blob: c27d912e0899a0f0b379ae5e2f17cc0cfe4dd195 [file] [log] [blame]
= Welcome to Sqoop!
This is the Sqoop (SQL-to-Hadoop) tool. Sqoop allows easy imports and
exports of data sets between databases and HDFS.
== More Documentation
Sqoop ships with additional documentation: a user guide and a manual page.
Asciidoc sources for both of these are in +src/docs/+. Run +ant docs+ to build
the documentation. It will be created in +build/docs/+.
If you got Sqoop in release form, documentation will already be built and
available in the +docs/+ directory.
== Compiling Sqoop
Compiling Sqoop requires the following tools:
* Apache ant (1.9.7)
* Java JDK 1.8
Additionally, building the documentation requires these tools:
* asciidoc
* make
* python 2.5+
* xmlto
* tar
* gzip
To compile Sqoop, run +ant package+. There will be a fully self-hosted build
provided in the +build/sqoop-(version)/+ directory.
You can build just the jar by running +ant jar+.
See the COMPILING.txt document for for information.
== This is also an Asciidoc file!
* Try running +asciidoc README.txt+
* For more information about asciidoc, see