blob: 1b65a9a85e249455ae9ebe5d29e6fbc210cfc1e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.sqoop.manager;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.SqoopOptions;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
public enum SupportedManagers {
MYSQL(JdbcDrivers.MYSQL.getSchemePrefix(), true), POSTGRES(JdbcDrivers.POSTGRES.getSchemePrefix(), true),
HSQLDB(JdbcDrivers.HSQLDB.getSchemePrefix(), false), ORACLE(JdbcDrivers.ORACLE.getSchemePrefix(), true),
SQLSERVER(JdbcDrivers.SQLSERVER.getSchemePrefix(), false), CUBRID(JdbcDrivers.CUBRID.getSchemePrefix(), false),
JTDS_SQLSERVER(JdbcDrivers.JTDS_SQLSERVER.getSchemePrefix(), false), DB2(JdbcDrivers.DB2.getSchemePrefix(), false),
NETEZZA(JdbcDrivers.NETEZZA.getSchemePrefix(), true);
private final String schemePrefix;
private final boolean hasDirectConnector;
private static final Log LOG
= LogFactory.getLog(SupportedManagers.class);
SupportedManagers(String schemePrefix, boolean hasDirectConnector) {
this.schemePrefix = schemePrefix;
this.hasDirectConnector = hasDirectConnector;
public String getSchemePrefix() {
return schemePrefix;
public boolean hasDirectConnector() {
return hasDirectConnector;
public boolean isTheManagerTypeOf(SqoopOptions options) {
return (extractScheme(options)).startsWith(getSchemePrefix());
public static SupportedManagers createFrom(SqoopOptions options) {
String scheme = extractScheme(options);
for (SupportedManagers m : values()) {
if (scheme.startsWith(m.getSchemePrefix())) {
return m;
return null;
static String extractScheme(SqoopOptions options) {
String connectStr = options.getConnectString();
// follows RFC-2396 literally, which does not allow a ':'
// character in the scheme component (section 3.1). JDBC connect strings,
// however, commonly have a multi-scheme addressing system. e.g.,
// jdbc:mysql://...; so we cannot parse the scheme component via URL
// objects. Instead, attempt to pull out the scheme as best as we can.
// First, see if this is of the form [scheme://hostname-and-etc..]
int schemeStopIdx = connectStr.indexOf("//");
if (-1 == schemeStopIdx) {
// If no hostname start marker ("//"), then look for the right-most ':'
// character.
schemeStopIdx = connectStr.lastIndexOf(':');
if (-1 == schemeStopIdx) {
// Warn that this is nonstandard. But we should be as permissive
// as possible here and let the ConnectionManagers themselves throw
// out the connect string if it doesn't make sense to them.
LOG.warn("Could not determine scheme component of connect string");
// Use the whole string.
schemeStopIdx = connectStr.length();
return connectStr.substring(0, schemeStopIdx);