blob: dacc80300159d1ff4e3bf7504f30fd4e82550117 [file] [log] [blame]
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Output line formatting options
The delimiters used to separate fields and records can be specified
on the command line, as can a quoting character and an escape character
(for quoting delimiters inside a values). Data imported with
+--as-textfile+ will be formatted according to these parameters. Classes
generated by Sqoop will encode this information, so using +toString()+
from a data record stored +--as-sequencefile+ will reproduce your
specified formatting.
The +(char)+ argument for each argument in this section can be specified
either as a normal character (e.g., +--fields-terminated-by ,+) or via
an escape sequence. Arguments of the form +\0xhhh+ will be interpreted
as a hexidecimal representation of a character with hex number _hhh_.
Arguments of the form +\0ooo+ will be treated as an octal representation
of a character represented by octal number _ooo_. The special escapes
+\n+, +\r+, +\"+, +\b+, +\t+, and +\\+ act as they do inside Java strings. +\0+ will be
treated as NUL. This will insert NUL characters between fields or lines
(if used for +--fields-terminated-by+ or +--lines-terminated-by+), or will
disable enclosing/escaping if used for one of the +--enclosed-by+,
+--optionally-enclosed-by+, or +--escaped-by+ arguments.
The default delimiters are +,+ for fields, +\n+ for records, no quote
character, and no escape character. Note that this can lead to
ambiguous/unparsible records if you import database records containing
commas or newlines in the field data. For unambiguous parsing, both must
be enabled, e.g., via +--mysql-delimiters+.
--fields-terminated-by (char)::
Sets the field separator character
--lines-terminated-by (char)::
Sets the end-of-line character
--optionally-enclosed-by (char)::
Sets a field-enclosing character which may be used if a
value contains delimiter characters.
--enclosed-by (char)::
Sets a field-enclosing character which will be used for all fields.
--escaped-by (char)::
Sets the escape character
Uses MySQL's default delimiter set:
fields: , lines: \n escaped-by: \ optionally-enclosed-by: '