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<TITLE>Formatting Phone Numbers</TITLE>
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<H2>26.8 Formatting Phone Numbers</H2>
<P>As mentioned earlier, the virtual function in the base class facet <SAMP>do_put()</SAMP> must be overridden in derived classes to actually implement locale dependent formatting of phone numbers. In the example below, we show <SAMP>do_put()</SAMP> (see <SAMP>//1</SAMP>) being overridden in the derived facet class US_phone_put to implement formatting phone numbers in the US style. This overridden version will be called by the base class's <SAMP>put() </SAMP>member function</P>
class US_phone_put: public phone_put {
// perform formatting in the US style
virtual string_type do_put(string_type cntryName, //1
string_type areaCode,
string_type extension) const {
<P>For the sake of brevity, we spare you here the details of the actual implementation of the formatting in <SAMP>do_put()</SAMP>.</P>
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