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<TITLE>Patterns for Extractors and Inserters of User-Defined Types</TITLE>
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<H2>32.6 Patterns for Extractors and Inserters of User-Defined Types</H2>
<A NAME="idx796"><!></A>
<P>Here is the pattern for an extractor:</P>
template&lt;class charT, class Traits&gt;
std::basic_istream&lt;charT, Traits&gt;&amp;
operator&gt;&gt; (std::basic_istream&lt;charT,
Traits&gt;&amp; is, UserDefinedType&amp; x)
std::ios_base::iostate err = 0;
// Create a sentry object (may set error bits or throw failure)
typename basic_istream&lt;charT, Traits&gt;::sentry ipfx(is);
try {
// Proceed with I/O only if sentry is okay.
if(ipfx) {
// Typically you access the stream's locale or buffer.
// Don't call other stream I/O functions.
// Add state bits to the err variable if necessary,
// for example:
// if (...)
// err |= std::ios_base::failbit;
catch(...) {
bool flag = false;
try {
// set failbit (may throw failure)
catch(...) { flag = true; }
// Re-throw original exception (thrown from facet or buffer)
if (flag)
// As the last step, set error bits (may throw failure)
if (err)
return is;
<A NAME="idx797"><!></A>
<P>Similarly, the pattern for the inserter looks like this:</P>
template&lt;class charT, class Traits&gt;
std::basic_ostream&lt;charT, Traits&gt;&amp;
operator&lt;&lt;(std::basic_ostream&lt;charT, Traits &gt;&amp; os,
const UserDefinedType&amp; x)
std::ios_base::iostate err = 0;
// Create a sentry object (may set error bits or throw failure)
typename basic_ostream&lt;charT, Traits&gt;::sentry opfx(os);
try {
// Proceed with I/O only if sentry is okay
if (opfx) {
// Typically you access the stream's locale or buffer.
// Don't call other stream I/O functions
// Add state bits to the err variable if necessary,
// for example:
// if (...)
// err |= std::ios_base::failbit;
// Reset the field width after usage, that is,
// os.width(0);
} //try
catch(...) {
bool flag = false;
try {
// set failbit (may throw failure)
catch(...) {
// Catch exception, do not rethrow
flag = true;
// Rethrow original exception (from facet or buffer)
if (flag)
// As the last step, set error bits (may throw failure)
if (err)
return os;
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