blob: ae7780ee0002dbbe94a9b4b7e58dc21ef84d5ce6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2011 The Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
# Generates Apache-style release notes in an HTML file
# for a specific commit range.
# Run with '-h' to see usage.
import datetime
import os
import re
import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree
except ImportError:
print "Building release notes is not supported on this platform."
def print_usage(prgm_name):
""" Print the usage for this program """
print "Usage: " + prgm_name + " <target-dir> <git-src> <commit-range> " \
+ "<newversion> <oldversion>"
print ""
print " <target-dir>: Directory where release notes should be written to."
print " <git-src>: Root of the git repository to collect info from."
print " <commit-range>: What set of commits form this release."
print " <newversion>: The version number to print in the release notes."
print " <oldversion>: The previous release version number."
def get_log(git_dir, commit_range):
""" Return the set of lines corresponding to the git log for the specified
commit range.
cmd = "git log --no-color '--pretty=format:%s' '" + commit_range + "'"
return os.popen(cmd).readlines()
def sanitize_log(in_log):
""" 'sanitize' the log.
Some entries do not have a separate subject and body by accident.
Return a new log that only includes the first sentence of each
subject. (Note that we also usually have a 'SQOOP-nn.' before this
out_log = []
for line in in_log:
line = line.strip()
sentences = line.split(". ")
if len(sentences) <= 2:
out_log.append(line) # Unchanged original input.
out_log.append(sentences[0] + ". " + sentences[1] + ".")
return out_log
def get_jira_doc(issue):
""" Get the XML document from JIRA for a specified issue. """
xml = os.popen("curl -s '" \
+ "issue-xml/%s/%s.xml?field=key&field=type&field=parent'" % (issue, issue)).read()
return ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
def get_jira_issue_types(log):
""" Return a dict from issue-type -> ((issue-name, summary) list) by looking
up the issues in our JIRA.
d = {}
def add_issue(issue, typ, line):
d[typ].append((issue, line))
except KeyError:
# This issue type hasn't been seen yet. Add a new list.
d[typ] = [ (issue, line) ]
jira_reg = r"^(SQOOP-\d+)"
for line in log:
matched_line = False
for m in re.finditer(jira_reg, line, re.M):
matched_line = True
jira =
doc = get_jira_doc(jira)
issue_type = doc.find('./channel/item/type').text
# Subtasks use the type of their parent item.
if issue_type == "Sub-task":
parent_doc = get_jira_doc(doc.find('./channel/item/parent').text)
issue_type = parent_doc.find('./channel/item/type').text
add_issue(jira, issue_type, line)
if not matched_line and not line.startswith("CLOUDERA-BUILD."):
# This line did not start with "SQOOP-.."
# Unless it's a CDH buildfix, add it in as a "Task".
add_issue("", "Task", line)
return d
def get_date():
""" Return the current month and year formatted as a string. """
return"%B, %Y")
def add_links(summary_line):
""" Given a line like "SQOOP-40. Do something", add links to the JIRA
and any appropriate SIPs, and return the line with links.
initial_jira_reg = r"^(SQOOP-\d+)\. (.*)"
# Reformat the issue id away from the summary.
m = re.match(initial_jira_reg, summary_line)
if m == None:
# Line in unexpected format. Return as-is.
return summary_line
jira =
text =
# Add links to JIRA and SIP wiki.
issue_reg = r"(SQOOP-\d+)"
issue_subst = r'<a href="\1">\1</a>'
sip_reg = r"(SIP-\d+)"
sip_subst = r'<a href="\1">\1</a>'
output = "[" + jira + "] - " + text
output = re.sub(issue_reg, issue_subst, output)
output = re.sub(sip_reg, sip_subst, output)
return output
__user_types = {
"Bug" : "Bug fixes",
"Improvement" : "Improvements",
"New Feature" : "New features",
"Task" : "Tasks"
def user_issue_type(typ):
""" Return a user-friendly issue type string based on the JIRA issue
type string.
global __user_types
return __user_types[typ]
except KeyError:
# If we don't have a plural-form string set, just use the input.
return typ
def format_html(newversion, oldversion, log, jira_info):
""" Creates the HTML representation of the release notes and returns
it as a string.
output_lines = []
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>Sqoop %(newversion)s Release Notes</title>
<style type="Text/css">
h1 {font-family: sans-serif}
h2 {font-family: sans-serif; margin-left: 7mm}
h4 {font-family: sans-serif; margin-left: 7mm}
<body><h1>Release Notes for Sqoop %(newversion)s: %(date)s</h1>
<p>This document lists all Sqoop issues included in version %(newversion)s
not present in the previous release, %(oldversion)s.</p>
""" % { "newversion" : newversion,
"oldversion" : oldversion,
"date" : get_date() })
# Sort the output list by issue type.
types = jira_info.keys()
for typ in types:
output_lines.append("<h4>" + user_issue_type(typ) + ":</h4><ul>\n")
for (issue, summary) in jira_info[typ]:
return "".join(output_lines)
def main(argv):
if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == '-h':
return 0
if len(argv) < NUM_ARGS:
print "Missing required argument(s). Try " + argv[0] + " -h"
return 1
target_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(argv[1]))
git_src = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(argv[2]))
commit_range = argv[3]
newversion = argv[4]
oldversion = argv[5]
log = get_log(git_src, commit_range)
log = sanitize_log(log)
jira_info = get_jira_issue_types(log)
html = format_html(newversion, oldversion, log, jira_info)
os.system("mkdir -p \"" + target_dir + "\"")
handle = open(os.path.join(target_dir, \
"sqoop-" + newversion + ".releasenotes.html"), "w")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":