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<H2>1.2 Conventions</H2>
<P>Function names, examples, operating system commands, mathematical symbols, and code fragments are shown in a <SAMP>courier</SAMP> font. Ellipses are used in code examples to indicate missing material.</P>
<P>Throughout the documentation, there are frequent references to "self," which should be understood to mean <SAMP>*this</SAMP>.</P>
<P>The following convention is used to show that class <B><I>A</I></B> inherits from class <B><I>B</I></B>:</P>
<B><I>A</I></B> <IMG SRC="images/stdlibref-Intro-Groupsa.gif" WIDTH=40 HEIGHT=22> <B><I>B</I></B>
<P>When a class inherits from more than one class, or there are multiple levels of inheritance, all of its inheritance relationships are shown. For example, the following illustration indicates that class <B><I>A</I></B> inherits from class <B><I>B</I></B> and from class <B><I>C</I></B>, which inherits from class <B><I>D</I></B>.</P>
<IMG SRC="images/stdlibref-Intro-Groups2.gif" WIDTH=40 HEIGHT=22> <B><I>B</I></B>
<IMG SRC="images/stdlibref-Intro-Groups3.gif" WIDTH=40 HEIGHT=22> <B><I>C</I></B> <IMG SRC="images/stdlibref-Intro-Groups4.gif" WIDTH=40 HEIGHT=22> <B><I>D</I></B>
<P>The notation used here is the standard UML arrow.</P>
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