blob: 216c7711a75c3ba3e5c0970b5fa94a35f6103ecf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputFormat;
import org.apache.sqoop.manager.OracleManager;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.SqoopOptions;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.manager.ExportJobContext;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.manager.GenericJdbcManager;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.manager.ImportJobContext;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.mapreduce.JdbcExportJob;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.mapreduce.JdbcUpdateExportJob;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.util.ExportException;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.util.ImportException;
* OraOop manager for high performance Oracle import / export.
* Escaping Column Names:
* ----------------------
* There are 3 main queries that occur during a Sqoop import.
* (1) Selecting columns to obtain their data-type via getColTypesQuery();
* (2) selecting column names via getColNamesQuery(); and
* (3) getting the data during the import via
* OraOopDBRecordReader.getSelectQuery();
* In each of these queries, we'd ideally escape the column names so that
* Oracle columns that require this work okay.
* Unfortunately we can't do this, because if the user specifies column
* names via the "--columns" clause, these names will be used (verbatim)
* during OraOopDBRecordReader.getSelectQuery(). This means that we could
* only escape the column names during OraOopDBRecordReader.getSelectQuery()
* if the user entered them in the correct case.
* Therefore, escapeColName() in this class does not actually do anything so
* that OraOopDBRecordReader.getSelectQuery() generates a valid SQL statement
* when the user utilises the "--columns" clause.
* However, getColTypesQuery() and getColNamesQuery() do escape column names
* via the method escapeOracleColumnName(). We also get getColumnTypes() to
* unescape the column names so that Sqoop has the most accurate column
* name strings.
public class OraOopConnManager extends GenericJdbcManager {
public static final OraOopLog LOG = OraOopLogFactory
private List<String> columnNamesInOracleTable = null;
private Map<String, Integer> columnTypesInOracleTable = null;
private final String timestampJavaType;
public OraOopConnManager(final SqoopOptions sqoopOptions) {
super(OraOopConstants.ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS, sqoopOptions);
if (this.options.getConf().getBoolean(
timestampJavaType = "String";
} else {
timestampJavaType = super.toJavaType(Types.TIMESTAMP);
protected Connection makeConnection() throws SQLException {
String connectStr = this.options.getConnectString();
String username = this.options.getUsername();
String password = this.options.getPassword();
Properties additionalProps = this.options.getConnectionParams();
Connection connection =
.getDriverClass(), connectStr, username, password, additionalProps);
if (username == null) {
username = OracleManager.getSessionUser(connection);
return connection;
public void close() throws SQLException {
private List<String> getColumnNamesInOracleTable(String tableName) {
if (this.columnNamesInOracleTable == null) {
OracleTable tableContext = null;
try {
tableContext = getOracleTableContext();
Configuration conf = this.options.getConf();
this.columnNamesInOracleTable =
tableContext, OraOopUtilities
.omitLobAndLongColumnsDuringImport(conf), OraOopUtilities
.recallSqoopJobType(conf), true, // <-
// onlyOraOopSupportedTypes
true // <- omitOraOopPseudoColumns
} catch (SQLException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// Return a copy of our list, so the original will not be inadvertently
// altered...
return OraOopUtilities.copyStringList(this.columnNamesInOracleTable);
protected List<String> getSelectedColumnNamesInOracleTable(String tableName) {
List<String> colNamesInTable = getColumnNamesInOracleTable(tableName);
String[] selectedColumns = this.options.getColumns();
if (selectedColumns != null && selectedColumns.length > 0) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < selectedColumns.length; idx++) {
String selectedColumn = selectedColumns[idx];
// If the user did not escape this column name, then we should
// uppercase it...
if (!OracleUtils.isEscaped(selectedColumn)) {
selectedColumns[idx] = selectedColumn.toUpperCase();
} else {
// If the user escaped this column name, then we should
// retain its case...
selectedColumns[idx] = OracleUtils.unescapeIdentifier(selectedColumn);
// Ensure there are no duplicated column names...
String[] duplicates =
.getDuplicatedStringArrayValues(selectedColumns, false);
if (duplicates.length > 0) {
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
msg.append("The following column names have been duplicated in the ");
msg.append("\"--columns\" clause:\n");
for (String duplicate : duplicates) {
msg.append("\t" + duplicate + "\n");
throw new RuntimeException(msg.toString());
// Ensure the user selected column names that actually exist...
for (String selectedColumn : selectedColumns) {
if (!colNamesInTable.contains(selectedColumn)) {
OracleTable tableContext = getOracleTableContext();
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"The column named \"%s\" does not exist within the table"
+ "%s (or is of an unsupported data-type).", selectedColumn,
// Remove any columns (that exist in the table) that were not
// selected by the user...
for (int idx = colNamesInTable.size() - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
String colName = colNamesInTable.get(idx);
if (!OraOopUtilities.stringArrayContains(selectedColumns, colName,
false)) {
// To assist development/testing of Oracle data-types, you can use this
// to limit the number of columns from the table...
int columnNameLimit =
this.options.getConf().getInt("oraoop.column.limit", 0);
if (columnNameLimit > 0) {
columnNameLimit = Math.min(columnNameLimit, colNamesInTable.size());
colNamesInTable = colNamesInTable.subList(0, columnNameLimit);
return colNamesInTable;
protected String getColTypesQuery(String tableName) {
List<String> colNames = getSelectedColumnNamesInOracleTable(tableName);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("SELECT ");
for (int idx = 0; idx < colNames.size(); idx++) {
if (idx > 0) {
sb.append(escapeColName(colNames.get(idx))); // <- See notes at
// top about escaped
// column names
sb.append(String.format(" FROM %s WHERE 0=1", tableName));
return sb.toString();
protected String getColNamesQuery(String tableName) {
// NOTE: This code is similar to getColTypesQuery() - except the
// escaping of column names and table name differs.
List<String> colNames = getSelectedColumnNamesInOracleTable(tableName);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("SELECT ");
for (int idx = 0; idx < colNames.size(); idx++) {
if (idx > 0) {
sb.append(escapeColName(colNames.get(idx))); // <- See notes at top about
// escaped column names
sb.append(String.format(" FROM %s WHERE 1=0", escapeTableName(tableName)));
return sb.toString();
protected String getSplitColumn(SqoopOptions opts, String tableName) {
// If we're importing an Oracle table and will be generating
// "splits" based on its Oracle data-files, we don't actually require
// a primary key to exist, or for the user to identify the split-column.
// As a consequence, return "NotRequired" to prevent sqoop code
// such as SqlManager.importTable() from throwing an exception.
// NB: The tableName parameter will be null if no table is involved,
// such as when importing data via an (arbitrary) SQL query.
if (tableName != null) {
} else {
return super.getSplitColumn(opts, tableName);
public void importTable(ImportJobContext context) throws IOException,
ImportException {
// Specify the Oracle-specific DBInputFormat for import.
public void exportTable(ExportJobContext context) throws IOException,
ExportException {
if (this.columnTypesInOracleTable == null) {
throw new ExportException("The column-types for the table are not"
+ "known.");
if (this.columnTypesInOracleTable.containsValue(OraOopOracleQueries
.getOracleType("BINARY_DOUBLE"))) {
if (this.columnTypesInOracleTable.containsValue(OraOopOracleQueries
.getOracleType("BINARY_FLOAT"))) {
Class<? extends OutputFormat> oraOopOutputFormatClass;
try {
oraOopOutputFormatClass = OraOopOutputFormatInsert.class;
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) {
explainWhyExportClassCannotBeLoaded(ex, "OraOopOutputFormatInsert");
throw ex;
JdbcExportJob exportJob =
new JdbcExportJob(context, null, null, oraOopOutputFormatClass);
public void updateTable(ExportJobContext context) throws IOException,
ExportException {
Class<? extends OutputFormat> oraOopOutputFormatClass;
try {
oraOopOutputFormatClass = OraOopOutputFormatUpdate.class;
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) {
explainWhyExportClassCannotBeLoaded(ex, "OraOopOutputFormatUpdate");
throw ex;
JdbcUpdateExportJob exportJob =
new JdbcUpdateExportJob(context, null, null, oraOopOutputFormatClass);
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
public String toHiveType(int sqlType) {
String hiveType = super.toHiveType(sqlType);
if (hiveType == null) {
if (sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("BFILE")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("INTERVALYM")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("INTERVALDS")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("NCLOB")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("NCHAR")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("NVARCHAR")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("OTHER")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("ROWID")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("TIMESTAMPTZ")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("TIMESTAMPLTZ")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("STRUCT")) {
hiveType = "STRING";
if (sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("BINARY_FLOAT")) {
hiveType = "FLOAT";
if (sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("BINARY_DOUBLE")) {
hiveType = "DOUBLE";
if (hiveType == null) {
LOG.warn(String.format("%s should be updated to cater for data-type: %d",
OraOopUtilities.getCurrentMethodName(), sqlType));
return hiveType;
public String toJavaType(int sqlType) {
String javaType = super.toJavaType(sqlType);
if (sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("TIMESTAMP")) {
// Get the Oracle JDBC driver to convert this value to a string
// instead of the generic JDBC driver.
// If the generic JDBC driver is used, it will take into account the
// timezone of the client machine's locale. The problem with this is that
// timestamp data should not be associated with a timezone. In practice,
// this
// leads to problems, for example, the time '2010-10-03 02:01:00' being
// changed to '2010-10-03 03:01:00' if the client machine's locale is
// Melbourne.
// (This is in response to daylight saving starting in Melbourne on
// this date at 2am.)
javaType = timestampJavaType;
if (sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("TIMESTAMPTZ")) {
// Returning "String" produces: "2010-08-08 09:00:00.0 +10:00"
// Returning "java.sql.Timestamp" produces: "2010-08-08 09:00:00.0"
// If we use "java.sql.Timestamp", the field's value will not
// contain the timezone when converted to a string and written to the HDFS
// CSV file.
// I.e. Get the Oracle JDBC driver to convert this value to a string
// instead of the generic JDBC driver...
javaType = timestampJavaType;
if (sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("TIMESTAMPLTZ")) {
// Returning "String" produces:
// "2010-08-08 09:00:00.0 Australia/Melbourne"
// Returning "java.sql.Timestamp" produces: "2010-08-08 09:00:00.0"
javaType = timestampJavaType;
* /oracle10g/ieee/Readme.html
* BINARY_DOUBLE is a 64-bit, double-precision floating-point number
* datatype. (IEEE 754) Each BINARY_DOUBLE value requires 9 bytes, including
* a length byte. A 64-bit double format number X is divided as sign s 1-bit
* exponent e 11-bits fraction f 52-bits
* BINARY_FLOAT is a 32-bit, single-precision floating-point number
* datatype. (IEEE 754) Each BINARY_FLOAT value requires 5 bytes, including
* a length byte. A 32-bit single format number X is divided as sign s 1-bit
* exponent e 8-bits fraction f 23-bits
if (sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("BINARY_FLOAT")) {
javaType = "Float";
if (sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("BINARY_DOUBLE")) {
javaType = "Double";
if (sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("STRUCT")) {
javaType = "String";
if (javaType == null) {
// For constant values, refer to:
// appdev.112/e13995/constant-values.html#oracle_jdbc
if (sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("BFILE")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("NCLOB")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("NCHAR")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("NVARCHAR")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("ROWID")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("INTERVALYM")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("INTERVALDS")
|| sqlType == OraOopOracleQueries.getOracleType("OTHER")) {
javaType = "String";
if (javaType == null) {
LOG.warn(String.format("%s should be updated to cater for data-type: %d",
OraOopUtilities.getCurrentMethodName(), sqlType));
return javaType;
public String timestampToQueryString(Timestamp ts) {
return "TO_TIMESTAMP('" + ts + "', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF')";
public OracleTable getOracleTableContext() {
return OraOopUtilities.decodeOracleTableName(this.options.getUsername(),
this.options.getTableName(), this.options.getConf());
public Map<String, Integer> getColumnTypes(String tableName) {
if (this.columnTypesInOracleTable == null) {
Map<String, Integer> columnTypes = super.getColumnTypes(tableName);
this.columnTypesInOracleTable = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
List<String> colNames = getColumnNamesInOracleTable(tableName);
for (int idx = 0; idx < colNames.size(); idx++) {
String columnNameInTable = colNames.get(idx);
if (columnTypes.containsKey(columnNameInTable)) {
// Unescape the column names being returned...
int colType = columnTypes.get(columnNameInTable);
String key = OracleUtils.unescapeIdentifier(columnNameInTable); // <- See
// notes at
// top about
// escaped
// column
// names
this.columnTypesInOracleTable.put(key, colType);
return this.columnTypesInOracleTable;
public String escapeColName(String colName) {
return OracleUtils.escapeIdentifier(colName); // <- See notes at top about escaped
// column names
public String escapeTableName(String tableName) {
return OracleUtils.escapeIdentifier(tableName);
public boolean escapeTableNameOnExport() {
return true;
private void logImportTableDetails(ImportJobContext context) {
Path outputDirectory = context.getDestination();
if (outputDirectory != null) {
LOG.debug("The output directory for the sqoop table import is : "
+ outputDirectory.getName());
// Indicate whether we can load the class named: OraOopOraStats
private void logExportTableDetails(ExportJobContext context) {
// Indicate whether we can load the class named: OraOopOraStats
// Indicate what the update/merge columns are...
String[] updateKeyColumns =
if (updateKeyColumns.length > 0) {
"The column%s used to match rows in the HDFS file with rows in "
+ "the Oracle table %s: %s", updateKeyColumns.length > 1 ? "s"
: "", updateKeyColumns.length > 1 ? "are" : "is", OraOopUtilities
private void showUserWhetherOraOopOraStatsIsAvailable(Configuration conf) {
if (OraOopUtilities.userWantsOracleSessionStatisticsReports(conf)) {"%s=true",
// This will log a warning if it's unable to load the OraOopOraStats
// class...
protected String getCurTimestampQuery() {
protected void checkTableImportOptions(ImportJobContext context)
throws IOException, ImportException {
// Update the unit-test code if you modify this method.
private void explainWhyExportClassCannotBeLoaded(NoClassDefFoundError ex,
String exportClassName) {
String msg =
String.format("Unable to load class %s.\n"
+ "This is most likely caused by the Cloudera Shim Jar "
+ "not being included in the Java Classpath.\n" + "Either:\n"
+ "\tUse \"-libjars\" on the Sqoop command-line to "
+ "include the Cloudera shim jar in the Java Classpath; or"
+ "\n\tCopy the Cloudera shim jar into the Sqoop/lib "
+ "directory so that it is automatically included in the "
+ "Java Classpath; or\n"
+ "\tObtain an updated version of Sqoop that addresses "
+ "the Sqoop Jira \"SQOOP-127\".\n" + "\n"
+ "The Java Classpath is:\n%s", exportClassName, OraOopUtilities
LOG.fatal(msg, ex);
* Determine if HCat integration from direct mode of the connector is
* allowed. By default direct mode is not compatible with HCat
* @return Whether direct mode is allowed.
public boolean isDirectModeHCatSupported() {
return true;
* Determine if HBase operations from direct mode of the connector is
* allowed. By default direct mode is not compatible with HBase
* @return Whether direct mode is allowed.
public boolean isDirectModeHBaseSupported() {
return true;
* Determine if Accumulo operations from direct mode of the connector is
* allowed. By default direct mode is not compatible with HBase
* @return Whether direct mode is allowed.
public boolean isDirectModeAccumuloSupported() {
return true;