blob: d359042ff989b5160d8a2a2875ef1b6d8515b6e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.lucenefstlinking;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.utils.NlpEngineHelper.getAnalysedText;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.utils.NlpEngineHelper.getLanguage;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.EnhancementEngineHelper.getSelectionContext;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.Properties.DC_CONTRIBUTOR;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.Properties.ENHANCER_END;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.Properties.ENHANCER_ENTITY_REFERENCE;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.Properties.ENHANCER_START;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.Properties.RDF_TYPE;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.TechnicalClasses.ENHANCER_TEXTANNOTATION;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.Language;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.Literal;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.LiteralFactory;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.MGraph;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.Triple;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.UriRef;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.impl.PlainLiteralImpl;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.impl.TripleImpl;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IntsRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.OpenBitSet;
import org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.EntitySearcher;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.config.EntityLinkerConfig;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.config.TextProcessingConfig;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.engine.EntityLinkingEngine;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.impl.LinkedEntity;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.impl.Suggestion;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.lucenefstlinking.TaggingSession.Corpus;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.AnalysedText;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.AnalysedTextUtils;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.ner.NerTag;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.utils.NlpEngineHelper;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.ContentItem;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.EngineException;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.EnhancementEngine;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.ServiceProperties;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.ContentItemHelper;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.EnhancementEngineHelper;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.NamespaceEnum;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.Properties;
import org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.TagClusterReducer;
import org.opensextant.solrtexttagger.Tagger;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class FstLinkingEngine implements EnhancementEngine, ServiceProperties {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FstLinkingEngine.class);
* Use the same {@link ServiceProperties#ENHANCEMENT_ENGINE_ORDERING} as the
* {@link EntityLinkingEngine#DEFAULT_ORDER}
public static final Integer ENGINE_ORDERING = EntityLinkingEngine.DEFAULT_ORDER;
private static final Map<String,Object> SERVICE_PROPERTIES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(Collections
.singletonMap(ServiceProperties.ENHANCEMENT_ENGINE_ORDERING, (Object) ENGINE_ORDERING));
private static final UriRef ENHANCER_ENTITY_RANKING = new UriRef(NamespaceEnum.fise + "entity-ranking");
public static final UriRef FISE_ORIGIN = new UriRef(NamespaceEnum.fise + "origin");
private final LiteralFactory literalFactory = LiteralFactory.getInstance();
protected final String name;
protected final LinkingModeEnum linkingMode;
protected final TextProcessingConfig tpConfig;
protected final EntityLinkerConfig elConfig;
* Used in the {@link LinkingModeEnum#NER} to filter entities. For that configured
* mappings for the {@link NerTag#getType()} and {@link NerTag#getTag()} values
* (the key) are mapped with the actual {@link Match#getTypes()} (the value set).
* The <code>null</code> value is interpreted as wildCard (any type matches). An
* empty mapping is interpreted as an blacklist (do not lookup Named Entities
* with that {@link NerTag#getType() type}/{@link NerTag#getTag() tag}
protected final Map<String,Set<String>> neTypeMappings;
private IndexConfiguration indexConfig;
public FstLinkingEngine(String name, LinkingModeEnum linkingMode,
IndexConfiguration indexConfig,
TextProcessingConfig tpConfig, EntityLinkerConfig elConfig,
Map<String,Set<String>> neTypeMappings) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed name MUST NOT be NULL nor blank!");
} = name;
if (indexConfig == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed IndexConfiguration MUST NOT be NULL!");
this.linkingMode = linkingMode == null ? LinkingModeEnum.values()[0] : linkingMode;
this.indexConfig = indexConfig;
if (tpConfig == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed Text Processing configuration MUST NOT be NULL");
this.tpConfig = tpConfig;
if (elConfig == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed Entity Linking configuration MUST NOT be NULL");
this.elConfig = elConfig;
if(linkingMode == LinkingModeEnum.NER && neTypeMappings == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The NamedEntity type mappings MUST NOT be NULL "
+ "if the LinkingMode is NER!");
this.neTypeMappings = neTypeMappings;
public String getName() {
return name;
public Map<String,Object> getServiceProperties() {
public int canEnhance(ContentItem ci) throws EngineException {
log.trace("canEnhancer {}", ci.getUri());
String language = getLanguage(this, ci, false);
//(1) check if the language is enabled by the config
if (language == null || !indexConfig.getFstConfig().isLanguage(language)) {
log.debug("Engine {} ignores ContentItem {} becuase language {} is not condigured.",
new Object[] {getName(), ci.getUri(), language});
//(2) check if we have a FST model for the language
//NOTE: as STANBOL-1448 the index configuration is Solr index version
// dependent. This means that we can not use informations of the
// current IndexConfiguration to check if we have an FST model for
// the language of the requested document. Those information might
// be already out dated.
// if(indexConfig.getCorpus(language) == null && //for the language
// indexConfig.getDefaultCorpus() == null){ //a default model
// log.debug("Engine {} ignores ContentItem {} becuase no FST modles for language {} "
// + "are available", new Object[] {getName(), ci.getUri(), language});
// }
// we need a detected language, the AnalyzedText contentPart with
// Tokens.
AnalysedText at = AnalysedTextUtils.getAnalysedText(ci);
if(at == null){
if( linkingMode == LinkingModeEnum.PLAIN){
return NlpEngineHelper.getPlainText(this, ci, false) != null ? ENHANCE_ASYNC : CANNOT_ENHANCE;
} else {
log.warn("Unable to process {} with engine name={} and mode={} "
+ ": Missing AnalyzedText content part. Please ensure that "
+ "NLP processing results are available before FST linking!",
new Object[]{ci,name,linkingMode});
} else {
if(linkingMode == LinkingModeEnum.PLAIN){
} else if(at.getTokens().hasNext()){
} else {
log.warn("Unable to process {} with engine name={} and mode={} "
+ "as the AnalyzedText does not contain any Tokens!",
new Object[]{ci,name,linkingMode});
public void computeEnhancements(ContentItem ci) throws EngineException {
AnalysedText at;
if(linkingMode != LinkingModeEnum.PLAIN){
//require AnalysedText contentPart
at = getAnalysedText(this, ci, true);
} else { //AnalysedText is optional in LinkingModeEnum.BASIC
try {
at = AnalysedTextUtils.getAnalysedText(ci);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
//unexpected contentPart found under the URI expecting the AnalysedText
at = null;
final String content;
if(at != null){ //we can get the content from the Analyzed text
content = at.getSpan();
} else { //no analyzed text ... read is from the text/plain blob
try {
content = ContentItemHelper.getText(
NlpEngineHelper.getPlainText(this, ci, true).getValue());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EngineException(this, ci, "Unable to access plain/text content!", e);
log.debug(" > AnalysedText {}", at);
String language = getLanguage(this, ci, true);
log.debug(" > Language {}", language);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("computeEnhancements for ContentItem {} language {} text={}", new Object[] {
ci.getUri().getUnicodeString(), language, StringUtils.abbreviate(content, 100)});
// TODO: we need to do the same for the the default matching language
TaggingSession session;
try {
session = TaggingSession.createSession(indexConfig, language);
} catch (CorpusException e) {
throw new EngineException(this, ci, e);
long taggingStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
final NavigableMap<int[],Tag> tags = new TreeMap<int[],Tag>(Tag.SPAN_COMPARATOR);
try {
//process the language of the document
Corpus corpus = null;
if(session.getLanguageCorpus() != null){
corpus = session.getLanguageCorpus();
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
int d = tag(content, at, session,corpus,tags);" - {}: fst: {}ms (callback: {}ms)", new Object[]{
corpus.getIndexedField(), System.currentTimeMillis()-t, d
if(session.getDefaultCorpus() != null){
if(corpus == null){
corpus = session.getDefaultCorpus();
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
int d = tag(content, at, session, session.getDefaultCorpus(),tags);" - {}: fst: {}ms (callback: {}ms)",new Object[]{
System.currentTimeMillis()-t, d});
long taggingEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(corpus == null){
throw new EngineException(this,ci,"No FST corpus found to process contentItem "
+ "language '"+session.getLanguage()+"'!",null);
} else {
if(session.getLanguageCorpus() != null && session.getDefaultCorpus() != null){" - sum fst: {} ms", taggingEnd - taggingStart);
int matches = match(content, tags.values(), session.entityMentionTypes);
log.debug(" - loaded {} ({} loaded, {} cached, {} appended) Matches in {} ms",
new Object[]{matches, session.getSessionDocLoaded(),
session.getSessionDocCached(), session.getSessionDocAppended(),
if(log.isDebugEnabled() && session.getDocumentCache() != null){
log.debug("EntityCache Statistics: {}",
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EngineException(this,ci,e);
} finally {
log.trace("Tagged Entities:");
for(Tag tag : tags.values()){
log.trace("[{},{}]: {}", new Object[]{tag.getStart(),tag.getEnd(),tag.getMatches()});
try {
} finally {
tags.clear(); //help the GC
private int match(String text, Collection<Tag> tags, Map<int[],Set<String>> emTypes) {
log.trace(" ... process matches for {} extracted Tags:",tags.size());
int matchCount = 0;
Iterator<Tag> tagIt = tags.iterator();
Tag tag =;
String anchor = text.substring(tag.getStart(), tag.getEnd());
log.trace(" {}: '{}'", tag, anchor);
anchor = anchor.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
int alength = anchor.length();
List<Match> suggestions = new ArrayList<Match>(tag.getMatches().size());
int i=1; //only for trace level debugging
for(Match match : tag.getMatches()){
log.trace(" {}. {}", i++, match.getUri());
final boolean filterType;
if(linkingMode == LinkingModeEnum.NER){
Set<String> types = emTypes.get(new int[]{tag.getStart(), tag.getEnd()});
if(types == null){
log.warn(" - missing NE types for Named Entity [{},{}] {}!",
new Object[]{tag.getStart(), tag.getEnd(),tag.getAnchor()});
filterType = true;
} else {
filterType = filterByNamedEntityType(match.getTypes().iterator(), types);
} else {
filterType = filterEntityByType(match.getTypes().iterator());
int distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Literal matchLabel = null;
for(Iterator<Literal> it = match.getLabels().iterator(); it.hasNext() && distance > 0;){
Literal literal =;
String label = literal.getLexicalForm();
int d;
label = label.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
d = StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(anchor, label);
if(d < distance){
distance = d;
matchLabel = literal;
if(distance == 0){
match.setMatch(1.0, matchLabel);
} else {
double length = Math.max(alength, matchLabel.getLexicalForm().length());
match.setMatch(1d - ((double)distance/length),matchLabel);
if(match.getScore() >= elConfig.getMinMatchScore()){
log.trace(" ... add suggestion: label: '{}'; conf: {}",
matchLabel, match.getScore());
} else {
log.trace(" ... filtered because match score < {}",
} else { //the type of the current Entity is blacklisted
log.trace(" ... filtered because of entity types");
tagIt.remove(); // remove this tag as no match is left
} else if(suggestions.size() > 1){ //if we have multiple suggestions
//sort based on score
Collections.sort(suggestions, Match.SCORE_COMPARATOR);
int maxSuggestions = elConfig.getMaxSuggestions();
if((suggestions.size() > maxSuggestions + 1) &&
//include suggestions with similar score
double minIncludeScore = suggestions.get(maxSuggestions).getScore();
int numInclude = maxSuggestions + 1; //the next element
double actScore;
do {
actScore = suggestions.get(numInclude).getScore();
numInclude++; //increase for the next iteration
} while(numInclude < suggestions.size() && actScore >= minIncludeScore);
maxSuggestions = numInclude - 1;
//adapt score based on entity ranking
if(log.isTraceEnabled()){ //log the suggestion information
int si=1;
for(Match m : suggestions){
log.trace(" {}. {} - {} ({})", new Object[]{
si <= maxSuggestions ? si : "--",
//remove all suggestions > maxSuggestions
if(suggestions.size() > maxSuggestions){
return matchCount;
* Filter Entities based on matching the entity types with the named entity types.
* The {@link #neTypeMappings} are used to convert named entity types to
* entity types.
* @param eTypes the types of the entity
* @param neTypes the types of the named entity
* @return
private boolean filterByNamedEntityType(Iterator<UriRef> eTypes, Set<String> neTypes) {
//first collect the allowed entity types
Set<String> entityTypes = new HashSet<String>();
for(String neType : neTypes){
if(neType != null){
Set<String> mappings = neTypeMappings.get(neType);
if(mappings != null){
//found an wildcard
return false; //do not filter
} else {
} //else no mapping for neType (tag or uri) present
return true; //no match possible .. filter
//second check the actual entity types against the allowed
UriRef typeUri =;
if(typeUri != null && entityTypes.contains(typeUri.getUnicodeString())){
return false; //we found an match .. do not filter
//no match found ... filter
return true;
* Applies the configured entity type based filters
* @param entityTypes
* @return
private boolean filterEntityByType(Iterator<UriRef> entityTypes){
Map<UriRef, Integer> whiteList = elConfig.getWhitelistedTypes();
Map<UriRef, Integer> blackList = elConfig.getBlacklistedTypes();
Integer w = null;
Integer b = null;
UriRef type =;
Integer act = whiteList.get(type);
if(act != null){
if(w == null || act.compareTo(w) < 0){
w = act;
if(act.intValue() == 0){
act = blackList.get(type);
if(act != null){
if(b == null || act.compareTo(b) < 0){
b = act;
if(act.intValue() == 0){
if(w == null && b == null){
return !elConfig.isDefaultWhitelistTypes();
} else if(w != null){
return b == null || w.compareTo(b) < 0 ? false : true;
} else { //w == null && b != null
return true; //filter
* Uses the {@link Corpus} to tag the the {@link AnalysedText} and adds
* tagging results to the parsed tag map.
* @param content the content to link
* @param at the AnalyzedText. not required if {@link LinkingModeEnum#PLAIN}
* @param session the tagging session of the text
* @param corpus the corpus o the session to tag the content with
* @param tags the Tags map used to store the tagging results
* @return the time in milliseconds spent in the tag callback.
* @throws IOException on any error while accessing the {@link SolrCore}
private int tag(final String content, final AnalysedText at, final TaggingSession session,
final Corpus corpus, final Map<int[],Tag> tags) throws IOException{
final OpenBitSet matchDocIdsBS = new OpenBitSet(session.getSearcher().maxDoc());
TokenStream baseTokenStream = corpus.getTaggingAnalyzer().tokenStream("",
new CharSequenceReader(content));
final TokenStream tokenStream;
final TagClusterReducer reducer;
log.debug(" ... set up TokenStream and TagClusterReducer for linking mode {}", linkingMode);
switch (linkingMode) {
case PLAIN: //will link all tokens and search longest dominant right
tokenStream = baseTokenStream;
reducer = TagClusterReducer.LONGEST_DOMINANT_RIGHT;
case NER:
//this uses the NamedEntityTokenFilter as tokenStream and a
//combination with the longest dominant right as reducer
NamedEntityTokenFilter neTokenFilter = new NamedEntityTokenFilter(
baseTokenStream, at, session.getLanguage(), neTypeMappings.keySet(),
tokenStream = neTokenFilter;
reducer = new ChainedTagClusterReducer(neTokenFilter,
//this uses the LinkableTokenFilter as tokenStream
LinkableTokenFilter linkableTokenFilter = new LinkableTokenFilter(baseTokenStream,
at, session.getLanguage(), tpConfig.getConfiguration(session.getLanguage()),
elConfig.getMinChunkMatchScore(), elConfig.getMinFoundTokens());
//NOTE that the LinkableTokenFilter implements longest dominant right
// based on the matchable span of tags (instead of the whole span).
reducer = new ChainedTagClusterReducer(
tokenStream = linkableTokenFilter;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized LinkingMode '"
+ linkingMode + "! Please adapt implementation to changed Enumeration!");
log.debug(" - tokenStream: {}", tokenStream);
log.debug(" - reducer: {} (class: {})", reducer, reducer.getClass().getName());
//Now process the document
final long[] time = new long[]{0};
new Tagger(corpus.getFst(), tokenStream, reducer,session.isSkipAltTokens()) {
protected void tagCallback(int startOffset, int endOffset, long docIdsKey) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
log.trace(" > tagCallback for {}", content.subSequence(startOffset, endOffset));
int[] span = new int[]{startOffset,endOffset};
Tag tag = tags.get(span);
if(tag == null){
tag = new Tag(span);
tags.put(span, tag);
// below caches, and also flags matchDocIdsBS
Set<Match> matches = createMatches(docIdsKey);
log.trace(" - {} matches", matches.size());
long dif = System.nanoTime()-start;
time[0] = time[0]+dif;
//NOTE: We can not use a cache, because we need to create different
// Match instances even for the same 'docIdsKey'. This is because
// the same result list might get generated for different
// surface forms in the text (e.g. if the SolrIndex is case
// insensitive, but the linking does consider the case when
// calculating the score). If we would use this cache Match
// instances would be used for several occurrences in the text
// and Match#getScore() values would get overridden when
// processing those multiple occurrences.
//Map<Long,Set<Match>> docIdsListCache = new HashMap<Long,Set<Match>>(1024);
private Set<Match> createMatches(long docIdsKey) {
IntsRef docIds = lookupDocIds(docIdsKey);
Set<Match> matches = new HashSet<Match>(docIds.length);
for (int i = docIds.offset; i < docIds.offset + docIds.length; i++) {
int docId = docIds.ints[i];
matchDocIdsBS.set(docId);// also, flip docid in bitset
matches.add(session.createMatch(docId));// translates here
return matches;
return (int)(time[0]/1000000);
* Adapts the scores of Matches with the same {@link Match#getScore() score}
* but different {@link Match#getRanking() entity rankings} in a way that
* suggestions with a higher ranking do have a slightly better score. The
* score difference is never higher as <code>0.1</code>.
* @param matches the matches
private void adaptScoresForEntityRankings(List<Match> matches) {
List<Match> equalScoreList = new ArrayList<Match>(4);
double score = 2f;
for(Match match : matches){
double actScore = match.getScore();
if(score == actScore){
} else {
if(equalScoreList.size() > 1){
adaptScoreForEntityRankings(equalScoreList, actScore);
score = actScore;
if(equalScoreList.size() > 1){
//resort by score
Collections.sort(matches, Match.SCORE_COMPARATOR);
* This method slightly adapts scores of Suggestions based on the Entity ranking.
* It is used for Suggestions that would have the exact same score (e.g. 1.0) to
* ensure ordering of the suggestions based on the rankings of the Entities
* within the knowledge base linked against
* @param equalScoreList Entities with the same {@link Suggestion#getScore()}
* values. If this is not the case this method will change scores in unintended
* ways
* @param nextScore the score of the {@link Suggestion} with a lower score as the
* list of suggestions parsed in the first parameter
private void adaptScoreForEntityRankings(List<Match> equalScoreList, double nextScore) {
double score = equalScoreList.get(0).getScore();
log.trace(" > Adapt Score of multiple Suggestions "
+ "with '{}' based on EntityRanking",score);
//Adapt the score to reflect the entity ranking
//but do not change order with entities of different
//score. Also do not change the score more that 0.1
//TODO: make the max change (0.1) configurable
double dif = (Math.min(0.1, score-nextScore))/equalScoreList.size();
log.trace(" - keep socre of {} at {}", equalScoreList.get(0).getUri(), score);
for(int i=1;i<equalScoreList.size();i++){
score = score-dif;
equalScoreList.get(i)) != 0){
log.trace(" - set score of {} to {}", equalScoreList.get(i).getUri(), score);
} else {
double lastScore = equalScoreList.get(i-1).getScore();
log.trace(" - set score of {} to {}", equalScoreList.get(i).getUri(), lastScore);
* Writes the Enhancements for the {@link LinkedEntity LinkedEntities}
* extracted from the parsed ContentItem
* @param ci
* @param tags
* @param language
private void writeEnhancements(ContentItem ci, String text, Collection<Tag> tags,
String language, boolean writeRankings) {
Language languageObject = null;
if(language != null && !language.isEmpty()){
languageObject = new Language(language);
MGraph metadata = ci.getMetadata();
for(Tag tag : tags){
Collection<UriRef> textAnnotations = new ArrayList<UriRef>(tags.size());
//first create the TextAnnotations for the Occurrences
Literal startLiteral = literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(tag.getStart());
Literal endLiteral = literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(tag.getEnd());
//search for existing text annotation
Iterator<Triple> it = metadata.filter(null, ENHANCER_START, startLiteral);
UriRef textAnnotation = null;
Triple t =;
if(metadata.filter(t.getSubject(), ENHANCER_END, endLiteral).hasNext() &&
metadata.filter(t.getSubject(), RDF_TYPE, ENHANCER_TEXTANNOTATION).hasNext()){
textAnnotation = (UriRef)t.getSubject();
if(textAnnotation == null){ //not found ... create a new one
textAnnotation = EnhancementEngineHelper.createTextEnhancement(ci, this);
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(textAnnotation,
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(textAnnotation,
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(textAnnotation,
new PlainLiteralImpl(getSelectionContext(text, tag.getAnchor(),
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(textAnnotation,
new PlainLiteralImpl(tag.getAnchor(),languageObject)));
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(textAnnotation,
} else { //if existing add this engine as contributor
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(textAnnotation, DC_CONTRIBUTOR,
new PlainLiteralImpl(this.getClass().getName())));
//add dc:types (even to existing)
for(UriRef dcType : getDcTypes(tag.getSuggestions())){
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(
textAnnotation, Properties.DC_TYPE, dcType));
//now the EntityAnnotations for the Suggestions
for(Match match : tag.getSuggestions()){
UriRef entityAnnotation = EnhancementEngineHelper.createEntityEnhancement(ci, this);
//should we use the label used for the match, or search the
//representation for the best label ... currently its the matched one
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, Properties.ENHANCER_ENTITY_LABEL, match.getMatchLabel()));
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation,ENHANCER_ENTITY_REFERENCE,
new UriRef(match.getUri())));
for(UriRef type : match.getTypes()){
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation,
Properties.ENHANCER_ENTITY_TYPE, type));
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation,
Properties.ENHANCER_CONFIDENCE, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(match.getScore())));
//add the relation to the fise:TextAnnotation (the tag)
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, Properties.DC_RELATION, textAnnotation));
//write origin information
if(indexConfig.getOrigin() != null){
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation, FISE_ORIGIN, indexConfig.getOrigin()));
//TODO: add origin information of the EntiySearcher
// for(Entry<UriRef,Collection<Resource>> originInfo : entitySearcher.getOriginInformation().entrySet()){
// for(Resource value : originInfo.getValue()){
// metadata.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation,
// originInfo.getKey(),value));
// }
// }
Double ranking = match.getRanking();
if(ranking != null){
metadata.add(new TripleImpl(entityAnnotation,
//TODO: dereferencing
// if(linkerConfig.isDereferenceEntitiesEnabled() &&
// dereferencedEntitis.add(entity.getUri())){ //not yet dereferenced
// //add all outgoing triples for this entity
// //NOTE: do not add all triples as there might be other data in the graph
// for(Iterator<Triple> triples = entity.getData().filter(entity.getUri(), null, null);
// triples.hasNext();metadata.add(;
// }
* Retrieves all {@link EntitySearcher#getEncodedTypeField()} values of the parsed
* {@link Suggestion}s and than lookup the {@link NamespaceEnum#dcTerms dc}:type
* values for the {@link LinkedEntity#getTypes()} by using the configured
* {@link EntityLinkerConfig#getTypeMappings() types mappings} (and if
* no mapping is found the {@link EntityLinkerConfig#getDefaultDcType()
* default} type.
* @param conceptTypes The list of suggestions
* @return the types values for the {@link LinkedEntity}
private Set<UriRef> getDcTypes(List<Match> matches){
if(matches == null || matches.isEmpty()){
return Collections.emptySet();
Collection<UriRef> conceptTypes = new HashSet<UriRef>();
double score = -1; //only consider types of the best ranked Entities
for(Match match : matches){
double actScore = match.getScore();
if(actScore < score){
score = actScore;
for(Iterator<UriRef> types = match.getTypes().iterator();
types.hasNext(); conceptTypes.add(;
Map<UriRef,UriRef> typeMappings = elConfig.getTypeMappings();
Set<UriRef> dcTypes = new HashSet<UriRef>();
for(UriRef conceptType : conceptTypes){
UriRef dcType = typeMappings.get(conceptType);
if(dcType != null){
if(dcTypes.isEmpty() && elConfig.getDefaultDcType() != null){
return dcTypes;