SQOOP-904: Update Changelog for Sqoop-1.4.3

(Hari Shreedharan via Jarek Jarcec Cecho)
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt
index b91bd71..23dbbee 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -1,338 +1,273 @@
-Apache Sqoop Change Log
+Changelog - Sqoop - Version 1.4.3 - 02/20/2012
-Release 1.4.2 - 08/07/2012
+** New Feature
+    * [SQOOP-390] - PostgreSQL connector for direct export with pg_bulkload
+    * [SQOOP-540] - Microsoft SQL Connector doesn't support custom schemas
+    * [SQOOP-601] - Support custom schemas in PostgreSQL Connector
+    * [SQOOP-621] - Requesting support for upsert export with MySQL
+    * [SQOOP-724] - Support Table hints in Microsoft SQL Server
+    * [SQOOP-749] - Exports Using Stored Procedures (Functions)
+    * [SQOOP-767] - Add support for Accumulo
+** Improvement
+    * [SQOOP-350] - Add support for requiring that a connector be used, otherwise the job should fail
+    * [SQOOP-467] - Add support for Oracle BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE data types
+    * [SQOOP-579] - Simple refactoring of org.apache.sqoop.manager.DefaultManagerFactory - extract methods for reuse
+    * [SQOOP-580] - Add Open-ended "teardown" routine that is called after the job execution for cleanup
+    * [SQOOP-598] - Document NULL substitution string changes for HIVE import
+    * [SQOOP-603] - Support small intervals in IntegerSplitter implementation
+    * [SQOOP-604] - Easy throttling feature for MySQL exports
+    * [SQOOP-635] - Explaining why it's important to specify weird urandom path in Troubleshooting guide
+    * [SQOOP-638] - Add an optional, simple and extensible validation framework for sqoop
+    * [SQOOP-650] - Add ability to name mapreduce job generated by Sqoop
+    * [SQOOP-653] - Add splitter support for N(LONG)(VAR)CHAR Sql type
+    * [SQOOP-720] - Improve error handling when exporting malformed text data
+    * [SQOOP-726] - Put debugging information into generated SqoopRecord class
+    * [SQOOP-804] - Warn if hive special arguments will be used without --hive-import
+    * [SQOOP-820] - Escape table name in export job only if it's required by connector
+    * [SQOOP-833] - add *.eml "ant eclipse" (IntelliJ import) generated file, to .gitignore
-    SQOOP-439 Released artifacts should embrace unwritten naming policy
+** Task
+    * [SQOOP-535] - Support splitting metadata to connector and framework specific
+    * [SQOOP-731] - Move HBase tests to manual tests as they depend on unreleased artifacts
-    SQOOP-444 Support incremental import for free form queries
+** Sub-task
+    * [SQOOP-592] - Change repository location on Sqoop website
+    * [SQOOP-595] - Change repository location in source code
+    * [SQOOP-683] - Documenting sqoop.mysql.export.sleep.ms - easy throttling feature for direct MySQL exports
+** Bug
+    * [SQOOP-382] - Connection parameters should be used on the mapper
+    * [SQOOP-437] - Preparing release requires manual changes to LICENSE.txt file
+    * [SQOOP-462] - Sqoop hbase Test Compilation failure.
+    * [SQOOP-526] - Unable to resolve maven-scm-providers-standard
+    * [SQOOP-578] - sqoop script calls com.cloudera.sqoop.Sqoop instead of org.apache.sqoop.Sqoop
+    * [SQOOP-582] - Create a template method for job submission in Export/Import JobBase
+    * [SQOOP-585] - Bug when sqoop a join of two tables with the same column name with mysql backend
+    * [SQOOP-586] - ant checkstyle has 2 errors
+    * [SQOOP-597] - PostgreSQL Manager is incorrectly escaping table names
+    * [SQOOP-599] - Import to HBase is not working on secure cluster
+    * [SQOOP-600] - HBase table family presence is not working correctly on new HBase versions
+    * [SQOOP-607] - In-process Hive CLI driver does not work
+    * [SQOOP-609] - 3rd party LobAvroImportTest failures in trunk
+    * [SQOOP-615] - Error in Avro generation
+    * [SQOOP-616] - HBase import/export is not working on non secure cluster where security is available
+    * [SQOOP-617] - User guide is missing argument --fetch-size
+    * [SQOOP-628] - Postgres direct import fails on non-lowercase column names
+    * [SQOOP-636] - ExportJobTestCase.runExport method does not reuse the existing Configuration and SqoopOptions 
+    * [SQOOP-652] - Improve error message generated in  DataDrivenDBInputFormat when no splitter is available
+    * [SQOOP-654] - PostgreSQL direct connector is ignoring --null(-input)string and --null(-input)-non-string arguments
+    * [SQOOP-657] - ant checkstyle results in errors
+    * [SQOOP-687] - org.apache.sqoop.tool.ExportTool.applyOptions invokes applyOutputFormatOptions(..) twice in succession
+    * [SQOOP-706] - Sqoop won't compile on Java 7 due to new methods in ResultSet interface
+    * [SQOOP-721] - Duplicating rows on export when exporting from compressed files.
+    * [SQOOP-725] - Enable HBase tests in sqoop 1
+    * [SQOOP-730] - User Guide Update: Section 3 - Sqoop Releases
+    * [SQOOP-741] - The OracleConnect getTables() implementation needs to restrict tables to current user
+    * [SQOOP-796] - Unable to use new Hadoop environment variables
+    * [SQOOP-808] - SQLExceptions From Batched Exports Aren't Very Helpful
+    * [SQOOP-818] - Missing method setConnManager(Lcom/cloudera/sqoop/manager/ConnManager;)V in ExportJobContContext breaks MS SQL Connector
+    * [SQOOP-821] - Hadoop has changed logic for job id in LocalJobRunner that breaks Lob* tests
+    * [SQOOP-824] - Sqoop code generation in 'update' export mode incompatible with '--columns' option
+    * [SQOOP-825] - Warning for incorrect usage of hive parameters is not checking HIVE_HOME correctly
+    * [SQOOP-829] - Error Messages For --map-column-java Should Be More Useful
+    * [SQOOP-830] - HBase import formatting BigDecimal inconsistently
+    * [SQOOP-840] - Inconsistent java generics declaration for exportwriter classes
+    * [SQOOP-846] - Provide a connector for Netezza appliances
+    * [SQOOP-853] - sqoop list-tables isn't returning the tables that have custom schemas
+    * [SQOOP-854] - pg_bulkload: Return value of pg_bulkload utility is being ignored
+    * [SQOOP-855] - pg_bulkload: NullPointerException will be thrown if user specified invalid path the binary
+    * [SQOOP-860] - NullPointerException when running procedure export against old database
+    * [SQOOP-862] - Hbase import fails if there is a row where all columns are null
+    * [SQOOP-870] - Allow Sqoop to import row key column into HBase
+    * [SQOOP-901] - Allow user to override hardcoded boolean strings in direct PostgreSQL connector
-    SQOOP-352 Export of avro data imported from database table (using sqoop 
-              import) fails on year
+** Test
+    * [SQOOP-606] - Increase unit test timeout
-    SQOOP-410 Direct modes can't import views
-    SQOOP-425 Sqoop invokes ResultSet.isLast() which causes Sybase JDBC driver
-              to hang
+Changelog - Sqoop - Version 1.4.2 - 08/07/2012
-    SQOOP-445 Wrong query for getListColumnsQuery in PostgresqlManager
+** New Feature
+    * [SQOOP-439] - Released artifacts should embrace unwritten naming policy
+    * [SQOOP-444] - Support incremental import for free form queries
-    SQOOP-448 Boolean fields get nullified during postgres direct import into 
-              hive.
+** Improvement
+    * [SQOOP-391] - Dependencies should use released versions of Apache Hadoop, HBase, and ZooKeeper
+    * [SQOOP-416] - Allow code-generation arguments with Avro imports
+    * [SQOOP-436] - The --verbose option should enable verbose logging for MapReduce jobs as well
+    * [SQOOP-438] - allow sourcing of sqoop-env.sh to set various environment variables
+    * [SQOOP-440] - Rename CHANGES.txt to CHANGELOG.txt
+    * [SQOOP-442] - Ant target mvn-install is generating pom with dependencies on cloudera version of Hadoop
+    * [SQOOP-443] - Calling sqoop with hive import is not working multiple times due to  kept output directory
+    * [SQOOP-447] - Use release version of Apache Hadoop 0.23.1 in build
+    * [SQOOP-459] - Remove redundant steps in compatibility tests: verifyReadback() method
+    * [SQOOP-461] - Sqoop User Guide's troubleshooting section should include Oracle Connection Errors
+    * [SQOOP-463] - Sqoop User Guide's troubleshooting section should explain how to override the column mapping when importing a table from MySQL into Hive
+    * [SQOOP-464] - Warn when user is importing data into /user/hive/warehouse with flag --hive-import
+    * [SQOOP-465] - BLOB support for Avro import
+    * [SQOOP-483] - Allow target dir to be set to a different name than table name for hive import
+    * [SQOOP-484] - Update troubleshooting guide section about MySQL and TINYINT(1) columns
+    * [SQOOP-487] - InformationSchemaManager.getPrimaryKeyQuery can take a very long time for large mysql table with partitions
+    * [SQOOP-510] - Improve the error message for bad connector files
+    * [SQOOP-522] - Move  printing error "ERROR orm.CompilationManager: Could not rename" to DEBUG
+    * [SQOOP-529] - Enforce usage of --driver and --connection-manager parameters
+    * [SQOOP-538] - Hudson configuration for all hadoop versions
-    SQOOP-450 Direct MySQL import can fail when using mysqldump version 5.1.14
-              or above.
+** Task
+    * [SQOOP-516] - Sqoop 1.4.2 release preparation
+    * [SQOOP-519] - Update the version of hsqldb decadency to 2.X
+    * [SQOOP-574] - Create a Hadoop-2.0.0 build profile
-    SQOOP-452 Mysql free form queries fail if alias is not used.
+** Sub-task
+    * [SQOOP-470] - Create tests for blob support for Avro import
-    SQOOP-453 Oozie does not work with Sqoop metastore
+** Bug
+    * [SQOOP-352] - Export of avro data imported from database table (using sqoop import) fails on year
+    * [SQOOP-410] - Direct modes can't import views
+    * [SQOOP-425] - Sqoop invokes ResultSet.isLast() which causes Sybase JDBC driver to hang
+    * [SQOOP-445] - Wrong query for getListColumnsQuery in PostgresqlManager
+    * [SQOOP-448] - boolean fields get nullified during postgres direct import into hive.
+    * [SQOOP-450] - Direct MySQL import can fail when using mysqldump version 5.1.14 or above.
+    * [SQOOP-452] - Mysql free form queries fail if alias is not used.
+    * [SQOOP-453] - Oozie does not work with Sqoop metastore
+    * [SQOOP-454] - Upgrade dependency on HBase version 0.92.0-SNAPSHOT as it was already released
+    * [SQOOP-460] - Verbose logging does not turn the level for correct logger
+    * [SQOOP-468] - Oracle free form queries fail.
+    * [SQOOP-473] - Sqoop import-all-tables fails with MySQL connector
+    * [SQOOP-474] - Split-by specification incorrectly triggers bounding value query
+    * [SQOOP-476] - If table name is a qualified name, Sqoop import fails in DB2
+    * [SQOOP-480] - MS SQL server connector and OraOop connector are incompatible with Sqoop-1.4
+    * [SQOOP-481] - Sqoop import with --hive-import using wrong column names in --columns throws a NPE
+    * [SQOOP-482] - import tool for mysql direct mode reports wrong record number
+    * [SQOOP-488] - Parameter for extended verbose is not working due to migrated code to different module
+    * [SQOOP-489] - Cannot define partition keys for Hive tables created through Sqoop
+    * [SQOOP-490] - Style error in the trunk
+    * [SQOOP-503] - --columns argument support for export
+    * [SQOOP-505] - Trailing space after jar in managers.d/connectors causes file not found
+    * [SQOOP-508] - Sqoop metastore cannot be started due to missing hsqldb jar file
+    * [SQOOP-521] - Import fails on tables with names containing hyphens ( - )
+    * [SQOOP-524] - hsqldb jar update regression
+    * [SQOOP-528] - Remove references to incubator from sources
+    * [SQOOP-536] - Blob import doesn't work with avro 1.7.1
+    * [SQOOP-539] - getPrimaryKeyQuery is very slow in mysql 5.0.77
+    * [SQOOP-571] - Revert SQOOP-519 and SQOOP-524
-    SQOOP-454 Upgrade dependency on HBase version 0.92.0-SNAPSHOT as it was
-              already released
-    SQOOP-460 Verbose logging does not turn the level for correct logger
+Changelog - Sqoop - Version 1.4.1-incubating - 02/16/2012
-    SQOOP-468 Oracle free form queries fail.
+** New Feature
+    * [SQOOP-337] - Create Sqoop Logo / Icon
+    * [SQOOP-362] - Allow user to override mapping when doing import to AVRO format
-    SQOOP-473 Sqoop import-all-tables fails with MySQL connector
+** Improvement
+    * [SQOOP-397] - Make Sqoop work with Hadoop 0.23
+    * [SQOOP-411] - Precompile Pattern for replacement of Hive delimiters
+    * [SQOOP-420] - sqoop - compatible with hadoop 1.0.0 
+    * [SQOOP-432] - Enforce writing space after if statement
-    SQOOP-474 Split-by specification incorrectly triggers bounding value query
+** Task
+    * [SQOOP-396] - publish sqoop artifacts to Apache Maven repo
+    * [SQOOP-400] - Merge 1.4.0 release changes back to trunk
+    * [SQOOP-405] - Enable TestDataDrivenDBInputFormat for Hadoop 0.23 when appropriate
+    * [SQOOP-427] - Sqoop 1.4.1 release preparation
-    SQOOP-476 If table name is a qualified name, Sqoop import fails in DB2
+** Sub-task
+    * [SQOOP-356] - move documentation generation to the maven build
+    * [SQOOP-372] - License Audit
+    * [SQOOP-412] - Create our own implementation of org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getInstances
+    * [SQOOP-413] - Port files org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.{db,input}.* from CDH3/Hadoop-0.21 to sqoop
-    SQOOP-480 MS SQL server connector and OraOop connector are incompatible
-              with Sqoop-1.4
+** Bug
+    * [SQOOP-384] - Sqoop is incompatible with Hadoop prior to 0.21
+    * [SQOOP-392] - Build using maven is broklend due to missing class generated by script write-version-info.sh
+    * [SQOOP-393] - Class SqoopOptions was not properly moved
+    * [SQOOP-395] - Incorrect or missing SVN property settings
+    * [SQOOP-409] - hive-drop-import-delims doesn't work with MySQL direct import
+    * [SQOOP-414] - Column names are not guaranteed in order for getColumnNames of OracleManager
+    * [SQOOP-418] - MySQLAuthTest hangs when run against MySQL 5.5.3 or higher version
+    * [SQOOP-421] - User guide should state that when using --direct, hbase params get ignored
+    * [SQOOP-422] - Throw an exception when --direct and hbase* options are used together
+    * [SQOOP-424] - Codegen compilation fails with Hadoop 0.23 
+    * [SQOOP-426] - Build command ant mvn-install generates Sqoop pom with incorrect group Id.
+    * [SQOOP-428] - AvroOutputFormat doesn't support compression even though documentation claims it does
+    * [SQOOP-430] - Duplicate Column problem with reserved words
+    * [SQOOP-433] - Tests are failing on current 0.23 version
+    * [SQOOP-446] - sqoop column terminator "fields-terminated-by" needs to work with any of the following '\007', '0x7', '^G'
+    * [SQOOP-478] - Sqoop export tool unexpectedly re-order Oracle table columns 
+    * [SQOOP-622] - possible import bug with embedded LF (0x0A) in VARCHAR field
-    SQOOP-481 Sqoop import with --hive-import using wrong column names in
-              --columns throws a NPE
-    SQOOP-482 Import tool for mysql direct mode reports wrong record number
+Changelog - Sqoop - Version 1.4.0-incubating - 11/29/2011
-    SQOOP-488 Parameter for extended verbose is not working due to migrated 
-              code to different module
+** New Feature
+    * [SQOOP-305] - Support export from Avro Data Files
+    * [SQOOP-313] - Multiple column names to be included in --update-key argument with SQOOP export (update)
+    * [SQOOP-327] - Mixed update/insert export support for OracleManager
+    * [SQOOP-331] - Support boundary query on the command line
+    * [SQOOP-342] - Allow user to override sqoop type mapping
+    * [SQOOP-367] - codegen support free-form query
-    SQOOP-489 Cannot define partition keys for Hive tables created through Sqoop
+** Improvement
+    * [SQOOP-303] - Use Catalog Tables for PostgresqlManager
+    * [SQOOP-315] - Update Avro version to 1.5.2
+    * [SQOOP-316] - Sqoop user guide should have a troubleshooting section.
+    * [SQOOP-318] - Add support for splittable lzo files with Hive
+    * [SQOOP-320] - Use Information Schema for SQLServerManager
+    * [SQOOP-321] - Support date/time columns for "--incremental append" option
+    * [SQOOP-326] - Updgrade Avro dependency to version 1.5.3
+    * [SQOOP-351] - Sqoop User Guide's troubleshooting section should include Case-Sensitive Catalog Query Errors
+    * [SQOOP-353] - Cleanup the if/else statement in HiveTypes
+    * [SQOOP-354] - SQOOP needs to be made compatible with Hadoop  .23 release
+    * [SQOOP-355] - improve SQOOP documentation of Avro data file support
+    * [SQOOP-357] - To make debugging easier, Sqoop should print out all the exceptions 
+    * [SQOOP-361] - [Docs] $CONDITIONS must be escaped to not allow shells to replace it.
+    * [SQOOP-366] - Sqoop User Guide's troubleshooting section should include MySQL setup instructions
-    SQOOP-490 Style error in the trunk
+** Task
+    * [SQOOP-302] - Use Information Schema for MySQLManager
+    * [SQOOP-309] - Update Sqoop dependency versions
+    * [SQOOP-310] - Review license headers
+    * [SQOOP-369] - Sqoop 1.4.0 release preparation
-    SQOOP-503 --columns argument support for export
+** Sub-task
+    * [SQOOP-370] - Version number for upcoming release.
+    * [SQOOP-371] - Migrate util package to new name space
+    * [SQOOP-374] - Migrate tool and orm packages to new name space
+    * [SQOOP-375] - Migrate metastore and metastore.hsqldb packages to new name space
+    * [SQOOP-376] - Migrate mapreduce package to new name space
+    * [SQOOP-377] - Migrate mapreduce.db package to new name space
+    * [SQOOP-378] - Migrate manager package to new name space
+    * [SQOOP-379] - Migrate lib and io packages to new name space
+    * [SQOOP-380] - Migrate hive and hbase packages to new name space
+    * [SQOOP-381] - Migrate cli and config packages to new name space
+    * [SQOOP-383] - Version tool is not working.
+    * [SQOOP-386] - Namespace migration cleanup
+    * [SQOOP-388] - Add license header to Hive testdata
+    * [SQOOP-389] - Include change log
-    SQOOP-505 Trailing space after jar in managers.d/connectors causes file not
-              found
-    SQOOP-508 Sqoop metastore cannot be started due to missing hsqldb jar file
-    SQOOP-521 Import fails on tables with names containing hyphens ( - )
-    SQOOP-524 hsqldb jar update regression
-    SQOOP-528 Remove references to incubator from sources
-    SQOOP-536 Blob import doesn't work with avro 1.7.1
-    SQOOP-539 getPrimaryKeyQuery is very slow in mysql 5.0.77
-    SQOOP-571 Revert SQOOP-519 and SQOOP-524
-    SQOOP-391 Dependencies should use released versions of Apache Hadoop, HBase,
-              and ZooKeeper
-    SQOOP-416 Allow code-generation arguments with Avro imports
-    SQOOP-436 The --verbose option should enable verbose logging for MapReduce
-              jobs as well
-    SQOOP-438 Allow sourcing of sqoop-env.sh to set various environment 
-              variables
-    SQOOP-440 Rename CHANGES.txt to CHANGELOG.txt
-    SQOOP-442 Ant target mvn-install is generating pom with dependencies on
-              cloudera version of Hadoop
-    SQOOP-443 Calling sqoop with hive import is not working multiple times due
-              to kept output directory
-    SQOOP-447 Use release version of Apache Hadoop 0.23.1 in build
-    SQOOP-459 Remove redundant steps in compatibility tests: verifyReadback()
-              method
-    SQOOP-461 Sqoop User Guide's troubleshooting section should include Oracle
-              Connection Errors
-    SQOOP-463 Sqoop User Guide's troubleshooting section should explain how to
-              override the column mapping when importing a table from MySQL
-              into Hive
-    SQOOP-464 Warn when user is importing data into /user/hive/warehouse with
-              flag --hive-import
-    SQOOP-465 BLOB support for Avro import
-    SQOOP-483 Allow target dir to be set to a different name than table name
-              for hive import
-    SQOOP-484 Update troubleshooting guide section about MySQL and TINYINT(1)
-              columns
-    SQOOP-487 InformationSchemaManager.getPrimaryKeyQuery can take a very long
-              time for large mysql table with partitions
-    SQOOP-510 Improve the error message for bad connector files
-    SQOOP-522 Move  printing error "ERROR orm.CompilationManager: Could not
-              rename" to DEBUG
-    SQOOP-529 Enforce usage of --driver and --connection-manager parameters
-    SQOOP-538 Hudson configuration for all hadoop versions
-    SQOOP-574 Create a Hadoop-2.0.0 build profile
-    SQOOP-470 Create tests for blob support for Avro import
-    SQOOP-519 Update the version of hsqldb decadency to 2.X
-Release 1.4.1 - 02/16/2012
-    SQOOP-362 Allow user to override mapping when doing import to AVRO format
-    SQOOP-337 Create Sqoop Logo / Icon
-    SQOOP-426 Build command ant mvn-install generates Sqoop pom with incorrect group Id.
-    SQOOP-392 Build using maven is broklend due to missing class generated by script write-version-info.sh
-    SQOOP-393 Class SqoopOptions was not properly moved
-    SQOOP-414 Column names are not guaranteed in order for getColumnNames of OracleManager
-    SQOOP-430 Duplicate Column problem with reserved words
-    SQOOP-395 Incorrect or missing SVN property settings
-    SQOOP-418 MySQLAuthTest hangs when run against MySQL 5.5.3 or higher version
-    SQOOP-384 Sqoop is incompatible with Hadoop prior to 0.21
-    SQOOP-422 Throw an exception when --direct and hbase* options are used together
-    SQOOP-421 User guide should state that when using --direct, hbase params get ignored
-    SQOOP-409 hive-drop-import-delims doesn't work with MySQL direct import
-    SQOOP-432 Enforce writing space after if statement
-    SQOOP-397 Make Sqoop work with Hadoop 0.23
-    SQOOP-411 Precompile Pattern for replacement of Hive delimiters
-    SQOOP-420 sqoop - compatible with hadoop 1.0.0
-    SQOOP-412 Create our own implementation of org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getInstances
-    SQOOP-405 Enable TestDataDrivenDBInputFormat for Hadoop 0.23 when appropriate
-    SQOOP-372 License Audit
-    SQOOP-400 Merge 1.4.0 release changes back to trunk
-    SQOOP-413 Port files org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.{db,input}.* from CDH3/Hadoop-0.21 to sqoop
-    SQOOP-356 move documentation generation to the maven build
-    SQOOP-396 publish sqoop artifacts to Apache Maven repo
-Release 1.4.0 - 11/29/2011
-    SQOOP-367 Command-line codegen support free-form query
-    SQOOP-342 Allow user to override sqoop type mapping
-    SQOOP-331 Support boundary query on the command line
-    SQOOP-327 Mixed update/insert export support for OracleManager
-    SQOOP-313 Multiple column names to be included in --update-key argument
-              with SQOOP export (update)
-    SQOOP-305 Support export from Avro Data Files
-    SQOOP-385 Typo in PostgresqlTest.java regarding configuring postgresql.conf
-    SQOOP-373 Can only write to default file system on direct import
-    SQOOP-364 Default getCurTimestampQuery() in SqlManager is not working for
-              PostgreSQL
-    SQOOP-359 Import fails with Unknown SQL datatype exception
-    SQOOP-358 Sqoop import fails on netezza nvarchar datatype with
-              --as-avrodatafile
-    SQOOP-349 A bunch of the fields are wrong in pom.xml
-    SQOOP-346 Sqoop needs to be using java version 1.6 for its source
-    SQOOP-341 Sqoop doesn't handle unsigned ints at least with MySQL
-    SQOOP-340 Rise exception when both --direct and --as--sequencefile or
-              --as-avrodatafile are given
-    SQOOP-339 Use of non-portable mknod utility causes build problems on Mac OS X
-    SQOOP-338 NPE after specifying incorrect JDBC credentials
-    SQOOP-336 Avro import does not support varbinary types
-    SQOOP-332 Cannot use --as-avrodatafile with --query
-    SQOOP-330 Free form query import with column transformation failed without
-              obvious error message
-    SQOOP-329 SQOOP doesn't work with the DB2 JCC driver
-    SQOOP-325 Sqoop doesn't build on intellij
-    SQOOP-323 Support for the NVARCHAR datatype
-    SQOOP-319 The --hive-drop-import-delims option should accept a replacement
-              string
-    SQOOP-317 OracleManager should allow working with tables owned by other users
-    SQOOP-314 Basic export hangs when target database does not support INSERT
-              syntax with multiple rows of values
-    SQOOP-308 Generated Avro Schema cannot handle nullable fields
-    SQOOP-366 Sqoop User Guide's troubleshooting section should include MySQL
-              setup instructions
-    SQOOP-361 [Docs] $CONDITIONS must be escaped to not allow shells to
-              replace it
-    SQOOP-357 To make debugging easier, Sqoop should print out all the
-              exceptions
-    SQOOP-355 Improve SQOOP documentation of Avro data file support
-    SQOOP-353 Cleanup the if/else statement in HiveTypes
-    SQOOP-351 Sqoop User Guide's troubleshooting section should include
-              Case-Sensitive Catalog Query Errors
-    SQOOP-326 Updgrade Avro dependency to version 1.5.3
-    SQOOP-321 Support date/time columns for "--incremental append" option
-    SQOOP-320 Use Information Schema for SQLServerManager
-    SQOOP-318 Add support for splittable lzo files with Hive
-    SQOOP-316 Sqoop user guide should have a troubleshooting section
-    SQOOP-315 Update Avro version to 1.5.2
-    SQOOP-303 Use Catalog Tables for PostgresqlManager
-    SQOOP-302 Use Information Schema for MySQLManager
-    SQOOP-389 Include change log
-    SQOOP-386 Namespace migration cleanup
-    SQOOP-383 Version tool is not working
-    SQOOP-381 Migrate cli and config packages to new name space
-    SQOOP-380 Migrate hive and hbase packages to new name space
-    SQOOP-379 Migrate lib and io packages to new name space
-    SQOOP-378 Migrate manager package to new name space
-    SQOOP-377 Migrate mapreduce.db package to new name space
-    SQOOP-376 Migrate mapreduce package to new name space
-    SQOOP-375 Migrate metastore and metastore.hsqldb packages
-              to new name space
-    SQOOP-374 Migrate tool and orm packages to new name space
-    SQOOP-372 License Audit
-    SQOOP-371 Migrate util package to new name space
-    SQOOP-370 Version number for upcoming release
-    SQOOP-356 Move documentation generation to the maven build
-    SQOOP-310 Review license headers
+** Bug
+    * [SQOOP-308] - Generated Avro Schema cannot handle nullable fields
+    * [SQOOP-314] - Basic export hangs when target database does not support INSERT syntax with multiple rows of values
+    * [SQOOP-317] - OracleManager should allow working with tables owned by other users.
+    * [SQOOP-319] - The --hive-drop-import-delims option should accept a replacement string
+    * [SQOOP-323] - Support for the NVARCHAR datatype
+    * [SQOOP-325] - Sqoop doesn't build on intellij
+    * [SQOOP-329] - SQOOP doesn't work with the DB2 JCC driver
+    * [SQOOP-330] - Free form query import with column transformation failed without obvious error message
+    * [SQOOP-332] - Cannot use --as-avrodatafile with --query
+    * [SQOOP-336] - Avro import does not support varbinary types
+    * [SQOOP-338] - NPE after specifying incorrect JDBC credentials
+    * [SQOOP-339] - Use of non-portable mknod utility causes build problems on Mac OS X
+    * [SQOOP-340] - Rise exception when both --direct and --as--sequencefile or --as-avrodatafile are given
+    * [SQOOP-341] - Sqoop doesn't handle unsigned ints at least with MySQL
+    * [SQOOP-346] - Sqoop needs to be using java version 1.6 for its source
+    * [SQOOP-349] - A bunch of the fields are wrong in pom.xml 
+    * [SQOOP-358] - Sqoop import fails on netezza nvarchar datatype with --as-avrodatafile
+    * [SQOOP-359] - Import fails with Unknown SQL datatype exception
+    * [SQOOP-364] - Default getCurTimestampQuery() in SqlManager is not working for PostgreSQL
+    * [SQOOP-368] - Resolve ERROR tool.ImportTool: Imported Failed: Duplicate Column identifier specified: 'COLUMN-NAME'
+    * [SQOOP-373] - Can only write to default file system on direct import
+    * [SQOOP-385] - Typo in PostgresqlTest.java regarding configuring postgresql.conf.
+    * [SQOOP-398] - Sqoop to avro saves NUMERIC as strings
-    SQOOP-309 Update Sqoop dependency versions