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<TITLE>Correlation with the Standard</TITLE>
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<H2>2.1 Correlation with the Standard</H2>
<P>This Rogue Wave C++ Standard Library Module implements sections 17 through 27 and Annexes C, D, and E of the C++ Standard. The C++ Standard contains the following libraries: </P>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">the Language support library <I>(</I><I><A HREF="2-2.html">Section&nbsp;2.2</A></I><I>)</I></P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">the Diagnostics library <I>(</I><I><A HREF="2-3.html">Section&nbsp;2.3</A></I><I>)</I></P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">the General utilities library <I>(</I><I><A HREF="2-4.html">Section&nbsp;2.4</A></I><I>)</I></P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">the Strings library <I>(</I><I><A HREF="2-5.html">Section&nbsp;2.5</A></I><I>)</I></P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">the Localization library <I>(</I><I><A HREF="2-6.html">Section&nbsp;2.6</A></I><I>)</I></P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">the Containers library <I>(</I><I><A HREF="2-7.html">Section&nbsp;2.7</A></I><I>)</I></P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">the Iterators library <I>(</I><I><A HREF="2-8.html">Section&nbsp;2.8</A></I><I>)</I></P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">the Algorithms library <I>(</I><I><A HREF="2-9.html">Section&nbsp;2.9</A></I><I>)</I></P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">the Numerics library <I>(</I><I><A HREF="2-10.html">Section&nbsp;2.10</A></I><I>)</I></P></LI>
<LI><P CLASS="LIST">the Input/output library <I>(</I><I><A HREF="2-11.html">Section&nbsp;2.11</A></I><I>)</I></P></LI>
<P>These libraries are described in the following sections. The header files for each library are listed in the table below each library's description. Next to each header file, the names of corresponding entries in this <I>Reference Guide</I> are given. An entry may be the name of a component in a header file or a related topic, such as <I>Iterators</I> or <I>Exceptions</I>. The names of Rogue Wave header files are the same as the Standard header files.</P>
<P>This chapter is provided as an alternate index to help you find components for programming tasks as described in the Standard. If you are reading this manual online, click the name of a library to go to its description in this chapter. Click the name of a header file or component to go to its entry in this <I>Reference Guide</I>. </P>
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