blob: 2c93791926426bbd10ee566addcb99f1640498ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.lucenefstlinking;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.config.TextProcessingConfig.UNICASE_SCRIPT_LANUAGES;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionIncrementAttribute;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.config.LanguageProcessingConfig;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.config.TextProcessingConfig;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.engine.EntityLinkingEngine;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.impl.ChunkData;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.impl.ProcessingState;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.impl.SectionData;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.impl.TokenData;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.AnalysedText;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.Chunk;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.Section;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.Sentence;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.SpanTypeEnum;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.Token;
import org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TagClusterReducer;
import org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TagLL;
import org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TaggingAttribute;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Class that ensures that only {@link TokenData#isLinkable linkable} Tokens
* are processed.<p>
* This is ensured on two places:<ol>
* <li> Classifies Tokens in the Solr {@link TokenStream} with the {@link TaggingAttribute}
* based on NLP processing results present in the {@link AnalysedText}. This
* implementation classifies Token similar to the {@link EntityLinkingEngine}.
* It uses the {@link TextProcessingConfig} for its configuration.<p>
* <li> Implements {@link TagClusterReducer} to ensure that all {@link TagLL tags}
* that do not overlap with any {@link TokenData#isLinkable linkable} are
* removed from the Cluster.
* </ol>
* <b> Implementation Details</b><p>
* The {@link TokenStream} implementation of this class serves a similar
* purpose as the {@link ProcessingState} used by the EntityLinkingEngine.
* The main differences are:<p>
* <ul>
* <li>This code needs to deal with potential different tokenization present
* in the {@link AnalysedText} and the {@link TokenStream}. The implemented
* semantics does mark Tokens in the {@link TokenStream} as
* <code>{@link TaggingAttribute#isTaggable()} == ture</code> if the do overlap
* with a {@link TokenData#isLinkable} token in the {@link AnalysedText}.
* <li> {@link TokenData#isMatchable} tokens are also considered as
* <code>{@link TaggingAttribute#isTaggable()} == ture</code> if a
* {@link TokenData#isMatchable} token is following within two tokens of the
* {@link AnalysedText}. This Range is extended if other matchable tokens are
* within the lookahead range. However the range is never extended over a
* section border.
* </ul>
* The {@link TagClusterReducer} implementation keeps track of linkable tokens
* while iterating over the {@link TokenStream} and adds them to the end of a
* List. When {@link TagClusterReducer#reduce(TagLL[])} is called tags of the
* cluster are checked if they do overlap with any linkable Token at the start
* of the list. Tokens with earlier ends as the start of the tags are removed
* from the list.
* @author Rupert Westenthaler
public final class LinkableTokenFilter extends TokenFilter implements TagClusterReducer{
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LinkableTokenFilter.class);
* Required to use {@link SectionData}
private static final Set<SpanTypeEnum> PROCESSED_SPAN_TYPES = EnumSet.of(
* The NLP processing results
private AnalysedText at;
* The language of the text
//private String lang;
* If the language is unicase or not
private boolean isUnicaseLanguage;
* Defines how NLP processing results are processed to determine Words that
* need to be looked-up in the vocabulary
private LanguageProcessingConfig lpc;
* Iterator over all sections of the {@link AnalysedText}
private Iterator<? extends Section> sections;
* The current section
private SectionData sectionData;
* Iterator over all {@link Token}s in the current section
private Iterator<TokenData> tokenIt;
* The current Token(s). {@link #incrementToken()} will add tokens to the
* end of the list and {@link #nextToken(boolean)} with <code>true</code>
* will remove earlier tokens as {@link #offset} from the list.<p>
* We need to hold multiple tokens because the TokenStream might parse
* multiple tokens with
* <code>{@link PositionIncrementAttribute#getClass() posInc} == 0</code>
* covering multiple {@link TokenData tokens}.
private List<TokenData> tokens = new LinkedList<TokenData>();
* The cursor within the {@link #tokens} list of the currently active Token
private int tokensCursor = -1; //the cursor within the tokens list
private int lookupCount = 0;
private int incrementCount = 0;
protected final CharTermAttribute termAtt;
protected final OffsetAttribute offset;
protected final TaggingAttribute taggable;
* List with {@link TokenData#isLinkable linkable} {@link Token}s used by
* the {@link #reduce(TagLL[])} method to check if {@link TagLL tags}
* do overlap with any linkable token.
private final List<LinkableTokenContext> linkableTokens = new LinkedList<LinkableTokenContext>();
* The minimum score a tag needs to match processable tokens within a
* {@link Chunk} so that is is not omitted.
private double minChunkMatchScore;
* The minimum amount of matched (matchable) Tokens so that an Entity is
* considered. Only used within processable chunks
private int minFoundTokens;
protected LinkableTokenFilter(TokenStream input, AnalysedText at,
String lang, LanguageProcessingConfig lpc, double minChunkMatchScore, int minFoundTokens) {
//STANBOL-1177: add attributes in doPrivileged to avoid
//AccessControlException: access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "getClassLoader")
termAtt = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<CharTermAttribute>() {
@Override public CharTermAttribute run() {
return addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
offset = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<OffsetAttribute>() {
@Override public OffsetAttribute run() {
return addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
taggable = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<TaggingAttribute>() {
@Override public TaggingAttribute run() {
return addAttribute(TaggingAttribute.class);
}}); = at;
//this.lang = lang;
this.lpc = lpc;
this.isUnicaseLanguage = lang != null && !lang.isEmpty() &&
this.minChunkMatchScore = minChunkMatchScore;
this.minFoundTokens = minFoundTokens;
public void reset() throws IOException {
Iterator<Sentence> sentences = at.getSentences();
this.sections = sentences.hasNext() ? sentences : Collections.singleton(at).iterator();
sectionData = null;
tokenIt = null;
incrementCount = 0;
lookupCount = 0;
public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
boolean first = true;
TokenData token;
boolean lookup = false;
int lastMatchable = -1;
int lastIndex = -1;
log.trace("> solr:[{},{}] {}",new Object[]{
offset.startOffset(), offset.endOffset(), termAtt});
while((token = nextToken(first)) != null){
log.trace(" < [{},{}]:{} (link {}, match; {})",new Object[]{
token.token.getStart(), token.token.getEnd(),token.getTokenText(),
token.isLinkable, token.isMatchable});
first = false;
log.trace(" + lookup because {} is linkable", token);
lookup = true;
} else if (token.isMatchable){
lastMatchable = token.index;
lastIndex = lastMatchable;
//special rules for processable chunks (typically noun phrases)
//accept all tokens in processable chunks with a linkable or
//multiple matchable tokens.
if(!lookup && (!lpc.isIgnoreChunks()) && token.inChunk != null
&& token.inChunk.isProcessable){
log.trace(" + lookup because {} is part of Named Entity '{}'",
token.token, token.inChunk.chunk.getSpan());
lookup = true;
if(token.inChunk.hasLinkable() ||
(lpc.isLinkMultiMatchableTokensInChunk() &&
token.inChunk.getMatchableCount() > 1)){
log.trace(" + lookup because {} is part of a linkable chunk '{}'",
token.token, token.inChunk.chunk.getSpan());
lookup = true;
if(!lookup && lastIndex >= 0 && sectionData != null){
List<TokenData> tokens = sectionData.getTokens();
int maxLookahead = Math.max(lastIndex, lastMatchable+3);
for(int i = lastIndex+1;!lookup && i < maxLookahead && i < tokens.size(); i++){
token = tokens.get(i);
lookup = true;
} else if(token.isMatchable && (i+1) == maxLookahead){
maxLookahead++; //increase lookahead for matchable tokens
TokenData t = getToken();
log.trace("lookup: token [{},{}]: {} | word [{},{}]:{}", new Object[]{
offset.startOffset(), offset.endOffset(), termAtt,
t.token.getStart(), t.token.getEnd(),
return true;
} else {
log.debug("lookup percentage: {}",lookupCount*100/(float)incrementCount);
return false;
* Iterating over TokensData requires to iterate over two hierarchy levels:
* (1) sections (likely Sentences) and (2) Tokens <p>
* <b>NOTE</b> that this method modifies a lot of fields to update the
* state of the iteration accordingly. If the {@link #token} field is
* <code>null</code> after a call to this method this indicates that the
* end of the {@link Token} in the {@link AnalysedText} was reached.
* @param first is this the first call for the current {@link #offset} state?
* @return the token or <code>null</code> if there are no more tokens for
* the current {@link #offset}
private TokenData nextToken(boolean first){
int startOffset = offset.startOffset();
int endOffset = offset.endOffset();
if(first){ //on the first call for a token
tokensCursor = -1; //reset cursor to zero
//remove tokens earlier as the current offset
if(tokens.get(0).token.getEnd() <= startOffset){
} else { //stop on the first overlapping token
} //else nothing to do
if(tokensCursor >= tokens.size()-1){
if(!incrementTokenData()){ //adds a new token to the list
return null; //EoF
TokenData cursorToken = tokens.get(tokensCursor+1);
if(cursorToken.token.getStart() < endOffset){
tokensCursor++; //set the next token as current
return cursorToken; //and return it
} else {
return null;
* Increments the {@link #token} and - if necessary also the {@link #sectionData
* section}.
* @return <code>true</code> unless there are no more tokens
private boolean incrementTokenData(){
if(tokenIt == null || !tokenIt.hasNext()){
sectionData = null;
tokenIt = null;
while(sections.hasNext() && (tokenIt == null || !tokenIt.hasNext())){
//analyse NLP results for the next Section
sectionData = new SectionData(lpc,,
PROCESSED_SPAN_TYPES, isUnicaseLanguage);
tokenIt = sectionData.getTokens().iterator();
if(tokenIt != null && tokenIt.hasNext()){
return true;
} else { //reached the end .. clean up
sectionData = null;
tokenIt = null;
return false;
} else { //more token in the same section
return true;
* Adds a token. Also cares about adding tokens to {@link #linkableTokens}
* @param token the tokens - MUST NOT be NULL.
private void addToken(TokenData token){
//add to the list of linkable for #reduce(TagLL[])
linkableTokens.add(new LinkableTokenContext(token,sectionData.getTokens()));
} else if(token.isMatchable && !lpc.isIgnoreChunks() &&//matchable token
token.inChunk != null && //in processable chunks with more
token.inChunk.isProcessable && //as two matchable tokens
token.inChunk.getMatchableCount() > 1){ //matchable tokens
linkableTokens.add(new LinkableTokenContext(token, sectionData.getTokens()));
* Getter for the current Token
* @return
private TokenData getToken(){
return tokens.isEmpty() ? null : tokens.get(tokensCursor);
public void reduce(TagLL[] head) {
//this implements a two phase reduce
//(1) reduce Tags with no linkable tokens and not matching enough of the
// current chunk.
//(2) reduce remaining Tags in the cluster similar to TagClusterReducer
// but only considering the "matchable span" of the Tags. Meaning the
// span over matchable Tokens and not the full Text.
//this map holds the matchable spans for Tags. Filled during phase (1) and
//used for phase(2)
Map<TagLL,int[]> matchableTagSpan = new HashMap<TagLL,int[]>();
//(1) reduce Tags based on link-/matchable tokens as well as chunks.
LinkableTokenContext linkableTokenContext;
for(TagLL tag = head[0]; tag != null; tag = tag.getNextTag()) {
int start = tag.getStartOffset();
int end = tag.getEndOffset();
linkableTokenContext = linkableTokens.isEmpty() ? null : linkableTokens.get(0);
while(linkableTokenContext != null && linkableTokenContext.linkableToken.token.getEnd() <= start){
linkableTokenContext = linkableTokens.isEmpty() ? null : linkableTokens.get(0);
if(linkableTokenContext == null || linkableTokenContext.linkableToken.token.getStart() >= end){
//does not overlap any linkable token
tag.removeLL(); //remove the tag from the cluster
CharSequence tagSequence = at.getText().subSequence(start, end);
log.trace(" > reduce tag {} - no overlapp with linkable token", tagSequence);
} else { //if the tag overlaps a linkable token
TokenData linkableToken = linkableTokenContext.linkableToken;
List<TokenData> tokens = linkableTokenContext.context;
//calculate the matchable start/end span of the current TagLL
int[] mSpan = new int[]{
if(mSpan[0] > start){
for(int i = linkableToken.index-1; i >= 0; i--){
TokenData token = tokens.get(i);
int tStart = token.token.getStart();
if(tStart < start){
} else if(token.isMatchable){
mSpan[0] = tStart;
if(mSpan[1] < end){
for(int i= linkableToken.index+1; i < tokens.size();i++){
TokenData token = tokens.get(i);
int tEnd = token.token.getEnd();
if(tEnd > end){
} else if(token.isMatchable){
mSpan[1] = tEnd;
CharSequence text = at.getText();
log.trace(" - matchable Span {}{} for Tag {}[{},{}]",
new Object[]{ text.subSequence(mSpan[0],mSpan[1]),
Arrays.toString(mSpan), text.subSequence(start, end),
start, end});
matchableTagSpan.put(tag, mSpan);
ChunkData cd = linkableToken.inChunk; //check if it matches > 50% of the chunk
if(!lpc.isIgnoreChunks() && cd != null && cd.isProcessable){
int cstart = cd.getMatchableStartChar() >= 0 ? cd.getMatchableStartChar() :
int cend = cd.getMatchableEndChar();
if(cstart < start || cend > end){ //if the tag does not cover the whole chunk
int num = 0;
int match = 0;
for(int i = cd.getMatchableStart(); i <= cd.getMatchableEnd(); i++){
TokenData td = tokens.get(i);
if(match < 1 && td.token.getStart() >= start ||
match > 0 && td.token.getEnd() <= end){
//only accept tags with more as half of the matchable
//tokens in the Chunk are matched!
if(((float)match/(float)num) < minChunkMatchScore &&
match < minFoundTokens){
tag.removeLL(); //ignore
CharSequence text = at.getText();
log.trace(" - reduce tag {}[{},{}] - does only match "
+ "{} of {} of matchable Chunk {}[{},{}]",
new Object[]{text.subSequence(start, end), start, end, match,
num, text.subSequence(cstart, cend), cstart, cend});
} else if(log.isTraceEnabled()){
CharSequence text = at.getText();
log.trace(" + keep tag {}[{},{}] - matches {} of {} "
+ "matchable Tokens for matchable Chunk {}[{},{}]",
new Object[]{text.subSequence(start, end), start, end, match,
num, text.subSequence(cstart, cend), cstart, cend});
} else {
CharSequence text = at.getText();
log.trace(" + keep tag {}[{},{}] - matches whole Chunk {}[{},{}]",
new Object[]{text.subSequence(start, end), start, end,
text.subSequence(cstart, cend), cstart, cend});
} else if(log.isTraceEnabled()){
CharSequence tagSequence = at.getText().subSequence(start, end);
log.trace(" + keep tag {} - not in processable chunk", tagSequence);
//(2) reduce Tags base on longest dominant right based on the matchable
// spans
//NOTE: This is the same code as TagClusterReducer#LONGEST_DOMINANT_RIGHT
// but adapted to use the matchable spans instead of the full Tag
// spans
if (head.length == 0 || head[0] == null || head[0].getNextTag() == null) {
return; //no tag left from phase one or single token optimization
Set<TagLL> marked = new HashSet<TagLL>(); //can not use TagLL#mark
while (true) {
// --Find longest not already marked
TagLL longest = null;
int longestMCharLen = -1;
int[] longestMSpan = null;
for (TagLL t = head[0]; t != null; t = t.getNextTag()) {
int[] mSpan = matchableTagSpan.get(t);
int mCharLen = mSpan[1] - mSpan[0];
if (!marked.contains(t) && (longest == null || mCharLen >= longestMCharLen)) {
longest = t;
longestMSpan = mSpan;
longestMCharLen = mCharLen;
if (longest == null) break;
// --Mark longest (so we return it eventually)
// --Remove tags overlapping this longest
for (TagLL t = head[0]; t != null; t = t.getNextTag()) {
if (marked.contains(t)) {
int[] mSpan = matchableTagSpan.get(t);
boolean overlaps =
mSpan[0] < longestMSpan[0] ? mSpan[1] > longestMSpan[1] : mSpan[0] < longestMSpan[1];
if (overlaps) {
} else if (mSpan[0] >= longestMSpan[1]) {
break;// no subsequent can possibly overlap
}// loop
* Holds the context for a linkable {@link Token}s. This ensures that the
* list of Tokens of the current {@link Section} (typically a {@link Sentence})
* is still available even if the {@link LinkableTokenFilter#sectionData} does hold
* already tokens for the next section.<p>
* This is necessary as {@link LinkableTokenFilter#reduce(TagLL[])} can
* be called for the previous sentence in cases where a Tag cluster includes
* the last {@link Token} of a {@link Section}.
* @author Rupert Westenthaler
private static class LinkableTokenContext {
final TokenData linkableToken;
final List<TokenData> context;
LinkableTokenContext(TokenData linkableToken, List<TokenData> context){
this.linkableToken = linkableToken;
this.context = context;