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<H2>1.1 Welcome</H2>
<P>Congratulations on choosing the C++ Standard Library Module, the Rogue Wave implementation of the C++ Standard Library. This module is part of SourcePro Core, an extensive set of fundamental C++ components. You can use this product with confidence: it is based on the final standard for the C++ language and library ratified in 1998 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO).</P>
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<P>Since its development by Dr. Bjarne Stroustrup in the 1980s, the C++ language has been widely used by professional programmers for the world's big, complex applications in telecommunications, finance, business, embedded systems, and computer-aided design. The final standardization of the C++ library now makes it easier to learn C++ and to use it across a wide variety of platforms. </P>
<P>Standardization improves portability and stability. You can build reliable applications faster, and maintain them with less cost and effort, using the C++ Standard Library.</P>
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