blob: 102b7a43a90cc5c916e65acd453854b3535f59f5 [file] [log] [blame]
The use of this component requires a API key from OpenCalais. Without providing an API key, the engine will not work.
Such a key can be obtained from
In the OSGi configuration console the key can be set as value of the property
Also, the tests require the API key. Without the key some tests will be skipped. For Maven the key can be set as a system property on the command line:
mvn -Dorg.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.opencalais.license=YOUR_API_KEY [install|test]
Configuration properties that influence the enhancements delivered from the engine at runtime are:
- org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.opencalais.typeMap
The value is the name of a file for mapping the NER types from OpenCalais to other types. By default, a mapping to the DBPedia types is provided. If no mapping is desired one might pass an empty mapping file.
- org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.opencalais.NERonly
A boolean property to specify whether in addition to the NER enhancements also the OpenCalais Linked Data references are included as entity references. By default, these are omitted.