blob: 2e66fffde28ca15fce7616cea6398d6913c9f120 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!-- *********************************************************************
start level 10 TO 19 reserved for required libraries (internal and external)
********************************************************************* -->
<!-- JSoup is used by the HTML extractor -->
<startLevel level="20">
<!-- Apache Tika -->
<!-- Note: that Tika only inits the Parser correctly if the start level of
tika-core is lower than tika-bundle
<startLevel level="26">
<bundle> <!-- Apache Tika core (required by the LangId and TikaEngine) -->
<startLevel level="27">
<bundle> <!-- Stanbol version of the Apache Tika bundle -->
<!-- Stanbol Enhancer infrastructure and required libraries -->
<startLevel level="30">
<bundle> <!-- NLP processing (STANBOL-733) -->
<bundle> <!-- JSON serialization support for AnalyzedText (STANBOL-878) -->
<bundle> <!-- API for Topic Classification Engines -->
<bundle> <!-- Core Module for Dereference Engines -->
<!-- LDPath -->
<startLevel level="30">
<!-- EnhancementJobManager implementations -->
<startLevel level="30">
<!-- Enhancement Chain implementations -->
<startLevel level="30">
<!-- Web Fragment -->
<startLevel level="31">
<!-- Benchmarks for the Stanbol Enhancer -->
<startLevel level="31">
<!-- Stanbol Enhancer plug-ins (the Enhancement Engines) -->
<startLevel level="35">
<!-- Content conversion -->
<!-- bundle> - Metaxa deactivated - STANBOL-510
</bundle -->
<bundle><!-- Apache Tika Engine -->
<bundle><!-- XMP Extractor engine -->
<!-- language identification -->
<bundle><!-- RESTful Language Identification engine -->
<groupId>org.apache.stanbol</groupId> <!-- see STANBOL-895 -->
<!-- NLP processing engines (all STANBOL-733 and sub-tasks) -->
<bundle><!-- sentence detection with OpenNLP -->
<bundle><!-- OpenNLP based tokenizing of Texts -->
<bundle><!-- POS tagging with OpenNLP -->
<bundle><!-- Chunking tagging with OpenNLP -->
<bundle> <!-- Open NLP based NER -->
<bundle><!-- RESTful NLP Analysis engine -->
<bundle> <!-- POS annotation based chunker (STANBOL-1251) -->
<bundle> <!-- allows to serialize NLP Annotations as NIF 1.0 and NIF 2.0 -->
<!-- Sentiment Enhancement Engines -->
<bundle><!-- Sentiment Word Classifiers -->
<!-- Solr based Topic Engine (see also the topic.api bundle above -->
<bundle> <!-- The RESTful services used to train the engine -->
<!-- Entity Extraction/Linking -->
<bundle><!-- NER linking (depends on the Entityhub) -->
<bundle><!-- Keyword Extraction from Text DEPRECATED! (depends on the Entityhub) -->
<!-- Stanbol EntityLinking -->
<bundle><!-- Engine -->
<bundle><!-- OpenNLP LabelTokenizing support -->
<bundle><!-- Lucene LabelTokenizing support -->
<bundle><!-- EntityLinking for the Stanbol Entityhub -->
<bundle><!-- FST Linking Engine (STANBOL-1128) -->
<!-- Post-Processing engine -->
<bundle> <!-- Disambigutation using Solr MLT queries -->
<bundle> <!-- Converts TextAnnotations to the STANBOL-987 model extensions -->
<bundle> <!-- finds co-mentions of Entities earlier mentioned on the Text (STANBOL-1070)-->
<!-- Dereference Engine for the Entityhub (STANBOL-1223) -->
<!-- Refactor Enhancement Engine -->
<!-- Moved to the refactor bundlelist
</bundle> -->
<!-- bundle> - finds co-mentions of Entities (STANBOL-1070) -
TODO: Not yet in trunk
</bundle> -->
<!-- External Service Integration -->
<bundle> <!-- DBpedia Spotlight Engines (STANBOL-706) -->
<!-- Default Configuration for the Stanbol Enhancer -->
<startLevel level="36">