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<TITLE>C++ Standard Library Module User's Guide</TITLE>
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<H1>C++ Standard Library Module User's Guide</H1>
<P>Welcome to the <I>C++ Standard Library Module User's Guide</I>.</P>
<P>Here are several ways you can access the information in this document:</P>
<LI>A <A HREF="booktoc.html">Comprehensive Table of Contents</A> showing all chapters, first- and second-level headings.</LI>
<LI>Click on one of the chapter names below to go directly to that chapter. Each chapter begins with a chapter-level table of contents.</LI>
<LI>A <A HREF="lists.html">listing</A> of Tables, Figures, and Examples.</LI>
<LI>A <A HREF="tindex.html">topic index</A>.</LI>
<H2>Main Sections</H2>
<H3><A HREF="I.html">Part I: Introduction</A></H3>
<H4><A HREF="1.html">Chapter 1: Overview</A></H4>
<H3><A HREF="II.html">Part II: Fundamentals</A></H3>
<H4><A HREF="2.html">Chapter 2: Iterators</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="3.html">Chapter 3: Functions and Predicates</A></H4>
<H3><A HREF="III.html">Part III: Containers</A></H3>
<H4><A HREF="4.html">Chapter 4: Container Classes</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="5.html">Chapter 5: vector and vector&lt;bool&gt;</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="6.html">Chapter 6: list</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="7.html">Chapter 7: deque</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="8.html">Chapter 8: set, multiset, and bitset</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="9.html">Chapter 9: map and multimap</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="10.html">Chapter 10: The Container Adaptors stack and queue</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="11.html">Chapter 11: The Container Adaptor priority queue</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="12.html">Chapter 12: string</A></H4>
<H3><A HREF="IV.html">Part IV: Algorithms</A></H3>
<H4><A HREF="13.html">Chapter 13: Generic Algorithms</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="14.html">Chapter 14: Ordered Collection Algorithms</A></H4>
<H3><A HREF="V.html">Part V: Special Techniques</A></H3>
<H4><A HREF="15.html">Chapter 15: Using Allocators</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="16.html">Chapter 16: Building Containers and Algorithms</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="17.html">Chapter 17: The Traits Parameter</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="18.html">Chapter 18: Exception Handling</A></H4>
<H3><A HREF="VI.html">Part VI: Special Classes</A></H3>
<H4><A HREF="19.html">Chapter 19: auto_ptr</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="20.html">Chapter 20: complex</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="21.html">Chapter 21: numeric_limits</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="22.html">Chapter 22: valarray</A></H4>
<H3><A HREF="VII.html">Part VII: Locales</A></H3>
<H4><A HREF="23.html">Chapter 23: Internationalization and Localization</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="24.html">Chapter 24: The C and C++ Locales</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="25.html">Chapter 25: Facets</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="26.html">Chapter 26: Building Your Own Facet Class</A></H4>
<H3><A HREF="VIII.html">Part VIII: Iostreams</A></H3>
<H4><A HREF="27.html">Chapter 27: The Architecture of Iostreams</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="28.html">Chapter 28: Formatted Input and Output</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="29.html">Chapter 29: Error State of Streams</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="30.html">Chapter 30: File Input and Output</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="31.html">Chapter 31: Input and Output In Memory</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="32.html">Chapter 32: Input and Output of User Types</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="33.html">Chapter 33: Manipulators</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="34.html">Chapter 34: Streams and Stream Buffers</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="35.html">Chapter 35: Synchronizing Streams</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="36.html">Chapter 36: Stream Storage for Private Use</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="37.html">Chapter 37: Registration of Callback Functions</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="38.html">Chapter 38: Creating New Stream Classes by Derivation</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="39.html">Chapter 39: Stream Buffers</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="40.html">Chapter 40: Defining A Code Conversion Facet</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="41.html">Chapter 41: Defining Your Own Character Types</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="42.html">Chapter 42: Imbuing Locales</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="43.html">Chapter 43: Stream Iterators</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="44.html">Chapter 44: Iostreams and Multithreading</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="45.html">Chapter 45: Standard vs. Traditional Iostreams</A></H4>
<H4><A HREF="46.html">Chapter 46: Standard vs. Rogue Wave Iostreams</A></H4>
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