blob: 2af212e72b8ddd72c1fc4a6e20195457de1dee97 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.chain.graph.impl;
import static;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.ConfigUtils.getParameters;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.ConfigUtils.getState;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.ConfigUtils.getValue;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.ConfigUtils.guessRdfFormat;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.ConfigUtils.parseConfig;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.ExecutionPlanHelper.createExecutionPlan;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.ExecutionPlanHelper.validateExecutionPlan;
import static org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.helper.ExecutionPlanHelper.writeExecutionNode;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.Graph;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.MGraph;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.NonLiteral;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.impl.SimpleMGraph;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.impl.TripleImpl;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.serializedform.Parser;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ConfigurationPolicy;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Properties;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceCardinality;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.apache.stanbol.commons.stanboltools.datafileprovider.DataFileListener;
import org.apache.stanbol.commons.stanboltools.datafileprovider.DataFileProvider;
import org.apache.stanbol.commons.stanboltools.datafileprovider.DataFileTracker;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.Chain;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.ChainException;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.impl.AbstractChain;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.ExecutionPlan;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Chain implementation that allows to configure the execution graph. Two ways
* to configure the graph are supported:<ol>
* <li> Configuration by pointing to an RDF file containing the execution graph.
* The name of the file needs to be provided by {@link #PROPERTY_GRAPH_RESOURCE}.
* The file is tracked by using the {@link DataFileListener} service. Typically
* users will need to copy this file to the /datafiles directory of the
* Stanbol Environment. However datafiles may be also provided by other means
* such as bundles or even the default configuration of the Stanbol Environment.
* <li> Configuration directly provided by the properties of a component instance.
* The {@link #PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST} is used for this option. See the java doc for
* this property for details on the syntax. Users that want to use this option
* MUST make sure that {@link #PROPERTY_GRAPH_RESOURCE} is not present or
* empty. Otherwise the {@link #PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST} will be ignored regardless
* if the graph resource is available or not.
* </ol>
* TODO: Maybe split this up into two chains - one for each configuration
* possibility.
* @author Rupert Westenthaler
@Property(name=GraphChain.PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST, cardinality=1000),
@Property(name=Constants.SERVICE_RANKING, intValue=0)
public class GraphChain extends AbstractChain implements Chain {
protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphChain.class);
* Property used to configure the Graph by using the line based
* representation with the following Syntax:
* <code><pre>
* &lt;engineName&gt;;&lt;parm1&gt;=&lt;value1&gt;,&lt;value2&gt;;&lt;parm2&gt;=&lt;value1&gt;...
* </pre></code>
* Note that this property is ignored in case {@link #PROPERTY_GRAPH_RESOURCE}
* is defined.
* <p>
* Example:
* <code><pre>
* metaxa
* langId;dependsOn=metaxa
* ner;dependsOn=langId
* zemanta;optional
* dbpedia-linking;dependsOn=ner
* geonames;optional;dependsOn=ner
* refactor;dependsOn=geonames,dbpedia-linking,zemanta
* </pre></code>
public static final String PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST = "stanbol.enhancer.chain.graph.chainlist";
* Property used to link to a resource available via the {@link DataFileProvider}
* utility. The RDF format of the file can be configured by the format parameter.
* However for well known file extensions (e.g. 'rdf','xml','json','nt')
* this is not required.<p>
* Both example will result in "application/rdf+xml" to be used as format to
* parse the configured resource: <code><pre>
* myExecutionPlan.rdf
* myExecutionPlan;format=application/rdf+xml
* </pre></code>
* Compressed file are not supported because execution plans should be
* reasonable small.<p>
* NOTE that if this property is present the {@link #PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST} is
* ignored regardless if the referenced resource is available or not.
public static final String PROPERTY_GRAPH_RESOURCE = "stanbol.enhancer.chain.graph.graphresource";
* Enum with the different configuration modes
private enum MODE {
* Configuration provided by {@link GraphChain#PROPERTY_GRAPH_RESOURCE}
* Configuration provided by {@link GraphChain#PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST}
* The configuration mode.
private MODE mode;
* The internal chain. Different implementation depending on the {@link #mode}
private Chain internalChain = null;
* The {@link DataFileTracker}. Optional because only required in
* {@link MODE#RESOURCE}.
protected DataFileTracker tracker;
* The {@link Parser}. Optional because only required by
* {@link ExecutionPlanListerner}.
protected Parser parser;
public void activate(ComponentContext ctx) throws ConfigurationException {
Object resource = ctx.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_GRAPH_RESOURCE);
Object list = ctx.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST);
if(resource != null && !resource.toString().isEmpty()){
String[] config = resource.toString().split(";");
String resourceName = config[0];
String format = getValue(getParameters(config, 1),"format");
if(format == null){
format = guessRdfFormat(getExtension(resourceName));
} else if(format.isEmpty()){
throw new ConfigurationException(PROPERTY_GRAPH_RESOURCE,
"The configured value for the 'format' parameter MUST NOT be" +
"empty (configured: '"+resource+"')!");
if(format == null){
throw new ConfigurationException(PROPERTY_GRAPH_RESOURCE,
"RDF formant for extension '"+getExtension(resourceName)+
"' is not known. Please use the 'format' parameter to specify" +
"it manually (configured: '"+resource+"')!");
ExecutionPlanListerner epl = new ExecutionPlanListerner(resourceName,format);
if(tracker != null){
tracker.add(epl, resourceName, null);
internalChain = epl;
} else if (list != null){
Set<String> configuredChain = new HashSet<String>();
if(list instanceof String[]){
} else if (list instanceof Collection<?>){
for(Object o : (Collection<?>) list){
if(o instanceof String){
} else {
throw new ConfigurationException(PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST,
"The list based configuration of a Graph Chain MUST BE " +
"configured as a Array or Collection of Strings (parsed: "+
(list != null?list.getClass():"null")+"). NOTE you can also " +
"configure the Graph by pointing to a resource with the graph as" +
"value of the property '"+PROPERTY_GRAPH_RESOURCE+"'.");
Map<String,Map<String,List<String>>> config;
try {
config = parseConfig(configuredChain);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new ConfigurationException(PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST,
"Unable to parse the execution plan configuraiton (message: '"+
throw new ConfigurationException(PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST,
"The configured execution plan MUST at least contain a single " +
"valid execution node!");
internalChain = new ListConfigExecutionPlan(config);
mode = MODE.LIST;
throw new ConfigurationException(PROPERTY_GRAPH_RESOURCE,
"The Execution Plan is a required property. It MUST BE configured" +
"by one of the properties :"+
public void deactivate(ComponentContext ctx){
if(mode == MODE.RESOURCE && tracker != null){
//we need to remove the ExecutionPlanListerner
internalChain = null;
mode = null;
tracker = null;
public Graph getExecutionPlan() throws ChainException {
return internalChain.getExecutionPlan();
public Set<String> getEngines() throws ChainException {
return internalChain.getEngines();
* {@link GraphChain#internalChain} implementation used if the execution
* plan is provided form a RDF file provided by the {@link DataFileProvider}
* infrastructure.<p>
* This implementation requires the optional {@link GraphChain#tracker} and
* {@link GraphChain#parser} services. If they are not available the
* {@link #getExecutionPlan()} and {@link #getEngines()} methods will throw
* {@link ChainException}s.<p>
* This class implements {@link DataFileListener} to track the configured
* {@link #resourceName}.
* @author Rupert Westenthaler
private class ExecutionPlanListerner implements DataFileListener, Chain {
* The data for the resource as retrieved from
* {@link #available(String, InputStream)}. This variable is only
* set after a call to {@link #available(String, InputStream)} up to the
* next call to {@link #updateExecutionPlan()}.
byte[] resourceData;
* The execution Plan. Use the {@link #resourceName} to sync access.<p>
* The executionPlan is parsed and validated within
* {@link #updateExecutionPlan()}
private Graph executionPlan;
* The referenced engine names. Use the {@link #resourceName} to sync
* access.<p>
* This variable is initialised in {@link #updateExecutionPlan()}
private Set<String> engineNames;
* Parser used to parse the RDF {@link Graph} from the {@link InputStream}
* provided to the {@link #available(String, InputStream)} method by the
* {@link DataFileTracker}.
private final String format;
* The name of the resource. Used to ignore events for other resources
* within the {@link #available(String, InputStream)} and
* {@link #unavailable(String)} methods. <p>
* This final variable is also used as lock to sync access to
* {@link #resourceData},{@link #executionPlan} and {@link #engineNames}
private final String resourceName;
* Constructs an instance
* @param rdfParser the parser
* @param resourceName the name of the resource
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the two parameter is
* <code>null</code> or the resourceName is empty.
public ExecutionPlanListerner(String resourceName, String format) {
if(format == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed rdf format MUST NOT be NULL!");
if(resourceName == null || resourceName.isEmpty()){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed name of the resource MUST NOT be NULL!");
this.resourceName = resourceName;
this.format = format;
public boolean available(String resourceName, InputStream is) {
//update ExectionPlan
synchronized (resourceName) {
resourceData = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Unable to read data from InputStream provided" +
"by the DataFileTracker for resource "+resourceName,e);
executionPlan = null;
engineNames = null;
return false; //keep tracking
} else {
log.warn("received Event for unexpected resource '"+
resourceName+"' (tracked: '"+this.resourceName+"') -> " +
"ignored and disabled listening for this resource!");
return true;
public boolean unavailable(String resource) {
synchronized (resourceName) {
executionPlan = null;
engineNames = null;
resourceData = null;
return false; //keep tracking
public Graph getExecutionPlan() throws ChainException {
synchronized (resourceName) {
if(executionPlan == null){
return executionPlan;
public Set<String> getEngines() throws ChainException {
synchronized (resourceName) {
if(engineNames == null){
return engineNames;
* Updates the {@link #executionPlan} and {@link #engineNames}
* based on {@link #resourceData}.<p>
* This method assumes to be called within a sync on {@link #resourceName}
* @throws ChainException if {@link #resourceData} is <code>null</code>,
* {@link GraphChain#parser} is not available, any exception during
* parsing or if the parsed RDF data are not a valid execution plan
private void updateExecutionPlan() throws ChainException {
if(resourceData == null){
throw new ChainException("The configured resource '"+resourceName+
"' for the execution plan is not available via the" +
"DataFileProvider infrastructure");
if(parser == null){
throw new ChainException("Unable to parse RDF data from resource '"+
resourceName+"' because the RDF parser service is not available!");
try {
executionPlan = parser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(resourceData), format);
}catch(Exception e){
throw new ChainException("Unable to parse RDF from resource '"+resourceName+
"' using format '"+format+"'!",e);
resourceData = null; //we have the graph no need to keep the raw data
//we need still to parse the engines and to validate the plan
engineNames = validateExecutionPlan(executionPlan);
public String getName() {
return GraphChain.this.getName();
* Implementation the parsed the execution plan form a config as described
* in the java doc of {@link GraphChain#PROPERTY_CHAIN_LIST}.<p>
* An instance of this class will be set to {@link GraphChain#internalChain}
* during activation.
* @author Rupert Westenthaler
private class ListConfigExecutionPlan implements Chain {
private final Graph executionPlan;
private final Set<String> engines;
* Parses the execution plan form the configuration.
* @param config
private ListConfigExecutionPlan(Map<String,Map<String,List<String>>> config){
if(config == null || config.isEmpty()){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed execution plan " +
"confiuguration MUST NOT be NULL nor empty");
if(config.remove(null) != null || config.remove("") != null){
log.warn("ExecutionNode configurations with NULL or an empty " +
"engine name where removed form the configuration of the" +
"GraphChain '{}'",getName());
engines = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(config.keySet()));
MGraph graph = new SimpleMGraph();
NonLiteral epNode = createExecutionPlan(graph, getName());
//caches the String name -> {NonLiteral node, List<Stirng> dependsOn} mappings
Map<String,Object[]> name2nodes = new HashMap<String,Object[]>();
//1. write the nodes (without dependencies)
for(Entry<String,Map<String,List<String>>> node : config.entrySet()){
new Object[]{
writeExecutionNode(graph, epNode,
getState(node.getValue(), "optional"),
node.getValue().get("dependsOn")}); //dependsOn
//2. write the dependencies
for(Entry<String,Object[]> info : name2nodes.entrySet()){
List<String> dependsOn = (List<String>)info.getValue()[1];
if(dependsOn != null){
for(String target : dependsOn){
Object[] targetInfo = name2nodes.get(target);
if(targetInfo != null){
graph.add(new TripleImpl(
} else { //reference to a undefined engine :(
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The Engine '"+
info.getKey()+"' defines a ex:dependOn to Engine '"+
target+"' that is not define in the configuration" +
"(defined Engines: "+engines+")!");
} //this node has no dependencies
this.executionPlan = graph.getGraph();
public Graph getExecutionPlan() throws ChainException {
return executionPlan;
public Set<String> getEngines() throws ChainException {
return engines;
public String getName() {
return GraphChain.this.getName();