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<TITLE>Assignment Operators</TITLE>
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<H2>22.3 Assignment Operators</H2>
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<P>Class <B><I><A HREF="../stdlibref/valarray.html">valarray</A></I></B> provides six assignment operations. These are: assignment from another <B><I>valarray</I></B>, assignment from a <SAMP>T</SAMP> value, and assignment from any of the four auxiliary classes returned by the subset operations.</P>
<P>Assignment from a <SAMP>T</SAMP> value assigns that value to all elements in the <B><I><A HREF="../stdlibref/valarray.html">valarray</A></I></B>. Assignment from another <B><I>valarray</I></B> or any of the auxiliary classes assigns corresponding elements from the one to the other. In any case, the left- and right-hand- side arrays must be equal in length.</P>
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