " </tr>"
return 1
return 0
# prints a table for each of the three sections (examples, locales,
# and tests)
function print_section(section)
# the name of this section ("example", "locale", or "test")
sectname = sectnames [section]
if (0 == sectmaxcompcnts [section]) {
print " <a name=\"" sectname "s\"></a>"
print " <h2>No " sectname "s found in " logcount " logs</h2>"
# create the table header roughly in the following format:
# | ### | component | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ... | 16 |
# | | name | 8d | 8D | 8s | 8S | 11d | 11D | ... | 15S |
# | | | date | date | ... | date|
thead = " <thead>\n"
thead = thead " <tr class=\"header\">\n"
thead = thead " <td rowspan=3 title=\"" \
sectname " number\">###</td>\n"
thead = thead " <td rowspan=3 title=\"" \
sectname " name\">"
thead = thead sectname " name</td>\n"
if (2 == section) {
# for tests only, insert a column at offset 2 with the maximum
# number of assertions found in the test on the given row across
# all build logs
thead = thead " <td rowspan=3 "
thead = thead "title=\"maximum total assertions\">"
thead = thead "max<br>asserts</td>\n"
row0 = ""
row1 = " <tr class=\"header\">\n"
row2 = " <tr class=\"header\">\n"
colnos = ""
lastdate = "" # date (M/d) of the last log
lastfull = "" # full date and time of the last log
datespan = 0 # number of same consecutive dates
# iterate over the array of section counts for each log file
# and compose the column headers for each log
for (i = 1; i <= logcount; ++i) {
logname = logfnames [i]
# strip directory prefix from file name
loghref = get_gzlogfname(logname)
colnos = colnos " <td title=\"" loghref "\">"
colnos = colnos "<a href=\"" loghref "\">" i "</a></td>"
buildtype = get_buildtype(logname)
buildmode = buildmodes [buildtype]
row1 = row1 " <td title=\"" buildmode "\">" buildtype "</td>\n"
if (logname in logdates) {
# parse the date and time from the date extracted
# from the log
fulldate = logdates [logname]
date = get_date(fulldate)
time = get_time(fulldate)
else {
# date not available
fulldate = "unknown date"
date = "N/A"
if (0 == datespan) {
# first iteration
lastdate = date
lastfull = fulldate
datespan = 1
else if (date == lastdate) {
# increment the span of the last seen date
else {
row2 = row2 " <td"
# append the full date as a tooltip only for a date
# for a single log, otherwise the timestamps are most
# likely different for each log
if (1 < datespan)
row2 = row2 " colspan=" datespan ">" lastdate "</td>\n"
row2 = row2 " title=\"" lastfull "\">" lastdate "</td>\n"
lastdate = date
lastfull = fulldate
datespan = 1
# append the date of last set of logs
row2 = row2 " <td"
# as above, append the full date as a tooltip only for a date
# for a single log, otherwise the timestamps are most likely
# different for each log
if (1 < datespan)
row2 = row2 " colspan=" datespan ">" lastdate "</td>\n"
row2 = row2 " title=\"" lastfull "\">" lastdate "</td>\n"
row0 = row0 colnos "\n </tr>\n"
row1 = row1 " </tr>\n"
row2 = row2 " </tr>\n"
thead = thead row0 row1 row2 " </thead>"
print " <a name=\"" sectname "s\"></a>"
print " <h2>Results of " sectmaxcompcnts [section] " " \
sectname "s from " logcount " logs</h2>"
print " <table>"
print thead
print " <tbody>"
# reset the arrays
split("", logcompwarns)
split("", logcompfails)
split("", statuscnts)
# iterate over elements of the compcnts array using the section
# number and the name of the comoponent as the key (index)
if (2 == section)
colspan = " colspan=2"
colspan = ""
# one-based component index (of all found)
# not every component makes it into the table
compinx = 0
# one-based row index (of all rows printed)
rowinx = 1
# split the list of components in the current section into an array
# (the list of component names is in the same order as in the log)
compcount = split(sectcomponents [section], components, " ")
# iterate over the array
for (ci = 1; ci <= compcount; ++ci) {
compname = components [ci]
# determine whether the current component should be included
# in output or not and if so, print it out
printed = print_component(section, compname)
if (printed && (rowinx % 20) == 0) {
print " <tr class=\"header\">"
print " <td></td>"
print " <td " colspan ">column number and log</td>"
print colnos
print " </tr>"
print " </tbody>"
# print totals in the table footer
print " <tfooter>"
### print column headers again
print " <tr class=\"header\">"
print " <td></td>"
print " <td " colspan ">column number and log</td>"
print colnos
print " </tr>"
### print totals for each interesting status (class)
print " <tr class=\"header\">"
print " <td></td>"
print " <td" colspan ">status</td>"
print " <td colspan=" logcount ">totals for status</td>"
print " </tr>"
for (si in states) {
row = " <tr>\n"
row = row " <td class=\"header\"></td>\n"
row = row " <td class=\"" si "\"" colspan ">" si "</td>\n"
nfails = 0
# the number of times the same value consecutively repeats
repeat = 1
last_value = "?"
for (i = 1; i <= logcount; ++i) {
fname = logfnames [i]
if ((fname, si) in statuscnts) {
value = statuscnts [fname, si]
value = ""
if ("?" == last_value)
last_value = value
else if (value == last_value)
else {
row = row " <td class=\"total\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
row = row " title=\"columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1 "\""
else {
row = row " title=\"column " i - 1 "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
last_value = value
repeat = 1
if (0 < nfails) {
row = row " <td class=\"total\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
row = row " title=\"columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1 "\""
else {
row = row " title=\"column " i - 1 "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
print row " </tr>"
# print number of expected failures
row = ""
nfails = 0
# the number of times the same value consecutively repeats
repeat = 1
last_value = "?"
for (i = 1; i <= logcount; ++i) {
fname = logfnames [i]
if ((section, fname) in xfailcounts) {
value = xfailcounts [section, fname]
value = ""
if ("?" == last_value)
last_value = value
else if (value == last_value)
else {
row = row " <td class=\"total\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
row = row " title=\"columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1 "\""
else {
row = row " title=\"column " i - 1 "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
last_value = value
repeat = 1
if (0 < nfails) {
row = row " <td class=\"total\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
row = row " title=\"columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1 "\""
else {
row = row " title=\"column " i - 1 "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
print " <tr>"
print " <td class=\"header\"></td>"
print " <td class=\"header\" title=\"number " \
"of expected failures\"" colspan ">expected failures</td>"
print row " </tr>"
# print expected/unexpected mismatches
row = ""
nfails = 0
# the number of times the same value consecutively repeats
repeat = 1
last_value = "?"
for (i = 1; i <= logcount; ++i) {
fname = logfnames [i]
if ((section, fname) in xmatchcounts) {
value = xmatchcounts [section, fname]
value = ""
if ("?" == last_value)
last_value = value
else if (value == last_value)
else {
row = row " <td class=\"total\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
row = row " title=\"columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1 "\""
else {
row = row " title=\"column " i - 1 "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
last_value = value
repeat = 1
if (0 < nfails) {
row = row " <td class=\"total\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
row = row " title=\"columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1 "\""
else {
row = row " title=\"column " i - 1 "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
print " <tr>"
print " <td class=\"header\"></td>"
print " <td class=\"header\" title=\"number " \
"of mismatches between expected and actual statuses\"" colspan \
">expected/actual mismatches</td>"
print row " </tr>"
# print total number of failures
row = ""
nfails = 0
# the number of times the same value consecutively repeats
repeat = 1
last_value = "?"
for (i = 1; i <= logcount; ++i) {
fname = logfnames [i]
if (fname in logcompfails) {
value = logcompfails [fname]
value = ""
if ("?" == last_value)
last_value = value
else if (value == last_value)
else {
row = row " <td class=\"total\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
row = row " title=\"columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1 "\""
else {
row = row " title=\"column " i - 1 "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
last_value = value
repeat = 1
if (0 < nfails) {
row = row " <td class=\"total\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
row = row " title=\"columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1 "\""
else {
row = row " title=\"column " i - 1 "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
print " <tr>"
print " <td class=\"header\"></td>"
print " <td class=\"header\" title=\"total number " \
"of failed " sectname "s\"" colspan ">failures</td>"
print row " </tr>"
# print total number of components exercised
row = ""
nfails = 0
# the number of times the same value consecutively repeats
repeat = 1
last_value = "?"
for (i = 1; i <= logcount; ++i) {
fname = logfnames [i]
if ((section, fname) in logcompcnts) {
value = logcompcnts [section, fname]
value = ""
if ("?" == last_value)
last_value = value
else if (value == last_value)
else {
row = row " <td class=\"total\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
row = row " title=\"columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1 "\""
else {
row = row " title=\"column " i - 1 "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
last_value = value
repeat = 1
if (0 < nfails) {
row = row " <td class=\"total\""
if (1 < repeat) {
row = row " colspan=" repeat
row = row " title=\"columns " i - repeat " to " i - 1 "\""
else {
row = row " title=\"column " i - 1 "\""
row = row ">" last_value "</td>\n"
print " <tr>"
print " <td class=\"header\"></td>"
print " <td class=\"header\" title=\"total number of " \
sectname "s exercised\"" colspan ">total</td>"
print row " </tr>"
print " </tfooter>"
print " </table>"
function format_size(size)
if (1000000000 <= size)
return size / 1073741824.0 " GB"
if (1000000 <= size)
return size / 1048576.0 " MB "
if (1000 <= size)
return size / 1024 " kB"
if (0 < size)
return size " B"
return size
function get_gzlogfname(fname)
# strip directory prefix from file name
pos = match(fname, ".*/")
if (0 < pos)
fref = substr(fname, RLENGTH + 1)
fref = fname
# replace the temporary PID suffix with ".gz"
pos = match(fref, "\\.[1-9][0-9]*$")
if (0 < pos)
fref = substr(fref, 1, pos - 1)
# replace the trailing .txt suffix with .gz.txt
sub("\\.txt$", ".gz.txt", fref)
return "logs/" fref
function print_logtable()
thead = \
" <thead>\n" \
" <tr>\n" \
" <th rowspan=3 title=\"column number and log\">" \
"log</th>\n" \
" <th rowspan=3>operating<br>system</th>\n" \
" <th rowspan=3 title=\"hardware architecture\">" \
"arch</th>\n" \
" <th rowspan=3>compiler</th>\n" \
" <th rowspan=3>build<br>type</th>\n" \
" <th rowspan=3>start date and time</th>\n" \
" <th rowspan=3 title=\"build age at the time " \
"of this report\">" \
"age</th>\n" \
" <th rowspan=3>revision</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=5>sizes</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=3>diagnostics</th>\n" \
" <!-- <th colspan=6>components</th> -->\n" \
" </tr>\n" \
" <tr>\n" \
" <th rowspan=2 title=\"size of the library binary\">" \
"library</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=2>log</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=2>build</th>\n" \
" <th rowspan=2 title=\"number of error messages\">" \
"errors</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=2 title=\"number of warning messages\">" \
"warnings</th>\n" \
" <!-- <th colspan=2>examples</th> -->\n" \
" <!-- <th colspan=2>locales</th> -->\n" \
" <!-- <th colspan=2>tests</th> -->\n" \
" </tr>\n" \
" <tr>\n" \
" <th title=\"size of gzipped log\">gzip</th>\n" \
" <th title=\"size of expanded log\">text</th>\n" \
" <th title=\"size of full build\">full</th>\n" \
" <th title=\"size of clean build\">clean</th>\n" \
" <th title=\"library\">lib</th>\n" \
" <th title=\"other components\">other</th>\n" \
" <!-- <th title=\"number of examples exercised\">" \
"total</th> -->\n" \
" <!-- <th title=\"number of examples failed\">" \
"failed</th> -->\n" \
" <!-- <th title=\"number of locales exercised\">" \
"total</th> -->\n" \
" <!-- <th title=\"number of locales failed\">" \
"failed</th> -->\n" \
" <!-- <th title=\"number of tests exercised\">" \
"total</th> -->\n" \
" <!-- <th title=\"number of tests failed\">" \
"failed</th> -->\n" \
" </tr>\n" \
" </thead>"
print " <h2>Logs and Columns</h2>"
print " <table>"
print thead
print " <tbody>"
for (i = 1; i <= logcount; ++i) {
fname = logfnames [i]
n = split(logos [fname], platfields, FSEP)
osname = platfields [1]
osdesc = platfields [2]
arch = platfields [3]
archdesc = platfields [4]
cxxname = platfields [5]
cxxdesc = platfields [6]
if (fname in buildstatus)
print " <tr class=\"" buildstatus [fname] "\">"
print " <tr>"
# strip directory prefix from file name
loghref = get_gzlogfname(fname)
print " <td><a href=\"" loghref "\">" i "</a></td>"
# extract and format the operating system name and version
oscell = "<td"
if ("" == osdesc) {
# extract osname from log filename
osname = get_osname(fname)
else {
oscell = oscell " title=\"" osdesc "\""
oscell = oscell ">" osname"</td>"
# extract and format the hardware architecture
archcell = "<td"
if ("" != archdesc)
archcell = archcell " title=\"" archdesc "\""
archcell = archcell ">" arch "</td>"
# extract and format the compiler and version
cxxcell = "<td"
if ("" != cxxdesc)
cxxcell = cxxcell " title=\"" cxxdesc "\""
cxxcell = cxxcell ">" cxxname "</td>"
print " " oscell
print " " archcell
print " " cxxcell
# extract build type from log file name
buildtype = get_buildtype(fname)
buildmode = buildmodes [buildtype]
print " <td>" buildtype "</td>"
print " <td>" logdates [fname] "</td>"
# compute and format the age of the build
duration = "duration -f \"" logdates [fname] \
"\" \"" todays_date "\""
duration | getline fullage
pos = index(fullage, ", ")
buildage = substr(fullage, 1, pos - 1)
print " <td title=\"" fullage "\">" buildage "</td>"
pos = match(fname, "-[1-9][0-9]*-log")
buildrev = substr(fname, pos + 1, RLENGTH - 5)
# format a ViewVC URL to the revision number/log
revurl = "" buildrev
print " <td><a href=\"" revurl "\">" buildrev "</a></td>"
# library size
fullsize = fname in libsizes ? libsizes [fname] : ""
size = format_size(libsizes [fname])
print " <td title=\"" fullsize " bytes\">" size "</td>"
print " <td>" gzlogsize "</td>"
# format the size of the expanded log file
cmd = "du -k " fname
cmd | getline
fullsize = $1
size = format_size(fullsize * 1024)
print " <td title=\"" fullsize " kb\">" size "</td>"
# compute the full build size
fullsize = fname in buildsizes ? buildsizes [fname] : ""
size = format_size(fullsize * 1024)
print " <td title=\"" fullsize " kB\">" size "</td>"
# format the build size after the clean target has been run
fullsize = fname in cleansizes ? cleansizes [fname] : ""
size = format_size(fullsize * 1024)
print " <td title=\"" fullsize " kB\">" size "</td>"
print " <td>" logerrors [fname] "</td>"
print " <td>" libwarnings [fname] "</td>"
print " <td>" logwarnings [fname] "</td>"
print " </tr>"
print " </tbody>"
print " <tfooter>"
print " </tfooter>"
print " </table>"
# reformat time string argument in the original format of "NmN.NNNs"
# (i.e., as produced by the times shell utility), as "M:SS" rounding
# fractional seconds as necessary
function format_time(timestr)
pos = index(timestr, "m")
mins = substr(timestr, 1, pos - 1)
secs = substr(timestr, pos + 1)
secs = substr(secs, 1, length(secs) - 1)
timestr = mins ":"
if (int(secs) < 10)
timestr = timestr "0"
timestr = timestr int(secs)
return timestr
function print_timingstable()
thead = \
"<table>\n" \
" <thead>\n" \
" <tr>\n" \
" <th rowspan=3 title=\"column number and log\">" \
"log</th>\n" \
" <th rowspan=3>build<br>type</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=21>build and run times (M:SS)</th>\n" \
" </tr>\n" \
" <tr>\n" \
" <th colspan=3 title=\"library configuration times\">" \
"config</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=3 title=\"library build times\">" \
"library</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=3 title=\"build times for all examples\">" \
"examples</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=3 title=\"build times for all utilities\">" \
"utilities</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=3 title=\"build times for all tests\">" \
"tests</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=3 title=\"run times for all components\">" \
"run times</th>\n" \
" <th colspan=3 title=\"total build and run times\">" \
"<b>total</b></th>\n" \
" </tr>\n" \
" <tr>\n" \
" <th>real</th>\n" \
" <th>user</th>\n" \
" <th>sys</th>\n" \
" <th>real</th>\n" \
" <th>user</th>\n" \
" <th>sys</th>\n" \
" <th>real</th>\n" \
" <th>user</th>\n" \
" <th>sys</th>\n" \
" <th>real</th>\n" \
" <th>user</th>\n" \
" <th>sys</th>\n" \
" <th>real</th>\n" \
" <th>user</th>\n" \
" <th>sys</th>\n" \
" <th>real</th>\n" \
" <th>user</th>\n" \
" <th>sys</th>\n" \
" <th>real</th>\n" \
" <th>user</th>\n" \
" <th>sys</th>\n" \
" </tr>\n" \
" </thead>\n"
print " <h2>Timings</h2>"
print " <table>"
print thead
print " <tbody>"
for (i = 1; i <= logcount; ++i) {
fname = logfnames [i]
if (fname in buildstatus)
print " <tr class=\"" buildstatus [fname] "\">"
print " <tr>"
# strip directory prefix from file name
loghref = get_gzlogfname(fname)
print " <td><a href=\"" loghref "\">" i "</a></td>"
buildtype = get_buildtype(fname)
print " <td>" buildtype "</td>"
timecells = ""
for (j = 1; j in buildstages; ++j) {
stage = buildstages [j];
if ((fname, stage) in logstagetimes) {
# format real, user, and system times for the stage
timestr = logstagetimes [fname, stage]
split(timestr, atimes, FSEP)
realtim = format_time(atimes [1])
usrtim = format_time(atimes [2])
systim = format_time(atimes [3])
# highlight total times in bold
if ("total" == stage) {
pfx = "<b>"
sfx = "</b>"
else {
pfx = ""
sfx = ""
timecells = timecells "<td>" pfx realtim sfx "</td>"
timecells = timecells "<td>" pfx usrtim sfx "</td>"
timecells = timecells "<td>" pfx systim sfx "</td>"
else {
timecells = timecells "<td></td><td></td><td></td>"
print timecells "</tr>"
print " </tbody>"
print " <tfooter>"
print " </tfooter>"
print " </table>"
if (0 == bodyonly) {
print "<html>"
print " <head>"
print " <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"resultstyle.css\">"
print " </head>"
print " <body>"
for (section = 1; section <= 3; ++section)
if (0 == bodyonly) {
print " </body>"
print "</html>"