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* 23.vector.cons.cpp - test exercising [lib.vector.cons]
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <memory> // for placement operator new()
#include <vector> // for vector
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <alg_test.h>
#include <rw_value.h> // for UserClass
#include <driver.h>
#include <rw_new.h>
static unsigned rw_opt_nloops;
static int rw_opt_no_int_spec;
static int rw_opt_no_short_spec;
static int rw_opt_no_types;
static int rw_opt_no_signatures;
static int rw_opt_no_ctors;
template <class RandomAccessIterator,
class T,
class Reference,
class Pointer,
class Difference>
struct test_iterator
test_iterator ();
// outlined to prevent gcc -Winline warnings
template <class RandomAccessIterator,
class T,
class Reference,
class Pointer,
class Difference>
test_iterator<RandomAccessIterator, T, Reference, Pointer, Difference>::
test_iterator ()
static int i; // zeroed out
if (++i) // prevent "unreachable code" warnings
return; // compile only
// exercise RandomAccessIterator requirements
RandomAccessIterator it = RandomAccessIterator ();
RandomAccessIterator it_cpy (it);
Difference d (it - it);
RandomAccessIterator &it_ref1 = ++it;
const RandomAccessIterator &it_ref2 = it++;
RandomAccessIterator &it_ref3 = --it;
const RandomAccessIterator &it_ref4 = it--;
RandomAccessIterator &it_ref5 = it += 1;
it_cpy = it + d;
it_cpy = d + it;
RandomAccessIterator &it_ref6 = it -= 1;
it_cpy = it - d;
T t (it [d]);
Reference ref1 (*it);
Reference ref2 (*it++);
bool b (it == it);
b = it != it;
b = it > it;
b = it >= it;
b = it <= it;
_RWSTD_UNUSED (it_cpy);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (it_ref1);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (it_ref2);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (it_ref3);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (it_ref4);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (it_ref5);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (it_ref6);
// verify that nested types are properly defined
template <class Vector, class T, class Allocator>
void test_types (Vector*, T*, Allocator)
#define TEST_TYPE(T, vectorT) { \
T *t = (typename Vector::vectorT*)0; \
#define TEST_REFERENCE(T, vectorT) { \
typename Vector::value_type v; \
T t = v; \
// verify nested types
TEST_TYPE (T, value_type);
TEST_TYPE (Allocator, allocator_type);
TEST_TYPE (typename Allocator::pointer, pointer);
TEST_TYPE (typename Allocator::const_pointer, const_pointer);
typedef std::reverse_iterator<typename Vector::iterator>
typedef std::reverse_iterator<typename Vector::const_iterator>
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_CLASS_PARTIAL_SPEC)
typedef std::reverse_iterator<typename Vector::iterator,
std::random_access_iterator_tag, T /*non-const T&, non-const T* */>
typedef std::reverse_iterator<typename Vector::const_iterator,
std::random_access_iterator_tag, T, const T&, const T*>
TEST_TYPE (ReverseIterator, reverse_iterator);
TEST_TYPE (ConstReverseIterator, const_reverse_iterator);
test_iterator<typename Vector::iterator, T, T&, T*, std::ptrdiff_t>
ti; // exercise iterator requirements
test_iterator<typename Vector::const_iterator, T, const T&, const T*,
tci; // exercise iterator requirements
test_iterator<ReverseIterator, T, T&, T*, std::ptrdiff_t>
tri; // exercise iterator requirements
test_iterator<ConstReverseIterator, T, const T&, const T*, std::ptrdiff_t>
tcri; // exercise iterator requirements
// special treatment
TEST_REFERENCE (typename Allocator::reference, reference);
TEST_REFERENCE (typename Allocator::const_reference, const_reference);
// verify that member functions are properly defined
template <class Vector, class T, class Allocator>
void test_signatures (Vector*, T*, Allocator)
// verify that a member function is accessible and has the appropriate
// signature, including return type and exception specification
#define MEMFUN(result, name, arg_list) do { \
result (Vector::*pf) arg_list = &Vector::name; \
} while (0)
MEMFUN (Vector&, operator=, (const Vector&));
// helpers to work around a SunPro 5.3 bug (see PR #25972)
typedef typename Vector::size_type SizeType;
typedef typename Vector::value_type ValueType;
typedef typename Vector::iterator Iterator;
// verify signatures of iterator accessors
MEMFUN (typename Vector::iterator, begin, ());
MEMFUN (typename Vector::const_iterator, begin, () const);
MEMFUN (typename Vector::iterator, end, ());
MEMFUN (typename Vector::const_iterator, end, () const);
// verify signatures of reverse iterator accessors
MEMFUN (typename Vector::reverse_iterator, rbegin, ());
MEMFUN (typename Vector::const_reverse_iterator, rbegin, () const);
MEMFUN (typename Vector::reverse_iterator, rend, ());
MEMFUN (typename Vector::const_reverse_iterator, rend, () const);
// verify signatures of capacity accessors
MEMFUN (SizeType, size, () const);
MEMFUN (SizeType, max_size, () const);
MEMFUN (void, resize, (SizeType, ValueType));
MEMFUN (SizeType, capacity, () const);
MEMFUN (bool, empty, () const);
MEMFUN (void, reserve, (SizeType));
// verify signature of the element access functions
MEMFUN (const T&, operator[], (SizeType) const);
MEMFUN (T&, operator[], (SizeType));
MEMFUN (const T&, at, (SizeType) const);
MEMFUN (T&, at, (SizeType));
MEMFUN (const T&, front, () const);
MEMFUN (T&, front, ());
MEMFUN (const T&, back, () const);
MEMFUN (T&, back, ());
// verify signatures of modifiers
MEMFUN (void, push_back, (const T&));
MEMFUN (void, pop_back, ());
MEMFUN (Iterator, insert, (Iterator, const T&));
MEMFUN (void, insert, (Iterator, SizeType, const T&));
&& (!defined (_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1300)
// member function template insert
MEMFUN (void, insert, (Iterator, InputIter<T>, InputIter<T>));
MEMFUN (Iterator, erase, (Iterator));
MEMFUN (Iterator, erase, (Iterator, Iterator));
MEMFUN (void, swap, (Vector&));
MEMFUN (void, clear, ());
#if !defined (_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER > 1300
#define FUN(result, name, arg_list) do { \
result (*pf) arg_list = &name; \
} while (0)
// verify signatures of non-member functions
FUN (bool, std::operator==, (const Vector&, const Vector&));
FUN (bool, std::operator<, (const Vector&, const Vector&));
FUN (bool, std::operator!=, (const Vector&, const Vector&));
FUN (bool, std::operator>, (const Vector&, const Vector&));
FUN (bool, std::operator>=, (const Vector&, const Vector&));
FUN (bool, std::operator<=, (const Vector&, const Vector&));
FUN (void, std::swap, (Vector&, Vector&));
#else // MSVC <= 7.0
// working around a bug in MSVC 7 and prior (see PR #26625)
if (0 /* compile only */) {
Vector *pv = 0;
const Vector *pcv = 0;
bool b;
b = std::operator== (*pcv, *pcv);
b = std::operator< (*pcv, *pcv);
b = std::operator!= (*pcv, *pcv);
b = std::operator> (*pcv, *pcv);
b = std::operator>= (*pcv, *pcv);
b = std::operator<= (*pcv, *pcv);
std::swap (*pv, *pv);
#endif // MSVC <= 7.0
// exercise [lib.vector.cons] and vector<>::operator=()
// focus on the correct construction and destruction of values
void test_ctors ()
typedef std::vector<UserClass, std::allocator<UserClass> > Vector;
if (1) {
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"std::vector<UserClass>::vector(size_type, "
"const_reference, const allocator_type&)");
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::vector<UserClass>::vector(const vector&)");
// reset function call counters
UserClass::reset_totals ();
// total number of objects of type UserClass in existence
const std::size_t x_count = UserClass::count_;
for (Vector::size_type i = 0; i != rw_opt_nloops; ++i) {
rw_assert (UserClass::count_ == x_count, 0, __LINE__,
"vector<UserClass>::vector(size_type, const_reference); "
"leaked %zu objects of value_type",
UserClass::count_ - x_count);
// reset function call counters
UserClass::reset_totals ();
const UserClass val;
// initialize a vector with `i' copies of `val'
const Vector v0 (i, val);
rw_assert ( i == v0.size ()
&& v0.begin () + i == v0.end ()
&& v0.rbegin () + i == v0.rend (),
0, __LINE__,
"vector<UserClass>::vector(size_type, const_reference)");
// verify that the vector ctor calls only copy ctor
// of UserClass and anly the given number of times each
rw_assert (UserClass::is_total (i + 1, 1, i, 0, 0, 0), 0, __LINE__,
"vector<UserClass>::vector(size_type, const_reference); "
"called default/copy ctor and operator=() %zu, %zu, "
"and %zu times, respectively, 0, %zu, 0 expected",
UserClass::n_total_def_ctor_ - 1,
UserClass::n_total_op_assign_, i);
// create a copy
Vector v1 (v0);
rw_assert ( i == v1.size ()
&& v1.begin () + i == v1.end ()
&& v1.rbegin () + i == v1.rend (),
0, __LINE__,
"vector<UserClass>::vector(const vector&)");
// verify that the vector copy ctor calls only copy ctor
// of UserClass and anly the given number of times each
rw_assert (UserClass::is_total (2 * i + 1, 1, 2 * i, 0, 0, 0),
0, __LINE__,
"vector<UserClass>::vector(size_type, const_reference); "
"called default/copy ctor and operator=() %zu, %zu, "
"and %zu times, respectively, 0, %zu, 0 expected",
UserClass::n_total_def_ctor_ - 1,
UserClass::n_total_op_assign_, i);
// exercise vector<>operator=(const vector&)
Vector v2 (i, val);
for (Vector::size_type j = 0; j != rw_opt_nloops; ++j) {
Vector v3 (j, val);
// assign a vector (of a possibly unequal size)
v3 = v2;
rw_assert (v3.size () == v2.size (), 0, __LINE__,
"%zu. vector<UserClass>::operator=(const vector&)",
rw_assert (v3 == v2, 0, __LINE__,
"%zu. vector<UserClass>::operator=(const vector&)",
// exercise vector exception safety
bool thrown = false;
// create a suitably aligned buffer in which to construct
// the vector object
union {
void *pad;
char buf [sizeof (Vector)];
} buf = { 0 };
std::size_t x_count_save = UserClass::count_;
try {
// have UserClass copy ctor throw an exception during
// the copying of the last value
UserClass::copy_ctor_throw_count_ =
UserClass::n_total_copy_ctor_ + i;
// create a vector object, throw an exception
// expect vector ctor to destroy any values
// constructed prior to throwing the exception
// and to free all already allocated memory
// use placement new to prevent vector destruction
// at scope exit (the object should be destroyed
// during stack unwinding instead)
Vector *p = new (&buf.buf) Vector (i, val);
// destroy explicitly if ctor doesn't propagate exception
#if !defined (__HP_aCC) || _RWSTD_HP_aCC_MINOR > 3800
p->~Vector ();
// work around aCC bug (see PR #25356)
p->~vector ();
#endif // HP aCC
catch (...) {
thrown = true;
// no exception thrown if (i == 0), no elements constructed
rw_assert (i == 0 || thrown, 0, __LINE__,
"logic error: failed to throw");
rw_assert (x_count_save == UserClass::count_, 0, __LINE__,
"vector<UserClass>::vector(size_type, const_reference) "
"leaked %zu value(s) of %zu after an exception",
UserClass::count_ - x_count_save, i);
// exercise vector<>::vector(const vector&)
thrown = false;
x_count_save = UserClass::count_;
try {
// have UserClass copy ctor throw an exception during
// the copying of the last value
UserClass::copy_ctor_throw_count_ =
UserClass::n_total_copy_ctor_ + i;
// use placement new to prevent vector destruction
// at scope exit (the object should be destroyed
// during stack unwinding instead)
Vector *p = new (&buf) Vector (v1);
// destroy explicitly if ctor doesn't propagate exception
#if !defined (__HP_aCC) || _RWSTD_HP_aCC_MINOR > 3800
p->~Vector ();
// work around aCC bug (see PR #25356)
p->~vector ();
#endif // HP aCC
catch (...) {
// vector should have been destroyed
thrown = true;
// no exception thrown if (i == 0), no elements constructed
rw_assert(i == 0 || thrown, 0, __LINE__,
"logic error: failed to throw");
rw_assert (x_count_save == UserClass::count_, 0, __LINE__,
"vector<UserClass>::vector(const vector&) leaked "
"%zu value(s) of %zu after an exception",
UserClass::count_ - x_count_save, i);
// disable exceptions
UserClass::copy_ctor_throw_count_ = std::size_t (-1);
// remember v1's size and capacity
const Vector::size_type v1_size = v1.size ();
const Vector::size_type v1_cap = v1.capacity ();
// create and initialize vector with some values
// make sure v3's capacity is greater than that of v1
// (otherwise the assignment isn't exception safe since
// it simply overwrites existing values for efficiency)
const Vector v3 (v1_cap * 2, val);
// exrecise vector<>::operator=(const vector&)
thrown = false;
x_count_save = UserClass::count_;
try {
// have UserClass copy ctor throw an exception during
// the copying of the last value
UserClass::copy_ctor_throw_count_ =
UserClass::n_total_copy_ctor_ + v3.size ();
// assign over the existing elements, the last copy ctor or
// operator=() throws, destroying all values assigned so far
v1 = v3;
catch (...) {
// original vector must remain unchanged
thrown = true;
// disable exceptions
UserClass::copy_ctor_throw_count_ = std::size_t (-1);
rw_assert (i == 0 || thrown, 0, __LINE__,
"logic error: failed to throw");
// verify that no values leaked
rw_assert (x_count_save == UserClass::count_, 0, __LINE__,
"vector<UserClass>::vector(const vector&) leaked "
"%zu value(s) of %zu after an exception",
UserClass::count_ - x_count_save, i);
// verify that the size of the left hand size operand
// of the assignment hasn't changed
rw_assert (v1.size () == v1_size && v1.capacity () == v1_cap,
0, __LINE__, "vector<UserClass>::operator="
"(const vector&) changed size of *this from "
"%zu to %zu after exception",
i / 2, v3.size ());
// vectors go out of scope, must destroy all elements
// exercise [lib.vector.cons]
template <class Vector, class T, class Alloc>
void test_ctors (Vector*, T*, Alloc alloc)
if (1) {
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"std::vector<UserClass>::vector(const allocator_type&)");
// verify default ctor arguments
Vector v0;
Vector v1 (alloc);
rw_assert ( 0 == v0.size ()
&& v0.empty () && v0.begin () == v0.end ()
&& v0.rbegin () == v0.rend (), 0, __LINE__,
rw_assert ( 0 == v1.size ()
&& v1.empty () && v1.begin () == v1.end ()
&& v1.rbegin () == v1.rend (), 0, __LINE__,
if (1) {
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"std::vector<UserClass>::vector(size_type, "
"const_reference, const allocator_type&)");
for (typename Vector::size_type i = 0; i != rw_opt_nloops; ++i) {
const T val = i;
Vector v0 (i, val);
Vector v1 (i, val, alloc);
rw_assert ( i == v0.size ()
&& v0.begin () + i == v0.end ()
&& v0.rbegin () + i == v0.rend (),
0, __LINE__,
"(size_type, const_reference)");
rw_assert ( i == v1.size ()
&& v1.begin () + i == v1.end ()
&& v1.rbegin () + i == v1.rend (),
0, __LINE__,
"vector<UserClass>::vector(size_type, "
"const_reference, const allocator_type&)");
bool success = true;
for (typename Vector::size_type j = 0; j != i; ++j) {
if (!(success = v0 [j] == val))
if (!(success = v1 [j] == val))
rw_assert (success, 0, __LINE__,
"vector<UserClass>::vector(size_type, const_reference); "
"all elements initialized");
&& (!defined (_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1300)
if (1) {
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"template <class InputIterator> std::vector<UserClass>::vector"
"(InputIterator, InputIterator)");
bool success = true;
// allocate nloops elements, do not initialize
typename Vector::value_type *vals = alloc.allocate (rw_opt_nloops);
for (typename Vector::size_type i = 0; i != rw_opt_nloops; ++i) {
// construct an element at then end of array
alloc.construct (vals + i, i);
// verify ctor with a strict InputIterator
InputIter<T> first (vals, vals, vals + i);
InputIter<T> last (vals + i, vals + i, vals + i);
const Vector v0 (first, last);
// reset iterators since they are single-pass and their
// copies have been passed through by the ctor above
first = InputIter<T>(vals, vals, vals + i);
last = InputIter<T>(vals + i, vals + i, vals + i);
const Vector v1 (first, last, alloc);
if ( i != v0.size ()
|| (!(i && !v0.empty () || !i && v0.empty ()))
|| (i != v1.size ())
|| (!(i && !v1.empty () || !i && v1.empty ())))
success = false;
// verify size() and empty()
rw_assert (i == v0.size (), 0, __LINE__,
"size () == %zu, got %zu", i, v0.size ());
rw_assert (i && !v0.empty () || !i && v0.empty (),
0, __LINE__, "size () == %zu, empty () == %d",
v0.size (), v0.empty ());
rw_assert (i == v1.size (), 0, __LINE__,
"size () == %zu, got %zu", i, v1.size ());
rw_assert (i && !v1.empty () || !i && v1.empty (),
0, __LINE__, "size () == %zu, empty () == %d",
v1.size (), v1.empty ());
rw_assert (success, 0, __LINE__,
"template <class InputIterator> "
"(InputIterator, InputIterator)");
// destroy and deallocate...
for (typename Vector::size_type j = 0; j != rw_opt_nloops; ++j)
alloc.destroy (vals + j);
alloc.deallocate (vals, rw_opt_nloops);
static int
run_test (int /* argc */, char** /* argv */)
static int int_noted = 0;
static int short_noted = 0;
static int types_noted = 0;
static int sign_noted = 0;
static int ctors_noted = 0;
try {
// throw an exception to initialize the lib (allocates
// memory that's never deallocated; shows up as leaks)
_RW::__rw_throw (_RWSTD_ERROR_LOGIC_ERROR, "", "");
catch (...) {
// for convenience (in case default template arguments are disabled)
#define VECTOR(T) std::vector<T, std::allocator<T> >
#define TEST(what, T) \
do { \
/* establish a checkpoint for memory leaks */ \
rwt_check_leaks (0, 0); \
test_ ##what ((VECTOR (T)*)0, (T*)0, std::allocator<T>()); \
/* verify that no memory leaked */ \
std::size_t nbytes; \
const std::size_t nblocks = rwt_check_leaks (&nbytes, 0); \
rw_assert (!nblocks && !nbytes, 0, __LINE__, \
#what " test leaked %lu bytes in %lu blocks", \
nbytes, nblocks); \
} while (0)
if (rw_opt_no_int_spec) {
rw_note (int_noted++, 0, __LINE__,
"int specializations test disabled.");
else {
// exercise vector and its default template argument
if (rw_opt_no_types) {
rw_note (types_noted++, 0, __LINE__, "Types test disabled.");
else {
TEST (types, int);
if (rw_opt_no_signatures) {
rw_note (sign_noted++, 0, __LINE__, "Signatures test disabled.");
else {
TEST (signatures, int);
if (rw_opt_no_ctors) {
rw_note (ctors_noted++, 0, __LINE__, "Ctors test disabled.");
else {
TEST (ctors, int);
// exercise vector with a template argument other than the default
#undef VECTOR
#define VECTOR(T, A) std::vector<T, A<T> >
#undef TEST
#define TEST(what,T,A) test_ ##what ((VECTOR (T, A)*)0, (T*)0, A<T>())
if (rw_opt_no_short_spec) {
rw_note (short_noted++, 0, __LINE__,
"short specializations test disabled.");
else {
if (rw_opt_no_types) {
rw_note (types_noted++, 0, __LINE__, "Types test disabled.");
else {
TEST (types, short, std::allocator);
if (rw_opt_no_signatures) {
rw_note (sign_noted++, 0, __LINE__, "Signatures test disabled.");
else {
TEST (signatures, short, std::allocator);
if (rw_opt_no_ctors) {
rw_note (ctors_noted++, 0, __LINE__, "Ctors test disabled.");
else {
TEST (ctors, short, std::allocator);
if (rw_opt_no_ctors) {
rw_note (ctors_noted++, 0, __LINE__, "Ctors test disabled.");
else {
test_ctors ();
return 0;
int main (int argc, char** argv)
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,
"|-nloops#1 "
"|-no-int_specializations# "
"|-no-short_specializations# "
"|-no-types# "
"|-no-signatures# "