blob: 4ccdcea129cd1480662967be6f27b8083aced160 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.UriRef;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.Blob;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.ContentItem;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.NoSuchPartException;
* Helper class to factorize common code for ContentItem handling.
* @author ogrisel
public class ContentItemHelper {
public static final String DEFAULT_CONTENT_ITEM_PREFIX = "urn:content-item-";
public static final String SHA1 = "SHA1";
public static final int MIN_BUF_SIZE = 8 * 1024; // 8 kB
public static final int MAX_BUF_SIZE = 64 * 1024; // 64 kB
private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray();
public static final String UTF8 = "UTF-8";
// TODO: instead of using a static helper, build an OSGi component with a
// configurable site-wide URI namespace for ids that are local to the
// server.
* Check that ContentItem#getId returns a valid URI or make an urn out of
* it.
public static UriRef ensureUri(ContentItem ci) {
String uri = ci.getUri().getUnicodeString();
if (!uri.startsWith("http://") && !uri.startsWith("urn:")) {
uri = "urn:" + urlEncode(uri);
return new UriRef(uri);
public static String urlEncode(String uriPart) {
try {
return URLEncoder.encode(uriPart, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// will never happen since every unicode symbol can be encoded
// to UTF-8
return null;
* Pass the binary content from in to out (if not null) while computing the
* digest. Digest can typically be used to build ContentItem ids that map
* the binary content of the array.
* @param in stream to read the data from
* @param out optional output stream to
* @param digestAlgorithm MD5 or SHA1 for instance
* @return an hexadecimal representation of the digest
* @throws IOException
public static String streamDigest(InputStream in, OutputStream out,
String digestAlgorithm) throws IOException {
MessageDigest digest;
try {
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(digestAlgorithm);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw (IOException) new IOException().initCause(e);
int size = in.available();
if (size == 0) {
size = MAX_BUF_SIZE;
} else if (size < MIN_BUF_SIZE) {
size = MIN_BUF_SIZE;
} else if (size > MAX_BUF_SIZE) {
size = MAX_BUF_SIZE;
byte[] buf = new byte[size];
* Copy and digest.
int n;
while ((n = != -1) {
if (out != null) {
out.write(buf, 0, n);
digest.update(buf, 0, n);
if (out != null) {
return toHexString(digest.digest());
public static String toHexString(byte[] data) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(2 * data.length);
for (byte b : data) {
buf.append(HEX_DIGITS[(0xF0 & b) >> 4]);
buf.append(HEX_DIGITS[0x0F & b]);
return buf.toString();
public static UriRef makeDefaultUrn(Blob blob) {
return makeDefaultUri(DEFAULT_CONTENT_ITEM_PREFIX, blob.getStream());
public static UriRef makeDefaultUrn(InputStream in) {
return makeDefaultUri(DEFAULT_CONTENT_ITEM_PREFIX, in);
public static UriRef makeDefaultUrn(byte[] data){
return makeDefaultUri(DEFAULT_CONTENT_ITEM_PREFIX, new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
public static UriRef makeDefaultUri(String baseUri, Blob blob) {
return makeDefaultUri(baseUri, blob.getStream());
public static UriRef makeDefaultUri(String baseUri, byte[] data) {
return makeDefaultUri(baseUri, new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
public static UriRef makeDefaultUri(String baseUri, InputStream in) {
// calculate an ID based on the digest of the content
if (!baseUri.startsWith("urn:") && !baseUri.endsWith("/")) {
baseUri += "/";
String hexDigest;
try {
hexDigest = streamDigest(in, null, SHA1);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to read content for calculating" +
"the hexDigest of the parsed content as used for the default URI" +
"of an ContentItem!",e);
return new UriRef(baseUri + SHA1.toLowerCase() + "-" + hexDigest);
* This parses and validates the mime-type and parameters from the
* parsed mimetype string based on the definition as defined in
* <a href="">rfc2046</a>.
* <p>
* The mime-type is stored as value for the <code>null</code>
* key. Parameter keys are converted to lower case. Values are stored as
* defined in the parsed media type. Parameters with empty key, empty or no
* values are ignored.
* @param mimeTypeString the media type formatted as defined by
* <a href="">rfc2046</a>
* @return A map containing the mime-type under the <code>null</code> key and
* all parameters with lower case keys and values.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parsed mimeTypeString is
* <code>null</code>, empty or the parsed mime-type is empty, does not define
* non empty '{type}/{sub-type}' or uses a wildcard for the type or sub-type.
public static Map<String,String> parseMimeType(String mimeTypeString){
String mimeType;
if(mimeTypeString == null || mimeTypeString.isEmpty()){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed mime-type MUST NOT be NULL nor empty!");
Map<String,String> parsed = new HashMap<String,String>();
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(mimeTypeString, ";");
mimeType = tokens.nextToken(); //the first token is the mimeType
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parsed mime-type MUST NOT be empty" +
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parsed mime-type MUST NOT use" +
"Wildcards (mimeType='"+mimeType+"')!");
String[] typeSubType = mimeType.split("/");
if(typeSubType.length != 2 || typeSubType[0].isEmpty() || typeSubType[1].isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parsed mime-type MUST define '{type}/{sub-type}'" +
"and both MUST NOT be empty(mimeType='"+mimeType+"')!");
parsed.put(null, mimeType);
while(tokens.hasMoreTokens()){ //parse the parameters (if any)
String parameter = tokens.nextToken();
//check if the parameter is valid formated and has a non empty value
int nameValueSeparator = parameter.indexOf('=');
if(nameValueSeparator>0 && parameter.length() > nameValueSeparator+2){
//keys are case insensitive (we use lower case)
String key = parameter.substring(0,nameValueSeparator).toLowerCase().trim();
if(!parsed.containsKey(key)){ //do not override existing keys
return parsed;
* Searches an {@link ContentItem#getPart(UriRef, Class) content part}
* of the type {@link Blob} with one of the the parsed mimeTypes. <p>
* NOTE:<ul>
* <li> MimeTypes are converted to lower case before compared with
* the entries of the parsed set. Therefore it is important that the parsed
* set only contains lower case values!
* <li> A read lock on the parsed {@link ContentItem} is applied while
* searching for a fitting {@link Blob}
* </ul><p>
* In contrast to the contentPart related methods of the {@link ContentItem}
* this method does NOT throw {@link NoSuchPartException}.
* @param ci the contentITem
* @param mimeTypes List of possible mimeTypes
* @return the {@link UriRef URI} and the {@link Blob content} of the content
* part or <code>null</code> if not found
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the parsed {@link ContentItem} is
* <code>null</code> or the parsed Set with the mimeTypes is <code>null</code>
* or {@link Set#isEmpty() empty}.
public static Entry<UriRef, Blob> getBlob(ContentItem ci, Set<String> mimeTypes){
if(ci == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed ContentItem MUST NOT be NULL!");
if(mimeTypes == null || mimeTypes.isEmpty()){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed Set with mime type MUST NOT be NULL nor empty!");
UriRef cpUri = null;
int index = 0;
try {
do {
try {
cpUri = ci.getPartUri(index);
try {
Blob blob = ci.getPart(cpUri, Blob.class);
return Collections.singletonMap(cpUri, blob)
} // else no match
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// not a Blob -> ignore!
} catch (NoSuchPartException e) {
cpUri = null; // no more parts
} while(cpUri != null);
} finally {
return null; // not found
* Returns a Map with the current content parts of the parsed type. future
* changes to the contentParts of the content item will NOT be reflected
* within the returned map. The ordering of the {@link Iterator}s over the
* returned map is consistent with the ordering of the contentPart within the
* {@link ContentItem}. <p> When parsing {@link Object} as class the number
* of the element will be equals to the index of that content part.<p>
* In contrast to the contentPart related methods of the {@link ContentItem}
* this method does NOT throw {@link NoSuchPartException}.
* @param ci the content item
* @param clazz the class of the content part
* @return the Map with the {@link UriRef id}s and the content as entries.
public static <T> LinkedHashMap<UriRef,T> getContentParts(ContentItem ci, Class<T> clazz){
if(ci == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed ContentItem MUST NOT be NULL!");
LinkedHashMap<UriRef,T> blobs = new LinkedHashMap<UriRef,T>();
UriRef cpUri = null;
int index = 0;
try {
do {
try {
cpUri = ci.getPartUri(index);
try {
blobs.put(cpUri, ci.getPart(cpUri, clazz));
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
//not of type T -> skip
} catch (NoSuchPartException e) {
cpUri = null; // no more parts
} while(cpUri != null);
} finally {
return blobs;
* Getter for the Text of an {@link Blob}. This method respects the
* "charset" if present in the {@link Blob#getParameter() parameter} of the
* Blob.
* @param blob the {@link Blob}. MUST NOT be <code>null</code>.
* @return the text
* @throws IOException on any exception while reading from the
* {@link InputStream} provided by the Blob.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parsed Blob is <code>null</code>
public static String getText(Blob blob) throws IOException {
if(blob == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed Blob MUST NOT be NULL!");
String charset = blob.getParameter().get("charset");
return IOUtils.toString(blob.getStream(), charset != null ? charset : UTF8);
* Creates the "{type}/{subtime}; [{param}={value}]+" mime type representation
* for the {@link Blob#getMimeType()} and {@link Blob#getParameter()} values
* @param blob the Blob
* @return the mime type with parameters (e.g. <code>
* text/plain;charset=UTF-8</code>)
public static String getMimeTypeWithParameters(Blob blob) {
StringBuilder mimeType = new StringBuilder(blob.getMimeType());
//ensure parameters are preserved
for(Entry<String,String> param : blob.getParameter().entrySet()){
mimeType.append("; ").append(param.getKey()).append('=').append(param.getValue());
return mimeType.toString();