blob: 92c0b54404c305b31b029c97be7620077db7fe6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.dereference;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Language;
import org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.Triple;
import org.apache.clerezza.commons.rdf.IRI;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.Properties;
* Define configuration parameters for Dereference engines
* @author Rupert Westenthaler
public interface DereferenceConstants {
* Property that allows to enable/disable the filtering of {@link Triple}s
* with {@link PlainLiteral} {@link Triple#getObject() objects} based on
* their {@link Language}. Languages that need to be dereferenced are
* parsed to the {@link EntityDereferencer} via the
* {@link DereferenceContext#getContentLanguages()}. If empty no languages
* MUST BE filtered. <p>
* If both this and {@link #FILTER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES} are enabled the filter
* should use the union of the two sets available via
* {@link DereferenceContext#getLanguages()}.
String FILTER_CONTENT_LANGUAGES = "enhancer.engine.dereference.filterContentlanguages";
* By default {@link #FILTER_CONTENT_LANGUAGES} is deactivated
* Property that allows to enable/disable the filtering of {@link Triple}s
* with {@link PlainLiteral} {@link Triple#getObject() objects} based on
* their {@link Language}. Languages that need to be dereferenced are
* parsed to the {@link EntityDereferencer} via the
* {@link DereferenceContext#getAcceptLanguages()}. If empty no languages
* MUST BE filtered.<p>
* If both this and {@link #FILTER_CONTENT_LANGUAGES} are enabled the filter
* should use the union of the two sets available via
* {@link DereferenceContext#getLanguages()}.
String FILTER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES = "enhancer.engine.dereference.filterAcceptlanguages";
* By default {@link #FILTER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES} is activated
* Property used to configure the properties linking entities. If not present
* the {@link Properties#ENHANCER_ENTITY_REFERENCE} will be used. If present
* this property is not automatically added.<p>
* @since 0.12.1 (<a href="">STANBOL-1334</a>)
String ENTITY_REFERENCES = "enhancer.engines.dereference.references";
* By default the {@link Properties#ENTITY_REFERENCES} is used for
* dereferencing entities.
* @since 0.12.1 (<a href="">STANBOL-1334</a>)
Set<IRI> DEFAULT_ENTITY_REFERENCES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
* Property used to configure the fields that should be dereferenced.<p>
* DereferenceEngines need to support a list of URIs but may also support more
* complex syntax (such as the Entityhub FiedMapping). However parsing a
* list of properties URIs MUST BE still valid.<p>
* Support for Namespace prefixes via the Stanbol Namespace Prefix Service
* is optional. If unknown prefixes are used or prefixes are not supported
* the Engine is expected to throw a
* {@link} during activation
String DEREFERENCE_ENTITIES_FIELDS = "enhancer.engines.dereference.fields";
* Property used to configure LDPath statements. Those are applied using
* each referenced Entity as Context.<p>
* DereferenceEngines that can not support LDPath are expected to throw a
* {@link} if values are set
* for this property.
String DEREFERENCE_ENTITIES_LDPATH = "enhancer.engines.dereference.ldpath";
* A URI prefix checked for entity URIs. Only entities that do match any of the
* parsed prefixes or {@link #URI_PATTERN} will be dereferenced. If no
* pattern nor prefixes are configured all entities will be dereferenced.
* This has lower priority as {@link #FALLBACK_MODE}.
String URI_PREFIX = "enhancer.engines.dereference.uriPrefix";
* Regex pattern applied to entity URIs. Only entities that do match any of
* the configured {@link #URI_PREFIX} or pattern will be dereferenced.
* If no pattern nor prefixes are configured all entities will be dereferenced.
* This has lower priority as {@link #FALLBACK_MODE}.
String URI_PATTERN = "enhancer.engines.dereference.uriPattern";
* If fallback mode is activated a dereference engine will not try to
* dereference entities for those there are already triples added to the
* enhancement results.
String FALLBACK_MODE = "enhancer.engines.dereference.fallback";
* By default {@link #FALLBACK_MODE} is enabled
* Parameter allowing users to define a list of languages to be dereferenced.
* An empty string is used for literals that do not have an language tag.
String DEREFERENCE_ENTITIES_LANGUAGES = "enhancer.engines.dereference.languages";
* Language key used for configuring literals without language tag
String NO_LANGUAGE_KEY = "none";