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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitycoreference.impl;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.NlpAnnotations.COREF_ANNOTATION;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.Properties.RDFS_LABEL;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.Properties.RDF_TYPE;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.UriRef;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitycoreference.EntityCoReferenceEngine;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitycoreference.datamodel.NounPhrase;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitycoreference.datamodel.PlaceAdjectival;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.NlpAnnotations;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.coref.CorefFeature;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.Span;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.annotation.Value;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.EngineException;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.OntologicalClasses;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.Entityhub;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.model.Entity;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.model.Text;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.query.Constraint;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.query.FieldQuery;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.query.FieldQueryFactory;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.query.QueryResultList;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.query.ReferenceConstraint;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.query.TextConstraint;
* Uses the list of NERs and the list of {@link NounPhrase}s found in the analyzed text to find possible
* co-references.
* @author Cristian Petroaca
public class CoreferenceFinder {
* The configured {@link SiteManager} for {@link Entity} storage.
private SiteManager siteManager;
* The default {@link Entity} storage.
private Entityhub entityHub;
* The name of the configured site for the {@link SiteManager}.
private String referencedSiteID;
* In memory cache storing {@link Entity} types which are often used.
private InMemoryEntityTypeIndex entityTypeIndex;
* Class holding configuration params.
private CoreferenceFinderConfig config;
* Holds vocabulary.dictionary info such as the list of place adjectivals by language.
private Dictionaries dictionaries;
public CoreferenceFinder(String[] languages,
SiteManager siteManager,
Entityhub entityHub,
String referencedSiteID,
int maxDistance) throws ConfigurationException {
this.siteManager = siteManager;
this.entityHub = entityHub;
this.referencedSiteID = referencedSiteID;
this.entityTypeIndex = new InMemoryEntityTypeIndex();
this.config = new CoreferenceFinderConfig(maxDistance);
this.dictionaries = new Dictionaries(languages);
* Performs the actual coreference resolution by iterating through all the NERs and all the
* {@link NounPhrase}s which are after the given Ner in the text. If any coreferences are found they are
* written as {@link NlpAnnotation}s in the NER and noun phrase {@link Span}s.
* @param ners
* @param nounPhrases
* @param language
* @throws EngineException
public void extractCorefs(Map<Integer,List<Span>> ners, List<NounPhrase> nounPhrases, String language) throws EngineException {
for (Map.Entry<Integer,List<Span>> entry : ners.entrySet()) {
int nerSentenceNo = entry.getKey();
List<Span> nerSpans = entry.getValue();
int maxDistance = this.config.getMaxDistance();
for (Span ner : nerSpans) {
Entity entity = null;
Set<String> typeLabels = null;
Set<Span> corefs = new HashSet<Span>();
for (NounPhrase nounPhrase : nounPhrases) {
int nounPhraseSentenceNo = nounPhrase.getSentenceNo();
if (nounPhrase.getChunk().getStart() > ner.getStart()
&& (maxDistance != EntityCoReferenceEngine.MAX_DISTANCE_NO_CONSTRAINT
&& nounPhraseSentenceNo > nerSentenceNo && nounPhraseSentenceNo - nerSentenceNo <= maxDistance)) {
if (entity == null) {
entity = lookupEntity(ner, language);
* If the entity is still null there's nothing to do but go to the next ner.
if (entity == null) break;
if (typeLabels == null) {
typeLabels = buildEntityTypeLabels(entity, language);
if (isCoreferent(typeLabels, entity, ner, nounPhrase, language)) {
Set<Span> coreferencedNer = new HashSet<Span>();
Span chunk = nounPhrase.getChunk();
Value.value(new CorefFeature(false, coreferencedNer)));
if (corefs.size() > 0) {
ner.addAnnotation(COREF_ANNOTATION, Value.value(new CorefFeature(true, corefs)));
* Gets an Entity from the configured {@link Site} based on the NER text and type.
* @param ner
* @param language
* @return
* @throws EngineException
private Entity lookupEntity(Span ner, String language) throws EngineException {
Site site = getReferencedSite();
FieldQueryFactory queryFactory = site == null ? entityHub.getQueryFactory() : site.getQueryFactory();
FieldQuery query = queryFactory.createFieldQuery();
Constraint labelConstraint;
String namedEntityLabel = ner.getSpan();
labelConstraint = new TextConstraint(namedEntityLabel, false, language, null);
query.setConstraint(RDFS_LABEL.getUnicodeString(), labelConstraint);
new ReferenceConstraint(ner.getAnnotation(NlpAnnotations.NER_ANNOTATION).value().getType()
QueryResultList<Entity> results = site == null ? // if site is NULL
: // use the Entityhub
site.findEntities(query); // else the referenced site
if (results.isEmpty()) return null;
// We set the limit to 1 so if it found anything it should contain just 1 entry
return results.iterator().next();
* Performs the coreference matching rules: 1. Match the entity type. 2. If the {@link NounPhrase}
* contains any NERs match the NER to any spatial/org membership/functional Entity properties from the
* {@link Site}. 3. If {@link NounPhrase} contains any place adjectivals perform spatial co-reference
* based on the entity spatial properties.
* @param typeLabels
* - a list of types (classes) that the given entity has.
* @param entity
* - the entity for which we want to do the coref.
* @param ner
* - the ner in the text for which we want to do the coref.
* @param nounPhrase
* - the {@link NounPhrase} which we want to test for coref.
* @param language
* - the language of the text.
* @return
* @throws EngineException
private boolean isCoreferent(Set<String> typeLabels,
Entity entity,
Span ner,
NounPhrase nounPhrase,
String language) throws EngineException {
* 1. Try to match the entity class to the noun phrase.
String matchedClass = null;
String nounPhraseText = nounPhrase.getChunk().getSpan().toLowerCase();
int classStart = 0;
int classEnd = 0;
for (String label : typeLabels) {
if (nounPhraseText.matches(".*\\b" + label + "\\b.*")
&& (matchedClass == null || label.split("\\s").length > matchedClass.split("\\s").length)) {
matchedClass = label;
classStart = nounPhrase.getChunk().getStart() + nounPhraseText.indexOf(label);
classEnd = classStart + label.length();
if (matchedClass == null) return false;
* 2. See if there are any NERs in the noun phrase to further identify the coref. Any NERs found
* should be separate words from the class matches from point 1.
* TODO - add dbpprop: attributes to the rules ontology, such as dbpprop:nationality and
* dbpprop:industry and dbpprop:locationCountry
* TODO - devise a coref confidence scheme?
if (nounPhrase.hasNers()) {
List<Span> npNers = nounPhrase.getNerChunks();
UriRef nerType = ner.getAnnotation(NlpAnnotations.NER_ANNOTATION).value().getType();
for (Span npNer : npNers) {
* Don't go any further if for some reason it turns out that the ner text is the same as the
* entity class text.
if ((npNer.getStart() >= classStart && npNer.getStart() <= classEnd)
|| (npNer.getEnd() >= classStart && npNer.getEnd() <= classEnd)) continue;
Entity npEntity = lookupEntity(npNer, language);
if (npEntity != null) {
UriRef npNerType = npNer.getAnnotation(NlpAnnotations.NER_ANNOTATION).value().getType();
Set<String> rulesOntologyAttr = new HashSet<String>();
if (OntologicalClasses.DBPEDIA_PLACE.equals(npNerType)) {
rulesOntologyAttr = this.config.getSpatialOntology(nerType);
} else if (OntologicalClasses.DBPEDIA_ORGANISATION.equals(npNerType)) {
* TODO - add organisation rules ontology in config and in dbpedia index
if (valueExistsInEntityAttributes(rulesOntologyAttr, entity, npEntity.getId())) {
return true;
* 3. Detect any place adjectivals in noun phrases and use them for spatial coreference. Any place
* adjectivals found should be separate words from the class matches from point 1.
PlaceAdjectival placeAdjectival = this.dictionaries.findPlaceAdjectival(language, nounPhrase);
if (placeAdjectival != null
&& (placeAdjectival.getEnd() < classStart || placeAdjectival.getStart() > classEnd)) {
* We use the same spatial rules ontology attributes as before.
Set<String> rulesOntologyAttr = this.config.getSpatialOntology(ner
if (valueExistsInEntityAttributes(rulesOntologyAttr, entity, placeAdjectival.getPlaceUri()
.getUnicodeString())) {
return true;
* If there was no additional info to do the coref and if the entity class matched and has more than 1
* word then we consider this a good enough coreference.
if (matchedClass.split("\\s").length > 1) return true;
return false;
* Builds a Set of Entity Type labels given the Entity type uris.
* @param entity
* @param language
* @return
* @throws EngineException
private Set<String> buildEntityTypeLabels(Entity entity, String language) throws EngineException {
Iterator<Object> typeUris = entity.getRepresentation().get(RDF_TYPE.getUnicodeString());
Set<String> allTypeLabels = new HashSet<String>();
while (typeUris.hasNext()) {
String typeUri =;
if (this.config.shouldExcludeClass(typeUri)) continue;
// First try the in memory index
Set<String> labels = this.entityTypeIndex.lookupEntityType(new UriRef(typeUri), language);
if (labels == null) {
Site site = getReferencedSite();
Entity entityType = (site == null) ? this.entityHub.getEntity(typeUri) : site
if (entityType != null) {
labels = new HashSet<String>();
Iterator<Text> labelIterator = entityType.getRepresentation().get(
RDFS_LABEL.getUnicodeString(), language);
while (labelIterator.hasNext()) {
this.entityTypeIndex.addEntityType(new UriRef(typeUri), language, labels);
if (labels != null) allTypeLabels.addAll(labels);
return allTypeLabels;
* Checks whether any of the attributes in rulesOntologyAttr from the given Entity contain the given
* value.
* @param rulesOntologyAttr
* @param entity
* @param value
* @return
private boolean valueExistsInEntityAttributes(Set<String> rulesOntologyAttr, Entity entity, String value) {
for (String attribute : rulesOntologyAttr) {
Iterator<Object> entityAttributes = entity.getRepresentation().get(attribute);
while (entityAttributes.hasNext()) {
Object entityAttribute =;
if (entityAttribute.toString().equals(value)) {
return true;
return false;
* Retrieves the configured {@link Site} which holds the NER properties.
* @return
* @throws EngineException
private Site getReferencedSite() throws EngineException {
Site site = null;
if (referencedSiteID != null) { // lookup the referenced site
site = siteManager.getSite(referencedSiteID);
// ensure that it is present
if (site == null) {
String msg = String
.format("Unable to enhance because Referenced Site %s is currently not active!",
throw new EngineException(msg);
return site;